Siberia by rach_rach
Summary: Rachel met this 'famous and selfish jerk' on the way to the Bahamas- her dream vacation. But somehow, without even realizing it, he's beginning to changer her life...just when she was about to decide what to do, something happened. Something horrible that would haunt her for the rest of her life. Will everything still be the same after that? Read and review please!

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 17385 Read: 29537 Published: 02/18/06 Updated: 08/26/06
Chapter 2 by rach_rach
These two days sure have gone faster than Rachel expected. She and Anie went out shopping, for almost everything: food, clothes, lotions, they bought it all. Rachel almost forgot how fun shopping was.

Finally Monday arrived. The four of them walked around the airport excitedly, Rachel never enjoyed airplane rides, but this time she can’t wait to get on there. Rachel’s dragging a huge luggage with her right hand, and carrying her usual black handbag except it’s full today like it was going to explode, she had a green jacket over her shoulder and a pink cap over her head.

They found their seats in the plane and sat down. Rachel and Anie got seats next to each other, Anie’s parents were at the end of the plane. After a little fight, Anie got the seat close to the window.

After what seemed like half an hour, they were on the top of the clouds. When they looked down at the clouds they looked like sheep’s with their hair as white as the snow. It was really beautiful.

The one thing Rachel loved to do on the airplane was…eating. She’s hungry all the time so she eats, and it’s a wonder how she’s still got that nice body. She gained only 2 pounds with all that eating in a whole year-as if she cared.

She looked to her right. A blond guy was staring at her, he was pretty tall, and had on a green T-shirt with a skull across the chest. “Hey! What’s up?” he waved at her. Beside her, Anie gasped, “Ohmygosh, RR, it’s Nick Carter!” Rachel knew who he was. She waved back and turned back to Anie. “So, An, do you know what hotel are we-” Nick interrupted her rudely. “What’s your name? I’m Nick. Well I suppose you know that already.” He gave her his killer smile, beside her she heard Anie’s moan that got quickly turned into a cough. “Yeah I know who you are. And excuse me, but I don’t like giving out my name to strangers.” “RR! Just tell him!” Anie hissed. Rachel looked around-Anie’s face was tomato red. Rachel felt like laughing, she’d take a picture of her if she’s got a camera right now. She ignored Nick and took out a book to read. “Come, on tell me!” Nick pleaded.

No answer.

After a while, she heard someone else talking to her right. Someone else was sleeping beside Nick and now he’s wakened up-Brian, Rachel recognized him too. He looked really nice, hair looking good too, unlike Nick’s-he looked like he haven’t washed them for a week or something. She couldn’t make out what were they talking about though. “Hey…Brian it’s you!” she couldn’t help herself talking to him, “are you guys heading to the Bahamas too?” Brian gave her a friendly smile, “Yup, we’re staying for a month. We’re just, you know, taking a break from all that touring. What’s your name?” “It’s Rachel.” Nick looked pretty angry. “Why didn’t that work for me?”

No answer again.

Rachel went back to her reading, but suddenly someone behind her cried “WOAH!” and then all she knew was they spilled a bottle full of orange juice over her head. She screamed at the top of her voice. People around them turned their head around to look at her, some laughing, some muttering. She even heard Anie laughing beside her. “Oh. My. GOD! Who was that?” she squealed.

“Whoa, I’m terribly sorry ma’am, it was all AJ’s fault-he pushed me-” A guy’s head popped out from the top of Rachel’s seat, looking scared. Rachel squinted and somewhat made out it was Kevin. “I didn’t push you dawg, you just weren’t careful enough-” This one must be AJ, Rachel could tell without looking. She didn’t say anything, just got up and sprinted toward the bathroom, embarrassed.

She closed the door heavily and locked it. She peeked into the mirror-oh god. Her hair was covered by sticky orange juice, and her white T-shirt’s not ever going to look white again. Why did she have to wear this today?? Juices are still dripping down her hair. Someone knocked the door, “You okay, Rach?” Nick’s voice came from outside. “It’s Rachel.” She said, annoyed. “And please go away.” Nick chuckled, “I’ll think of a nice comeback for Kevin. Are you ok? Open the door. I gotta pee.” “Then what about me? I’m like covered in this sticky-sicky-” she grabbed some tissue and started wiping the juice on her hair. Surely works better than hair spray, she thought bitterly.

“Come out there there’s nothing you can do to that mess-I really gotta pee! Emergency!” “Fine.” She unlocked the door but then Nick opened the door, came in and slammed it shut again. The bathroom was tiny, plus Nick’s height, the both of them were squished together in there. “OW! What are you doing you scandal? Get out of here!” Rachel said. Her felt sick and dizzy-not because of Nick, she’s plane sick. Uh-oh, this is no good.

Nick wanted to say something but he closed his mouth shut again. He tried to grab her hand but she jerked it away. “This is not funny, Nick, get out of here, I said.” She said in a serious tone this time. She felt like throwing up so she shut her mouth real tight to hold it back. “Calm down…I’m not going to do anything bad.” He said innocently, “Come on, be my date…please! I really like you,” he said. “Oh please, you don’t even know me,” Rachel scoffed. She tried to keep the distance between them but it appeared to be impossible. “Well at least give me a chance to get to know you…” Nick said, and before she knew what was going on he leaned over and pressed his lips against hers.

Rachel forgot all about the whole vomiting thing. Her stomach gave away and she pushed him away from her just in time to throw up all over his shirt. “YOW!” Nick cried, Rachel threw his hands over her mouth to stop it. She couldn’t think anything to say (mostly because she couldn’t say anything). She was sorry but mad about Nick trying to kiss her at the same time. Before her Nick’s grabbing handful of tissues to wipe his shirt, she just turned around, opened the door and ran for it. Nick came after her.

She knew how ridiculous the both of them looked. Rachel, with her hair and shirt covered in orange juice, her hands over her mouth, after her there’s Nick, looking fluttered with vomit all over his shirt.

That did it. Everybody was laughing, pointing…some of them taking pictures. Rachel’s REALLY embarrassed now. She ran to her seat and sat down, and put her hood over her head. Beside her Anie’s mouth was wide open. “W-what happened? I thought-look what you did to Nick-”

Nick walked slowly back to his seat. He sat down beside Brian, who was speechless. He had his mouth wide open like Anie.” “Dude…what happened in there?” Kevin asked, laughing. “Way to go,” AJ said to her and smiled at her really wide, “I wanna try that someday…” “Come on, I’m not that bad, am I?” Nick joked. “I’m plane sick.” Rachel spit out the words through her fingers. “I used to do that. It gets better after you ride the airplane for probably a thousand times. Wanna come and sit with me? Brian can move.” He asked.

He got no answer again.

“So, what happened in there?” Anie asked her excitedly. She almost screamed out loud when Rachel finished. “You got to kiss Nick Carter! Wow, you know you are the luckiest girl in the world right?” Anie tried hard to keep her voice down. “Acturally no.” Rachel said carelessly. Anie stared at her in a really weird way.
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