Against All Odds by Ashahole212
Summary: Chelsea Henderson had the perfect life when fate turned her life around for the worst. Can she survive this life and death situation?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 6382 Read: 11375 Published: 01/16/04 Updated: 01/26/04
TRL by Ashahole212
"Welcome to TRL. I'm your host Carson Daly and today we have a great show. Chelsea Henderon is with us to tell us about her new album and how you can win it before it hits stores tomorrow and perform her latest single", announced Carson, looking in the camera.

After Carson played the number 4 video on the countdown, he introduced Chelsea out. The crowd went wild and she looked out the window and then gave Carson a hug.

"It's good to see you again Chelsea", he greeted, looking at her.

"It's good to see you again", she smiled at him.

"I can't believe how you made a terrific comeback. When Ultrazone split up, I thought I would never see any of you girls out in the public again", he revealed, looking at her.

"Well I'm here and I'm not going anywhere", she laughed, looking at the audience.

"Now your new album comes out tomorrow 'Gripping Life With Your Own Hands', what's that all about?" Carson asked, curiously.

"Well the title basically means that don't try to grow up so fast and enjoy life. Don't be in such a hurry", explained Chelsea, looking at Carson, then at the audience.

"Now what can we all expect from this album?" Carson asked, looking into the camera.

"Well, as you know, Fred Durst help produced this album and help write my first single released. I worked with such artist as The Backstreet Boys, Celine Dion and Chad Kroeger from Nickelback", Chelsea revealed to the audience.

"Well right here, I have a copy of your new album that I am giving away to some lucky fan. But before I do that, let's get into the countdown real quick with your number 3 video, Christina Aguilera "Within", announced Carson, into the camera.

"Okay we have three lucky contestants, Jen from NY, Mark from MD and Aly from NJ. Chelsea will ask a question and who ever gets 3 questions correct first by hitting your buzzards, will recieve this album", Carson explained, handing Chelsea the questions.

"Okay, what year did Ultrazone begin their career?" Chelsea asked, looking at her index cards.

"The year of 1999", answered Mark, quickly.

"Correct. What was our tour bus's name we used for tours?" Chelsea asked quickly.

"Big Bubba Joe", answered Aly, quickly.

"Correct, What was our last album called?" Chelsea asked, looking at the.

"Lauched", answered Mark, quickly.

"Correct. Where were we originally from?" She asked, looking at the audience, then at the contestants.

"Maryland Baby!" Mark screamed, after pushing his buzzard.

"That is correct", Chelsea said.

"Congradulations, Mark. Here's the first copy of Chelsea's new album", replied Carson, shaking his hand.

"Congradulations", Chelsea said, giving him a hug.

After commercial, Carson introduced Chelsea again.

"Peforming her latest single, 'Learning to Live', please give it up for Chelsea Henderson", announced Carson. The crowd went wild and crazy.

I was so young, couldn't survive
Until you walked into my life
I couldn't adjust
The fact I was young
I couldn't forget
My life had just begun

Who would of thought
I would get used to this life
Who would of thought
I had the might
Responsibilities, less possibilities

I never planned my future
I never thought I could create a creature
This love one of mine
Giving up my vows
I had a family now

Who would of thought
I would get used to this life
Who would of thought
I had the might
Responsibilities, less possibilities
Never did I imagine
I could adjust to this situation
I thought I'll never forgive
I was learning to live

I didn't want any part of this life
I didn't know what to do
You stood by my side
We were a team
I didn't expect the tragic ride
I was learning to live
To live this life
Then just like that
You weren't by my side
You never said good-bye


Chorus 2x

Never did I imagine
I could adjust to this situation
I thought I'll never forgive
I was learning to live
Learning to live

(A.N. I had wrote this song for this story. This is not a real song, however, I would appreciate it if anyone does not claim this song as their own or use it any way shape or form. I have these lyrics wrote down on paper, so therefore copyright issues. Thank you)

"Now before we get to the number one video on the countdown, Chelsea? How did Fred get to direct this video?" Carson asked curiosly.

"Well, he did help me write this song and collaborated with me. So he asked me if he cam direct to the video and I was like go for and he told me the concept of the video and I was like okay", revealed Chelsea, laughing.

"How was it working with him?" Carson asked, laughing.

"Fred is such a sweetheart and he made me feel very comfortable. And I was pretty nervous because I been with the same man for 10 years and I wasn't use to being with someone else even if it a music video", revealed Chelsea, looking at Carson.

"Okay. You do know your number one today on the countdown, so would you do the honors of introducing your video?" Carson asked her.

"Sure. Here is your number one video, 'Learning to Live'. Thank you so much you guys", laughed Chelsea, looking in the camera.

"Don't forget to buy her album tomorrow in stores", announced Carson, before he played the video.
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