Summary: One single encounter with her teenage idol and her world was turned upside down.
Katrina Knew that she had to tell Nick but was worried that her opinion of him could be shattered by his reaction
Will she be able to find happiness despite it all!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 7086 Read: 7737
Published: 09/24/18 Updated: 10/01/18
Chapter 3 - Possibilities by Stephie
Author's Notes:
Please leave reviews, it helps to know what you guys do and don’t like and it motivates me!
Wait! What? Did I hear him correctly or are my hormones playing tricks on me. Did he just ask me out on a date? I’m not sure how to respond…I mean I’m almost 6 months pregnant and my phlebotomist just asked me out on a date. Oh he’s staring at me and waiting for a response but I don’t know how to respond. I should say something but I have no words right now.
“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have asked. You are probably married or with someone and I just made this really awkward.” He said looking embarrassed.
“It’s totally okay. I am not married or seeing anyone, I’m just not sure why you would want to go out with me. I’m noticeably pregnant and most likely will have baby daddy drama at some point. Are you sure you want to tempt it?”
“I’m willing to give it a shot!” He laughed.
“Really? Why?” I asked pretty sure I was working on talking him out of wanting to go to dinner.
“Don’t worry...I don’t have a pregnancy fetish or anything like that. There’s just something about you and it makes me want to get to know you! It's hard to explain." He said putting his hand in mine to help me sit up.
“Okay, dinner sounds good.” I said with a smile.
“Great!” He said pulling his phone out and unlocking it before handing it to me. “Here just put your number in my contacts and I’ll give you call soon.” I put my number in his phone and saved it under my name.
“There ya go.” I said handing him his phone back
“Perfect! Thank you. So I’ll get these where they need to go and you’ll get a call sometime tomorrow with the results. You are free to go! I'm looking forward to seeing you again” He laughed.
“I am too!” I said leaving the room. I got on the elevator without even thinking about it and pulled out my phone. I had to tell Jen what just happened.
K: Um…
J: What?
K: I just got asked out to dinner
J: WHAT?!?!!?
J: Who?
K: My Phlebotomist
K: Zach
K: tall dark and handsome
K: Killer green eyes
K: A smile that makes my knees weak
J: Does he have a fetish?
K: He says no
K: My hormones loved him
K: I agreed to go to dinner
J: Good for you
J: You deserve to be happy
K: Thank you
K: Just hope my hormones can control themselves
K: He smelled delicious!
J: Take it easy
J: wait until at least the second date!
K: I’m never having sex again!
J: Uh huh sure
J: what’s the harm now?
J: Can’t get pregnant
J: you need to lighten up
J: live a little
K: Yeah cause that worked out so well the last time.
J: Nick’s a jerk forget about him
K: Kind of hard to do with his mini me
kicking me in the guts!
J: Oh well you got me there
K: I gotta go
K: Getting in my car to go home
K: talk to you later
J: call me later
J: especially if lab boy calls
J: Bye
I put my phone in my purse and got in my car. I stopped at the store and got some food that I was craving. I got home around 5:30 and put my groceries away. I dug my phone out of my purse and kicked my shoes off. After changing and sitting on the couch I finally looked at my phone. I apparently was very popular this evening. I had a couple texts, one miss call and a voicemail. I checked my voicemail first.
“Hey….it’s Zach…um…so how does Hibachi sound to you? Maybe tomorrow night? Let me know…Ok bye.” Even his phone voice is sexy! I tapped the call back button and listened while it rang.
“Hey, I honestly didn’t think you’d call me back.”
“Well you had me at Hibachi!” I laughed.
“So is that a yes?”
“It is a Yes!”
“Is 7:30 Okay with you?”
“Yes. Cho’s or Yun’s?”
“Cho’s is way better?”
“Agreed! Cho’s at 7:30 it’s a date!”
“I’ll pick you up around 6:30.”
“Oh okay…I’ll text you my address.”
“Do you not want me to pick you up?”
“I don’t know why but I just assumed we would meet there.”
“I’m a gentleman, I pick my dates up and I pay for dinner.”
“That’s good to know.” I laughed
“Has anyone every told you how amazing your laugh is?”
“You're sweet. Thank you!”
“It’s a great laugh…Okay so I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“You will!” I said and he told me goodnight and I ended the call then pulled up my text messages. I had two new messages from an out of state number that I didn’t recognize. I did however have an idea who they were from.
N: Hey…I just wanted to touch base.
N: Didn’t want to upset you by calling
N: It’s been over an hour with no response.
N: I just want to talk about the baby.
N: Call me?
K: Hey, sorry I was getting some blood drawn
K: Didn’t have my phone with me.
K: I’m really tired can I call you another time?
N: When’s your next Drs appointment?
K: Monday afternoon
N: Oh okay
N: Next ultrasound?
K: 2 weeks from tomorrow
N: Can I come?
K: If that’s what you want…
K: Can you email me your family
K: Medical history. It’s for my doctor
K: Then I can email you back dates for
K: Appointments that are set for now.
K: Names and addresses as well.
N: I will get the medical history together now
N: and email it to you...Thanks Kat.
K: You don’t get to call me that
K: We aren’t friends
I don’t know if he replied or not. I shut my phone off and got into bed. Friday night and Saturday mornings are my favorite. I don’t have to set an alarm. I don’t have to rush around and get ready for work in the morning. I can sit on my balcony and drink my coffee with the sounds of nature playing in my ears. I thought about my exchange with Nick. I felt bad about being short with him. I’ll call him tomorrow and apologize. Hopefully we will be able to co-exist peacefully so we can parent this little guy together without making life unbearable. I lay back feeling the exhaustion hit me hard and I closed my eyes.
End Notes:
If you find any errors please let me know!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.