My Mona Lisa by summer03

Ramona hated everything about her and thought she was meant to live like that. What happens when someone shows her just how wrong she is... Read along as she finds love in the place less expected.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Dramedy, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes Word count: 61000 Read: 39005 Published: 12/29/09 Updated: 01/07/11
Chapter 9 by summer03
It had been over six months since he had left his mothers house yet he still yearned to go back. Things had gone exactly like he had expected his old friends were out and his real friends had forgiven him, just like his Mona Lisa had told him. He smiled as remembered his new friend, to his dismay she hadn’t answered his emails nor was he able to contact her at her house. It was like she had vanished, not even his mother knew where she was; apparently she stopped seeing her and when she asked about her she didn’t get a straight answer as to where she was. He sighed and thought about where she could be, why she had vanished from her sanctuary; that’s how she had described her home to him. Enough he thought to himself as he looked out of the building he was in down the busy street, this was LA he thought. He was interrupted by a tall red head, “hi, are you Dr. Dane?” he asked as he smiled at the gorgeous woman standing there.

“Yes, I am and you’re Mr. McLean correct?” She smiled showing her pearly whites, “now why don’t you have a seat on that black couch and get this session started,” she told him as she took a seat in front of the couch with a pad and pen in hand.

“Ok,” he said as he uncomfortably took a seat. He sort of felt intimidated by her beauty he started fidgeting his fingers as he waited for her to start. He didn’t know why but he felt trouble coming his way after one look at her. He sighed heavily waiting for her to start. He promised his mother he would see a shrink so here he was but, he had expected an old bald man in the late forties to be his shrink, not a red headed bombshell.

“Mr. McLean?” she waved her hand in front of his face. She couldn’t believe that her first patient today would be so out of shape emotionally, just by looking at him she could tell he had very mixed emotions. A Backstreet boy tormented by his fears and doubts that’s what he was, she had quite a few famous patients but this one was intriguing to her. “Are you ok? Please, feel free to tell me how you feel about seeing a shrink; I know it may feel awkward but, just for the first time. Then I promise it will be like having a best friend that listens to you without judging you unless you ask. I want you to think of me as a possible friend.”

He was brought back from lala land by her hand in front of his face. “I am sorry I am just a little tired and I have to admit I do feel awkward.” He smiled and took a deep breath to control his nervousness.

“Ok well let’s start by telling me about you. Let’s start from the beginning before you hit stardom, start from as far as you can remember in your childhood. We’ll take it slow and if you think you can’t tell me something let me know and I will help you get through it. Think of me as not being a therapist to you; think of me as the one thing or person you can tell anything to. Ok, I am all ears,” she said as she sat more comfortable on her chair.

“Ok, uhm, I was about five maybe, we as mom and me were staying at my grandparent’s house…I am showing my grandpa a magic trick I had just learned on TV…”


He smiled as he heard her voice, “hey, I just got out of the session with Dr. Dane.”

“How wonderful son, how did it go?” she asked her son. She was so happy to learn he had finally taken her advice and had seen a shrink.

“Well besides being captivated by Dr. Dane’s beauty I think it went well for the first session. She even gave me homework, Yay!” he said in a sarcastic voice. “So how are you? I really miss you and your house.” He said as he couldn’t get himself to say he missed her too. He fell silent and just listened to his mother’s heavy sigh.

“I miss you to honey and like I told you before if you think you’re not ready to face you normal life you always have my door open.” she felt sad as she could hear him start to cry softly, he was her baby.

“Sorry, I just still get emotional sometimes you know. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you to support me. But enough of that I also called you because I got this offer from Oprah, yes THE OPRAH, to go on her show and talk about my situation. I think it’s a good idea so that my fans can see that I have really changed, I Just need a right hand by my side and thought of you. Could you go with me on the Oprah show to talk about the horrible things and stress I put you through?” he waited for her to answer.

“Yes, I’ll be there when it is?” she asked as she got her planner out to right down the date.


She rubbed her temples fiercely hoping that would help the terrible headache she was having. She felt like crap and it was all do to all the partying she was doing. Ever since she arrived to New York it was all parties and shopping. She knew it had to stop soon cause her savings account was starting to show just how much she was partying, soon she would not have enough even for the rent. She had to admit she was enjoying it all though she had so many new friends and she really hadn’t thought much of him which was good. She knew that she needed to find a job soon, because one thing was for sure she was not going to ask her parents for help economically or would she ever move back in with them. She quickly swallowed the Tylenol in her hand and smiled as she looked at the mirror. Six months had gone by and with help from Gilbert and Steve she looked very different she no longer could be called Hermione. Today was the day she would go look for a job at this point it didn’t matter of what but she had to find something. Her bank account was crying for help. She picked up the card Denise had given her before she left Florida and for a second thought about seeing the person whose name was in fine print on the card. She just couldn’t she had to try on her own first, this was New York there had to be art galleries hiring right? She put the card back where she had before; with a sigh and one more look at the mirror; at the new Lisa she walked out of the apartment she shared with Gilbert.

She felt her confidence minimize as she walked out of the five floor building she now called home. She was again facing the old her the scary cat she used to be. “I can do this I know I can,” she said as she called for a cab. She smiled as she saw one pull up beside her, “yes, I know this may sound weird but could you help me? I want to go to every art gallery or museum there is in New York!” she smiled at the young man that was driving the cab. He was actually really young and cute.

“Sure no problem,” he said in his heavy Spanish accent. “Are you new to the Big Apple?” he asked with huge smile.

Feeling more confident with his friendliness she answered, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“Oh, so art galleries? Do you enjoy art then? I am sorry I am asking you so many questions and haven’t even introduced myself. I am Marco Lopez, but my friends call me Marky and in case you’re wondering why I am cab driver. This is just temporary, I write and plan to one day just do that. But till I can get any of my novels or poems published I have to live out of something, so my uncle is a cab driver and he got me into it. There I go again giving out to much information, sorry I am a blabber mouth,” he blushed lightly as he smiled at her again.

“No its ok, actually I am glad your so friendly and nice. I was kind of afraid to go out on my own, usually I go out with my friend, but if I keep going out with him it will only be to party and I just can’t afford that. I need a job soon. He’s making the money, but not me I actually need to work soon,” she giggled nervously as she saw him staring at her with his green eyes through the mirror.

“So job searching, interesting? I would have thought you were a daddy’s little girl you know. I mean you do live in a really nice neighborhood. I am sorry I don’t mean to sound rude,” he said as he continued to drive.

“Well if you would have seen me a few months ago, you would have thought I was Shrek’s sister,” she blushed and giggled at her own comment seeing that he too thought it was funny.

“Really? I don’t think so, how could you say that? Because when I saw you calling for a cab and saw your beauty I thought you were some mirage. How could someone so beautiful be standing in the street alone on a Friday morning and be real. I mean your not ugly at all, I am sorry I still did not get your name?” he asked her subtly as he saw her blush.

She couldn’t believe it he had called her beautiful, but the truth was he had not seen her back when she was hideous. She cleared her throat and spoke, “it’s Lisa, so you said you write?” she had to change the conversation she just felt weird with the current conversation.

“Yes, I do its weird I know; my family thinks I am crazy for it. But, I just love it, arranging words to come out with a romantic or sad poem. Or a novel of things you hear while you take someone to there destination. I just know that’s my calling.”

She felt the car stop and looked out the window only to see a large building; she took a deep breath as she read it. It was an art gallery and it was gorgeous, “Wow, this building is huge and I just can imagine all that it stores inside.”

“Well, you’re here,” he turned and smiled at her. She was in awe as she looked out the window. He liked this girl she was definitely deep in emotions. Something he rarely found in women, “so are you going to get off or are you just going to stare at the building?”

“Oh, right no I’m going do you mind waiting I am just going to ask if they are hiring?” she said pleading with her eyes for him to say yes.

“Well of course didn’t you say you wanted to go to everything related with art? I thought I was taking you to all of them. Have you changed your mind?” he asked her as she opened the door to the cab.


She closed the door and was surprised to find Gilbert just sitting on a couch. “Hey, I thought you had to work?” she asked him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Nah, I called in sick. I didn’t feel good especially after last night; I think I am catching the flu. So I get up and walked to your room thinking you were still sleeping but I only found your bed made?” he asked more as demand than he really wanted to sound like.

“Oh, yeah well I went looking for a job, I mean I’ve been here for six months and haven’t really been looking for one. I said I wanted to come down here because I wanted to be independent and free, do what I want to do. So today I woke up and went for it. I got two possibilities in two different places. An art museum and a gallery, but they are both internships.” She said with a sad tone. She knew that usually internships meant not getting paid for working. She just hoped that luck was by her side and that one offered a paycheck.

“I told you there was no rush Lizzie, I told you didn’t have to pay me rent either. But your so stubborn, I also offered a job through one of Steve’s friend remember?” he answered as he took a drink from the glass in his hand.

She looked at him tenderly and spoke, “I know you did but, I can’t do that to you. Please tell me that’s water you’re drinking?” She took the glass from his grip and smelled the liquid substance in it. “Alcohol? Gilbert, your not suppose to drink this when your sick only makes it worse. Drink water or Gatorade,” she took the glass with her and dumped the contents into the sink. Then she got another glass and filling it with water she took it to him.

“Sheesh, mom thanks for the advice, but really that vodka would have done the job. I am used to it you know, a little vodka when I am feeling under the weather works.” He hesitantly took the glass from her hand. Barely taking a sip he smiled at her, “happy? So, are we on for tonight? Steve says he can get us into this new club that just opened last night. I think it will be great don’t you think?”

“Uh, didn’t you just say you were feeling sick? I thought I could pamper you and cook my mom’s chicken soup recipe. Make you feel better, maybe read you a couple of my new poems. Gibbs, you’ve been partying too much and that’s not healthy. It’s already taking a toll on me! Lets just stay in today and try to get you feeling better?” she put a hand on his hand as she told him that.

“I’m just fine! Lizzie it was just a really bad hangover, it will pass! Quit being such a party pooper and besides I already told Steve I would go! If you don’t want to go fine don’t go stay here and do whatever you want, I am out. I will probably be back till late or I might stay at Steve’s. Make sure you lock up,” with that he walked out of the apartment without another word.

She was still trying to regain herself, what was going on? Was the city affecting her friend’s prudence? She felt hurt for this was the first time he did not agree with her, but she let it pass. Maybe he was right and maybe she was just being too prudent on silly things as a hangover? But, he really didn’t look well in fact he was looking frail and pale. “I just hope he stays safe,” she whispered to know one in specific and with that she headed to her room.


He opened his eyes and knew he was awake for good. The first week of therapy had gone by pretty normal just getting to know his shrink. She was quite agreeable actually and she was right she did not judge him or anything he said. He smiled as her face flashed through his mind; the truth was her attractiveness had made this whole shrink experience even better. She was older than him but, not to old so he did not feel the awkwardness he was sure he would have felt had he gotten someone older. She was only few years older than him, but had she not told him that he would have thought that she was younger. He was brought back from his thoughts by a hand on his chest, he looked and saw the beautiful engagement ring he had given his fiancé. It sparkled with the light that now invaded their room. She was still asleep but had come closer to him laying her hand on him, he couldn’t help but smile. This was good he felt comfortable with her by his side; she had been with him through the hardest point of his life so far. That’s what made him feel she was it, the one that would share the rest of his life with him.

Sarah was one of a kind; he knew that since he first laid his eyes on her that fateful night. She had the voice that could hypnotize anybody; he also remembered how hard he had to struggle to get her to even look at him. This was right, her lying beside him and soon he would also wear a ring to symbolize his devotion to her. He looked at his left hand and just imagined the feeling of having the platinum ring around his finger. Yet as he looked as his hand he got what felt like a plunge on his stomach and a brief picture of him holding Lisa’s hand at the tattoo parlor came in his mind. He shook away the mental picture and tried to ignore why at exact moment he was thinking about his future wedding with the woman he loved right? The picture of her came in his mind and it wasn’t of her after his mother and he gave her the little mini-makeover. It was of Lisa, they way he had first seen her with the bushy eyebrows and mustache. He laughed more as a chuckle as he remembered it. He was just worried right? He hadn’t heard from her yet and he was afraid that his rejection was to blame. “Yeah that’s it,” he thought out loud.

“What’s it?” asked a groggily Sarah. She had just opened her eyes and had caught what he had said.

“Oh, hey did I wake you up?” he asked as he kissed her forehead. He was caught off guard as he felt her grab him and kiss him on the mouth.

“No, this is usually the time I get up,” she told him as she let go of him. She smiled in satisfaction as she saw the smirk on his face after her kiss. “The question is why you’re up this early? Usually your still sleeping at this time,” she arched her brow as she finished her comment.

He sighed slowly as he felt relieved knowing that he had successfully changed the conversation to more pleasant one. “I couldn’t sleep I had jet-leg,” he said as he smiled at her.

“Hmm,” she said in a suspicious way. “I know the world’s best cure for jet-leg,” she continued looking at him with a sly grin.

“Oh, yeah and what would that be?” he asked with a chuckle, he already knew what that cure was.

“How about I just give it to you?” she said as she sat on top of him. She grinned as he just nodded; she loved this man so much. He was it, the man of her dreams, well almost in her dreams he didn’t have so many tattoos and he didn’t sing in pop band. He was close though and he was a so romantic something that drove her crazy. She giggled as she kissed him in the mouth again, this time lingering. She broke the kiss to laugh as she felt his hands wrap around her waist as he turned her so he would be on top of her.

He kissed her again and broke the kiss just to tell her, “I really think this remedy will work!”
This story archived at