Summary: This story is about Jamie and how she should feel when two best friends fall in love with her.
Or maybe it is not like it looks like!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 14384 Read: 17639 Published: 05/28/07 Updated: 06/24/07
Chapter 2: TIGER!!! by Ryanna
"Hey JAY…" their moment was cut of by the strange male voice.

Jamie looked across the pool and smiled, Jamie looked at Nick "Com'on Nick I want to introduce you to someone. "
Jamie took nick's hand and walked to the guy, "Nick this is my friend and partner Tiger, Ti. This is Nick, he is one of my favorite neighbors ever." Jamie introduced them to each other.
Somehow nick wasn't sure about the whole situation he found himself in, who was this tiger and what is he to Jamie.
Something beating hard and the feeling was not easy in his soul.

He had doubts about it before but they weren't as true as this one. He pretended that he wanted to find Angel, and left both Tiger and Jamie alone.

Instead of looking for his sisters, he found himself walking towards their house.
It was not expected at all though he was told about it once; he was in a plane with the boys and he was not in the mood for flying. AJ started talking to him, and on the way, he was telling him all about this cute girl that lives next door, back then he took her for granted and now he knew that he should not have been that late.

He dropped his weight on the couch and felt so blue, why was the world standing all against him? first his album wasn't that big due to Justin Timberlake justified and his tour had this bad management, his parents are getting a divorce and now the only girl he was hoping to find the same, is actually with a guy called TIGER.

It didn't take him that long to fall asleep on the couch, even in his dreams she was there along with all his nightmares, touring faults bad album breaking up from the boys and Tiger laughing back at him.

He heard voices around him, he didn't want to wake up but he heard all the words.
"See I told you he must have came home Jamie, gosh he looks darn tired" it was BJ's voice
"He does look so, I was getting worried about him, I thought that once he saw Tiger he could get Mad" Jamie was talking now
"Nick getting mad of Tiger, com'on every one knows that Tiger is the last person to care about girls, he has his mind on something else if you get me, plus wouldn't it be weird to date your young fostered brother?" B.J. was asking.
"Yeah it would be, plus I can't fall for anyone but him, you know how much I still love him."
"Sure you do " answered B.J then completed "We should go now you don't want him to be awake"
As the girls left the room, he found himself opening his eyes, staring at the ceiling fully awake she is in love with him and Tiger is just the brother. How relieved he was.
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