Wizard of Oz- My Stle by Anita
Summary: Its my version of the wizard of oz, inclues the bsb, paris hilton, britnay spears, amanda bynes, justin and lance, nicole richie, jessica simpson, hilay duff
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Other
Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 5045 Read: 17468 Published: 07/08/04 Updated: 01/30/08
Chater one by Anita
Chapter One

Amanda Bynes sat at home. She was flipping through a fashion magazine trying to decide on something to wear for her next award show that she was hosting. She was in a pretty bad mood because she had just gotten into a fight with her parents because they thought her dog Toto had made a mess in the garden and she knew that it was the neighbors dog yet they didn't believe her.

"It's ok Toto, I know you didn't do it." She said giving her dog a kiss on the head.

She got up and looked out the window. Her evil neighbor was snopping around in her yard. Amanda glared. She could not stand her at all.

She hugged Toto closer to her chest.

"Maybe I should just run away! No one understands me or you Toto. Yes running away is a great idea come on!" Amanda went and got out her favorite pink bag and began to put some clothes and other things she needed in it.

"Ok i'm all done." She said glancing around to make sure that she had everything she needed.

She picked up her dog and snuck out of her house. She began to walk down the road, Toto in one hand and her bag in the other. She wondered where she should go.

"Amanda!" An trendy looking girl called out to her.

Amanda looked at her. She wasn't sure if she should answer. She had no idea who she was.

"Um hi." She said after a moments hesitation.

The girl smiled at her.

"Why don't you come in and I'll read your fortune?"

Amanda sighed. It wasn't like she had anything better to do. So she followed the girl into her tent. Amanda looked around. It was pretty cool. She took a seat in front of her.

"Ok, let me see your hands." She told her.

Amanda put her hands out for her. The girl studied them squinting.

"Hmmm." She said.

"What what is it?" Amanda asked her.

"I see trouble in the future for you." She said in a grave voice.

Amanda sighed.

"It figures."

The girl waved her hand over her crystal ball.

"Oh no!" she wailed.

Amanda jumped back scared.

"Your mother is so worried about you Amanda. Shes sick with grief."

Guilt struck Amanda.

"I have to go home!" She said gathering her stuff.

"Right away?"

"Yes, yes. I can't believe how worried she is." Amanda picked Toto up and ran out.

She glanced towards her left. To her horror she saw the beginning of a hurricane. She ran faster home.

"MOM DAD!" She shouted running into the house. She looked all around but could not find them.

"Oh Toto!" She cried searing the entire house. Still she could not find them.

Sniffling she sat on her bed hugging Toto to her. Her window flew open from the wind. She got up to close it. She forced it shut and turned to walk back to her bed. A sudden gust sent the window flying open. It knocked her on the head.

Groaning, Amanda slid to the floor.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=2725