A Strange Attraction by ResaD
Summary: Howie and Theresa just couldn't stand each other, so it was a shock, to say the least, when they woke up from a killer headache to find themselves married...to each other! Find out what happens down this road!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Howie
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 6082 Read: 7263 Published: 02/25/09 Updated: 02/26/09
Chapter 5 by ResaD
“What is this bull shit Resa?” I stared at those brown eyes, fighting hard not to lose control.

“It’s divorce papers Howie.”

“I know it is. Why are you doing it?”

“Because we do not want to be married. It’s fake, our marriage is fake. We got drugged that night. Talk to your boy AJ, or his girl Kathy. They did this cause they believe we’re perfect for one another.”

“Do you think that?”

“What I think doesn’t matter. I will not stay in this marriage. Not like this Howie.”

“But, you can not leave me. What about the press?”

“What about them Howie? I am the press, so what about them? They already caught wind of what’s going on. I had a phone call today from the editor of another magazine, asking if she could interview me. So, it’s rather pointless to keep a marriage going, especially since it’s not a real marriage.”

“How is it not real?”

“How? Maybe cause we did not say ‘I Do’ under our own free will. Maybe because we do not love each other.”

“You don’t love me?”

“How can an Ice Queen love anyone?” I saw him stiffen and knew I hit home. I loved him, yet, I wanted him to come to me. If he loved me, like AJ claimed, he would come back to me. But if he didn’t, I was better off on my own, knowing I was meant to be alone. “I have to go. Sign the papers, end it for the both of us Howard, please?” I handed him the pen. He snatched it and signed his name on the line. My heart ached at that site and I could only smile. He glared at me and walked up the stairs, closing the door behind him. I took a shaky breath, knowing I had asked for it, it was my doing that caused this. I walked out the door, closing it behind me and walked out to my car. I took one last look around and drove to my mom’s house.

I sat down in the chair, waiting for the famous people to walk down the red carpet. It was an award show, to be precise, a music award show. Of course, it was one month to do the date that our marriage was ended. He didn’t call, never tried to get a hold of me. And I tired my best to get on with my life. It wasn’t easy. I had been burned yet again in the game of love. I vowed no more, not after this. I heard the fans screaming and quickly stood up and glanced around. They were coming, the guys were first. Howie walked at the back of the group, some blonde bitch on his arm. My eyes misted over and I tried so hard not to let them flow, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t possible. But I would not let him see me like this. I handed the notebook to a fellow reporter and told her to talk to them. She just nodded her head, to excited to see how I was doing. I walked around to the wall, in the shadows. I laid back against the wall, the tears coming hot and fast.

“Do you always do that?” I nearly jumped at the voice and saw his profile. “Well?”

“Not always.”

“You think I’m with her, don’t you?”

“The papers are saying you found a new love.”

“And do you always believe what you read?”


“Like me cheating on you?” I was about to respond and yet I couldn’t. “The papers were wrong, so very wrong. I would never do that, not to you.”

“But you didn’t love me.”

“No, I did Theresa. Fuck, I still do. She’s just a friend, who wanted to come to met someone and I promised her I would take her the next I was free. Do you think it’s easy for me not to get a hold of you?”

“It must be, you haven’t called.”

“I know. But, I was waiting for you.”

“Why me D?”

“Because if you loved me, you would find the way back to my arms. But, I suppose, seeing you tonight, it was supposed to be the other way around.” I fingered my wedding band. “You still wear it?”

“If you didn’t come back to me, I would lead a single life. With the exception…” My eyes opened wide and he looked at me.

“What were you going to say?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“No, you were. In fact, I can bet you that I know what you were going to say.”

“Bet me what?”

“You pay for half the marriage if I tell you correctly.”

“Who says I’m gonna marry you again? Maybe I was unhappy?”

“If you were, that band would have come off a long time ago. You wanna bet, yes or no?”

“Yes.” He smiled at me and something told me he knew. I felt a sick feeling coming on and he knew, knew I was squirming and he was enjoying it.

“You’re pregnant.” I stared at him and he walked over to me. His arms opened and I just shook my head. “You have to met me half way, you have to tell me you love me too.” I walked into his arms and he sighed. “God Resa, do not do that to me again. You torment me, you know that? You blind me, you haunt me. In all my years left, I do not know if I can ever get enough of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I love you woman. You, you are mine. That baby, it’s ours. Please, do not leave me again.”

“I don’t think I could even if I wanted too. I don’t know how it happened, but I’m surely glad it did.” He smiled and his lips slowly descended on mine. I clung to him, not wanting to let him go, not yet, not ever!

I smacked his hand away and he pouted. I could only laugh at his expression. I fixed the plate and he tired again, only to be slapped once more.

“Just one cookie.”

“Not Howard. This is for our guest.”

“But it’s just Kathy and AJ.”

“They helped us when we needed help, so we’re returning the favor.”

“By baking them cookies?”

“No, by doing what they did to us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Baby, don’t you think it’s time for them to get married?”

“Well, of course I do.” I smiled and walked over to my purse. I lifted out a small container and he looked at it.

“What is this?”

“It’s called a Night Drug. Mr. Livingston told me about it. It’s what they used on us.” He smirked and I laughed.

“You’re evil.”

“Yes, but you love me.”

“That I do.” He walked over to me and lifted me up, swinging me around in his arms. “That I do, now and forever.” His lips touched mine, his body pushing me against the wall to his kitchen. “God, never enough.” I moaned and lifted my head back, exposing my neck. His eyes gazed at every inch before his soft lips touched there. And the spell was broken as a soft voice spoke. My little girl walked into the kitchen, holding her doll. She was two years now and just so damn cute. Her black curly hair was long, her brown eyes always stood out.

“Daddy? Mommy? I had dream.” She started pouting and Howie walked over to her.

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Bad dream. Made me cry.”

“Oh sweetie, daddy is here, tell him about it.”

“You lefted mommy. You didn’t wuv her.” I locked eyes with him and smiled. After everything, we had fallen in love. To this day, I can not figure out how and neither can he. Hate was not a strong enough word to use on how we felt for one another. But here we were, happily married, our two year old girl and another one due shortly.

“That will never happen baby. Come on, let me go tell you a story, okay?”

“Otay daddy.” She placed her small head on his shoulder and he walked upstairs. I walked out to the living room and opened the door to find my friends there. I smirked and they looked at me.


“You, what’s that look for?”

“Nothing why. Come in, care for any cookies?”

“Of course,” Kathy said, digging into them. AJ did the same and I just smiled.

I laid down in bed and felt Howie shift behind me. His arm snaked around my waist and I sighed, content at last.

“What’s up baby?” he mumbled.

“Just thinking.”



“Oh, I like that sound. What about us?”

“Just how we started out on a strange attraction.”
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9613