Famous by Drama_Queens

Fame begins to take it's toll on the Backstreet Boys'
personal lives. While on the outside, they're happy and
smiling, the inside is falling apart.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Other
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 11940 Read: 12260 Published: 10/31/05 Updated: 10/31/05

Chapter 5 by Drama_Queens
Kevin was slowly brought out of his sleep by a slight shaking. Opening his eyes, he saw Matt sitting next to him on
the bed shaking him awake. When the little boy saw that his dad’s eyes were open he let out a giggle.

“Good Morning little man.” Kevin said as he sat up and pulled his son onto his lap. He ruffled his hair a little bit
causing the little boy to pull away and scrunch his nose up just like his dad. “And just how did you get out of your
bed?” Kevin asked raising one of his eyebrows. Matt slept in a crib still, seems like he might be ready for that bed
after all, Kevin thought to himself.

Matt’s eyes got really big, but he decided to get to the reason he had woken his dad up in the first place. “ I hungry,”
Matt said quickly.

“Well how about I take you downstairs and I’ll fix you something right up. But lets be quiet so we can let your
mommy sleep, ok buddy.” Kevin said as he placed his son on the floor. Matt quickly scampered out of the room as
Kevin silently slid out of the bed. He glanced over at Jenn to make sure she was still asleep, he ran his hand along
the side of her face. She leaned into his touch, but he could tell she was still asleep.

Kevin made his way out of the room, and closed the door behind him. He turned the TV on in the living room for Matt
to watch as he made breakfast. He decided that he was gonna start this day off right with his wife. They had about 3
hours till they had to leave for the airport, so he knew that he needed to get this breakfast ready fast.

He quickly made a plate of scrambled eggs and called Matt into the kitchen. Matt was soon happily eating his food
as Kevin continued to cook. “So Matt, are you all ready to leave today? I’m sure you can’t wait to play around with
your Uncle Nicky.”

“Don’t wanna.” Matt said in between bites.
Kevin looked over at his son, surprised by those words. “What do you mean buddy? You always like to go on tour
with us.”

“Makes Mommy sad.” Matt was now finished with his food. “Watch cartoons?” He asked his dad.

“Um, yeah…go ahead.” Kevin said as he let what Matt just said run through his brain. All he saw was red when the
thought that Jenn had told him to say that went through his mind. Why would she try to turn my own son against me,
he wondered to himself.

He turned the elements on the stove off and headed up to their room in a rage. He threw open the door, causing it to
bang loudly against the wall. Jenn abruptly sat up in the bed and looked at Kevin with wide eyes. He quickly made his
way to the side of the bed, grabbed her by her shoulders and started shaking her.

“Why!! Why would you do that to me??!!!” Kevin yelled.

Jenn grabbed onto his arms to try to stop the shaking. “I…what are….you talking….about?” She managed to get out
through her tears.

“You told him to tell me that he didn’t want to go on tour! Don’t deny it!” This caused him to shake her harder. Jenn
couldn’t even respond as she continued to be shook, then suddenly a loud wail echoed through the room. Kevin
quickly stopped his assault and ran over to the door where Matt stood there yelling.

“Don’t hurt Mommy!” The little boy screamed with tears streaming down his face.

Kevin scooped the boy up and held him to his chest, trying to soothe his cries. “Daddy’s sorry baby, I didn’t mean to
scare you. Everything’s alright. I wasn’t hurting your Mommy. Shh…it’s alright.” Matt quieted down and Kevin
decided it was best to leave the room for now.

Turning around he saw Jenn in a fetal position, her eyes were closed and he could see that she was sobbing. He
couldn’t help but feel the pang in his heart, knowing that he had caused her to be so upset. He shook his head and
made his way out of the room, he was just gonna have to confront her about it when Matt wasn’t around.

Jenn just sat there, letting the tears and sobs escape from her. She didn’t understand why he did that, and it was
making her cry even harder. When she tried to sit up she found herself extremely dizzy from all the shaking that she
had just endured.

She couldn’t comprehend what was going on with her husband. She wondered if she was doing something to cause
this, but what was it. She decided not to worry about it now, and she made her way out of bed to get ready for the

The shower helped calm her nerves, and she felt a lot better. Grabbing a few pieces of luggage, she made her way
downstairs. As she made it into the living room she saw Kevin and Matt sitting on the couch, watching cartoons.

Matt immediately turned around when he heard her enter the room. “Mommy!” The little boy said with a smile. He
jumped off of the couch and flung himself on her.

Jenn let out a little laugh as she steadied herself and picked him up. “Well good morning little man.” She gave him a
kiss on the check.

Matt looked up at his mom, “You okay? Daddy say you have scary dreams.”

Jenn quickly looked at Kevin, apparently he didn’t want to deface himself to their son.

Jenn decided to go with the story anyway. “Yes honey, mommy just had a bad dream is all.”

“Daddy scare monsters away?” Matt asked looking over to Kevin.

“Yes, he did.” Jen said with a slight smile. “Why don’t you run upstairs and grab your Nerf basketball thing. I’m sure
your Uncle Brian would play it with you when we’re on the bus.”

Matt’s eyes lit up and he dropped to the floor, quickly scrambling up the stairs. Jenn turned back towards Kevin. “So
that’s what you told him.”

Kevin gave her a sideways look, “Yeah, so?” He questioned.

Jenn walked over to the couch and sat down beside of him. “What really happened, cause

I think I deserve an explanation.” Jenn said softly
Kevin gave her a hard look, “Why did you tell Matt to say that he didn’t want to go on this tour?!” He spat.

Jenn recoiled at his tone, “I…I didn’t say that to him. I swear to you.”
He stared at her for a minute, “Fine, let’s just forget about this. We need to head to the airport. I’m sorry I yelled.” He
leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

Jenn let out a sigh, happy that he had decided to drop it. She smiled up at him, and headed to the door, with hopes
that things would get better during the tour.


Sara’s eyes followed the windshield wipers back and forth as she softly sang the words to the song that played on
the radio. She watched as several rain drops slid slowly down the window and closed her eyes, wishing it was a
year ago.

She laughed as Brian shot in through the bedroom door and jumped back under the covers. “Damn Sar! It’s cold out
there!” He shivered, snuggling against his wife, upon his return from letting the dog out.

“Dur! That’s why you don’t go outside with your boxers on, stupid!” She was still giggling as she slid down so that
her head was laying on his chest.

He held her tight as they listened to the wind hitting their window softly. Silence fell upon them as they listened to the
thoughts in their heads and the beating of their hearts.

“I want a baby with you, Bri. I want…to grow old with you.” She spoke absently, bringing her finger up to trace the
scar on his chest.

This caused a small laugh to escape his lips. “Well, I planned on it since I married you.”

“I knoooowww. I just…um…wanted to let you know I knew that’s what you were planning.”

This caused laughter from both of them as he took her hand in his and began to kiss each finger. “Let’s make
babies all day.”

“You have to work, dork!”

“I don’t HAVE to do anything!” Brian told her defiantly.

“ I’ll bet Kev will come get your scrawny ass.”

“Aw, I’ll tell him you were lovin’ this scrawny ass more than he was. I had no choice.” He smiled, his eyes looking
down at her.


“Shh, not right now.”

Sara licked her lips as a honking horn shook her out of the memory. Suddenly, without thinking, she reached over
and grabbed Brian’s hand that had been resting in the middle.

His blue eyes looked confused as he felt that familiar touch. Brian looked over to find that she was staring straight
ahead, a gentle smile playing on her lips that he knew was for him to see.

“What?” He asked, curiously, creating a smirk of his own.

“Nothing.” Suddenly, Sara realized she was living in the past. Things weren’t the way they were then. Still, she
couldn’t bring herself to let go of his hand. Maybe she knew that if she let go, she might let go of everything.

Brian’s expression disappeared and he cleared his throat, not knowing what to say. He felt guilty. He had ever since
that morning when they had made love for the first time in while.


It was that look of hurt in her eyes when he had tried to inconspicuously use ‘protection’. It was just one more thing
to confirm all her accusations of him that he had denied. Why couldn’t he just admit to her that he was scared? That
he felt bad, giving them both hope if she got pregnant, and knowing it was his ‘fault’ if they lost it?

Before the thoughts had even stopped rolling around in his head, they had reached the airport parking lot.

Where, not surprisingly, media was already starting to culminate.

“I guess we should start our goodbyes here because, you know, once we get out, we’re not gonna have anymore
privacy.” Brian looked down as he spoke, almost scared of her reaction.

“I know.” She whispered, looking down as well.

“So, yah. God, it’s never been this hard before.” He said, his voice quivering a little.

“That’s because we’ve never been this distant…before there’s real distance between us.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Listen, Bri,” Sara looked up at him, swallowing and squeezing his hand a bit. “I love you. I’ll never stop loving you. I
think, though, that…that we both need to think about if we love ‘us’.”

“Sara, I love u-..”

“Shh, Bri.” She put a finger to his lips and gathered her emotions. “It’s something we need to think about, okay? It
may be temporary, but… only time will tell.”

“I love you, Sara Littrell.” Brian spoke softer, with tears in his eyes.

The brunette only nodded a bit and leaned forward to kiss his lips. He would always remember that taste, that
feeling everytime she kissed him.

“Don’t cry.” She offered him a gentle smile, wiping away his tears with her thumbs. “I don’t want you to leave like

“I..I don’t want to leave.”

“Then, don’t.” Sara spoke to him, a trimmer of hope and wish in her eyes and voice.

“I have to.” Brian looked down once again, not able to face the disappointment in her eyes.

“Yeah. Okay.” With that said, Sara grabbed her door handle and pushed open the car door. Brian watched her
intently as he soon followed suit.

They joined in front of the car, holding hands and acting as happy as they used to be. Acting and being an entertainer
weren’t only their careers, but their lives now.

And, somehow, they both knew that they’d be acting a lot more in the months to come.

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=5881