Love Takes Time by ashley marie
Summary: Lauri Fostern is content with her new job. It pays the bills (easily), keeps a roof over her head (a nice one), and put food on the table. The only downside is her boss, Nick Carter. From the first few moments of their meeting, they came to a mutual dislkie for the other. He thinks she is to self-righteous and she thinks this job is a pit-stop until she gets a better one, the one she worked all through college for.But being forced to spend hours and days together makes them both come to the same realization. Time makes the heart grow fonder...

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Completed: No Word count: 43097 Read: 50879 Published: 12/14/05 Updated: 09/09/06
Chapter 14 by ashley marie
WOW its been forever! well, for those who might care, lol, i took the midterm. lets just say only two people in the class actually passed it, me not being one of those people. lol. but its whatever. i know that teachers not going to fail me, she likes me way to much and wants me to take physics in her class next year. its whatever, science isnt my thing anyway. **and if you ask 'well, ashley, why are you in an AP Chemistry class, dont expect a good answer. i will tell you i honestly dont know because.... i honestly dont know.** but ANYWAY, i am technically am still passing the class so YAY ME! lol. i just thought id let everybody in on that, since it was the reason i havent been writing recently. anyway, long story short, we take AP exams next month, which in all honestly, im not stressing about too much, so from now on, chapters should be this far apart!! yay for me. ok, escuse me for being so long winded, here is chappy 14, finally. i really hope yall likey. review and make me happy!!!! love love darlings!!!!

ps - i hate chemistry!!!!!


Chapter 14

Like many people, at any given moment, I have about a million thoughts running through my mind.

At this moment, there was only one, comprised of three words.

What the fuck?

Nick was crouch down in front of me, holding onto the arms of the chair for balance, but still totally relaxed into the kiss. I, on the other hand, was totally stiff. While I WAS kissing back, my body was pretty much rigid and my eyes were wide open. Thank God he didn’t open his or he would think I’m a total loser.

The kiss was overall tame, but when he tried to slip the tongue in there, my mind and body finally got on the same page and I pulled away quickly.

“Oh, God, Lauri, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. That wasn’t....” he was talking so fast that for a moment I thought he wasn’t even speaking English. I finally interrupted him while he was in the middle of saying something that was either “I was totally out of line in just doing that.” or “I was totally outside holding a skull cap.”

Judging by the way the conversation was going I was betting on the first one, but it WAS Nick, so you never know...

“Nick, it’s ok. We are both in a really emotional place right now and we’re both looking for human contact for emotional support and comfort.” I said, like I knew what the hell I was talking about. “Wow. That was deep.” He replied. “I took a psych class sophomore year.” I shrugged. “OK, well, right now I’m going to go out on my boat to effectively avoid you, drink a couple of beers, and try not to feel to embarrassed come tomorrow.” He said honestly with a big smile. I just laughed. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Carter. We’re adults, not in the seventh grade.” “I know.... but I’m immature.” He replied with his ‘duh’ voice. I laughed again and waved him out. Alright then loser, be gone. I have meetings and photo shoots to schedule for you.” “No more.” I heard him pout as he walked towards the door.

I turned back to the computer screen, pulling up my spreadsheet as I heard the door open. “Lauri?” Nick asked, holding onto the doorknob while turning back to face me. I looked up to him to continue speaking. “I really am sorry it didn’t work out with your mom.” He said seriously. I just gave him a half smile and shrug. “It’s whatever. Shit happens.” I replied. “That’s why we have toilet paper.” He joked while closing the door behind him.

He really does know how to make me smile.

**after work**

“Or maybe his cardinal desires are finally pushing through and this is his way of showing that he has been and always will be hopelessly and utterly in love with you.” Sara continued over her martini. Rolling my eyes, I took a sip of my water. “Yeah, cause he just knew me long enough to be in love with me.” I replied. For fifteen minutes now I have been listening to her theories about what was running through his ‘complex and elaborate male mind’. (Her phrase, not mine. Hey, she was here about twenty minutes earlier than me. I don’t know how much she has been drinking.)

“But Laur, it’s such an interesting thought isn’t it? OMG! (Yes she actually said O-M-G. Like, the letters.) What would you do if he confessed his love for you?!” She practically squealed. I just gave her a confused stare and shook my head. “I’d smack him in the face for being an idiot. We’ve only known each other for about a month, and we really only barely talk. So cross that thought off.” I finished. Sara looked visibly defeated. “Maybe he’s just horny and wants a quick fuck.” She shrugged, sipping down the rest of her drink. I laughed out loud. “Girlie, you have such a twisted mind.” I replied. “It’s probably true. And you’re SO conveniently there, in his house, all the time. He’s probably just waiting for the right time to strike. He’s probably going to seduce you with like flowers and... baby oil.” I was laughing so hard now that I was snorting. The was she was saying it in her all knowing voice mixed with a slight buzz from her liquor and imagining the situation just made me laugh.

“Baby oil? Where the hell did that come from?” I asked, finally slightly calming down. She giggled slightly and shrugged. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.” It was clearly obvious I would have to reassess the Carter situation on my own time. It just wasn’t happening right now.

“So, what’s going on in your life?” I asked her, watching a drop of water roll down the side of my glass. “Kinda boring. But I did get a call for an interview on Monday. Guess what store!” she asked excitedly. “I have no clue.” I replied. I hate that game. There are only 435 thousand possibilities in the world. Just tell me and get it over with. “Victoria’s Secret!” She squeaked. “Wow, Sara, that is so amazing! That would be to cool if you got a job there. You would get such amazing discounts and everything. And you DO know you would have to hook me up, right?” I said. “Of course, for when Mr. Carter decided to finally pull out the oil and get down!” she joked, poking at my arm. I just stuck my tounge out at her. “Come on hoe, let’s go to the mall. You need a sexy ass outfit for your interview. Plus, we can catch the last of Black Friday shopping. And... we’ll take my car. We’ll come pick up yours later.” I suggested. She wasn’t off the walls drunk, but she was a little tipsy, and I didn’t feel OK enough with it to let her drive.

**later that night**

We got back to the bar parking lot from the mall around 11:30, and it was still pretty much packed. While we walked around the mall Sara was eating a pretzel and drinking water, so she was all sobered up again. I stopped my car in front of hers, and watched as she jumped out of my car to grab her bags from the trunk. She walked back around to my window and gave me an air kiss. “Thanks for helping me pick out my outfit. It’s awesome. Bebe was the perfect choice.” She smiled. “No problem. It’s cute, you’ll totally kick ass and get that job.” “God I hope so. My mom has been riding my ass since the day I told her I quit.” She replied. “That’s because she has been sending you money!” I luahged. “Hey, that was her choice, not mine.” She replied. I rolled my eyes at her again. “Whatever, loser. Go home and get some sleep.” “I will. Thanks again. Oh, wait, and Laur... remember, if you walk into work Monday, and he is naked and covered in baby oil and rose petals... you’ll know he might just want cha!!” she squealed, running towards her car. “Would you stop being so damn dirty!” I called, pulling away and laughing.

**Monday November 27**

I walked into work on today, truly, truly thinking it would be a completely normal day.

Let’s just say Sara’s freaky theory was not TOO strange.

But this one was a tad stranger.


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