TRANSLYVANIA by Frick N Frack Luver
Summary: Please Read + review I'm not very good at summaries the main charecters are Liz, Link and Sparky
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Genres: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5252 Read: 5396 Published: 05/04/06 Updated: 05/06/06
Chapter 1 by Frick N Frack Luver
Author's Notes:

Okay the first chapter is pretty much an intro to the charecters but, the next few chapters will be better hopefully u guys will like this one

It was a cold day. The sun was beginning to set on the blue sky. A girl sat on the swing and she gazed at the purple Halloween clouds, which slowly moved past the sun.

She had green eyes and brown hair, which fell past her shoulders and, ended at the upper part of her back.

She also had brown eyebrows and she didn't weigh much so, her body figure was small.

The girl was wearing a pair of comfortable worn jeans and she was wearing a winter coat that was blue and had white stripes on the sides and, she was wearing a large green t - shirt under the coat and, pink and white Nike sneakers.

The girl was 15 years old and her name was Elizabeth Heddie Levan , but she just liked being called Liz she hated being called Elizabeth.

Liz was a tomboy and she had a natural look she didn't wear skirts, dresses or makeup and, she never painted her toenails or fingernails so her natural look is what made her pretty.

She was born on February 15 1990 and, her parents were divorced.

Liz's dad Henry who was originally from England walked out of her life at the age of 3.

Liz looked over at her brother Sparky who was a small jack Russell terrier dog with pointy ears.

The strange thing was he could talk just like any person could. He taught himself that at the age of 5.

Sparky was born on March 5 1990 that made him 1 month younger then Liz.

Another strange thing was that Sparky aged like a normal person and he simply didn't know why.

At times Sparky would be really annoying and, get on Liz's nerves. Liz and her mom had adopted Sparky at the age of 5.

At that time Liz was only 5 years old, that same year Liz, Sparky and their mom Charlene Jane Levan who was then 25, now 35 had decided to move from Reading Pennsylvania to Womelsdorf Pennsylvania.

They moved because Charlene thought the city was not the ideal place to raise her children.

Sparky Alan Levan was 15 years old the same age as his sister.

Liz began to look at the sky again then, another person began to make his way up to swings where Liz was sitting.

It was Liz's best friend, a guy she had known since she was 9 years old.

He had blue azure eyes and fine locks of short blond hair and brown eyebrows.

The boy was just as tall as Liz and he was 15 years old.

The blue-eyed blonde’s name was Link Joshua Yost and he was born on January 15 1990 in Jamestown, New York.

His parents were Samantha Ann Yost and Charles Joseph Yost both 35 years old and, Link was the only child his mom and dad have ever had.

When he was 5 years old Link and his parents moved from N.Y. to Womelsdorf P.A. They moved there because his parents found new jobs.

Link was wearing a red football jersey, blue jeans and a white baseball cap on backwards some of his blond bangs hung from the upper part of his forehead only adding to his cuteness.

" Hey Liz mind if I sit with ya? " Link asked

" Nope go right ahead " Liz said looking at him.

Link then sat on the swing right next to Liz.

" So how long have you been up here? " Link asked her.

" Only for a few minutes Sparky wanted to come up here and since today is Halloween he wanted to try and scare some little kids"

Link smirked as he pointed over to Sparky who was trying to scare a little girl then he said, " Looks like he's failing so far"

Sparky tried to scare the little girl again and, unfortunately ended up getting tackled by her. As soon as the girl left Sparky came over to Liz and Link and asked " So how did I do? "

Liz and Link then exchanged looks together then, looked back at Sparky " Well? " he asked again.

Link then answered with " I can't believe you let a little girl beat you up"

" Can you blame me Link I’m kinda rusty " then Sparky went over to the nearest bench and sat down.

A few minutes later a girl began making her way up the swings.

The girl had blond hair and blue eyes her name was Zelda Ann Worthington she was born in London England on November 17 1990, which made Liz and Link a few months younger than her.

Zelda was wearing a pink winter coat that she bought in Paris France.

She was also wearing a pink dress, pink eyeliner, pink lipstick, pink high heels and a diamond pearled necklace.

Her long blond hair was up in a bun and she had a pair of sunglasses on.

Zelda was from a very wealthy family.

When her parents Nathan John Worthington and Clarrisa Jane Worthington had married they were given the large amount of money their parents had.

When they moved from England their fortune moved with them.

Zelda was with her groupies who were wearing the same exact thing as her and, Daisy a girl who had green eyes and brown hair was praising Zelda as she walked " You look lovely today Zelda "

" Why thank you Daisy I am lovely aren't I? " Zelda said smiling then she added with, " I'm more lovely than that Elizabeth Levan "

" Yes you are Zelda " Daisy said.

The other girls praised Zelda with words like, " Zelda you look stunning "

" Oh Zelda you're hair looks beautiful today "

" Zelda may I touch your shoes? "

Zelda then turned to her groupies and said, " Thank you girls thank you "

then the girls answered with " No Zelda you should not be thanking us we should be thanking you " Zelda smiled then continued on walking with her groupies right behind her.

Zelda saw Liz and Link talking then she and the girls went up to them then Zelda asked,
" Levan could you move so I may sit there? " Liz didn't hear Zelda because she was lost in conversation with Link.

Zelda cleared her throat and then Liz looked up at her and asked, " What do you want Zelda? "

" Move "

" What? "

" Levan don't push me move "

Liz sat there for a few seconds looking at her hands. " Don't you wish to move for Zelda? " Daisy asked Liz

" Yes Levan as my friend says move "

Zelda waited for a few more seconds then yelled, "MOVE I ORDER YOU TO MOVE! "

Link had had enough of Zelda's demanding. "She doesn't have to move for you Zelda hell she doesn't have to move for anyone! "

Zelda looked over at Link and asked, " Why Link since when is it that you stick up for this girl who is a poor excuse of a human being? "

" Since I’ve known her and Liz doesn't have to move for @#%$ Zelda she can stay right here! " Link then stopped for a second then said, " You only want to be next to me that's why you wanna sit here! "

Zelda then got closer to Link then said " My my you are a quick one aren't you? Then she took one of her fingers and ran it across his jawline " Ah Link one day you will realize that you and me are destined to be together one day I will have you as my own and you will forget that you ever liked this girl Elizabeth one day you will be mine Link all mine " Then she and her groupies walked off.

Link then looked over at Liz and asked, " Do you wanna come over to my house? So we can get ready for Nicole's Halloween party? "

" Yeah sure " she said smiling at him.

Then she called to Sparky " C’mon let's go Sparky we're leaving " Sparky then got off the bench and followed both of them out of the park.

Meanwhile high above in the sky 2 middle-aged women looked down on Liz, Link and Sparky. One of the women who had blond hair asked, " Are they... " her voice trailed off.

" Yes Sarah they are "

"Really the boy is cute we should keep him "

"No " the red haired woman said.

Her name was Winifred. " It’s such a shame they are so young what a pity, we will take care of them but we need someone to help us but rest assure dear sister we will find someone "

Then Sarah asked " So does that mean? "

" Yes it begins and it shall begin tonight "
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