The Crazy Life Of A Carter by LenniluvsBrian
Summary: Come and see what goes on in the crazy life of the Carters. While one child is touring about the world with dreams of becoming successful, Bob & Jane have five others to raise back home. Is all as peachy keen as one makes it out to be? Or is their one child suffering more than the others? Read on to find out...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Group
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 13031 Read: 40079 Published: 03/10/05 Updated: 10/25/10
Wait & See by LenniluvsBrian
A.N.: Hey y'all! Warning, this chapter is a lil' short. But I make up for it with the next one - trust me. Plz R&R! Enjoy! Disclaimer: Only own myself & story idea. Carter Clan & rest of BSB own themselves, as does Marcus (should he be mentioned). Thank-you.

"Lenore? Damn!"

"What's wrong Frack?"

"That was Angel on the phone. She told me Lenore's been home every single time I've called. Leslie and B.J. won't let her talk to me. They keep getting her, Aaron, and Angel in trouble. Lenore especially. I was just about to talk to Lenore, but B.J. hung the phone up when she found out it was me."

"Maybe you ought to call home and explain things to your folks," Brian suggested. "That might clear things up on their end."

"I'll try again later. Let things cool off a bit right now."

"You say so. But don't wait too long. Poor kid hasn't talked to you in two months. Just think 'bout what it's probably doing to her."

"I know."

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