Fresh Start by sweet18_2003
Summary: SEQUEL TO FOR BETTER, FOR WORSEKevin, Anna, AJ, Jaime, Nick and Stephanie are back. After being in a coma for months, Kevin finally woke up, deciding it was time to give touring a try in his current state. The tour is over now and new problems are about to surface as old graves are dug up, which bring on a whole new array of events. Nick and Stephanie are on rocky grounds while at the same time, AJ and Jaime are planning a wedding. Anna and Kevin are taking things slow, trying to get their lives back to normal after the events that took place in the beginning stages of their relationship. Will everything turn out the way it is supposed to, or are some things lost forever making the old saying true that ?some things just aren?t meant to be? ?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 52985 Read: 29008 Published: 10/27/05 Updated: 04/14/08
Chapter Six by sweet18_2003
Chapter Six

“Well, here goes nothing...” Nick mumbled as he saw his ex girlfriend making her way in to the local Starbucks coffee house. He stood up ready to greet her like a gentleman. The woman looked the same as she always had to Nick. She approached him and pulled him in to a warm hug, completely ignoring the hand he’d stretched out only intending to shake hers, “Hi, Willa. How are you?”

“I’m good,” she replied as she took a seat at the small table, “Thanks for agreeing to meet me here.” she stated with a smile.

Nick just shrugged. He felt highly uncomfortable being near the woman. It kept coming back to his mind again and again that she was the sole reason for his failed relationship. If it hadn’t been for his stupidity, then none of this would even be happening. But here he was, with her again. It didn’t matter that it was as just acquaintances. That was besides the point. She’d screwed him over in more ways than one.

“So, look well.” she smiled sweetly at him, “Gorgeous as ever. Then again, you’ll be one of those sixty year olds on the beach having young girls all over you thinking you’re thirty.” she laughed.

“ look good yourself,” Nick mentioned as he nodded towards her taking a sip of his coffee to keep his hands occupied.

“So, you’re still wearing that as a disguise, huh?” she laughed and clicked her tongue, “That goofy hat with the shaggy brown hair popping out from underneath. I suppose it’s done you good so far though.”

Again, Nick shrugged. Things were definitely tense. That much was obvious. God, how he hated being there with her. Neither had a thing in the world to say. What was even the point? Nick didn’t feel that there was one, however he had to remind himself that for some unknown reason, he’d agreed to meet Willa there. She looked the same as ever to him, but he was sure that evil still lied beneath the surface. After all, evil never died. Evil was hard to rid of.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Nick asked after another minute of silence.

“Just wanted to catch up,” Willa smiled, “We’ve always been able to talk so well..I don’t see why things had to change because of a breakup.”

Nick snorted, “Maybe because you used and manipulated me and then threw me to the curb? We broke up years ago. There is no rule book that said that we had to keep in touch. People break up all of the time and never speak to one another again.”

“True, but I don’t want that to be us.” Willa soothed, “We’ve been apart now for some time...I think it’s okay for us to be friends or at least be civil to each other.”

Nick sighed. Why couldn’t the woman just leave him alone? Then again, it would make life more bearable if he had somebody to talk to. Sure, the guys were great...but most of them had girlfriends and there were some things that he just couldn’t share with them. Some things he couldn’t share with the girls, whom were also his friends. It would be great to just have one person to be able to confide things in. True, Willa probably wasn’t the most trustworthy person in the world, but just maybe...

‘So, how is Kevin doing?” she asked, interrupting Nick’s train of thought, “Last I were just about to tour again and he was the wheelchair. I haven’t seen him though...” she let her voice trail off suggestively, hinting for Nick to fill her in with the information she was looking for.

“Kev in doing alright,” Nick sighed, “He did great on tour. He had a doctors appointment a few days ago. It kind of got him down because the news wasn’t so good.” he sighed, “I think he’ll be alright least mentally.”

Willa gave Nick a sympathetic smile. He didn’t know if it was sincere or not though. She seemed genuine enough, but then again...Nick had thought exactly that the entire time he’d been dated her though, and look where it had gotten him? A bruised heart and a bad reputation for some time with lies that she had spread about him and people had believed. It had taken him months to convince the public that he was not bad and that nothing was true. What made him thing that she could be trusted this time? Nick didn’t know, but some sort of gut feeling was telling him that he could, for some odd reason.

“That’s too bad,” Willa mentioned, “He’s such a strong man. I’m sure he’ll be fine. And that girlfriend of his is there for him. He has her support to get through it.”

“Anna.” Nick said her name as he nodded his head, “She’s been amazing for his confidence and mindset. If it wasn’t for that girl...then I don’t know where Kevin would be. I...I’m af...afraid to know.” his voice quavered slightly at the thought of the man he looked up to, his role model, the one person who’d influenced him more than anybody ever knew, not being around any longer. It was a scary thought.

“Things definitely wouldn’t be the same...” Willa admitted, “Kevin’s always been a great one to talk to. I know that he never cared much for me, but when we were having problems...the first time...I went to him for advice. He actually gave me some really good advice.”

Nick’s eyes widened in surprise, “ went to Kevin about us?”

Willa nodded her head, “Well, yeah. I didn’t want to lose you and didn’t know what to do on my own. Things fell to shit anyways though. It wasn’t right away. Things were great for a little while again,” she sighed, “Point is, he always tries to help people out. He’s lucky to have all of you and Anna to return the favor.”

Nick smiled at Willa...his first real smile since they’d met up. Was it possible that the woman wasn’t so bad after all? It seemed to him that just maybe she had changed. The thing was, Nick felt that it had even though he had some reservations for being hurt or humiliated again. The tension was gone though and surprisingly, he was having an easy time talking to her now. Just like old time, they were communicating on a mature level with ease. Nick hated to admit it, but as he sat talking to the woman, he was actually having a good time. Maybe too good of a time, but a good time none the less. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to make him realize that he would be meeting her again.


“So, what kind of dress are you looking for?” a bridal consultant named Debra asked Jaime as she led her and her three friends through the rows of white and off white, “Traditional, elegant, full, straight cut...” her voice trailed to give the bride to be a moment to think of what she wanted for her big day.

“I really don’t know,” Jaime bit her lip and laughed nervously, “They’re all so” she smiled at the thought of marrying AJ...her Alexander James McLean, the one and only and he had chosen her. Who would have thought? “I guess that we’ll just pick out a few and go from there.”

Debra nodded her head as she started at the end of a long row pulling off both some full gowns and some that were just straight. Some were busy with beautiful bead design, or layers or even lace and others were nearly plain but gorgeous in their own way. Once she had a few of each draped over her arm, she led Jaime to a dressing room to try them on, hanging the gowns up neatly. She exited the room, closing the solid red-wood door behind her.

“Call me if you need anything in a different size or just more gowns to try on.” the woman called through the door.

“Okay!” Jaime called back perkily, her voice showing her excitement about the whole situation of getting married.

This caused Gloria, Anna and Stephanie to all laugh as Debra walked away to help somebody else while her client was in the dressing room. It was a good bet that they were all picturing what Jaime was going to look like in her first dress. With her short stature and petite frame, she really couldn’t go wrong. The point of the day was to just intentions of buying anything until they ventured off to other stores to see the selections.

“I can’t believe our little Jaime is getting married,” Anna smiled, “Who knew she’d be the first to tie the knot. She’s going to look so gorgeous in a wedding dress walking down the isle...” she let her voice trail off as a tear of happiness formed in the corner of her eye. She wiped it away gingerly as she noticed the look of disbelief that Stephanie was giving her, “What?”

“You’re such a sap. And dresses are way in hell will I be caught dead in a frilly, white dress that...” she stopped when one of the workers in the store walked past them eying her up and down in distaste, “Well...dresses are not my thing.”

“I’m with you there,” Gloria agreed with a nod of her head, “I think when I get married, it will be in a white dressy suit. If my husband to be wants to see a dress, he’s going to have to be the one wearing it!”

“Now that will be a sight to see!” Stephanie cracked, “Have him walk down the isle while Here Comes The Bride is being played on the organ.

This caused all three girls to crack up laughing, each picturing Howie in a full white dress, clip on earrings and a veil to finish the outfit off. True, the relationship was new and plans of wedding bells for the two weren’t even close to being in the picture yet. Since that was who the girl was with though, that was the man they pictured dressed in bridal shop drag. It produced a rather morbid, disturbing image to all of them. So disturbing that they didn’t even see their friend emerge from the dressing room in the first of what would be a long line of dresses to model for them.

‘Excuse me!” she exclaimed loudly to catch their attention, and when she had it, spun around so that they could all see the full effect, “What do you think of this one?”

“It’s pretty!” Gloria exclaimed.

“You look like a princess!” Anna agreed

“You look like the dress at you!” Stephanie stated in astonishment, “It is way too much material for as small as you are...something simpler, honestly.”

Jaime looked down at the dress that was flowing in layers of a creamy white color going off to the side. At the waist, where the layers all came together neatly was a white flower. The dress was strapless, but the top was tight fitting across her generous breast. To be honest, Jaime had felt lost within the dress from the second she’d stepped in to it.

“Yeah...I’m thinking the it is this huge mound of white with a head and some arms trying to find their way out.” she stated her own opinion, “Plus, I’d need to have the shit altered out of the damned thing.”

“Honey, you’re gonna need the shit altered out of any of these dresses here or anywhere for that matter!” Anna joked, causing everyone to laugh at the honesty behind it all.

“Oh, bite me!” Jaime complained as she flipped off her friends in an all-for-fun manner.

“Oh, cute...that’ll win over just about anybody...a bride going around flipping people sweet!” Gloria hooted, causing the laughter to start all over again. Even Jaime couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t thing that anything could ruin her mood.

“Ah, well...I’m going to get out of this thing and try on the next one...I guess I can rule out anything full.”

Nobody replied because when it came down to it, they kind of agreed. True, she’d looked really pretty and like a princess, but it was felt that something either hardly full or just straight cut would be better. They were glad that Jaime had the same thoughts so that she would buy the absolute best dress for her and not what she liked off of the rack and still on the hanger.

After nearly two dozen dresses being put on and taken off while what was agreed to be three of her bridesmaids talked, Jaime stepped out of the dressing room one final time. At that moment, it was as if all of the world stopped. They were speechless as she twirled around for them to see. This gown screamed Jaime’s name, fitting her every curve in just the right places. It was a shade of off white so subtle that it might as well have been white, but when the light hit it at all the right angles it shined. The design was simple, going full length to the floor all the way around however it was straight cut. It had sleeves that were short and draped low on to her shoulders with just a little bit of puff to give it some character.

“Oh my god...” Anna finally found her voice, “It’s perfect....absolutely stunning on you.”

“I know!” Jaime stated, “It feels so right this time..just...” she paused, “I’m getting it.”

“I thought we were just looking today?” Stephanie reminded them, “It is the best one so far, but what about other stores?”

Jaime shrugged it off, “I can’t find anything this great anywhere else...and if I don’t get it now, it may not be here in a few months. Me and AJ...we’re going to be married in less than a year. The choice is final...I’m getting it...after twenty-eight dresses...I’ve found my calling.”

“Are you sure?” Stephanie asked, just wanting to make sure before Jaime made the important decision and then changed her mind once it was too late.

Jaime nodded her head though in response though without a second thought. True, she may be rushing in to it, but she absolutely loved the dress and wasn’t taking any chances. Before anybody had a chance to try and make her changer her mind again, Jaime was off to find Debra to make alteration arrangements. She was one step closer to making her wedding come to life and nothing could change the excitement within her to die down.

“Don’t open your eyes until I say so.” Howie whispered in to Gloria’s ear as he kissed the back of her neck from behind, leading her in to some unknown place.

“Kind of hard for me to open my eyes when your hands are covering them so tightly, dear.” Gloria cracked somewhat sarcastically.

This caused her boyfriend to chuckle lightly. In response, Gloria laughed as well. It was a nervous laugh though, as she had absolutely no clue what Howie had up his sleeve. She hadn’t even had much notice for the ‘date’, for he’d called her up and asked if she was free. When she had said yes, he had informed her that he would be by to pick her up in two hours and to wear something dressy. Other than that, he’d been mysterious about the entire thing.

“Just a few more steps,” Howie promised, sensing her anxiety. He could only imagine what was running through her mind. When he had picked her up, he had given her a bouquet of daisies and a box of some of the finest chocolates from Godiva. She’d definitely been surprised. Part two of his surprise he hoped would be even better...

“You aren’t leading me to a cliff and then going to push me over and off my ass, are you?” Gloria joked lightly.

“Only you, Glor...only you.” Howie shook his head even though she couldn’t see it, “You’re too special to me to do something so horrible to.” he promised her and suddenly he stopped, “Okay, you can open your eyes.” he gently slid his hands off of her eyes and waited for a reaction. It was only a few seconds before he heard a light gasp as her own hands clasped over her mouth in astonishment, “What do you think?”

Gloria didn’t reply right off, as she was in complete awe at what he’d set up for her. It was obvious that they were in a restaurant. A rather classy restaurant. He had reserved their own separate room though, away from the rest of the place. White french style doors were drawn shut with elegant shades pulled to create a romantic, dim setting. The only light being produced was from the candles lining the room all over of all different heights and thicknesses. They were all over the floor with a path for them to walk to the table, which was made of iron in an old design that looked like something from centuries ago. Place on top of it in the center were three more candles. The whole thing was simple, yet the beauty of it touched Gloria’t heart more than anything ever had.

“Wow...Howie.” she blinked back tears as she turned around, giving him a kiss, “You’re turning me in to such a sap with your romantic ways.” she sighed happily as she looked him over. He definitely looked handsome in his full suit, his curly brown locks short and perfect around his head and face.

“So you like it?” he asked as he took her in to his arms to hold her lightly and close to his body, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

‘I love it.” Gloria approved, “What’s the special occasion though?”

“Our four months together.” Howie said without thought, “And...well...because I love you.”

Gloria drew back in shock at his last confession. It was the first time he’d told her those three meaningful words. She had been longing to tell him for a month now, but like most other girls, had been nervous. She figured that he could tell her first and only then would she reply. Here it was though and at the best moment that she could ever imagine. Four Time had flown by.

“You do?” Gloria found herself asking softly without thinking. Howie nodded as he smiled at her, stroking her cheek with his forefinger, “I...I love you too Howie.” he just smiled in response as if he’d known it all along.

“So, um..since we haven’t really had any true time alone...I figured that now would be the perfect change,” Howie told her as he took her hand and lead her to one of the chairs at the table, pulling it out for her. She accepted, sitting down and he rounded the table to take his own seat, “I hope that I made it worth your time.”

Just as Gloria was about to answer, three men dressed in suites came through a back door holding violins. They played soft music that was soothing and romantic both as they took seats in a corner, reading off of music sheets. It was obvious that Howie really had put a lot of thought in to the night for her and it showed. The last touch was like the icing on the cake, making the whole evening tie together in to the perfect package of Howie showing his love, devotion and adoration for her. She honestly couldn’t have thought of anything more that would have made the evening better, as Howie had thought of it all.

“It is definitely worth my time...” Gloria promised, “Thank’s amazing. I mean, I would have been happy with a quarter pounder with cheese at McDonalds with one candle on the table.”

Howie just laughed, “You’re too good for that, Gloria. You deserve the best.” He took her hands in to his, kissing her fingertips and Gloria blushed again.

For a few minutes, everything was silent as Howie opened up his menu, Gloria taking it as cue to do the same. She kept looking up at Howie from the top of her menu though, unable to help herself and a few times, their eyes caught because of him doing the same. Each time his brown eyes met her jade ones, they exchanged a smile. There was something different about this than every other night they’d spent together. Howie had a new glow to him, his eyes a new sparkle twinkling within the depths of them. Maybe it was just the glow of the candles reflecting off of his face, or maybe it was because their relationship was taking off to new levels. Either way though, they had something special and there was something fresh and different about that night.

This was truly the single most romantic night of her life and Howie had made it possible. All she could do was stare at him and think of how lucky she was at having such a great guy in her life as their server came up and took their orders, but Savannah already had what she wanted, for she was all filled up with happiness and love that Howie had brought in to her life.
This story archived at