Crash Course by Izzy by old_archive

Originally Found On: Ocean Izzy

Summary: The first story I posted! (Around 97, wow!) On the way to their next venue, the guys' bus crashes and leaves them stranded in the woods...

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: Archived Author: Izzy
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 25510 Read: 19667 Published: 09/24/09 Updated: 09/24/09
Part V by old_archive

Crash Course

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Chapter 13

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Howie glanced silently at AJ before reaching up his fist and knocking soundly on the wooden door. They both tensed as they waited for an answer, trying not to envision the worst. The house they had picked was a white-washed cottage with blue trim, one of the first they had come to. Both boys were jumpy and kept turning around on the porch at the slightest rustle of leaves. Shapes danced and played in the shadows, making them uneasy while they waited.

"Well, I guess no one's home," AJ announced, trying to sound disappointed. Howie saw right through him and rolled his eyes. AJ leaned heavily against the side of the house with a sigh- he was beginning to feel dizzy again.

"You okay?"

"Peachy." AJ gave a lopsided grin. Before Howie could remark, the wooden door opened with a creak and a small woman who appeared to be in her late sixties appeared. A checkered apron hung from around her waist and a look of concern came over her features as she took a look at them.

"Oh, my goodness, are you boys alright?"

"Well . . ." AJ trailed off.

"Come in, come in!" She opened the door wider and ushered them inside. They welcomed the warmth and hominess of her abode. A crackling fire glowed softly in the fireplace. "Here, let me take your coats," she offered. She asked no questions of them, just started to fuss over them. "Have a seat on the couch . . ."

"Thank you," Howie said softly. She smiled at him.

"No problem, darling. You too look like you need some TLC." She reminded him a grandmother type figure and he began to relax. "What are your names?"

"I'm Howie and this is AJ."

"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, boys. You can call me Maude." She watched them sink onto the couch in exhaustion and her heart went out to them. She looked each of them over from where she stood, for the first time noticing their injuries. "You're hurt!" she exclaimed.

"Not really," AJ objected.

"You especially, young man," Maude said, voice gentle. Her voice was very soft. "How'd you bump your head so badly?"

"Accidentally," AJ said.

"We were in an accident," Howie said, not giving anymore information. She didn't press.

"Well, let me fix you up and get you something to eat, how does that sound?"

"Thank you so much," Howie said again, his voice expressing their gratitude.

"You're very welcome. I'll enjoy the company. You two remind me of my grandsons," she said fondly. Howie smiled.

"Where is the nearest police station?" AJ spoke up. He didn't seem to be listening.

"Why, there's one in the next town over I believe," Maude answered. She saw his expression. "But it's too late to go there tonight, sweetheart. Rest up now, and I'll have one of the neighbors drive you over tomorrow."


"That would be great," Howie spoke up. He sent AJ a reassuring nod. "It's gonna be okay," he mouthed. AJ nodded, trying to believe him.

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Okay, something was definitely outside. Or someone. Who cared what Kevin, or even Brian, said. Nick tried to ignore the shadow that kept looking in on them through the window. It sent chills down his spine. Maybe the owner of the cabin had come back. Or a hiker in the woods had decided to stop. Never mind the fact it was pitch black outside except for the moon's glow. There was definitely something there.

Nick tried to concentrate on his gameboy instead. He debated whether or not to wake up Kevin and Brian, who had fallen asleep, but as much as he needed the company, he figured they needed the sleep. He would sleep himself but he really couldn't. So that left him and the gameboy. He felt awful. One second he was cold, the next hot. It was driving him crazy. Multiplied by the pain that had him wanting to scream. The extra Tylenols he sneaked past Brian and Kev didn't help.

Looking up from his game, he watched the shadows pause by the window again. That was it. He was going to check out what it was. If it really was a tree branch or whatever, all the better. He glanced at his friends' sleeping forms for a second and then rose from the couch slowly. The increase in pain this time was minimal. He really didn't think he could feel any more though.

Nick made his way over to the window by a few small steps, leaning heavily on the backs of the furniture. The window was only a few feet away anyway. He hated being handicapped in any way whatsoever. It made things so difficult. Reaching the window, he leaned thankfully on the thick sill and pressed his forehead against the pane of glass, welcoming the coolness. His eyes scanned the outside area anxiously. Nothing.

Then, all of a sudden, two eyes stared straight back at him. He screamed, automatically jumping away from the glass. His leg protested the action immediately.

"Nick?" Brian's voice came from the couch. "Why are you up and what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Nick's voice shook. Maybe it was an animal. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest. "Brian, come here . . ." He was suddenly afraid to move. Brian stood up and came towards him.

"I thought we told you not to move?" Brian's voice had a chiding tone. Nick suddenly wished he had listened.

"I saw something."

"You did? What was it?"


A look came over Brian's face, but left as soon as it came. "You've been seeing a lot of stuff," he said. "C'mere."

"I swear," Nick started as Brian took him by the arm. He let his older friend lead him back to the couch. He leaned on Brian to take the weight off.

"I believe you, bud. I just don't know what to do about it." Brian sent him a reassuring grin. "Why don't you try and get some more sleep?" He suggested. "You look exhausted." Nick shrugged.

"I keep having these dreams," he admitted. "Like I keep seeing Rick's face over and over. All bloody . . ." He trailed off. "I'd rather stay awake."

"There's nothing to worry about," Brian said. He actually wasn't so sure himself. The shadows were scaring him too, although he didn't want Nick to be any more afraid. So he didn't mention it.

"Let's play a game," Nick suggested.

"Okay," Brian said readily. A way to pass the time again. "What kind of game?"

"Uh . . . charades."

"But you're not getting up, Frack," Brian reminded.

Nick smiled playfully. He seemed to forget about what he saw out the window, for which Brian was thankful. "Then I guess you're gonna have to do a lot of acting, huh?"

Brian rolled his eyes.

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Chapter 14

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There was nothing eerier than the sounds of silence. Especially your own silence- when you knew the world was going on without you but you were stuck somewhere, helpless. That's what he hated most of all.

AJ reached up and gingerly felt the small bandage on his head. That old woman had certainly been kind to them, that he admitted, but he still had a hard time trusting her after what had happened. He glanced at his best friend's sleeping form. Howie didn't seem to have any trouble with trust, but that was just his nature. Always trying to see the best in a person before the worst. The way AJ saw it, things just didn't work that way.

The silence was torture and AJ finally gave in, turning on the TV and lowering the volume. He didn't want to wake anyone up. Maude had retired upstairs over an hour ago after dishing out chicken soup and hot cocoa. Howie had drifted off soon after, but AJ just had too much on his mind. Never mind that it was early morning. Flipping through the channels aimlessly, he soon paused on some cartoon network playing reruns of some Spiderman episodes. Perfect- something distracting without too much thought.

But the cartoons automatically made him think about Nick, and then, the other guys. He missed them. Being on tour at the moment, you would think a little time away would be cherished, but not in this situation. They had been through a whole lot together, and right now what AJ wanted was the comfort of his brothers beside him. He flipped past the cartoon.

'That Thing You Do' was on another channel but AJ didn't even pause on it. Was it just this morning that they had been arguing lightly over what to watch? It seemed an eternity ago. He passed over the early morning game shows and telethons and a music video took over the screen on the next channel. He immediately recognized it as their own and paused to watch. It was nearing the end of Quit Playing Games and he almost smiled as he watched it fade out on the five of them singing in the rain.

"And that was Quit Playing Games by the Backstreet Boys," the VJ announced as she came into view. "Number one on our countdown today. News on the boys' condition will follow. Have a nice night." The screen faded out and commercials took over. AJ's stomach flopped. Condition?

"Howie," he hissed, reaching up and shaking his shoulder. Howie mumbled something and turned his head, not waking. AJ tugged the older man's hair. "Damn it, D, wake up!" he whispered hoarsely.

"What?" Howie opened his eyes slowly.

"Watch TV with me," AJ said slowly. Howie's eyes narrowed.

"Huh? Is that what you woke me for?"

"No, it's important." AJ sighed. "The channel . . . they said they have news on our condition."

"Condition?" Howie frowned.

"My thoughts exactly." AJ paused. "Do you think they found the guys?"

"I don't know . . ." Howie shrugged. "It's possible."

Both focused anxiously on the TV as the commercial break ended and the VJ reappeared. "Good morning. Late yesterday afternoon, news had it that the rising pop group The Backstreet Boys had come across some trouble en route to their next venue on the American tour. Due to the poor weather conditions, the bus skidded off the highway and down a small incline." The camera panned over a view of the turned over, and smashed up, tour bus. "The bus and driver have been found, but as of now the boys are still missing. Local officials are searching the perimeters and more news will follow as we learn of it. In other news . . ."

AJ flipped it off and looked at Howie. "So they know the area where we are at least."

"Not where we are," Howie interrupted. "I don't even know where we are . . ."

AJ sighed. "This was my damn idea to begin with," he muttered. "Why did you listen to me anyway?" He paused. "Why did Kevin listen to me?"

"Bone . . ."

"No. Next time I have a 'great idea', just someone smack me, okay?"

But he smiled.

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Someone was at the door, pounding on it with their fist. The loud knocking on the wooden frame echoed throughout the cabin. Kevin glanced at Brian's nervous face before getting up and heading over to answer it. Brian immediately grabbed on the back of his shirt and tried to stop him.

"Kevin, no . . . You don't know who's there." Brian was getting dragged along toward the door, much to his dismay. He thought back to the eyes Nick had seen and his stomach twisted. "Kevin, stop . . .?"

"Sh . . . It's okay." Kevin reached the door and paused with his hand on the knob. "I'm opening it," he cautioned, and Brian immediately stepped behind his taller form. Kevin pulled open the door and cold air rushed in, revealing a man and a woman rescue worker. Kevin let out a breath of relief.

"We're from the county rescue squad," the man started. "My name's Frank and this is Jill."

"Kevin, and this is Brian." Kevin wrapped an arm around his cousin's neck loosely to reassure the younger man.

"Is anyone hurt?" Jill demanded as they came inside. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her eyes surveyed the cabin.

"Nick is," Brian spoke up, motioning to where the youngest lay sleeping on the couch. Jill immediately rushed over, leaving the guys with Frank.

"Are there just the three of you?" Frank questioned. "The report said five of you."

"Just the three of us here," Kevin said. "Howie and AJ went to go find help yesterday." He saw the discouraged look on the rescue worker's face and a guilty feeling settled in his stomach. If anything had happened to them, he'd never forgive himself.

"Well, we'll see if there's any word on them when we get back to the station," Frank said lightly, but not hopefully, Kevin noticed. "First thing is to get you boys to the County Hospital and get you checked out."


Nick felt himself being prodded and moved a little, much to his discomfort. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with someone he didn't recognize and let out a yell. She wasn't fazed, but Nick immediately found Brian and Kevin at his side.

"You okay, Nick?" Brian asked, brow creased in worry.

"Who is that?" Nick demanded, pushing the woman's hands away from where they hovered above his leg. They were still in the cabin he noticed, but he didn't know who the new people were. Kevin lightly rested a hand on the younger's head.

"They're rescue workers," he said softly. "We're getting out of here, baby, okay? Get you fixed up." Nick nodded absently.

"Okay." He paused. "Let's just stay together," he added as an afterthought. "Okay?"

"No problem, buddy." Kevin nodded at the man and woman. "Let's get out of here."

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Chapter 15

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"Rise and shine, Howie!"


"Get up." AJ looked down at his sleepy friend with an impatient expression. "Get up, get up, get up . . ."

"Okay, Bone, calm down. What's your rush?" Howie sat up on the couch slowly. "Huh?"

"I wanna get out of here, get to the police, find the guys . . . and go home. Okay?" AJ crossed his arms. "And Maude is making a huge breakfast in the kitchen so she told me to kindly wake you up," he added sweetly.

"Kindly being the key word, I see," Howie muttered.

"You got it. C'mon. Eat fast."

"Sure thing," Howie replied with a laugh. He followed AJ into the kitchen and his eyes widened. Set across the table were pancakes, waffles, toast, eggs, the works. Wow. He stared at Maude. "You didn't have to . . ."

"But I did," the woman said with a smile. "So eat up."

AJ sat down and poured himself some juice. He really wasn't too hungry, thanks to his head injury, but didn't want to hurt Maude's feelings. Or make Howie worry even more, for that matter. So he piled his plate up. "Mmm." He grinned at the proud look on Maude's face. "You must be the best cook ever," he exclaimed.

"Aw . . . Aren't you so sweet?" Maude glowed at the compliment. Howie sent AJ an amused smile. That boy knew how to kiss up, that's for sure. Maude smiled at both of them. "And don't worry about getting to the station, boys. The neighbor down the street offered to drive you since he's heading there anyhow."

"Thank you so much for everything," Howie said with a grateful smile.

"No problem, sweetheart. If you're ever in need, feel free to come back," she told them. "Eat up now."

About an hour later, they stepped out in front of the police station. The neighbor who dropped them off wished them the best of luck and drove away. Howie and AJ looked at one another with mixed expressions. Back on their own.

"Here goes nothing . . ."

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"So you guys are the Backstreet Boys, huh?" The woman named Jill turned around to look at the three guys in the back of the rescue vehicle. Kevin turned toward her.

"Yeah, we are . . ."

"How much are you guys worth anyway?" she wondered aloud, pulling her hair down from the ponytail.

"Worth?" Brian laughed and glanced at Kev. "What do you mean?"

"How much money are you guys worth?"

"A lot of money. Billions," Nick replied hotly, wishing she'd shut up. Kevin smiled fondly at their youngest's answer.

"Just wondering . . ." She smiled sweetly. "Calm down, kid. What's your problem?" Nick rolled his eyes.


"How long 'till we get to the hospital?" Brian spoke up, looking forward to everything finally being over. All he wanted right about now was some hot food and a warm bed.

"Ah, that depends. How long, Frank?"

"Half hour?" the man answered, speaking for the first time since they had gotten in the van. "Or more."

"Or less," Jill added with a laugh. "It depends."

"On what?' Brian pressed.

"Us," Jill said with a smirk. "It all depends on us."

Nick winced as the van hit over a bump and jarred his leg. He sank lower in the seat and leaned on Brian. "I hope they hurry, Frick," he whispered.

"Me too." Brian wrapped an arm around him reassuringly.

"I don't trust them," Nick continued. "They're weird." He saw Kevin look at them sharply and press a finger to his lips. Jill was watching.

"What're you talking about?" she demanded.

"Um . . . We said that we hope we don't have to pay for the TV at the hospital," Brian said quickly. "It's such a pain then, you know?" He gave her his one and only smile, but she wasn't fazed.

"Right, I'm sure. Don't whisper," she ordered.

"Gee, Brian, I sure hope we don't have to pay for the TV at the hospital," Nick said really loudly, almost yelling. "It's such a pain!"

"Be a smartass and we'll pull over and make sure you never walk again, alright, kid?" Jill's tone was sharp. Nick's eyes widened as he sucked in a breath. Brian's hold tightened.

"Who the hell are you?" Kevin demanded to the front of the van. "Don't threaten him."

"Ooh, I'm scared," Jill muttered. "Look. If you don't want your precious little brother to get hurt, make him shut his mouth. Simple as that." Kevin clenched his jaw tightly. So the help they had finally gotten wasn't really help. What did they want? He glanced at Nick and Brian, who both had frightened looks on their faces. Nick almost looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't blame him.

He tried to think what in the world the so-called 'rescue workers' wanted. Money? They had asked how much they were worth . . . That seemed the only possible scenario. A ransom perhaps?

Not if he could help it.

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This story archived at