Too Cute For Words by ResaD
Summary: What kind of trouble can a 10 year old and 14 year old get into? ALL KINDS!
This is such an adventure! Theresa was kind enough to take her neices and her best friend to the BSB concert, although, at the meet-n-greet, she got a lot more than she paid for!
Find out what happens when wars break out between a 10 year old and...*ahem* a more older woman. And than between a 14 year old and...*ahem* a more older woman! So much drama...but will it prove to be the key these two older women needed? Find out in this awesome adventure!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 4917 Read: 17136 Published: 05/13/09 Updated: 06/24/09
Chapter 2 by ResaD
Chapter 2
“What are these passes good for?”
“Both what?”
“They have a special event after the concert. The meet n greet, so to speak is before the concert, and the special event is afterwards.”
“Like a party?”
“I saw how much those were going for. Theresa, they were pushing a thousand each,” she hissed at me. I squeezed her arm.
“Terri, shut up!” With that, I glared at her and grabbed Adrianna’s hand while she grabbed Brittani’s. She looked at me and shook her head. Okay, maybe I had over done it, but this was the girls first concert for Backstreet. And they had so much pain in the last few years, wouldn’t be really nice of me to spoil them? And myself? And if I was going that route, what was wrong with spoiling my friend? I had the money, my bills were taking care of, my mom was in good straights, why not spoil those that I loved? We got inside the building, and I could the feel the excitement racing through the girls. Yes, my oldest was going into her sophomore year, but dang, she was still like me and the thought of meeting AJ was just nerve wrecking to her. As for Brittani, she was only ten, but knew that Brian was one day going to be her man, forget the fact that he was currently more than twenty years older. She liked the older men, or rather, so she said.
“And you already ruined their minds right?”
“Of course. I figured if there going to like men, this was one hell of a place to start. Which it is. Brittani already growls, and faints, when she sees Brian. And her favorite video is Quit Playing Games, why, because Brian’s wet. And that’s my ten year old!”
“And Adrianna?”
“Oh honey child, do not get my started on that one!” Both of the girls turned and glared at us. “Whatever it’s true. Now, do you have something for them to sign?”
“Just the passes. They won’t mind.” I glanced at Terri, who only rolled her eyes at Adrianna. Just a few more seconds, and the girls would finally get to meet them…okay, so were we. And by perfect timing, I had made us the last ones to be there, so we got just a few more seconds.
“And who do I make this out to?”
“Brittani. I have to tell you Brian, you’re my favorite.” I stifled my laugh and so did Terri. He glanced up at her, than at us.
“Is one of those ladies, your mom?”
“Nope. One is my aunt, the other is her best friend. Currently, there’s a war…” Terri’s hand quickly flew to cover the younger girl’s mouth. I had to laugh, for Terri was beet red and Brian had a huge grin. His eyebrow rose and Terri lowered her hand.
“It’s nothing.”
“Right. You can let her finish.”
“Really, there’s nothing to finish.” Brian glanced from Terri to Brittani and back to Terri. Brian finished signing both passes and winked at Terri.
“Brittani, I’ll want you to finish that statement later.”
This story archived at