Third Time's The Charm by Simple Sue
Summary: thirdbanner

After a failed marriage and a runaway bride, Brian had given up on the idea of true love. Maggie was so far from anything he’d ever known and exactly what he needed. Is the third time really the charm?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Completed: No Word count: 52149 Read: 72521 Published: 04/23/12 Updated: 10/17/13
Chapter 9 by Simple Sue
Cloud nine couldn’t be high enough to describe where Maggie was at the next morning. She hardly slept two winks as it was. She turned over in the sheets and looked at the digital red numbers on her alarm clock. Services were at ten and it was 7:20. She rest her head back against the pillow and thought of him. There was that warm, tingly sensation again. Her friends had said she had to learn what made her feel good right? She was a good girl and she shouldn’t do things like that yet she felt her hand moving between her legs when she heard her cell phone go off. Saved by the bell! She lifted it out of her charger and swiped over it after she saw who it was. “Morning Cam.”

“I didn’t wake you did I?”

“No. I couldn’t sleep.”

“ It must have been a good date.”

“Thanks to your advice it was.”

“He’s not there is he?”

“Camille!” Maggie protested.

“Mags! Settle down. It was a joke. I know you wouldn’t do that but did ANYTHING happen at all?”

“I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him then he took my hand and asked if he could kiss me.”


“Cam, it was amazing. You know I’ve kissed a few guys but nothing like this. Have you ever felt it long after the guy was gone?”

“The first time I kissed Dave.”

“He’s going to call this afternoon.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I’ve never had a man tell me he was going to call. Ever.”

“Sounds like you’ve got this one lady.”

Maggie’s phone beeped and she put Camille on hold for a second. “You do realize what time of day it is don’t you?”

She was met with silence.


“I’m sorry. I’ll call back later.”

Brian. Crap!” Brian please don’t hang up.”

“It’s okay Maggie. I can call back later. I know it’s early.”

“Brian please. I just thought you were one of my girlfriends. I’m sorry.”

“I know it’s early but …..well, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Brian can you hold on for a minute? ONE of my friends is on the other line.”

“Oh I see how it is. It’s okay for some of us to call this early,” he teased.

“I didn’t get much sleep last night,” She admitted then put him on hold. ”Camille?”

“What’s up Mags?” She answered.

“He’s on the other line.”

“He’s on the other line?! Oh my God . Go girl! I’ll talk to you later!” Camille said and hung up.

Maggie switched back over. “So where were we?”

“The reason you didn’t sleep last night,” he replied; hoping to hear her say it first.

“Nice try. I wanna hear why you couldn’t.”



“ I couldn’t stop thinking about that goodnight kiss.” Oh great! Just send her running now. She’ll think that’s all that’s on your mind.

“Me neither,” Maggie returned; blushing profusely. Thank goodness he couldn’t see her right now. “So what are we going to do about it?”

“Go out on another date. Try it again?” He suggested.

“I don’t know. Could be risky but I guess I could give it a shot.”

She said yes! Let her pick the movie then.” So what kind of movies do you like?”

Something to snuggle with she mused. He seemed like a sensitive kind of guy so she was going to suggest a romance.” How do you feel about love stories?”

He was a guy. He was supposed to hate them but he was falling harder and harder for her every day. It was like he was living one of them now. A week ago he wouldn’t have believed it either.
“I won’t lie and say sign me up but I’m willing to give it a shot if I’m with you.”

Oh he’s definitely a keeper! Let’s hope he doesn’t run off the first time you tell him no.” Okay. Then let’s see that Zac Efron movie, The Lucky One.”

“Are you sure we’re seeing that for the romance?”

“There is a pretty girl in it too y’know.”

“Not as pretty as you.”

“And he’s got nothing on you. We can see something else if you want.” If he’s trying to win brownie points, he’s getting them in bundles.

“As long as I’m with you, that’s all that matters.”

Oh yeah. Definite brownie points. “So what time will you be picking me up then?”

“Well I know you have to work in the morning so let me check the times and I’ll send you a text. Sound good?”

“That works. I should get going. Get some breakfast and such before church.”

“I’ll see you tonight then Maggie. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” she said and hung up. It was going to be a good day.

When he arrived that evening, he was holding four peach roses when she invited him in. “If you keep this up I’m gonna have to buy more vases,” she teased him as she took them into the kitchen.

“I’ll just start bringing them in vases then.”

Man his smile was amazing! After setting them up, she said, “ I’m not quite ready. Give me five okay?”

“Okay but you look perfectly beautiful to me.”

Maggie blushed. “I’ll be back before you know it. If you want to listen to something else, feel free,” she offered as she walked away to her bedroom.

If she only knew she was listening to him he thought as he sat on the barstool at her breakfast bar. He started singing along to Welcome Home(you), unaware that she had returned to the room.

“You have an incredible voice,” Maggie commented.

He turned. It was time. He needed to tell her before it went any further. He got up and walked over to where she stood.” Maggie. You said I’d tell you what I do for a living when I was ready right?”

She nodded.

“Well, that song right there, that’s what I do.”

“That’s you?” Maggie said; confused.

“You had no idea?”

“No. One of the ladies I go to church with sent me that for my Ipod.”

“That’s not all. I have a group I sing with too. The Backstreet Boys?”

“I’m sorry Brian. I didn’t know what MTV was until I went to college. The only TV in my house was the one in the living room and we didn’t have cable. So that’s really you singing?”

He nodded. He wasn’t sure what she would do at that point. She was a nice girl and he didn’t want to put her in the limelight(well not so much these days but it still shone ) with him until he was absolutely sure of where they were going.

No wonder she’d been falling for him all along. That voice was heavenly. It was almost as if God had finally answered her prayers.” So your group?”

“Just like brothers. We’ve been a group for seventeen years now.”

“So they’re just like your family?”

“So you’re not mad I didn’t tell you before?”

“No. Now I understand why,” she replied and softly kissed him. “We should get going so we’re not late for the movie.”

“Yeah I wouldn’t want to miss those previews,” he joked. Thank you Jesus. Please don’t let me screw it up this time he prayed.
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