The Crazy Life Of A Carter by LenniluvsBrian
Summary: Come and see what goes on in the crazy life of the Carters. While one child is touring about the world with dreams of becoming successful, Bob & Jane have five others to raise back home. Is all as peachy keen as one makes it out to be? Or is their one child suffering more than the others? Read on to find out...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Group
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 13031 Read: 40124 Published: 03/10/05 Updated: 10/25/10
Halloween... by LenniluvsBrian
A.N.: Yes, me again. Three updates today 'cause I wrote more - though, I'm way ahead of this part-lol. Enjoy! Disclaimer: Only own Lenore & story idea. BSB & Carter Clan own themselves, as does Marcus. Thank-you.

"I'm going with Brian!" Leslie shrieked, then stuck her tongue out at Lenore.

"I'm going with Nick," Lenore smirked.

"No. I'm going with Nick," B.J. argued, shoving her aside.

"Hmph!" Lenore pouted.

Brian picked Aaron up. "We're all going together, so it doesn't matter who you're with."

"Hey!" Leslie cried. "I said I was going with you! Why do you have him?"

"He asked me while he was getting his costume on," Brian replied. "Besides, if I wanna pick Aaron up, I will."

Now it was Leslie's turn to pout.

"What's with all the pouting?" Nick asked, as he picked Angel up. "We're getting free candy, so what's the problem?"

"They're arguing over who's going with who," A.J. told him. "Brian told them we're all going as a group, but they still refuse to smile."

"Guys, if Mom catches you arguing, more or less pouting, she won't let you go out," Nick informed them. "You don't wanna stay here and help pass out candy, do you?"

They all shook their heads.

"Let's go then," Howie piped up. "I dunno 'bout you guys, but I'd like some candy before it's all gone."

This is what they all went out as:

Goblin - B.J. Devil - Aaron Witch - Angel Princess - Leslie Batman - Lenore Ninja Turtle - Nick The Joker - Brian Mrs. Doubtfire - A.J. Vampire - Howie Spiderman - Kevin

"Brian, can I go with you?" Lenore asked awhile later. "Please?"

"Why? I thought you wanted to go with Nick?"

"But Batman and The Joker belong together," she pointed out. "Just like a vampire and a witch should be together."

"And a Princess and Mrs. Doubtfire," B.J. added. "Plus, a Goblin and a Ninja Turtle."

"Who goes with Spiderman?" Kevin wanted to know.

"The Devil!" Aaron grinned running over to him. "Up!"

Kevin laughed and picked him up. "Is that so?"

"Yep," Aaron nodded.

"Alrighty then," Brian smiled taking Lenore's hand in his. "Let's go."

They went up to the next house in their little duos.

"Trick or treat!" They chorused.

"Aw. Isn't that cute?" The woman cooed. "Batman and The Joker."

"Thank-you," they replied as they in turn took their candy.

She looked at Brian. "How old's your little brother?"

"Uh, Ma'am," Brian began. "This isn't my little brother. And this Batman's a little girl, not a little boy."

"Oh, my. I'm terribly sorry," she apologized. "I didn't know."

"It's okay," Nick put in. "I don't think my sister minds that much."

"Still. I feel bad."


"Here," she said, giving Lenore a handful of mini chocolate bars. "I hope this makes up for my mistake."

"Thank-you," Lenore smiled politely.

They turned to leave, but Leslie began to complain.

"Hey!" Leslie exclaimed "How come she got more than the rest of us?"

"Les!" Nick hissed. "That's not nice!"

"It's not nice to give her more than everybody 'cause of a stupid mistake!" She retorted. "Besides, she don't deserve more candy! She deserves to lose hers!"

"Leslie, shut-up!" Nick snapped. "You're being rude and selfish. If you don't stop I'm going to drop you off at home."

"You wouldn't and you know it!" She rejoined. "You know if we go back Mommy will make everyone stay."

"Excuse me," Nick said, as he grabbed Leslie's arm. "I'll catch up later. Please don't leave this street 'cause then I won't find you. I'll meet y'all at the other end in a few minutes."

They nodded.

"Alright," Kevin replied. "But be careful and don't get lost."

"You want me to go with you, Frack?"

"Frick, why spoil it for everyone else? Stay with Batman; she needs a villian to conk over the head with her bag."

"See ya in a bit then," Brian shrugged.

"Don't wimp out and stay home either!" A.J. called after him. "You do, and I get your candy!"

"Whatever A.J.!" Nick called back.

"Let go!" Leslie replicated, struggling to get free. "I'm not going home!"

"Yes, you are," Nick riposted. "I'm sick of your whining. You're ruining the fun for everybody else."

"I am not!" She cried. "Lenore is!"

Nick whipped her around to face him.

"Stop blaming everything on Lenore!" He growled. "She's not the problem. The problem is, you're jealous, and are acting like a little snot because of it."

They reached the house then, and Nick dragged her insde.

"Back so soon?" Bob asked once they'd entered. "I thought you'd still be trick or treating."

"I am," Nick rejoined. "She's not."

"Daddy! Tell him he doesn't get to decide that!"

"Why isn't she going back out?"

"She's being rude, whining, and complaining," Nick began. "Plus, she's getting mad over stupid little things."

"Like what?"

"Like, Lenore got more candy because a woman felt bad for thinking she was a boy," he responded.

"But she did!"

"You didn't have to complain about it right in front of the lady!"

"Okay. Okay!" Bob said. "I've heard enough. Nick, go catch up with them. Leslie, give me your candy and go to your room."

"But Daddy!"


"Hmph!" She pouted as she passed him her candy.

Nick hurriedly left then, being careful not to bump into anything scary looking.

"Hey Frack," Brian greeted. "Glad to see ya didn't get lost on us."

"Who me?" Nick asked innocently. "Nah. Never."

"Damn. Guess I don't get your candy now," A.J. stated. "I was really looking forward to eating it too."

"Don't count on it," Nick shot-back. "Nothing scares me."

A.J. busted out laughing then.

"Oh, shut-up," Nick grumbled.

They joked around for a few minutes, until they suddenly heard someone scream. They looked around and noticed what the problem was. Lenore and Angel had been shoved into the street, right in front of an oncoming car. The driver slammed on the brakes, but it was too late.

"NO!" Nick screamed, quickly diving into the street and knocking them out of the way.

He curled up tight once he landed, so the car hopefully wouldn't run over him, and to protect his sisters.

"Nick!" Kevin cried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he managed, sitting up some.

He checked Lenore, then Angel. "You okay?"

They looked at him with tears streaming down their faces.

He pulled them close and hugged them as tight as he could.

"Are they alright?" The driver of the car questioned. "I didn't hit them, did I?"

"No. They're alright," Howie assured him. "Scared, but unharmed."

"I'm really sorry," he apologized. "They came out of no where and I couldn't stop fast enough."

"It's not your fault," Brian said. "It could've happened to anybody."

Nick stood up with them in his arms, while A.J. grabbed all three bags of candy. Amazingly none had fallen out during the commotion. They walked back to the sidewalk and tried to calm their nerves.

"What happened?" Nick queried. "How'd you wind up in the street?"

He felt someone tug on his shirt. He looked down only to find Aaron looking up at him, his eyes huge.

"It was B.J.," he stated. "She pushed them. Pushed me too. I grabbed Brian's shirt. They okay?"

All eyes turned to B.J.

"What?" She said casually. "I didn't do nothing."

Nick narrowed his eyes.

"I didn't!" She cried. "Honest!"

"Did she shove you guys?"

The two in his arms shook their heads yes.

"I think we've had enough trick or treating, don't you?" Kevin piped up.

The others agreed, then headed back to the house. B.J. struggled with Kevin, while Brian carried Aaron, A.J. the candy, and Nick the two who'd almost been hit.

"Back again?" Bob joked slightly. "What's the problem this time? No candy left?"

He noticed the serious, yet worried expressions on the Boys' faces.

"What's wrong?"

"Let go!" B.J. yelled.

She got mad when Kevin refused to let go, and kicked him in the shin. Hard.

"Ow!" Kevin exclaimed, letting her go, and stumbling some. "B.J.!"

"Bobbi Jean, why'd you kick him?" Bob demanded.

"He wouldn't let go of my arm."

"Why was he holding your arm in the first place?"

"He was being mean."

"Nuh-uh," Aaron said, shaking his blond head, after Brian had put him down. "You pushed us in front of a car."

Bob, who'd looked down at Aaron, snapped his head up and glared at her.

"I did not!"

"You did so!" Aaron shouted. "I would've been there too, but I grabbed Brian!"

"Bobbi Jean," Bob began emotionless. "Room. I'll deal with you in a minute."

"Sure, believe them!" She yelled, running upstairs. "You always do!"

"Are they okay?" He interrogated, indicating the two in Nick's arms.

"They're fine, Dad," Nick told him. "Worried about their candy and kinda shook up, but fine."

Bob kissed his daughters' heads, then stalked upstairs to deal with his eldest daughter.

"We check candy now?" Lenore piped up. "I wanna chocolate bar."

"Yeah, we can check 'em," Nick sighed. "But no eating anything until we've seen and checked it, alright?"

"Aye," the youngest three giggled.

They went into the kitchen then, to check their candy and to snack on some of it.

This story archived at