Rebirth by Jamelet and Rose, Jamelet, Rose
Summary: The inevitable finally occured in the year 2150 and lives have been changed forever. Here is the tale of a few unlikely heros and their journey to find what they need most.....A Home.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Howie, Kevin
Genres: Action
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 44801 Read: 27532 Published: 11/13/04 Updated: 05/25/07
Prologue by Jamelet and Rose


It was inevitable I suppose, at least that’s what I’m told. Not that the fact helped anyone deal with it better. That day changed so many lives, including my own. I did everything I could not to be pinned into a life I could never even possibly think of wanting. Then I end up voluntarily going into it without realizing it. Who knew that when I left to run away from the fate that was left for me, I was running right into it? I know now you can’t run from destiny, all it does is follow and chase you and catches you once you take a wrong turn and end up in a dead end. After everything, to be quite honest I’m sick of running. If I ran, I’d be leaving more behind than I did the first time. It’s time to stop and face whatever life has in store for me, for all of us. No matter how scared we may be of it. No matter how unknown the journey will be, we have to go down that road, and stop running. I write this tale so then you’ll have an idea of what started it all, a better chance to understand me, as well as the others. If nothing more, read this for entertainment, if not for acceptance.

I never thought it would end up this way. Honestly now who would? No one for that matter. None of us wanted it but we couldn’t deny what was laid before us. None of us are the stereotypes usually up for this; in fact I’m starting to think fate picked us at random thinking that would be more interesting. Life’s a bitch, it’s not fair and we got dealt a shitty deck and had to deal.

Damn it.

Why couldn’t someone else be the one meant to take this on instead?

Shame we can’t change the past or go back, I would in a heartbeat.

Anything to prevent what was to change our lives forever
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