Crash Course by Izzy by old_archive

Originally Found On: Ocean Izzy

Summary: The first story I posted! (Around 97, wow!) On the way to their next venue, the guys' bus crashes and leaves them stranded in the woods...

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: Archived Author: Izzy
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 25510 Read: 19655 Published: 09/24/09 Updated: 09/24/09

1. Part I by old_archive

2. Part II by old_archive

3. Part III by old_archive

4. Part IV by old_archive

5. Part V by old_archive

6. Part VI by old_archive

7. Part VII by old_archive

8. Part VIII by old_archive

9. Part IX by old_archive

Part I by old_archive

Crash Course

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Chapter 1

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"This is so boring!" Nick slammed the door that separated the bus from the driver's portion of the vehicle, making his way into where the others were.

"Don't slam the door," AJ whined. He turned up the volume on his headphones, frowning at him. Nick made a face back and Kevin looked up from a newspaper, eyes narrowing.

"What were you doing in there?"

Nick looked down. "Asking them to stop at the next amusement park we pass," he admitted. Brian grinned at his friend.

"And what'd they say?"


Brian sighed. "Too bad . . ."

AJ rolled his eyes. "What'd you think they were gonna say? We're in the middle of friggin' nowhere . . ." He trailed off.

"Relax guys," Howie told them. "This is your only free time. Enjoy it while it lasts."

"It's a waste! Stuck on a stupid bus!"

"Take a nap, Nick," Kevin suggested dryly.

"Now you sound like Donna . . ."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Then stop whining."

"I'm not," Nick stated. He plopped down next to Brian on the couch and stared out the window. "It's raining?"

"Someone's swift," came a muttered reply from AJ.

"Not swift, AJ. Blonde," Brian said with a grin. He wrapped an arm around Nick shoulders so he'd know he was teasing.

"Not funny, Rok," Nick answered.

"Sorry. But it's true!" The man's blue eyes glittered with amusement.

Out of boredom, Howie flipped on the TV and found a movie. "Hey, guys! It's 'That Thing You Do'."

"Seen it," AJ answered.

Brian cleared his throat. "Guys . . . Chad fell down," he said in a whiny voice. Immediately he and Nick started cracking up. Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"I still don't see what you guys found so funny about that part."

"It was the best part of the movie!" Nick exclaimed, still laughing.

"Good enough to rewind a billion times?" Howie asked with a smile.

Brian and Nick nodded.


"Oh yeah."


They started laughing again.

AJ rolled his eyes. "Anyway," he said loudly. "Find another movie, D. They're crazy."

"I like this movie," Howie replied, not moving.

AJ pulled his headphones back on. "Fine." There was a moment of silence while Howie, Nick, and Brian sat watching the movie. Then all of a sudden, Nick sat up abruptly.

"Did you hear that?"

"What now, Nick?" Kevin said dryly.

"I heard something- our tires squealed or something . . ."

AJ sighed. "That boy is way overtired."

"No, I heard it too." Brian frowned as they felt the bus swerve. "Damn."

"What the . . ." started Howie. AJ tried to brace himself on the wall but fell as the bus jerked forward, throwing them to the floor before it came to a sudden and complete stop. Kevin was the first to speak.

"Everyone okay?" They nodded silently.

"What the hell just happened?" Brian picked himself off the floor slowly, as did the others.

Kevin shook his head. "I don't know."

"I'll go ask," Nick said, jumping up. The other's didn't give it a second thought as their youngest member went to the front of the bus to check what was going on.

Brian was the first one up when Nick started to scream. He ran to the front of the bus, Kevin right behind him. "What's up, little buddy? Frack . . .?" He stopped short when he saw the scene before him. "Oh my God . . ."

Rick, their bus driver, was slouched over the wheel, head sticky with blood; his arm bent at his side in an unnatural position. Shards of glass were everywhere, the wide front window shattered. Through the cracked pane, nothing was visible except for billions of stars burning through the blanket of the sky. No land.

They were hanging off the side of a cliff.

The bus made a loud groaning noise as Kevin moved forward an inch. Brian reached a hand out to Nick, arm trembling. "Frack . . ." But Nick was frozen in fear, his wide blue eyes focussed entirely on Rick's unconscious, or dead, body.

"Brian." Kevin's firm voice caught his cousin's attention. "Take Nicky and go to the back of the back of the bus." Neither moved. "Now, guys!" He grabbed the back of Nick's shirt and gave a tug. "Come on." Kevin cringed at how insensitive he sounded; where in fact he was mad at himself that the younger guys had to see this.

"Come on, Nicky . . ." Brian urged, voice shaking.

But before any of them could move, the bus let out another groan and they plummeted into the stars.

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Chapter 2

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The first thing AJ felt when he woke up was an intense feeling of dizziness that countered the sharp pain vibrating in his skull. Reaching up, he felt a small bump on the side of his head; his hand came away with blood. He stared at it for a second in dumb shock before his eyes drifted across the bus.

Whoa. He had never thought of the guys being neat, but this was a disaster compared to their usual . . .

He immediately remembered what had happened. "Howie!?" he pleaded, hoping desperately for an answer. It came in a groan from across the room, and AJ jumped up quickly to get to his friend- too quickly, perhaps, for his spinning head which almost knocked him over. With a hand on the wall to steady himself, AJ moved slowly across the room, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "Howie?" he tried again.

"Here, Bone." Howie sat up slowly with another groan. "Man, what happened? I think I broke my wrist . . ."

"I dunno. One second we just stopped and then . . ." AJ trailed off, eyes wide. "Where are the other guys?"

Howie frowned. "I . . ."

AJ ignored him and raced to the front of the bus. Howie followed, at the same time noticing that the bus was tilted at a strange angle. They got to the others and stopped short, staring. Their initial shock was broken as Kevin stirred. The older man looked basically unharmed, minus a few cuts on his face from the glass. Howie knelt down next to him and shook his shoulder gently. "Kevin, wake up . . . Kev?" Howie tried to rouse him, voice shaking.

Kevin's eyes opened slowly. He stared at them a second before the situation dawned on him. "Shit." He sat up. "You guys okay?" Howie nodded, and Kevin looked toward AJ. "Jay, you okay? C'mere, buddy." AJ, still half crying, came closer, crouching down to their level. Kevin looked at his head critically, noticing the blood. "How's that hard head of yours?"

"I think I broke it," AJ offered.

Kevin smiled slightly. "Great . . ."

"Damn." They looked at Howie in surprise. "Look at Nick," he explained gravely. "His leg."

Eyes turned toward their youngest member and Kevin swore under his breath. The lower part of Nick's leg had a deep gash running up it and blood was seeping out, staining his baggy jeans. AJ turned away. "Is he dead?" he asked with a sob.

"No," Kevin answered firmly. He swatted at AJ's leg to get his attention. "I want you to relax a little. Breathe."

"Relax?! We-" AJ broke off as Kevin hit his leg again lightly.

"Sh . . ." Kevin stared at him a second as he calmed down. "Alright . . . ? "

Howie looked concerned. "Shouldn't we wrap his leg or something? Stop the bleeding?"

Kevin nodded. "AJ, go to the back of the bus and grab some sheets, will you?" AJ left quickly and Kevin turned to Howie, noticing his injury for the first time. "What's wrong with your wrist?"

"I think it's broken. I must've landed on it."


"Like hell," Howie said honestly. Kevin looked sympathetic.

They heard a soft moan and looked toward Brian, who was sitting up slowly. "Brian . . . ?" Kevin started.

Brian stared at them, deadpan. "Who are you?"

"What?" Howie stared at him, then exchanged a glance with Kevin. "Amnesia?" he mouthed.

Brian saw his cousin's concerned features and chuckled softly. "Just kidding."

Kevin's face immediately darkened. "If I wasn't afraid you were hurt right now, Brian, I would smack you so hard," he said without humour.

Brian had turned serious. "I'm sorry." He took a glance around them for the first time. "Oh my God." He caught sight of Nick and paled, speechless.

At that second AJ returned, carrying a pile of sheets. He grinned when he saw Brian awake. "Hey, Rok," he greeted softly, lowering to the ground and dropping the linens. He handed a bag to Kevin. "I got ice, too."

Kevin nodded. "Good thinking, bro. Thanks." He took a sheet and tore off a portion, then filled it with some ice. "Put this on your head," he directed. He looked at Howie. "You want some for your wrist?"

"Take care of Nicky first. Should we wake him up?"

Kevin shook his head. "He'll wake up soon enough with that pain. Let him rest," he said, tearing the sheet into more strips. He stared a minute at the younger boy's leg before shifting it slightly to a more comfortable position. The second he moved it, Nick let out a cry and tried to curl up, brow furrowing.

Brian frowned. "You're hurting him, Kevin. Stop . . ."

"Brian, he'll bleed to death."

Brian ignored him as Nick cried out again. "Frack?"

Nick opened his eyes, forehead creased. "Brian, stop it . . ." he pleaded. He stared at the other guys through fuzzy vision. "Make it stop . . ."

"Nick, I have to wrap your leg," Kevin told him gently. "Okay?"

Nick nodded absently. He tried to look at what they were doing, but didn't have the energy to move his head. "What's wrong with my leg?" he mumbled, shutting his eyes again. The other guys looked at each other but didn't answer. "What happened?" Nick asked again, voice rising.

"We were in a car crash, baby, remember?" Kevin said slowly.

"Is my leg okay?" the younger whimpered.

"It's okay," Howie returned. "Just don't think about it . . ."

Nick moaned. "It feels on fire," he choked out. He paused and opened his eyes a little. "AJ your head's messed up," he noticed groggily.

AJ frowned. "Thanks, buddy."

Kevin took a strip of cloth and wrapped it loosely under and around Nick's leg. He looked at the other guys and took a deep breath before tying a knot and pulling it closed. Nick let out a cry and grabbed on to the closest person's arm, which happened to be Brian.

"Stop . . ." Nick cried, tears running down his face.

"Nicky, I have to pull it tight to stop the bleeding," Kevin soothed.

Nick bit his lip to keep from crying out again, until a second later he blacked out.

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Chapter 3

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When Nick opened his eyes, he found himself in a small clearing in the woods, surrounded by trees. Panic at first set in until he was reminded of what had happened by the painful throb in his leg. He looked around but didn't see the bus, realizing one of the guys must have carried him here. He let out a groan.

"Nick!" Brian was immediately at his side. "How're you feeling?"

Nick shrugged. "Not so good . . . Where are we?"

Brian sat down next to him. "Honestly, buddy, I have no idea. I'm not even sure what road we were on before."

"Oh." Nick looked around tiredly. "Where's the rest of the guys, Bri?"

"Kevin wanted to see if there was anything around, like a place to stay. You know him. They'll be back soon though." Brian shrugged. "You've been out awhile, Frack."

Nick groaned again, shutting his eyes.

- - -

"Kev, maybe we should turn back soon . . . We've been gone awhile." Howie looked at his older friend with concern. The man seemed determined to find something out in the woods. What it was, Howie did not know. AJ had been uncharacteristically quiet too.

Kevin stopped walking. "Yeah, I know. Just a minute more, okay? You holding up, AJ?"

"Yeah . . . I'm a little dizzy, though," the younger admitted.

Kevin frowned. "You might have a concussion . . ."

"I'll be okay."

Howie sighed. "Why don't we just look over the next clearing and then call it quits," he suggested. "We're not gonna help anyone if we collapse."

They silently agreed and walked to the edge of the clearing, looking across the tree covered slope.

"Do you see what I see?"

They followed Kevin's line of sight, eyes landing on a small sized cabin. Or rather, hut. It looked to be abandoned. Howie let out a breath. "Finally . . . Thank God."

Kevin looked satisfied. "Alright, now we just have to go back to Frick and Frack." Taking one look at their tired faces and accounting for Howie's wrapped wrist, the man immediately changed his mind. They would be less help than burden. "On second thought, why don't you two get to the shelter and I'll go back for them."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, D. Just help Bone; we'll see you in a few."

- - -

There was a rustling in the leaves and Nick started in alarm, regretting the action as it jarred his leg. He hissed. Brian's hand rested on his arm. "Relax . . . It's only Kevin," Brian soothed.

Nick's eyes opened. "Kev?"

Kevin crouched down to their level. He rested a hand on Nick's forehead a second. "Hey, buddy. Awake finally. How's your leg?"


Kevin looked at Brian. "Well, fellas, we found a little cabin to stay in for tonight." He glanced back at Nick. "Can you walk?"

"I . . ." Nick bit his lip. "Okay."

"Don't lie. You sure?" Kevin frowned.

"Yeah." Nick clenched his teeth as Kevin lifted him up under the arms to stand on his feet. He balanced on one foot.

"You okay?" Kevin asked, not releasing him. "I can carry you."

Nick just shook his head, trying to ignore the extra throbbing in his leg. "S'okay."

Brian looked unsure, but nodded. "Alright, let's go."

Almost to the clearing about twenty minutes later, due to their slower pace, Kevin could see the cabin from where they stood. It was down a small slope though, and he wasn't sure Nick could make it the way he was going. He looked at the two worriedly.

Brian saw his glance. "Nick, let Kev carry you," he decided. "You're gonna collapse."

Kevin didn't wait for an answer. He took one look at their youngest's pale face. "C'mere, Nick." With one arm under Nick's shoulders, the other under his knees, Kevin hoisted him up. "Let's go."

Not surprisingly, Nick didn't complain, and they arrived at the cabin less than a minute later.

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Part II by old_archive

Crash Course

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Chapter 4

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The cabin consisted of two small sized rooms and a bathroom. The first was a main room/ kitchen area with a few couches, tables, chairs, and cabinets. There was also a small counter with a sink. The other room was a bedroom with two bunks and a bureau.

"This place doesn't look too abandoned . . ." Brian spoke up. "What if someone lives here, Kev?"

Kevin shot him a look. "No one does, Rok. Look at it." He glanced around the room. It was obvious no one lived here. Or if someone did, they hadn't been home in awhile, judging by the layer of dust covering all surfaces.

The five guys were spread out in the main room. Brian and Kevin each had a chair, as did Howie. Nick was sleeping restlessly on one of the sofas, as he had since the moment Kevin settled him there. AJ was occupying the other couch, lying on his back.

"We need to find a phone," Brian continued. "Howie, do you have your cell?"

"It's dead."

Brian frowned. "Great. And what're we gonna do for food?"

"Don't mention food," AJ growled from across the room. He still felt dizzy and the aspect of eating was nauseating.

"Brian, why don't you calm down a little." Kevin looked at his cousin with a small smile.

"Calm down?" Brian rolled his eyes. "We're in the middle of nowhere, my best friend is unconscious-"

"He's sleeping, Brian," Kevin interrupted. "He lost a lot of blood."

"Still. And . . ."

Howie laid a hand on his shoulder. "You need to just relax. We're gonna be fine, Bri. Believe me."

Brian took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I know. I'm sorry; I'm just a little worried, that's all."

"We all are," Howie reassured. "But we're gonna be fine." Howie D wasn't the peacemaker for nothing.

Kevin sent him a grateful glance.

- - -

Nick awoke to the sound of bickering. He ignored the still shooting and aching pain in his leg and listened.

"No, move it that way . . ."

"Brian, I know what I'm doing!"

"No, you don't, cuz! It's not working, is it?"

Nick squinted at them tiredly. Brian and Kevin were adjusting an old 'bunny-eared' antenna on a television equally as ancient. The only thing gained was more static on the screen. "You both suck," he said softly.

"Hey, Nick!" Brian greeted cheerfully. "What's up, buddy?"

Nick groaned. "What're you doing?" he asked in a pain filled voice.

"Well, genius here," Kevin started, motioning to Brian, "found this old TV in the closet and decided it could work. Which it's not."

"If you would just-"

Kevin ignored his cousin good-naturedly. "So how's the leg, Kaos?" Nick gave the older man a thumbs down. "That bad?"

Nick sighed. "If I don't move, it only feels like someone's hacking at it with an axe," he offered.

Kevin grimaced. "Alright. I was gonna head back to the bus for a few things. I'll bring you some painkiller or something. Anything else?"

"Coats," Brian offered. "It's freezing."

Nick nodded. "Yeah. And . . ."

"What?" Kevin smiled.

"Nintendo?" Nick asked in a hope filled voice.

"Nick, it probably won't even work on this TV." Kevin sighed as he saw the pout on the younger's face. "No promises, okay?"


Kevin glanced at Howie and AJ's sleeping forms. "If they wake up, tell them where I went."

- - -

Half an hour later

Kevin stepped back inside the cabin, shaking water off himself. On his way back from the bus it had started to drizzle again and in the distance a low rumble could be heard.

"Kevin!" AJ's voice greeted him and he saw all four of the boys awake. He threw a jacket gently to each of them.

"It's raining out."

"Guess that means we can't play b-ball, huh, Frack?" Brian teased. Nick was staring at Kevin.

"Nintendo?" he asked hopefully. Kevin shook his head and Nick's crossed his arms over his chest, frowning.

"I got something better," Kevin returned. "But first . . ." He handed Nick a bottle of Tylenol.

"Ah . . . I think thirty should help," Nick said aloud.

"Try two," Kevin warned. "At most three."

Nick took three and then passed it over to AJ. "What'd you bring that's better than Nintendo, Kev?"


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Chapter 5

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Howie listened to the sound of the rain on the roof grow heavier. There was a crash of thunder as lightning illuminated the windows and he frowned, wondering if the cabin would be able to withstand the storm. The wind sounded like it was howling and he could just imagine the cabin being blown away. Brian must have been thinking the same thing.

"Kevin, I think the cabin is gonna collapse," Brian said after another boom of thunder shook the whole foundation. He glanced at Howie. "Don't you?" Howie just nodded.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Come on, guys. Can't you think of better things?" They shook their heads and he sighed.

"It's kinda like that fort we built when we were kids, Kev," Brian started again. "Remember we stayed in it during a storm and it blew away?"

Kevin laughed. "Rok, that was a lean-to, cuz." Brian stared at him.

"And your point?"

"None of the pieces were even attached to anything! This is a cabin," Kevin said slowly. "We're not gonna blow away." Brian rolled his eyes.


"D, how's your wrist," Kevin spoke up.

"It's just kind of aching," Howie said honestly.

There was a crash from the bedroom and they looked at each other. "Bone? What're you doing?" Howie called.

"Looking at stuff," came the muffled voice.

"I thought his head hurt," Kevin said.

Howie shrugged. "You know Bone. He doesn't care." A second later AJ came out of the room, a fishing rod in one hand and a radio in the other.

"Who wants to go fishing?" he said with a grin. He threw it aside and set the radio on the table.

"Where'd you find that?"

"Closet. There's tons of stuff there," AJ said. "Whoever lived here was whacked."

"Maybe you should leave the stuff alone . . . What if they come back?" Brian looked anxious.

AJ rolled his eyes. "But I found the radio," he said proudly. He plugged it in. "And it works!" He took a bow.

"Congratulations," Brian said dryly.

"Thank you." He looked up. "Aw, Nicky's still asleep."

"Leave him," Kevin warned.

"I know." AJ started searching for a station, eventually finding a good one.

- - -

Nick awoke to the sound of music playing and opened his eyes. He recognized it as one of their songs, Quit Playing Games With My Heart. Someone had found a radio. He groaned.

"Are we home yet?"

Brian looked amused. "Hiya, Nick. Welcome back to the world of the living. How may I take your order." Nick had a mischievous gleam in his eye.

"You can make me some hushpuppies."

"Shut up, Carter," Brian growled good-naturedly. Nick grinned. Then he frowned.

"Kev, my leg in kinda numb, is that bad?"

Kevin looked at his panicked face. "I don't know, pal, can you move it?"

"I don't want to."

Kevin nodded. "I don't think it's bad," he said, trying to sound sure. He honestly didn't know and started to worry. "The pain med's probably kicking in," he covered.

"Oh." Nick seemed to accept the older man's answer. There was silence as their song ended and the DJ came back on.

"That was another great hit this time by the Backstreet Boys with Quit Playing Games. Speaking of the Backstreet Boys, there's a rumor surfacing that the boys are missing." A pause. "They were on their way to their next venue and the bus seems to have disappeared. More updates will follow on the accuracy of this news."

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Chapter 6

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"Well, that's good news," Howie spoke up. "At least now we know that someone's looking for us . . ." The anxious looks around the room were beginning to seem slightly reassured.

"Yeah, but how're they ever gonna find us?" Brian spoke up.

"They will," Howie answered. "I know they will." His look told Brian not to argue with him. "Right, Kev?" Howie looked to the older man for support.

"Of course," came the reply.

"So are we just gonna sit here and wait for someone to come?" Nick asked. He looked at them, worried. "How long's that gonna take?"

"Until the end of time," AJ said with a hoarse laugh. "And I'm not gonna wait."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

Brian looked skeptical. "What are you gonna do then?" he questioned.

"I'll go back to the road and try and find someone," AJ answered, crossing his arms over his chest. "I can hitchhike and then get help." He looked at them expectantly.

"I don't know, AJ . . ." Kevin looked doubtful.

"What else can we do but sit here and wait then?" AJ asked defiantly. Kevin sighed, knowing he had no answer for the younger man. "You see? Now who's with me?"

"I'll go," Howie volunteered.

"If I could walk," Nick started, "I might just take you up that idea." He pouted. "But I can't."

Kevin nodded. "You're definitely not going anywhere until we get help, Nick."

Nick sighed. "Just don't leave me here, guys. Ok?" He gained a worried look on his face and Brian gave his head a rough pat.

"Poor dude. Would we do that to you, Nicky?" he teased.

"That's what I'm worried about," came the quick answer.

"I think me and AJ can handle it by ourselves," Howie started. "So don't worry."

"Be happy," Brian sing-songed.

"Whatever. I just wanna go home," Nick said ruefully.

"We all do." AJ looked at Kevin. "So what do you say, bro? Can we go or not?"

There was a pause. "Yeah . . . But if you die or get kidnapped or something like that I will really hurt you, got it?"

"But if we're dead already-" AJ was cut off as Howie elbowed him in the side. "Okay, fine."

"We'll be careful, Kev," Howie reassured.

"Come back in like an hour if you don't find anyone," Kevin directed. "Do you have a watch?"

"We'll be fine!" AJ exclaimed. "Relax."

"AJ, listen to me carefully, buddy, okay? You wanna go right?"


"Then just do that for me, okay?" Kevin took off his watch and handed it to him. "If you don't find anyone in an hour, come back. I just wanna make sure you'll be okay."


Howie got his coat and threw AJ his. "Don't worry, Kev."

"I try," Kevin said with a smile.

"We'll see you later." They were silent as they watched the two leave. Kevin let out a breath.

"They'd better be okay."

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Part III by old_archive

Crash Course

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Chapter 7

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The air was crisp and cold as they started out, the only sign of the previous rain the wet leaves they tramped through. They travelled back up the hill they had come down to find the cabin, silent all the while. Each was caught up in his own thoughts. As they neared closer to where the accident site was, AJ broke the silence.

"Do you think we're gonna find anyone to help us?"

Howie glanced at him as they trudged through the leaves. "Yeah." He paused.

"I don't hear any cars."

"We're not close enough to the road," Howie answered.

"Oh." AJ paused a moment. "Are you just trying to make me feel better?"

Howie smiled a little. "No, Aje, we'll find someone. Even if we have to walk awhile."

"Okay. Thanks, D."

"No problem." As they came closer to where the overturned bus would be, both silently turned and headed a little out of the way so they wouldn't have to view the damage. "One thing though," Howie said. "I'm not getting in any truck, ok?"

"Me either." AJ smiled. "Too many horror stories . . ."

"Yeah, I know."

They started to climb the hill that would take them to the road.

- - -

"Can we do something?"

"Like what, Nick?" Brian looked up from the Gameboy he had taken when the younger had tired of it.

"I don't know. Anything."

"Such as . . .?"


"You bored, Nick?" Kevin said sarcastically from the other couch.

"No, I like sitting here doing nothing." Nick rolled his eyes. "I wish everyday was like today, don't you, Kevin?"

Brian sighed. "Nick."

"Come on, Nicky." Kevin looked at him patiently.

"No really, Kevin, it's just so much damn fun."

"Watch it, Nick," Kevin warned. He stared at him a second, expression softening. "How's the leg?" Nick shrugged. "Good, bad, worse, better?"


Brian frowned. "Poor Frack," he said. Kevin sighed.

"How long has it been since AJ and D left?" Nick asked.

"Fifteen minutes . . ."

Nick groaned.

- - -

"Maybe we should split up."

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Howie shook his head.

"It could work."

"No way AJ. I'm not losing you, ok? Do you really wanna spend a night in the woods alone?"

"Well, no."

The way they had started for the road was too steep an incline to travel on foot, so the boys were forced into finding a more suitable way to go. A longer way it turned out to be, of course.

"Wait a second."

"What?" AJ frowned.

"Did you hear that?"

The younger man shook his head. "No."

Howie smiled. "I think I heard a car."

- - -


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Chapter 8

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"Is it a place?" Nick tried.

"Nope." Brian shook his head.

"A thing?" Kevin asked.

"Nopers." Brian grinned at them. "You're really bad at this game!"

"We just started," Nick defended. "So be quiet." He was sitting up on the couch, legs stretched out in front of him. He tried to move as little as possible. Kevin sat across from him in an armchair, and Brian sat on the floor in indian style, a blanket around his shoulders.

"Fine," Brian answered, still smiling. "What's your question, Nicky-boy?"

"Is it . . . a person?"

"Well . . ." Brian paused. "Uh, maybe."

"You have to say yes or no!" Nick objected. He looked at Kevin. "Tell him he has to!"

"Brian, say yes or no, cuz." Kevin shook his head about how worked up they could get over a game. He was just glad they had found something to pass the time, even if it was Twenty Questions. Brian seemed to be thinking about it. "Come on, Rok."

"It's negotiable," Brian stalled. He saw their looks and grinned. "Okay, no."

"Was that so hard?" Nick rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it was."

"Anyway," Kevin interrupted with a smile. "Is it . . . an animal?"


"Is it a dog?"

"No, Nick."

"Well, I thought it could be like Goofy. He's a person and a dog, so when you said it was negotiable . . ."

"Don't think too much there, little guy," Kevin teased. Nick grinned.

"It could work!"

"It's not a dog," Brian repeated. "Kev?"

"Okay . . . is it a brown animal?"

"Nope, nope, nope."

"Is it . . . a pet animal?" Nick asked.

There was a long pause. "Well . . ."

"Not again. . ." Nick groaned.

"It depends," Brian started. "Now I'm sure some people-"

"Brian, come on." Kevin nudged him with his foot. "Hurry up."

"It's not like we're going anywhere," Brian objected. "I pretty much have all day, don't I?"

"No!" Nick whined. "Kevin, kick him 'cause I can't." Kevin laughed as Brian scooted out of his reach.

"Okay, the answer is no."

"Okay, good. Does the animal live in the forest?" Kevin asked.

"Mmm.. not usually."

"Yes or no!" Nick interrupted.


"Um . . . Does it . . ." Nick trailed off.

"Come on, Nick, we don't have all day," Brian mocked good-naturedly.

"Fly?" Nick finished with a smile.

"Yes," Brian said, frowning. "Oh no, you can't guess it!"

"Is it a bird?"

"Duh, Kev," Nick objected. "What else does? An elephant?"

"Yes it's a bird," Brian answered as Kevin rolled his eyes.

"It's a duck!" Nick exclaimed. "Right?"

"Someone give the boy a cookie," Brian replied. He sighed. "I thought that would be hard. You weren't supposed to get it." Nick just smiled.

"It was easy." He paused for a second. "A person- like Donald Duck!"

Brian groaned.

- - -

"I'm not so sure about hitch-hiking," AJ started slowly.

Howie glanced at him. "Why not? It was your idea." They were walking along the side of the road and had been for the past fifteen minutes. The car they had first heard while in the woods had long passed before they had reached the roadside.

"Well . . . I don't know. I guess it's okay." AJ shrugged.

"Just don't worry about it," Howie advised.

"I can't believe you of all people are saying that, D." Howie just shrugged and they walked in silence for a minute. He stopped walking suddenly and AJ pulled up beside him. In front of them on the side of a road was a old blue sedan with an open hood. They could see the figure of a man near the trunk, reaching in for tools.

"Here goes nothing," AJ whispered, drawing closer to his older friend.

"Sir?" Howie was the first to speak up. "Excuse me, sir?"

The man turned and looked at them, not hiding his surprise. "Why hello there, boys . . ." he started. "Can I help you?"

"How far's the nearest town?" AJ asked, gaining courage at the man's kind features. He seemed in his late forties, with graying hair and twinkling blue eyes. Pretty harmless, AJ told himself.

"Well, son, it's a good ten miles. You planning on walking?"

"I guess so." AJ shrugged.

"Well, if ya'll wait just a moment, I could give you a lift," he offered. "Don't wanna hear anything bad happening on the news about two nice boys like you."

"We'd really appreciate it," Howie said. "Thank you."

"No problem. The name's Joe."

"I'm Howie and this is AJ. Nice to meet you."

- - -


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Chapter 9

- - -

The sky outside was darkening slowly, spilling a shadow over the view outside the window. Brian shuddered just looking at the scene, pulling the blanket tighter over his shoulders. He glanced at Nick, whose face was quiet and relaxed in sleep. He was tired out from just the few games of Twenty Questions that they had played and he looked pale. Brian's heart sank.

"He lost a lot of blood," Kevin remarked, following Brian's gaze. Brian nodded slowly, frowning.

"But he'll be okay," he started, voice breaking. "Right?"

"Of course, buddy." Kevin pulled him into an embrace. There was a moment of silence. "He just needs to rest up," he said before releasing his younger cousin. Brian seemed slightly relieved and a smile played on his lips.


There was a moment of silence between them. Kevin shut his eyes momentarily and Brian stared out the window, chewing his nails absently.

"What time is it, Brian?" Kevin asked suddenly. Brian glanced at his wrist.

"It's been over an hour," he answered. "So they found someone . . ." He trailed off. "Or-"

"Hey, shush," Kevin said sharply. He didn't even want to think of the other possibilities that could have happened. Nor did he want his cousin to either.

"Do you think they'll be back tonight, Kev?" Brian's voice was hopeful.

"Maybe tomorrow," he answered slowly. Brian nodded. Kevin watched as his cousin's eyes drifted toward the fireplace in the head of the room. "Was there wood outside, Rok?"

Brian shrugged. "I'm not sure . . . Could we just ignite the table?"

Kevin laughed. "Um, sure." He watched amusedly as Brian got up from the floor and walked to the wood table, pretending he was going to kick it down. "C'mere, bro," Kevin called. Brian turned back to him, a goofy smile on his face. "Go check outside and see if there's wood or something and we'll put the fireplace to use."

"I'm not going out there alone!" Brian crossed his arms. "Who knows what's lurking out there - . . . bears, snakes, other . . . things."

"Don't be a baby." Kevin watched amusedly as Brian stuck out his lower lip. "It'll only take a sec, just go check and then I help you carry it in, ok?"

"It's cold."


Letting out a sigh of resignation, Brian set out the door, mumbling something of how family just didn't care anymore. Kevin smiled and waited.

- - -

"So where're you boys from?" Joe asked, turning up the heat in the car as he glanced in the mirror at the backseat. The younger boy with the sunglasses, AJ, was already sound asleep on the other's shoulder.

"Florida," Howie answered, rubbing his hands together as he felt the heat blowing. He hadn't realized how cold it was outside until he felt the heat in the car. He sighed, thinking of Kev, Nick, and Brian in the cabin. Kev would take care of everything, he assured himself. He always did.

"Long way from home," the older man remarked, running a hand through his grey hair. "Vacation?"

"Sort of," Howie said slowly. He paused. "We were on a . . . family trip."

"Oh yeah? That's nice . . ." Joe didn't say anything for a few minutes and Howie glanced out the window at the darkening scenery going by. He thought of something. How were they going to get help? He definitely wasn't about to ask this man to drive them back tomorrow to pick up the other guys.

"Joe? Is there a police station in town or something that me and AJ can get to?"

"Well, son, there's one in the next town beyond mine . . . But it'll be closed by the time we get there. These are only small towns we're going through." Joe scratched his beard thoughtfully. "But you boys are welcome to spend the night at my cottage. My wife would be glad to have you. And the next day I could drive you out to the station."

Howie frowned. "But you've done so much already," he objected. "We-"

"Don't worry about it," Joe interrupted with a smile. "Your friend would be better off sleeping in a bed, and so would you. My wife loves company."

"Well, if it's no trouble . . ." Howie couldn't help but smile.

- - -

Part IV by old_archive

Crash Course

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Chapter 10

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Nick woke up with a sigh. It seemed like all he ever did lately was wake up. But this time, he was startled at the silence. He heard nothing. Usually Kevin or Brian would be talking or play fighting over something when he woke up. Sitting up a little more on the couch, Nick looked around. His stomach twisted when he didn't see anyone. They wouldn't leave, he told himself. Maybe they were in the other room.

"Brian?" he called out. There was no answer. "Frick!" he yelled louder. Still, no one answered. "Kevin!!" he called, even louder. "This isn't funny . . ." His voice broke. He had told them not to leave him, didn't he? He felt like crying suddenly, but wiped his eyes hastily.

Sitting up all the way, Nick pulled his legs down to rest on the floor. He felt the pressure rush to his injured leg immediately and his eyes filled. The axe-like pain was back. He cursed silently, but stood up slowly, using the table for balance and a lever. He started toward the end of the room, each step feeling like a million daggers. This was hell.

They weren't in the other room. They weren't in the cabin, period. Now he was scared. He leaned against the wall and took a couple a heaving breaths. Why did this happen to him? His whole leg throbbed and broke his concentration. He decided to look outside.


"It's cold," Brian whined, jumping up and down to keep warm. He tried not to drop the sticks and logs he was carrying. He glared at Kevin. "Why're you laughing?"

"Cause you're funny, honey," Kevin teased. He was freezing, too.

"Stop . . ." Brian laughed. He paused. "Nick!" he exclaimed suddenly. He dropped his armful of wood and rushed to his younger friend. Kevin was less than a second behind. "Are you okay?" Brian touched his arm gently. "What're you doing?"

"What the hell, Nicky? Didn't I tell you not to move?" Kevin demanded. He looked at Nick's pale face and cursed. "You're gonna kill yourself." It wasn't anger at the kid, just being upset that he might've hurt himself worse.

"You guys left," Nick cried. "Why'd you leave?"

"We didn't leave you," Brian soothed. Kevin moved past him and lifted Nick off the ground easily, carrying him back inside without a word.

"You promised you wouldn't leave," Nick continued, voice shaking. Kevin rested him back down on the couch, careful of his leg. Crouching down, he cupped Nick's chin in his hand gently and looked him in the eye.

"Move anywhere off this couch and you'll be sorry," he warned softly, looking him over. He softened. "Sh . . . stop. We didn't leave you, baby, we were right outside."

"You left. I woke up and nobody was here and I called you but nobody answered and I . . ." Nick trailed off, eyes filling. Kevin reached forward silently and wrapped his arms around the younger boy in an embrace. Nick hugged back tightly. "I thought you left . . . " he whispered, burying his head in the older man's shoulder.

"We would never leave you, Frack," Brian assured him. He ruffled his hair. "Don't cry, little guy." Nick sighed. "I'm sorry we scared you . . ."

"We were getting wood to make a fire to warm this place up," Kevin explained. "And you know what a baby Brian can be, so I had to go with him . . ." He patted Nick's back softly. "We okay?"

"Yeah . . ." Nick said softly. He took a deep breath, less shaky. "Sort of . . ."

"Is your leg alright?" Brian asked worriedly. "How did you walk on it?" Nick shrugged.

"Is it okay? Same as before?" Kevin questioned. Nick looked at him solemnly. "Worse?" Nick shrugged. "Nicky . . ."

"It hurts a lot," Nick admitted. He saw Kevin's face. "It goes numb after awhile though," he said quickly. "I mean, you can't feel it anymore."

"That's not what I want to hear," Kevin sighed. He dug through his coat pocket, coming up with the Tylenol. He passed it to Nick. "There's some candy for you," he teased.

"Yum." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Don't talk about food . . ." Brian moaned and fell to the floor. "I'm so hungry . . ." He started singing softly.

"Brian, get off the floor," Kevin advised, amused.

"He's cw-azy," Nick joked.

"That's me," Brian laughed. He got off the floor and sat on a chair. "I'll stay here and you go get the wood, Kevy-Kev." He grinned. Kevin just rolled his eyes. As he left, Brian turned to Nick. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No . . ." Nick sighed. "I'm scared, Brian. What if AJ and Howie don't come back?"

"They will. Kevin said probably tomorrow morning or so."

"He did?" Nick sounded relieved.

"Yeah." Brian gave him a pat. "So it's all good."

"Yeah," Nick repeated softly. "It's all good."

- - -


- - -

Chapter 11

- - -

AJ awoke to the sound of being on the road. The constant whizzing of the tires on the highway accompianed by the ever so often bumpy road was almost comforting. Without opening his eyes, he could almost imagine he was back on the bus, safe with the other boys. In the refuge of his bunk and surrounded by familiarity. But his throbbing head proclaimed a different story, breaking his reverie. As he let out a sigh, he felt Howie turn.

"Hey, buddy." Howie's voice was soft and AJ could faintly hear soft blues music playing on the radio.

"I almost forgot what happened," he whispered. "I thought it could have been a nightmare or something."

Howie nodded, giving him a squeeze. "I wish, AJ. But it'll be okay soon." The constant reassurance. He watched AJ's face as he nodded. It was one of the few times the younger man's expression let out that he was vulnerable. Usually, the well-known facade took place that told the world he was in control and able to handle any given situation. Not this time.

"Kev must be flipping," AJ continued, voice still low. "I can just imagine. And I hope Nicky's okay. Poor kid. I wonder if anyone else will find them at the cabin before we come back with help . . .?" Howie just let him ramble, not commenting. There was a pause. "Howie?"

"Yeah, Bone?"

"Where are we going?" It came out in a hiss. AJ's eyes were focussed on the window, where it appeared they had pulled off the highway and were making their way down a dark woodsy road, seemingly leading nowhere. Howie sat up abruptly, accidently jarring AJ's head, who had still been resting on his shoulder. AJ let out a muffled cry.

"Aw, geez, sorry." Howie looked at his younger friend worriedly. He laid a hand on his head gently. "Still hurts from before?"

"I told you and Kev- I broke it," AJ whined. Howie gave him a light pat, unsure what to do. AJ let out a soft moan and moved away to lean on the window.

"Joe, where're we going?" Howie asked. The grey-haired man turned to glance at him a second before his eyes went back to the road.

"We need gas," the man said after a minute. "I thought you boys were asleep?"

"No." A pause. "This road leads to a gas station?" Howie's voice sounded skeptical.

" . . . Eventually. Why don't you go back to sleep. I'll wake you both when we get there." The man's voice suddenly sounded decieving and Howie's stomach churned. Looking out the window, he noticed some faint lights futher up ahead in the distance. Much further. Howie hoped it was in fact a town and that Joe was telling the truth. He kept telling himself that until he felt the car begin to slow.

"Why're we stopping?" AJ asked softly. No one answered and he panicked. "Why the hell did we stop?"

"Calm down, boy," Joe said as he pulled to car to a complete standstill. "I just need to get something."

"What?" AJ demanded, voice breaking. "Keep going . . ."

"Calm down," the man repeated, voice almost a growl. He undid his seatbelt and turned to look at them. Howie noticed something behind his twinkling blue eyes that he hadn't seen before. Malice. He scared him. "I just need to get something out of the trunk," Joe continued, opening the driver side door and stepping out. He slammed it shut and the boys could see him making his way around the car in the dark.

"Lock your door," Howie directed. AJ did as he said, hands shaking. They heard the trunk open in the back and without thinking, Howie climbed over the seat to the front, careful of his wrist, which had started throbbing again. He locked the passenger and driver doors with his good hand, shaking all the while. Settling into the driver's seat, he stared at the wheel. Please God . . . The keys were in the ignition.

Howie jumped as the trunk slammed shut and he hastily turned the keys in the ignition. The car engine stalled and sputtered once before finally roaring to life. They could hear yelling and muttered cursing from outside. A rapping came at the back window and AJ sobbed out.

"Oh my God, he has a gun, Howie. Holy . . ." AJ trailed off, in shock. Howie slammed on the gas pedal and the car jerked forward.

He drove down that road faster than he had ever driven in his life, aiming toward the faint light in the distance and steering shakily with his good hand. AJ sobbed in the backseat until a gun shot rang out from where they had left. The empty sound echoed through his aching skull and he fell silent, too shocked to even cry. This was definitely a nightmare.

- - -

The fire was mesmerizing and the warmth emanating from it was comforting. Brian curled up in the arm chair and tried to sleep. Kevin had finally slipped into a light doze after starting the fire in the large stone fireplace for them and the cabin was at peace. Brian's eyes were almost closing when he heard a whimper come from Nick. He was immediately awake.

"Frack? You okay?"

"Fine," came the tired voice. "I'm fine." Nick stared at him with sleep filled blue eyes and a pained expression on his pale face. He shivered.

"Bull." Brian moved toward him, bringing the blanket he had been using and covering his younger friend with it. "You still cold?" Nick nodded.

"Don't you want it?" Nick asked. He already had a blanket and immediately felt guilty. "You can have it."

"No, I'm hot. And I don't want you getting sick . . . If you're cold?"

"I'm freezing," Nick admitted. He let Brian rest a hand on his forehead.

"You're burning up, Nick. I'll wake Kev," he started.

"No, I'm fine," Nick protested. He sighed. "I'm okay. Everything's gonna be okay." Brian frowned and ran a hand through Nick's blonde hair.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Nick started to cough and Brian rubbed his back softly.

"Sh . . . It's okay," he soothed. Nick moaned as the spell jarred his leg and his eyes filled with pain. "Let me go see if I can find you something to eat or drink, okay?" Brian offered. Nick shrugged. "Don't go nowhere."

"Yeah, okay," Nick said sarcastically.

Brian headed toward the kitchen and started going through the cabinets. Nick sat up higher on the couch to watch. It made him cough less than lying down, he told himself as Brian sent him a look. The search was proving fruitless until Brian made it to the cabinets over the sink. Yanking them open, he was immediately toppled by a load of boxes and cans. The loud commotion combined with Brian's exclamation of triumph woke Kevin.

"What are you doing?" came the immediate reprimand as the oldest rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"I found food!" Brian exclaimed, doing a little victory dance. "Who's the smartest guy in the group?" He grinned at his older cousin's serious expression. "Go me."

"Go Brian," Nick agreed, though not as enthusiastic. Kevin glanced in his direction.

"Bro, you better not be moving," he chided when he saw the boy sitting up. Nick rolled his eyes. "Serious, Nicky."

"Does it look like I'm moving?"

"Just don't." Kevin turned back to Brian as Nick stuck out his lower lip. "What kind of food?"

"Crackers . . . crackers . . . crackers . . . peanut butter." Brian grinned up at him.

"My type of food," Kevin said with a smile, getting up from his chair. He made his way over to the kitchen, ruffling Nick's hair gently as he passed. He paused when he realized how hot the boy's head felt. "You're burning up, Nicky," he remarked as the boy pulled away from his hand.

"No, I'm not."

"He's getting sick," Brian argued.

"No, I'm fine."

Kevin shook his head. "Fine, Frack. You're perfectly healthy, okay? Let's just eat."

- - -


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Chapter 12

- - -

"I'm never trusting anyone again, Howie."

Howie was startled at the comment. Not only at the content, but by the fact he had assumed AJ had fallen asleep by the ongoing silence. "Don't say that, Jay," he said, even though his thoughts were mulling over the same subject.

"I mean . . . he seemed so nice, didn't he? Who ever thought that he . . ." AJ left the sentence hanging, voice barely a whisper. "You can't trust anybody."

"Sh . . . try not to think about it like that, okay?"

"How can I not when all I hear is that frickin' gun going off. Bang." Silence. "Just like that, Howie. What if he had a better shot? What if we never suspected anything? What if-"

"AJ . . ." Howie interrupted, trying to calm him down. "Don't think about what if's, okay? We're still here, aren't we? We're okay. It's me and you, buddy."

"Yeah, D." AJ sighed. "Oh, God . . . I feel like someone punched me in the stomach a couple hundred times," he muttered. "How's your wrist?"

"Been better," Howie admitted.

AJ let out another sigh as they stared at the unwelcoming scene before them. Howie had parked the car at the edge of the small town they had finally reached in their escape. It seemed like hours had passed while in fact only minutes were behind them. They debated what to do.

From what they could make out, it appeared to be a mostly residential part of the town they were in, with scattered cottages up and down a few dirt roads. No shops or offices were seen, but Howie assumed they were up a little further ahead.

"I could drive a little more," he spoke up. "But since it's such a small town everything's probably closed, y'know?" He watched AJ nod in the back seat silently. "We could go to one of the houses . . ."

"But what if . . .it . . they could be . . .uh, like . . ." AJ trailed off.

"Yeah, I know," Howie's voice was strained. "But we need help. They could show us where a police station is or something. What do you think, bud?"

"I think we could spend the night in the car."

"I don't want us to freeze to death, AJ. It's starting to get really cold in case you haven't noticed." Howie ran a hand through his curly hair and shivered. AJ looked cold too.

"I guess so. You decide then. Pick a house or something," he muttered.

- - -

"We really are stupid you know," Brian was saying. "We sit in this place, starving to death for a couple of hours, and don't even bother to look in the kitchen for food." He continued spreading the peanut butter on a cracker with his finger, due to a lack of untensils. You can't have everything.

"Okay, Brian . . ." Kevin laughed. "We're dumb, okay?"

"Except for me," Brian corrected. He scooted away as his cousin swatted at him playfully. "You know it. Right, Nick?"

"Huh?" Nick looked up from the couch, not paying attention. He had been silent ever since the two of them brought the food over to where they were sitting and started making stuff to eat. His longish hair was tousled as if he just woke up, making him look younger than his seventeen years.

"You hungry, Nicky?" Kevin asked.

"Nah . . ."

"How about some peanut butter and crackers," Brian offered, holding up his messy creation. "Mmmm."

"No," Nick repeated softly. "Not hungry."

"You gotta eat something," Kevin directed. "Nick?" He noticed Nick's face suddenly stare at the window with a look of fright. "Carter?"

"Something just moved past the window," the youngest said in a whisper.

"What, Frack?" Brian frowned.

"Something was at the window."

"Nothing's there, buddy," Kevin said. "You probably just imagined it." He wondered if the fever was making the boy delusional. He looked out the window, seeing a lot of shadows playing in the darkness. "Don't worry about it, okay?"

"No, I swear," Nick protested. He clutched Kevin's sleeve tightly. "Something was there."

"Was it the abominable snow man?" Brian asked in a playful voice. Kevin hit him in the arm and Nick got upset.

"Brian . . ." Nick whined.

"Sorry." Brian saw how alarmed Nick really was and felt bad. "Don't worry, Frack. It was probably just a shadow of a tree branch or something."

"You think?" Nick looked from Brian and Kevin and they both nodded. He sighed. "Lock the door though," Nick said in a shaky voice. "Just in case." He pushed at Kevin but the older man didn't move.

"The door doesn't-" Kevin broke off. "Sure, Nicky." The kid was too feverish anyway to know the difference. Why not calm his fears. He got up, and going to the door, jiggled the knob a little and then came back. "Now, how about some peanut butter?" Nick shook his head again and Kevin sighed.

- - -

Part V by old_archive

Crash Course

- - -

Chapter 13

- - -

Howie glanced silently at AJ before reaching up his fist and knocking soundly on the wooden door. They both tensed as they waited for an answer, trying not to envision the worst. The house they had picked was a white-washed cottage with blue trim, one of the first they had come to. Both boys were jumpy and kept turning around on the porch at the slightest rustle of leaves. Shapes danced and played in the shadows, making them uneasy while they waited.

"Well, I guess no one's home," AJ announced, trying to sound disappointed. Howie saw right through him and rolled his eyes. AJ leaned heavily against the side of the house with a sigh- he was beginning to feel dizzy again.

"You okay?"

"Peachy." AJ gave a lopsided grin. Before Howie could remark, the wooden door opened with a creak and a small woman who appeared to be in her late sixties appeared. A checkered apron hung from around her waist and a look of concern came over her features as she took a look at them.

"Oh, my goodness, are you boys alright?"

"Well . . ." AJ trailed off.

"Come in, come in!" She opened the door wider and ushered them inside. They welcomed the warmth and hominess of her abode. A crackling fire glowed softly in the fireplace. "Here, let me take your coats," she offered. She asked no questions of them, just started to fuss over them. "Have a seat on the couch . . ."

"Thank you," Howie said softly. She smiled at him.

"No problem, darling. You too look like you need some TLC." She reminded him a grandmother type figure and he began to relax. "What are your names?"

"I'm Howie and this is AJ."

"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, boys. You can call me Maude." She watched them sink onto the couch in exhaustion and her heart went out to them. She looked each of them over from where she stood, for the first time noticing their injuries. "You're hurt!" she exclaimed.

"Not really," AJ objected.

"You especially, young man," Maude said, voice gentle. Her voice was very soft. "How'd you bump your head so badly?"

"Accidentally," AJ said.

"We were in an accident," Howie said, not giving anymore information. She didn't press.

"Well, let me fix you up and get you something to eat, how does that sound?"

"Thank you so much," Howie said again, his voice expressing their gratitude.

"You're very welcome. I'll enjoy the company. You two remind me of my grandsons," she said fondly. Howie smiled.

"Where is the nearest police station?" AJ spoke up. He didn't seem to be listening.

"Why, there's one in the next town over I believe," Maude answered. She saw his expression. "But it's too late to go there tonight, sweetheart. Rest up now, and I'll have one of the neighbors drive you over tomorrow."


"That would be great," Howie spoke up. He sent AJ a reassuring nod. "It's gonna be okay," he mouthed. AJ nodded, trying to believe him.

- - -

Okay, something was definitely outside. Or someone. Who cared what Kevin, or even Brian, said. Nick tried to ignore the shadow that kept looking in on them through the window. It sent chills down his spine. Maybe the owner of the cabin had come back. Or a hiker in the woods had decided to stop. Never mind the fact it was pitch black outside except for the moon's glow. There was definitely something there.

Nick tried to concentrate on his gameboy instead. He debated whether or not to wake up Kevin and Brian, who had fallen asleep, but as much as he needed the company, he figured they needed the sleep. He would sleep himself but he really couldn't. So that left him and the gameboy. He felt awful. One second he was cold, the next hot. It was driving him crazy. Multiplied by the pain that had him wanting to scream. The extra Tylenols he sneaked past Brian and Kev didn't help.

Looking up from his game, he watched the shadows pause by the window again. That was it. He was going to check out what it was. If it really was a tree branch or whatever, all the better. He glanced at his friends' sleeping forms for a second and then rose from the couch slowly. The increase in pain this time was minimal. He really didn't think he could feel any more though.

Nick made his way over to the window by a few small steps, leaning heavily on the backs of the furniture. The window was only a few feet away anyway. He hated being handicapped in any way whatsoever. It made things so difficult. Reaching the window, he leaned thankfully on the thick sill and pressed his forehead against the pane of glass, welcoming the coolness. His eyes scanned the outside area anxiously. Nothing.

Then, all of a sudden, two eyes stared straight back at him. He screamed, automatically jumping away from the glass. His leg protested the action immediately.

"Nick?" Brian's voice came from the couch. "Why are you up and what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Nick's voice shook. Maybe it was an animal. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest. "Brian, come here . . ." He was suddenly afraid to move. Brian stood up and came towards him.

"I thought we told you not to move?" Brian's voice had a chiding tone. Nick suddenly wished he had listened.

"I saw something."

"You did? What was it?"


A look came over Brian's face, but left as soon as it came. "You've been seeing a lot of stuff," he said. "C'mere."

"I swear," Nick started as Brian took him by the arm. He let his older friend lead him back to the couch. He leaned on Brian to take the weight off.

"I believe you, bud. I just don't know what to do about it." Brian sent him a reassuring grin. "Why don't you try and get some more sleep?" He suggested. "You look exhausted." Nick shrugged.

"I keep having these dreams," he admitted. "Like I keep seeing Rick's face over and over. All bloody . . ." He trailed off. "I'd rather stay awake."

"There's nothing to worry about," Brian said. He actually wasn't so sure himself. The shadows were scaring him too, although he didn't want Nick to be any more afraid. So he didn't mention it.

"Let's play a game," Nick suggested.

"Okay," Brian said readily. A way to pass the time again. "What kind of game?"

"Uh . . . charades."

"But you're not getting up, Frack," Brian reminded.

Nick smiled playfully. He seemed to forget about what he saw out the window, for which Brian was thankful. "Then I guess you're gonna have to do a lot of acting, huh?"

Brian rolled his eyes.

- - -


- - -

Chapter 14

- - -

There was nothing eerier than the sounds of silence. Especially your own silence- when you knew the world was going on without you but you were stuck somewhere, helpless. That's what he hated most of all.

AJ reached up and gingerly felt the small bandage on his head. That old woman had certainly been kind to them, that he admitted, but he still had a hard time trusting her after what had happened. He glanced at his best friend's sleeping form. Howie didn't seem to have any trouble with trust, but that was just his nature. Always trying to see the best in a person before the worst. The way AJ saw it, things just didn't work that way.

The silence was torture and AJ finally gave in, turning on the TV and lowering the volume. He didn't want to wake anyone up. Maude had retired upstairs over an hour ago after dishing out chicken soup and hot cocoa. Howie had drifted off soon after, but AJ just had too much on his mind. Never mind that it was early morning. Flipping through the channels aimlessly, he soon paused on some cartoon network playing reruns of some Spiderman episodes. Perfect- something distracting without too much thought.

But the cartoons automatically made him think about Nick, and then, the other guys. He missed them. Being on tour at the moment, you would think a little time away would be cherished, but not in this situation. They had been through a whole lot together, and right now what AJ wanted was the comfort of his brothers beside him. He flipped past the cartoon.

'That Thing You Do' was on another channel but AJ didn't even pause on it. Was it just this morning that they had been arguing lightly over what to watch? It seemed an eternity ago. He passed over the early morning game shows and telethons and a music video took over the screen on the next channel. He immediately recognized it as their own and paused to watch. It was nearing the end of Quit Playing Games and he almost smiled as he watched it fade out on the five of them singing in the rain.

"And that was Quit Playing Games by the Backstreet Boys," the VJ announced as she came into view. "Number one on our countdown today. News on the boys' condition will follow. Have a nice night." The screen faded out and commercials took over. AJ's stomach flopped. Condition?

"Howie," he hissed, reaching up and shaking his shoulder. Howie mumbled something and turned his head, not waking. AJ tugged the older man's hair. "Damn it, D, wake up!" he whispered hoarsely.

"What?" Howie opened his eyes slowly.

"Watch TV with me," AJ said slowly. Howie's eyes narrowed.

"Huh? Is that what you woke me for?"

"No, it's important." AJ sighed. "The channel . . . they said they have news on our condition."

"Condition?" Howie frowned.

"My thoughts exactly." AJ paused. "Do you think they found the guys?"

"I don't know . . ." Howie shrugged. "It's possible."

Both focused anxiously on the TV as the commercial break ended and the VJ reappeared. "Good morning. Late yesterday afternoon, news had it that the rising pop group The Backstreet Boys had come across some trouble en route to their next venue on the American tour. Due to the poor weather conditions, the bus skidded off the highway and down a small incline." The camera panned over a view of the turned over, and smashed up, tour bus. "The bus and driver have been found, but as of now the boys are still missing. Local officials are searching the perimeters and more news will follow as we learn of it. In other news . . ."

AJ flipped it off and looked at Howie. "So they know the area where we are at least."

"Not where we are," Howie interrupted. "I don't even know where we are . . ."

AJ sighed. "This was my damn idea to begin with," he muttered. "Why did you listen to me anyway?" He paused. "Why did Kevin listen to me?"

"Bone . . ."

"No. Next time I have a 'great idea', just someone smack me, okay?"

But he smiled.

- - -

Someone was at the door, pounding on it with their fist. The loud knocking on the wooden frame echoed throughout the cabin. Kevin glanced at Brian's nervous face before getting up and heading over to answer it. Brian immediately grabbed on the back of his shirt and tried to stop him.

"Kevin, no . . . You don't know who's there." Brian was getting dragged along toward the door, much to his dismay. He thought back to the eyes Nick had seen and his stomach twisted. "Kevin, stop . . .?"

"Sh . . . It's okay." Kevin reached the door and paused with his hand on the knob. "I'm opening it," he cautioned, and Brian immediately stepped behind his taller form. Kevin pulled open the door and cold air rushed in, revealing a man and a woman rescue worker. Kevin let out a breath of relief.

"We're from the county rescue squad," the man started. "My name's Frank and this is Jill."

"Kevin, and this is Brian." Kevin wrapped an arm around his cousin's neck loosely to reassure the younger man.

"Is anyone hurt?" Jill demanded as they came inside. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her eyes surveyed the cabin.

"Nick is," Brian spoke up, motioning to where the youngest lay sleeping on the couch. Jill immediately rushed over, leaving the guys with Frank.

"Are there just the three of you?" Frank questioned. "The report said five of you."

"Just the three of us here," Kevin said. "Howie and AJ went to go find help yesterday." He saw the discouraged look on the rescue worker's face and a guilty feeling settled in his stomach. If anything had happened to them, he'd never forgive himself.

"Well, we'll see if there's any word on them when we get back to the station," Frank said lightly, but not hopefully, Kevin noticed. "First thing is to get you boys to the County Hospital and get you checked out."


Nick felt himself being prodded and moved a little, much to his discomfort. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with someone he didn't recognize and let out a yell. She wasn't fazed, but Nick immediately found Brian and Kevin at his side.

"You okay, Nick?" Brian asked, brow creased in worry.

"Who is that?" Nick demanded, pushing the woman's hands away from where they hovered above his leg. They were still in the cabin he noticed, but he didn't know who the new people were. Kevin lightly rested a hand on the younger's head.

"They're rescue workers," he said softly. "We're getting out of here, baby, okay? Get you fixed up." Nick nodded absently.

"Okay." He paused. "Let's just stay together," he added as an afterthought. "Okay?"

"No problem, buddy." Kevin nodded at the man and woman. "Let's get out of here."

- - -


- - -

Chapter 15

- - -

"Rise and shine, Howie!"


"Get up." AJ looked down at his sleepy friend with an impatient expression. "Get up, get up, get up . . ."

"Okay, Bone, calm down. What's your rush?" Howie sat up on the couch slowly. "Huh?"

"I wanna get out of here, get to the police, find the guys . . . and go home. Okay?" AJ crossed his arms. "And Maude is making a huge breakfast in the kitchen so she told me to kindly wake you up," he added sweetly.

"Kindly being the key word, I see," Howie muttered.

"You got it. C'mon. Eat fast."

"Sure thing," Howie replied with a laugh. He followed AJ into the kitchen and his eyes widened. Set across the table were pancakes, waffles, toast, eggs, the works. Wow. He stared at Maude. "You didn't have to . . ."

"But I did," the woman said with a smile. "So eat up."

AJ sat down and poured himself some juice. He really wasn't too hungry, thanks to his head injury, but didn't want to hurt Maude's feelings. Or make Howie worry even more, for that matter. So he piled his plate up. "Mmm." He grinned at the proud look on Maude's face. "You must be the best cook ever," he exclaimed.

"Aw . . . Aren't you so sweet?" Maude glowed at the compliment. Howie sent AJ an amused smile. That boy knew how to kiss up, that's for sure. Maude smiled at both of them. "And don't worry about getting to the station, boys. The neighbor down the street offered to drive you since he's heading there anyhow."

"Thank you so much for everything," Howie said with a grateful smile.

"No problem, sweetheart. If you're ever in need, feel free to come back," she told them. "Eat up now."

About an hour later, they stepped out in front of the police station. The neighbor who dropped them off wished them the best of luck and drove away. Howie and AJ looked at one another with mixed expressions. Back on their own.

"Here goes nothing . . ."

- - -

"So you guys are the Backstreet Boys, huh?" The woman named Jill turned around to look at the three guys in the back of the rescue vehicle. Kevin turned toward her.

"Yeah, we are . . ."

"How much are you guys worth anyway?" she wondered aloud, pulling her hair down from the ponytail.

"Worth?" Brian laughed and glanced at Kev. "What do you mean?"

"How much money are you guys worth?"

"A lot of money. Billions," Nick replied hotly, wishing she'd shut up. Kevin smiled fondly at their youngest's answer.

"Just wondering . . ." She smiled sweetly. "Calm down, kid. What's your problem?" Nick rolled his eyes.


"How long 'till we get to the hospital?" Brian spoke up, looking forward to everything finally being over. All he wanted right about now was some hot food and a warm bed.

"Ah, that depends. How long, Frank?"

"Half hour?" the man answered, speaking for the first time since they had gotten in the van. "Or more."

"Or less," Jill added with a laugh. "It depends."

"On what?' Brian pressed.

"Us," Jill said with a smirk. "It all depends on us."

Nick winced as the van hit over a bump and jarred his leg. He sank lower in the seat and leaned on Brian. "I hope they hurry, Frick," he whispered.

"Me too." Brian wrapped an arm around him reassuringly.

"I don't trust them," Nick continued. "They're weird." He saw Kevin look at them sharply and press a finger to his lips. Jill was watching.

"What're you talking about?" she demanded.

"Um . . . We said that we hope we don't have to pay for the TV at the hospital," Brian said quickly. "It's such a pain then, you know?" He gave her his one and only smile, but she wasn't fazed.

"Right, I'm sure. Don't whisper," she ordered.

"Gee, Brian, I sure hope we don't have to pay for the TV at the hospital," Nick said really loudly, almost yelling. "It's such a pain!"

"Be a smartass and we'll pull over and make sure you never walk again, alright, kid?" Jill's tone was sharp. Nick's eyes widened as he sucked in a breath. Brian's hold tightened.

"Who the hell are you?" Kevin demanded to the front of the van. "Don't threaten him."

"Ooh, I'm scared," Jill muttered. "Look. If you don't want your precious little brother to get hurt, make him shut his mouth. Simple as that." Kevin clenched his jaw tightly. So the help they had finally gotten wasn't really help. What did they want? He glanced at Nick and Brian, who both had frightened looks on their faces. Nick almost looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't blame him.

He tried to think what in the world the so-called 'rescue workers' wanted. Money? They had asked how much they were worth . . . That seemed the only possible scenario. A ransom perhaps?

Not if he could help it.

- - -

Part VI by old_archive

Crash Course

- - -

Chapter 16

- - -

"Yes?" The slightly overweight man seated behind the main desk looked down at them with a condescending glare. He obviously was not fond of his job. Or that fact that it dealt with people.

"We need help," AJ said lamely. He glanced at Howie and shrugged. Howie rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't everybody here?" the man muttered. "Why don't you fill out this sheet and wait over there?" he suggested, sliding a clipboard across the counter with a form. "Then we'll see if we can help you."

"If," Howie mumbled. "Sure thing." He took the form and grabbed AJ's arm. The place was extremely busy. Howie wondered what half the people were doing there to begin with. The towns around here were so small- how much crime could they have? Then he remembered back to Joe. Obviously too much. It looked like the whole population hung out here.

"Let me see that thing," AJ directed, pulling the clipboard out of Howie's hand as they sat in the green plastic waiting chairs that were scattered around. "It's . . . a questionnaire." He shook his head, immediately regretting it. The dizziness was slowly coming back and he noticed his vision occasionally blurring. AJ shoved the board back at Howie. "Here."

"You okay?"

"Fine," came the sharp reply.

Howie shook his head and looked down at the sheet. "Only the top is a questionnaire, Aje." He started to read the rest of it. Have you been in an accident? Are you filing for a missing person? Have you been attacked?

Yes to all the above, he thought wryly. The list went on. Howie read them off to AJ. "Pick one."

"Um . . . missing persons," AJ answered. Sounded good enough. As soon as they found Kevin, Brian, and Nick, everything would be okay. They could just forget about everything that had happened and finish up the tour.

Howie checked it off and filled out the rest of it before looking up. "Should I give it back to the guy?" AJ shrugged. There was a pause.

"Oh, I'll do it. Geez." AJ grabbed the clipboard and marched over to the desk, nearly shoving it the guy there. Howie had to laugh as the man gave AJ a dirty look in return.

This was the weirdest station he had ever been in. Not that he'd been in many to begin with, but it just seemed that this place was run really differently. He wondered how long they'd have to wait to get anything. AJ sat back down with a huff next to him.

"Damn donut-eating cops can't even do their job right . . ."

- - -

"Where are we going?" Brian whined softly. Kevin glanced over at him with a sigh.

"I don't know, bud." The three of them had shifted to sit on the same bench seat that attached to the long side of the van's inner wall. They had been traveling for over a half hour, passing no signs that any of the boys had caught, only more woods.

"Well then when are we getting there?" Nick continued in the same tone as Brian.

Kevin stretched his feet out in front of him and shook his head. "No clue, little man. Why don't you get some sleep, guys."

"Right," Brian muttered. "I'm gonna just fall asleep in this situation." Kevin shrugged at him.

"What the hell are you all talking about now?" Nick jumped as Jill's voice boomed from the front of the van. She didn't even turn around to look in their direction this time. Brian rolled his eyes.

"We're plotting an evil scheme. Was it on three, Kev? Or one, two, three, and then go?" he said sarcastically. The only answer he got from Kevin was a smack to his side and a scowl.

"You obviously don't value your life too much, do you?" Jill demanded. "How much did you say you were worth again? Huh, Blondie?" Nick stayed silent and the woman chuckled lowly. "That's what I thought. Shut your mouths."

"Why don't you tell us where we're going?" Kevin charged.

"Is it that important to you?"

"Yes," Nick and Brian chorused. Kevin smirked as Jill shook her head.

"I'm not even sure yet myself. We had our headquarters hidden on the border of the state but I'm not sure if it's still operable. Gonna stop in less than a minute to call my boys." She paused. "And that's all you need to know so don't ask any more." They were silent.

True to her word, only a moment later, they pulled off onto a bumpy road and into a gas station. It looked empty except for the owner's car; obviously not a popular place. As the van pulled to a stop, Frank jumped out to fill up on gas and Jill turned to look at them.

"Move an inch and I swear-"

"I have to go to the bathroom," Brian interrupted. She looked at him exasperated.

"Are you kidding?"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" he returned. Jill grumbled something and then nodded.

"Fine." She hopped out of the passenger door and slid open the side door. "Come on then."

Brian stood up from the seat and smiled at the guys. "Be right back . . ."

Kevin pulled him back a second. "Don't," he ordered before releasing his younger cousin. Brian didn't answer. He hopped out and breathed deeply.

"I'm warning you now, try anything and I'll smash in your pretty face," Jill threatened. "Clear?"


"Frank, take the kid to the bathroom. I'll finish that."

"Sure Jill," the man said gruffly. He took Brian's arm and dragged him in the direction of the restroom sign on the side of the building. He paused in front of the door and let go of his arm. "Hurry."

"Sure thing, man." Brian left the man outside and locked the door. He rubbed his face roughly with his hands and took a deep breath, heart pounding. Here goes nothing, he thought. He turned toward the window at the end of the small tiled room and slowly slid open the wooden frame. It took him a minute to slide it up all the way quietly. By the time he finished, a knock came at the door.

"Quick, kid."

"One sec," he called back. Using the sink as a step, he climbed up to the sill's level and slid through the open window to the outside, landing on the grass with a thud. He let out a breath. Free at last. Now-


"Shit," Brian muttered as Frank slammed him against the wall of the building. He was caught off guard as the man delivered a blow to his stomach. Brian bent over as all the air rushed out of him and the pain filled.

"Didn't we warn you?" Frank demanded. "Dumb kid." Brian tried to crouch down but the man pulled him him back up roughly. "Let's go," he ordered, pulling him back in the direction of the van. The man had to half carry him before reaching the vehicle and shoving him roughly back inside.

"Brian, what the . . ." Kevin's anger flared at the man as he saw his cousin and he lunged at the open door. Frank shut it before he reached. "Dammit."

"Brian," Nick whimpered. Brian just moaned.

"I said don't," Kevin mumbled. They never listened. Brian lay curled on the floor with his eyes shut in pain. Kevin crouched down next to him and stroked the younger man's head. "You okay?" Brian nodded. "What'd you do?"

"I jumped out the window . . ."

"God, Brian," Kevin muttered. "They could've killed you." Brian just moaned. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Brian . . ." Nick stared down at him worriedly.

'"I'm okay, Fracks," Brian said. "It's going away . . ."

"Okay boys, let's make a deal," Kevin said seriously. "You both listening?" They nodded. "Here's the deal. We plan together, okay? No more single stunts, you got me?"

"Okay," Nick said.

"Good. Right, Superman?"

"Got it," Brian agreed softly.

- - -


- - -

Chapter 17

- - -

"You've killed how many people?"

"Just two."

"Well, I've killed four . . ."

"These people are sick," AJ muttered, scooting his seat closer to Howie's. He was getting a little tired of listening to the guys in cuffs next to him bragging about their lives of crime. Honestly, it was scaring him.

"Well, hopefully we can get out of here soon," Howie reassured, looking at his watch. It had already been a half an hour and nothing had happened. They weren't called anywhere, no one asked them anything, nothing.

Just as he was giving up hope, Howie looked up and saw a female officer approaching them with a clipboard. "Follow me," she said gruffly, not waiting for an answer before turning on her heels and heading toward the hallway. AJ and Howie scrambled up from their seats and followed her.

Officer Whyte, as her tag read, led them down the hallway and into an office where another man in a police uniform sat behind a desk, drumming his thick fingers against the top of the wooden desk.

"Hello boys, take a seat. I'm Sergeant Grahm." He looked down at the paper on his desk and read silently for a minute. "So you're filing for a missing person."

"Three actually," Howie spoke up.

"Oh really. How long have they been missing?"

"Over two days . . ." Howie said after a second pause. He had lost track of time while they had been separated. It seemed much longer than two days to him.

"Names?" Grahm requested. Howie listed off their names and the man scribbled them down. He looked up suddenly and snapped his fingers. "You're those . . . Back . . . Boys or something, aren't you?"

"The Backstreet Boys. Yeah, that's us," Howie said.

"I knew you boys looked familiar. Your faces are plastered on my daughter's walls," he said, rolling his eyes. He grimaced suddenly. "I'll see what we can do." He rose from his seat and left them in the office.

"Not a fan?" AJ muttered to Howie.

"Didn't seem to be."

- - -

"Well boys, we're here," Jill sneered toward the back of the van. When no answer came, she glanced back to find all three of them asleep. She became annoyed. "Frank, wake them up. I'll check in with the rest."

"Sure thing, doll."

Within seconds, Frank had the three boys up and out of the van. Nick balanced on one leg between Brian and Kevin as they waited with Frank for Jill to come back. His other leg throbbed, but he tried to ignore it. There were more things to worry about right now.

"It's a hotel?" he whispered questioningly when he looked up at the building in front of them. It looked like it was about to rain, but he could make out what looked like an abandoned motel in front of them.

"Looks like it," Brian said. Kevin shrugged and looked around the perimeter for any place they could go if they got away. The road led absolutely nowhere, so that was out of the question. He watched Frank drop the van keys in his pocket and a thought hit him. If he could get the keys to the van, that would be the perfect way out. They wouldn't get far on foot with Nick, and he wasn't about to leave the boy anywhere to come back to. No way.

So to get the keys. How? He looked Frank up and down. The guy was big, but he could take him. No problem. Unless there were more people on Jill's side hidden out in the motel. That would be a problem. They could still probably get away unnoticed though. While everyone was sleeping. They didn't expect them to make a move anyway.


"Yeah, bud?"

"Plan?" Brian mouthed. Kevin nodded and his cousin's eyes lit up.

"Later, I'll fill you two in," he whispered.

"Okay." Brian grinned.

"Ready, boys," Jill announced, coming across the dirt and graveled ground toward them. "Let's go, follow me." She spun around on her heels and Frank nodded at them.

"You heard the woman. Move."

Kevin chose to carry Nick rather than to have him walk and so easily hoisted him up before moving. They followed Jill as Frank walked behind, as if they would try and get away. Entering a small doorway, they found themselves in what probably would have been the lobby of the motel. A long wooden desk sat at the far end and assorted couches and chairs littered the rest of the area. A staircase hid in the corner of the room.

"Make yourselves comfortable," Jill said in a joking tone. "You'll be here awhile."

Not if I can help it, Kevin thought. He glared at her and rested Nick on the couch, dropping down besides him. There wasn't much room, but Brian squeezed in on his other side.

Jill locked the front door and moved with Frank toward the desk. She shot the boys a look. "Try anything and I'll shoot you."

"She doesn't even have a gun, does she?" Brian said softly, voice amused. Kevin took him by the chin.

"You try anything by yourself and I'll shoot you myself," he warned.

"I know, okay?" Brian rolled his eyes at his overprotective cousin. Nick sighed.

"What's your plan, Kev?" he whispered. He was dying to get away from these people. They scared him. Kevin paused and glanced toward Jill and Frank at the desk. Jill was on the phone.

"I'll tell ya a little bit later, okay?"

"Now . . ." Nick growled. Kevin wrapped an arm around him.

"I don't want them to suspect anything, ok? And I'm still thinking it over. Alright, buddy?" Kevin gave him a squeeze.


"Do you think this will be over by tomorrow?" Brian asked.

"I think so," Kevin answered. He wanted to give the guys a little hope out of the situation. He honestly believed things would be better off by tomorrow. After this, they were taking a vacation. This was a crash course to hell.

Nick coughed slightly and moaned. "I miss AJ and Howie," he said.

"Me too, baby. We'll see them soon, don't worry," Kevin said reassuringly.


"I don't know, buddy. Maybe."

"I hope so," Nick answered.

"Do you think they came back to the cabin and found out that we weren't there?" Brian continued.

"Possibly . . ." Kevin said. "Most likely."

He just hoped to God that the other two guys were safe somewhere.

- - -


- - -

Chapter 18

- - -

"Alright boys, if you'll follow me . . ." They looked up as the man named Grahm reentered the room, and AJ jumped back from the desk. They'd been waiting for so long that he had begun to play around with the paperweights and other assorted objects on the tabletop. Grahm made no comment.

"Where are we going?" AJ asked, standing up slowly next to Howie. He waited a second for the pounding in his head to fade away as it usually did. What he wouldn't give for an Advil right about now.

"Cell number 7," Grahm replied matter-of-factly. Both Howie and AJ's eyes widened at his words.

"Excuse me?" Howie stared at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Just joking," Grahm answered with a light laugh. Their frightened expressions amused him. "Sergeant humor."

"Not funny," AJ muttered. He glanced at Howie, who pressed his lips together in a frown. Why couldn't they ever run into anyone normal? With a regular sense of humor?

"C'mon, Aje," Howie said when the sergeant was already out the door and halfway down the hall. He pulled on the younger man's arm to get him going.

"I don't like this guy, D. Doesn't he seem a little strange to you?"

"Yeah," Howie admitted. "But it's not like we have much of a choice on where we can go."

"I know, but maybe we should call a taxi or something. Look for the guys ourselves."

"Buddy, have you looked around this town? Where do you think the nearest taxi is?" Howie shook his head. "I don't think you're gonna find one."

"How 'bout we borrow someone's car?"

"You mean steal?"

"Yeah . . . Borrow."

"Forget it. Get it out of your head." Howie stared at him. Was he even thinking straight? Probably not.

They caught up with Grahm, who had taken them to another office, this one with several cubicles. Various officers sat in the different corners, and they were led to the back left where a man in his early thirties sat behind a computer.

"Hey there. You can call me Bob." Bob was dressed in casual clothes, jeans and a light plaid shirt. His black hair was cut spiky and his blue eyes were piercing.

"Bob is our missing persons expert," Grahm said with a smile. Howie frowned. Was that sarcasm in his voice? He couldn't tell. When he looked at AJ, the younger shrugged.

"Have a seat," Bob said as Grahm left the room. "I'm just gonna make a few phone calls." He picked up the receiver as AJ and Howie each took a folding chair and dialed a number.

"Yeah, Bob here. We've got the rest of them." AJ and Howie froze at his words and Bob shot them a look. "Yes, that's a missing persons report filed for three in the area. Yes, thank you." He placed the receiver back in the cradle and sent the boys a thin smile. "I love my job."

- - -

"Okay boys, I thought you might like to know what's going to happen to you," Jill said airily as she came across the worn carpet and sat down on the coffee table in front of the couch the three occupied. "Are you interested?"

"Not really," Nick replied, resting his chin on his hand as he leaned on the arm of the sofa. Jill sent him a glare that gave him chills and he swallowed uneasily.

"Go ahead, tell us," Kevin muttered, tired of the woman's demeanor towards them. It was getting on his nerves and he couldn't wait for things to calm down so they could try and get out of there.

"Well, handsome," Jill started with a sneer. "I thought you might like to know that this may be the last time you'll see one another." She laughed at their expressions and let the comment sit for a minute. "Just kidding. You have until at least tomorrow morning before things get rough."

"Oh goody," Brian answered sarcastically. She glared at him.

"You, Mr. Jokester, we might be able to make an exception for, so keep your mouth shut. I hate smart alecks." A pause. "That goes for you too, blondie," she added angrily when she saw the youngest boy open his mouth. He shut it and gripped Kevin's arm tightly.

"After we finish planning, I'm going to be making a few phone calls to your record company. See how much you're really worth to them. Or maybe we'll call your families," she said as an afterthought. "I haven't decided yet."

"Don't," Kevin said flatly. He couldn't even imagine his mother's face if she got that sort of call. Or any of the other boys' for that matter.

"Try me," Jill answered. She smiled sweetly. "That's it, boys. Enjoy your stay at our motel." She got up easily from the table and headed toward the far counter. Nick’s slowly ungripped his hand from Kevin's arm.

"Evil," Brian muttered, making a face at her turned back. Kevin groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"What am I gonna do with you? Do you ever learn?" Kevin muttered, sending his cousin an exasperated look. He was going to get himself hurt if he kept it up. Worse than a bruised stomach.

"Nothing'll happen, Kev."

"Just don't, Bri. For me, okay?"

"Tell me your plan," Nick interrupted in a hushed voice. He figured that Jill and Frank wouldn't be paying much attention to them after that, so looked at Kevin expectantly. "Hm?"

"Alright. Listen up, boys." Brian and Nick leaned in closer to hear Kevin's low voice. "When things get quiet and Jill leaves, which, I'm assuming she will eventually, I'm gonna get the keys from Frank and we're gonna get out of here."

"That's it?" Nick frowned. "Nothing else? Just take the keys and go? That's boring."

"What? You want some major fighting, a shoot off, some magic, that type of thing?" Kevin laughed lightly when Nick nodded. "Sorry Nicky-boy, we kinda just want to get out of here alive," he told him with a smile. "So you best settle for it or you're on your own."

"Ah, I'll deal."

"Atta boy." Kevin smiled. "How about you, Brian? Sound good to you?"

"Yeah . . . But how about I get the keys from Frank?" he whispered.

"How about not."

- - -

Part VII by old_archive

Crash Course

- - -

Chapter 19

- - -

He couldn't believe this was happening. Just when they finally thought they had found the silver lining in this dark cloud, things turned black. Howie shivered in his seat in the back of the van and glanced worriedly at AJ. At this point, the kid was beyond tears and his face was stony. Only when you looked into his eyes could you see his fear.

AJ scowled at the muscular man that sat across from him and Howie in the back of the van. The man's blank expression didn't change. AJ sighed. This was beyond any of his nightmares. He was even more scared for the other guys. Bob on the phone had said 'We've got the rest of them', hadn't he? Then where did they have Kevin, Nick, and Brian? He swallowed. Were they still alive even? He wanted to punch in the man's face across from him. That blank stare was driving him nuts.

"What's your name?"

Howie was caught off guard as the tight muscled man in the black t-shirt across from them finally spoke. AJ almost jumped next to him but took a shaky breath.



The man nodded. "You can call me . . . T."

"T?" AJ scoffed. "What's your real name?"

"And I'm really going to tell you, too. It's just T, AJ," the man returned, with an amused smile. AJ was relieved to at least see some sort of expression on the man's face.

"AJ's not my real name either then," he replied. T chuckled deeply.

"Sure thing, kid."

"Where're you taking us?" Howie asked, seeing they had made some sort of acquaintance with the man. Almost friendly. He reminded Howie of one of the bodyguards they used.

"Well, Howie, I can't really tell you that," T answered in his deep voice. "Just do everything that I and the others say and you won't get hurt. Too much."

Forget almost friendly.

The man sitting next to T, who looked even more intimidating, whispered something into the muscular man's ear and T nodded. AJ frowned at them, annoyed.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your life than kidnap people?" he demanded. Before he could blink, the man next to T backhanded him across the side of the head.

"Shut your mouth."

"Easy, Max," AJ heard T mutter as he leaned forward and let out a sob. If he hadn't a concussion before, he must have one now. He felt Howie's hand on the back of his neck, but wasn't comforted. He felt sick.

- - -

Thunder crashed suddenly and Brian was startled out of his restless sleep. The lights in the lobby were dimmed enough so that shadows played across the carpets and the corners of the room were in total darkness. He shifted his weight off of Kevin and sat up straighter on the couch.

He wondered what time it was. Outside the window was darkness, but the storm clouds had moved in, making it hard to determine. He shivered in the silence. The only sounds he heard was the sound of Kevin and Nick's even breathing in sleep.

Brian glanced at the two of them and smiled softly. Kevin was stretched out with his feet propped up on the coffee table and Nick's head rested lightly on his shoulder. He didn't want to wake them up, but he couldn't fall back to sleep in the silence. It was disturbing.

So he decided to do the next best thing to pass the time. Explore. He slipped out from under Kevin's arm and rose easily from the couch, not disturbing either bandmate. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the darker surroundings before manuevering his way around the disarray of tables and chairs in the lobby. He followed the tiled floor beyond the carpet to the desk in the back of the room.

Frank's large figure could be made out in the shadows, his head resting on the desktop in slumber. Brian smirked. What a watchman. Jill trusted this loser to watch the three of them? Right. He wondered where the devilish woman had gone to in the short time he'd been asleep. Oh well. As long as she wasn't here, threatening them.

Brian moved close enough to touch the countertop, and slid his hand over the smooth surface, heart pounding. There was a phone right there. He debated whether to chance it, but seeing Frank's hand resting near the reciever and cord, decided it would be to risky. His eye caught the staircase in the shadowy corner.

He started to move towards it when suddenly someone grabbed him. He felt one muscular arm wrap around his middle and the other around his neck. Involuntarily Brian let out a whimper. He started to silently say his last prayer when he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"What are you doing?"


Brian let out a breath of relieved air when he heard his cousin's voice. He had been almost sure he was a goner in that last second. He tried to stop shaking. "You scared me," he whispered.

"Good," Kevin growled. He started to drag Brian back towards the couch, only releasing him when they came within a foot. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded, his whispered voice sounding harsh.

"I was just looking around . . ."

"Dammit, Brian, just listen for once in your life, huh? Geez," Kevin muttered, dropping down on the couch. Nick let out a soft protest at the sudden movement and leaned against him again, not opening his eyes.

"I'm sorry. . ." Brian sat down softly next to Kevin, voice choked. Kevin shot a glance at his shining eyes and shook his head, pulling his younger cousin to him in an embrace.

"Look Brian, I just don't want you to get hurt, alright? Just don't go off places. Listen. It's for your own good," Kevin said softly. Brian nodded and sniffled.

"You scared me." He was still shaking.

"I know. I'm sorry, bro." Kevin gave him a squeeze. "But what if Frank woke up, huh? What if Jill came back with more of her hitman? What would happen then?" Brian was silent. They both knew exactly what would happen.

They sat in silence for almost ten minutes when Nick awoke suddenly with a jump, breathing heavy. He stared at both of them with wide eyes for a second, holding his breath.

"You okay, Frack?" Brian asked. The boy shook his head and Brian frowned.

"Bad dream?" Kevin asked softly. Nick nodded. "You wanna talk about it?"

"No, I don't remember it," Nick lied. Kevin just looked at him for a second.

"You sure, baby? You look like you saw a ghost."

"No, I'll be okay." Nick leaned into him harder and Kevin draped an arm loosely across him. Thunder crashed outside again and he sighed. This was going to be a long night for all of them.

- - -


- - -

Chapter 20

- - -

The van had stopped for a few minutes when AJ opened his eyes. He was trying to go asleep but only succeeded in lightly dozing for a few minutes. Rain was pattering on the van's roof, echoing loudly on the metal surface. Howie was asleep next to him, or at least had his eyes closed.

"Where are we?" he asked T across from him. The other man that had hit him had left for the moment so he felt free to talk.

"Getting gas."

"Can I take a walk?"


"Why? Can I go outside?"



"Because that's life."


"Shut your mouth, AJ. Unless you want more like Max gave you."

AJ stared at him silently. "I thought you were nice."

"This job doesn't require me to be nice, kid," came T's deep reply. His voice wasn't harsh, just matter-of-fact. AJ sighed and leaned his head against the metal wall of the van wall behind him, shutting his eyes.

"That's too bad. It's better to be nice." AJ knew he sounded stupid, but his head hurt too much to think. He opened his eyes a little to see if he was making any impact on the large man, but T didn't even seem to be paying attention to him anymore.

"So where is it we're going again? I forgot."

"Nice try. I never told you." T smiled slightly. "And don't expect me to either." He turned his attention back to the window in the front of the van.

"And when are we getting there?"

"You're too talkative there, AJ. I don't like that. You've got a big mouth."

"Thanks." AJ rolled his eyes.

"So you're a singer, huh? Sing me something."

"Huh?" AJ wasn't expecting that.

"Sing me something. That's your job isn't it? To sing on command?"

"Not quite." AJ narrowed his eyes and glared at the man who chuckled.

"Take it easy, kid. Sing a little something."

AJ sighed, seeing the man wasn't going to let up. He leaned his head back and shut his eyes. What to sing . . . He cleared his throat and sung a few lines of Quit Playing Games. When he opened his eyes, T was nodding.

"So you are a singer."

"Well, that is the main reason you kidnapped us, isn't it?" AJ asked dryly. T smirked.

"Yes, but I was beginning to doubt we took the right boys. You two don't exactly seem the famous dumbass type we usually see around."

AJ raised an eyebrow. "Is that a compliment?"

"It wasn't meant to be," T said easily with a shrug. "Now shut your mouth. You're giving me a headache."

He's got a headache? AJ shook his head. That man didn't know what a headache felt like until he experienced the pain he was going through right now. He felt hung over. Before he could make a comment, the back door of the van opened roughly and Max hopped in.

"We're going. You need anything, T?"

"No, let's just get out of here."

Max turned again to shut the door when suddenly T landed a blow to the back of his head. AJ's eyes widened as he watched the man fell to the floor of the van with a thud. T kicked the fallen man in the skull before rolling him out the back of the van into the rain and gravel. He looked at AJ.

"You stay in the van." AJ opened his mouth and T narrowed his eyes. "Don't make me do the same to you."

"Sure." AJ shut his mouth and elbowed Howie in the side as T hopped out of the van. "Howie?"

"What?" the man answered groggily, opening his eyes slowly. His eyes went to the open back door and the pouring rain. "What happened?"

"T . . ." AJ stared at him. "He . . . killed Max. At least, I think he killed him, but . . ."

"He's helping us?" Howie asked incredulously. AJ shrugged.

"That's what it looks like . . ."

- - -

This was definitely the worst night's sleep that he had ever gotten. There were times on tour he thought were bad, when he would lay awake and stare at the ceiling trying to remember where they were going and what his family was doing without him, but that feeling in his stomach was multiplied a thousand fold tonight.

Nick stared at the window morosely. He hated rain when he was feeling down. Sometimes it could be refreshing, but not now. He sighed and pulled out from under Kevin's arm. He stared down at his leg and cursed the throbbing, but stood up slowly. He just wanted to look out the window. It wasn't that far away and he made it there with a few limps and hops, leaning on the back of the furniture scattered around.

The thunder boomed and the sky lit up with a flash of lightning. When the whole lot was illuminated, Nick tried to look for the van but he didn't see it. Maybe they'd parked it somewhere else? Around the back? He hoped so. Or there went Kevin's plan.

He sighed as he watched the storm outside silently. It seemed peaceful, the light rain and the low thunder. He tried to look again for the van. Nope, not there.

Nick jumped as someone roughly grabbed him from behind by the waist of his pants. His heart leapt into his throat and he took a deep breath. Maybe it was Kevin or Brian . . .

"Where are you going, lad?"

Nick frowned. Frank. Not good. Why hadn't he heard him coming? "Nowhere, I was just-"

"Trying to get away?" Frank gave him a shake. "Weren't you."

"No, I was-"

"Did we not specifically tell you not to move?" Frank started. There was silence. "Answer me, boy. Didn't we?"

"Yes, but-" Nick was cut off by another shake. He tried to pull away, but Frank spun him around and pressed him up against the window.

"Jill's not going to be happy. Do you know what happens when Jill's not happy?"

"No," came Nick's choked reply. He shut his eyes tightly. This was a dream, this was a dream.

"Well, I guess we're going to find out, hm boy?"

"No . . ." Nick whimpered as Frank's hold tightened. Why wouldn't Kevin or Brian wake up? He watched as a smile spread against Frank's face and grew mad. He was sick of this.

"Don't cry now," Frank sneered. "Save it for later." Nick tried to pull away again and Frank twisted his arm behind his back. "You make me look bad in front of Jill again and I will snap your skinny arm in two, understand?"

"Go to hell," Nick answered. "Agh." Frank twisted his arm further back and Nick let out a yell.

"I'm not kidding," Frank hissed.

"Neither am I."


"Get off of him!"

Thank God. Nick let out a shaky breath as he heard Kevin's voice and Frank released him. He spun around and found Brian and Kevin both awake and on their feet. He sank against the window sill in relief.

"Mind your own business," Frank growled.

"He is our business," Brian returned, eyes narrowing. "Get off of him."

"Fine." Frank saw it was three against one and figured it wasn't worth the effort. "But I'll tell you the same thing I told the lad here. You make me look bad in front of Jill and I will kill you."

"That's fine," Kevin said dryly. "Get away from him."

Frank rolled his eyes and gave Nick a shove in their direction. "Keep him quiet. All of you keep quiet. And stay on the couch. Else I'll shoot you. I'm sick of games." He lifted up his shirt to show his gun hidden in his holster and they swallowed. They had been pretty sure up until then that he had been unarmed. He ambled back towards the desk at the end of the room.

"Frack, are you okay?" Brian moved forward and hugged Nick tightly.

"I wanna go home," came Nick's answer, not letting go of his friend for a minute. He was shaking from the encounter, especially now that he realized Frank could've just shot him. Kevin watched the two silently. That was way too close. He ran a hand through Nick's blonde hair for a second.

"You okay?"


"You have to learn to listen. Both of you," he said, directing his gaze at Brian. How many times had he told them the same thing within the past few days? And did it ever get through? Of course not.

"I was looking out the window," Nick defended. They made their way back to the couch, Nick using the guys as balance. He sat in the middle of them on the center of the couch.

"You see anything worth it?" Brian asked curiously.

"I don't think the van is still there," Nick whispered. "I didn't see it." He glanced at Kevin. "Don't try and get the keys from Frank. Think of something else, Kev."

"Why? They probably just parked it somewhere else."

"But he had a gun. Don't."

"Nick . . ."


"Let's just relax, okay? Try and think of something else we can do then."

- - -


- - -

Chapter 21

- - -

AJ and Howie sat silently in the van, thoughts racing. The only sound from outside was the pouring rain, and little could be heard over it. There were a few shouts and Howie tensed. They both jumped as a gunshot rang out through the air. Two more shots immediately followed, each one jolting through them. Then there was silence. Howie and AJ's eyes were both wide as the back door to the van slammed shut. A second later T hopped into the driver's seat.

"Everything's taken care of," he said gruffly, starting the ignition.


"Do me a favor, son, and just be quiet for now, okay?" T's voice sounded strange, so AJ just sat back silently. What was the matter now? He was so confused.

The van was bouncing quickly over the narrow roads for nearly twenty minutes and AJ glanced at Howie worriedly. Howie looked toward the front. "T, where are we going?"

"Memorial Hospital." The was a moment of silence. "That's where I stop and you're on your own."

"Why'd you help us, huh?" AJ asked.

"I felt like it." There was a pause. "I didn't like the company I was keeping and needed out. You two just happened along when I decided to get out."

"Oh." AJ heard the man take a shaky breath and frowned. "Are you okay?"

"Fine, AJ. Mind your business."

"Are you hurt?" Howie asked with a frown. T let out a groan.

"No. We're almost there, just be quiet until then."

"Sure," Howie answered. If the man didn't want them to talk, then he wouldn't talk. No problem. He was relieved enough that they were finally getting out of this anyway.


'What the hell do you want, AJ?"

Silence. "Thanks. I just wanted to say thanks."

T sighed. "You're welcome, kid."

Fifteen minutes later, and T was pulling the van into the emergency parking area of Memorial Hospital. He parked alongside the curb, leaving the vehicle running as he went around the back of the van and threw open the door. It was only then that AJ and Howie noticed the clutched hand over the spreading red stain on his shirt. AJ sucked in a breath.

"You're hurt!" Howie exclaimed.

"Get out of the van," T ordered. His voice was strained, but had the same no nonsense tone as earlier. The guys quickly complied with no objections. "Go to emergency and take care of yourselves," T said, turning away and heading to the driver's side door. He was pulling on the handle when AJ caught his arm.

"Aren't you gonna-"

"No, I'm fine." T sent him a look. "Get going before I change my mind about you two." He gave the kid a gentle shove toward Howie.

"Get help . . ." Howie started, cutting off when T growled something and swung open his door, getting in the seat wordlessly. He pulled it shut with a bang and pulled out of the lot before either boy had another word.

- - -

"Hello, boys!"

Three pairs of eyes turned toward the direction of Jill's voice, finding her standing in the doorway with a smug expression. Through the open doorway Kevin noticed it was still raining. He couldn't decide if that was good or bad for the carrying out of their escape plan.

"Glad to see you're all still with us. I had my doubts," Jill said as she made her way toward them. She stopped directly in front of them, catching Nick off guard as she grabbed him by the collar. "I heard you caused a little excitement, hm? I don't want to see any of that." She slapped the side of his head before letting him go. He sank back against the couch cushions and set his jaw with a blank expression on his face. Jill was disappointed at the reaction but shrugged it off. They had time for fun later.

"So how are the plans coming along?" Brian asked sweetly. Kevin shot him a look.

"Perfectly," Jill growled. "Glad you asked."


"You're going to be our first victim when the time comes for that, don't worry. Who do you think would pay more for you, your management or your mother?" Brian's mouth dropped open and she smirked. "You think about that and get back to me."

"Leave him alone," Kevin objected. Jill looked at him with a roll of her eyes.

"Still protective are we?"

"You betcha."

"Well that could come in handy," Jill said sarcastically. "I have a great idea. How about you pick the first one to go? Blondie or the comedian over here. Your choice. What'll it be?" Without waiting for an answer, she spun around and headed for the desk. "Asshole," Kevin heard her mutter and he smiled slightly. He was gonna get them out of here.

"Guys," he said lowly. "Listen up." They moved closer on the couch and he cleared his throat. "I'm gonna get Frankie over there to show me where the bathroom is, ok? I'll take care of him and get the keys, then come back for you." He said this all in a whispered voice.

"No, there's no van," Nick said, making an excuse. Frank had a gun now, making it even harder if Kevin were to try and get the keys from him. He grabbed Kevin's arm tightly. "Don't."

"Yeah, Kev, maybe we should . . ." Brian trailed off. There was nothing else that they could do, they all knew it.

"Guys, look after each other." That was all Kevin said. He looked up and caught Frank's eye. "Bathroom," he called loudly. Frank let out an exasperated breath but came around from the desk and motioned to him to get up.

"Quickly," he said gruffly.

"Sure." Kevin peeled his arm away from Nick gently, and giving Brian's shoulder a pat, stood up from the couch, heading toward Frank. He followed the man through a long hall from the lobby to another area of the motel that seemed to be under construction. Seeing the sign for the restrooms up ahead, he knew it was his chance.

Using all his strength, Kevin spun on the burly man and punched him in the jaw. Frank was caught off balance for a second, shock slowing his reflexes. An attack had been the farthest thing from his mind. He quickly recovered and swung at Kevin, who ducked in time and punched him in the stomach. Frank staggered back but raced forward with renewed strength, making Kevin panic. Maybe this wasn't the greatest idea. This guy was pretty strong, even though a little slow.

He dodged out of the way and his eye caught a piece of wood leaning against the wall, part of the construction mess. Kevin grabbed it without thinking and swung the board at Frank's head. The wood made a satisfying crack against the man's skull and he crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Kevin let out a breath of relief and went for the keys.

- - -

Brian stared at the clock and Nick stared at his face. Where was he? Did the plan fall through or something? Was Frank dragging Kevin's dead body out the back of the motel and coming back for them? He scooted closer to Brian on the couch and shook his arm.

"Where is he, Frick?"

"I don't know . . ."

"I didn't hear any gun shots," Nick whispered. "Do you think Kevin got the keys?"

"Probably," Brian said. "He's probably coming back now-"

"Are you two still talking?" Jill's voice cut across the room like a knife as she hung up the telephone. "I certainly hope not. No one's here to protect you anymore."

"We don't need protection from you," Brian muttered, rolling his eyes. Jill ignored the unheard statement and continued.

"I hope your friend didn't try anything out there and that's what's taking Frank so long. If he did, he doesn't stand a chance. And that would mean one less ransom for us." She frowned.

Brian and Nick watched her ranting silently. It was so frustrating just sitting there and not being able to do or say anything in defense. But they didn't want to botch Kevin's plan and make things even worse for themselves. And the fact that she had a gun on her certainly didn't make matters any better.

"I'm going to call your management now," she was saying with a sneer in her voice. "Since everything's set." She reached for the phone to dial when both her hands were caught and pulled behind her back. The receiver clattered to the floor and Jill gasped.

"Hey, Jill," came Kevin's voice. "Frank's a little indisposed right now," he said with a laugh. "So, um . . ."

"Kev!" Brian jumped up from the couch and headed toward the desk with a grin. "You got the keys?"

"Yup." Kevin tossed them at his cousin and looked around. "Give me that rope, cuz," he directed, motioning to the roll of twine in the open drawer of the desk. He took it and wrapped it around Jill's wrists, tying it to the back of the chair she was seated in. "Comfy?"

"Asshole," Jill returned. She struggled to free her hands, her icy glare kept on Kevin's face.

Ignoring her comment, Kevin reached for the phone. "Where are we again?" he asked as he picked the receiver off the floor. Jill was silent. "Where are we?"

"Route 70 motel," she hissed as Brian pulled the twine tighter around her wrists.

"Thank you," Kevin said. He dialed 911 and said who he was, giving their location. There had obviously been a lot going on due to their disappearance because the dispatcher seemed incredibly relieved to hear from them and said they would send a crew right away. Brian bounced happily back over to Nick and fell onto the couch with a grin.

"We're getting of here, buddy."

"Bout time," Nick said with a smile. He opened his mouth to say something else, but suddenly trailed off, his eyes wide. Brian stared at him with worry.

"What's the matter? Nick?" Nick pointed and Brian followed his line of sight to the back door. A wobbly Frank leaned half over against the doorframe, weakly raising his hand with his gun, finger on the trigger. "Oh God . . ."

Frank positioned himself in a more upright position against the door and raised his head wearily. A malicious smile spread slowly over his features as he aimed.

"Kevin, move!" Nick yelled. Kevin looked up in surprise just in time to see Frank pull the trigger.

- - -

Part VIII by old_archive

Crash Course

- - -

Chapter 22

- - -

AJ jumped as a stretcher crashed next to him. He made a face. Why was everything so loud? Didn't they understand he had a headache? So why didn't they just shut up? People's voices echoed around him, reminding him what a busy place the ER was. Every now and then a nurse would hop to his side and check up on him. All he wanted was Howie to come back- they were wrapping his wrist up or something. Who knew.

He started banging his feet against the metal leg of the stretcher he was sitting on, gaining unhappy looks from the patients and staff around him. So what. He was bored.

"Hi, AJ!" came a voice. He sighed. The perky little nurse with the big hair was back again. Great.


"And how are we feeling?"

"The same as thirty seconds ago, Kelly," he returned, reading her nametag. "How are you?"

"Fine, thanks. How many fingers am I holding up?"


"Funny, AJ. This is important. Come on, be serious."

"I am serious. You mean you don't have eleven fingers?"

"Headache? Nausea? Blurry vision?" She glanced down at her clipboard, pen ready.

"Does the cafeteria have a Mickey D's, Kelly?"

"I don't know, AJ," she huffed.

"Cause if it does, I'm gonna-" He was cut off as a thermometer was forced in his mouth.

"Under the tongue, honey. And don't talk."

"Where's Howie?"

"Don't talk. He'll be out here in a second. Maybe he can control you."


"Is it under your tongue? Quiet." He slumped back resignedly and was silent until the thermometer beeped a minute later and she pulled it out.

"See, there's nothing-"

"You have a slight fever," Kelly interrupted, marking it on her chart. "We'll keep an eye on that."

"You do that. Now go a-"

"AJ!" Howie appeared in front of them and AJ grabbed his arm in relief.

"Get her away from me," he whispered desperately. Howie just smirked but Kelly took the hint soon enough and left with her clipboard to attend to some other business. "Finally," AJ muttered. He glanced down at Howie's wrist, where a cast covered around his hand and a quarter of the way up his arm. "Is it broke?"


"Ooh, ooh, can I sign it?" AJ sent him a childish grin and Howie smiled back in return.

"Go for it. Nothing vulgar though, AJ, ok? I have to wear it for six weeks."

"I'll try my best," AJ said with a laugh. He looked around. "I need a marker."

"Don't worry about it. You can sign later. You'll be the first." Howie paused and looked his young friend over. "You doing okay?"


"How's the headache?" he asked, noticing the creased forehead that was partner to AJ's pained expression.

"These bright lights are hell, D," AJ admitted.

"Why don't you try and sleep? You look tired." AJ sent him a look of objection, but Howie shook his head. "Just lay back," he said, patting the stretcher. "Relax, I'm not going anywhere." He grabbed a seat on the chair next over.

AJ sighed. He was tired, that much he admitted. So for Howie's sake he decided he'd try and get some sleep. He leaned back and pulled up his feet.

He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

- - -

He decided not to uncover his eyes. Enough was enough, he didn't need to see this on top of it all. He took a shaky breath and tried to listen. What was going on now?

Poor Kevin. He was gonna miss the guy. Sure he was bossy and they didn't always get along, but he was like family to him. Nick felt his throat close up and his eyes filled. Where was Brian? He needed Brian.

He counted the seconds in his head. Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two . . . What was going on? He must've been sitting in silence for ten minutes, at least that's what it felt like. He jumped when he felt a hand on his arm. He didn't move or uncover his eyes.

"Frack, come on."


The second voice sounded like Kevin, but it couldn't be. Kevin was gpne. He sniffled and heard Brian's voice again.

"He's okay. Give him a minute."

The couch sank beside him and Nick found himself pulled into someone's arms.

"You okay?" Kevin's voice asked. Nick sniffled again and shook his head.


"Yeah, baby."

"Are you dead? Brian, is he dead?"

"No, Frack. He's okay."

"What happened?" Nick opened his eyes slowly and wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. Was he for real? Kevin gave him a squeeze.

"Frank shot at me, but you warned me and I got out of the way in time," he explained. "The bullet got Jill instead. It only nicked my arm."

Nick let out a breath of relief. "That's good. Is Jill . . ." He trailed off and Kevin nodded.

"Yeah. She won't bother us anymore."

"Where's Frank?"

"He collapsed after he pulled the trigger," Kevin said. "He's out like a light."

Brian sighed and squeezed next to Kevin's other side, wrapping his arms around his cousin for a second silently. He pulled away and took a breath. Before he could say a word, the door banged open and three uniformed cops took over the room. Nick quickly buried his head in Kevin's arm. He could just see the situation repeating itself again with the so-called 'help'. With their luck, who knew.

"PD," the eldest of the cops said, taking in the situation surrounding him as the two younger officers went to check over by the desk. "What happened here?"

Kevin left the two on the couch and went to the cop, explaining the stituation. The cop nodded throughout the narrative and took a few notes on a little pad before looking up.

"Were you shot?" he asked, noticing the stain on the younger man's sleeve. Kevin nodded.

"Yeah, it just kinda nicked me," he said. He tried not to think about it, it made him feel dizzy. The officer nodded.

"We'll get you and the other boys to a hospital. After that, the three of you will probably be asked some more questions about what happened." He paused and turned toward his crew. "Guys, how's it coming?"

"This man's still alive," one of them said, sliding cuffs on the wrists of Frank's unconscious body. "He has a pulse."

"Take care of it." The officer turned back to Kevin. "I'll take you boys over to the Memorial Hospital in my squad car. It's the closest."

"Sure. Thanks."

"No problem, that's my job. The car's outside, I'll meet you there."

Kevin nodded and headed back toward the couch as the officer moved to the end of the room. "We're out of here, boys," Kevin said. "He's giving us a lift to the hospital."

"Can we go home instead?" Nick objected.

"Me and you have to get fixed up," Kevin told the younger boy. "But I'm sure we're gonna get a break from tour after this, before we're on the road again. So we can go home then."

Nick nodded with a dubious expression. Sure they'd have a break. Donna and the rest of management would probably fill in more dates to cover up anything they had missed instead. They'd be working forever. He sighed and got up of the couch without help, leaning his weight on his other leg. Brian bounced up next him.

"You need help?"

"No." Nick shook his head, but Kevin came to his side anyway.

"Let's get out of here."

- - -

Howie never even realized that he had fallen asleep, but before he knew it someone was shaking his arm and calling his name. He opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head. Ow, his neck hurt. A nurse he didn't recognize stood in front of him, so he assumed the shifts had changed.

"Yeah?" he asked groggily.

"We have an extra room with beds for you two," she said softly. "You didn't look that comfortable . . ."

He smiled. "Yeah. Thanks."

"No problem. That one right there," she directed, pointing over to her right. Howie nodded and thanked her again. He stood up from his chair and went to AJ as she continued on with her job. The kid was in a curled up position resting on his side and Howie hated to wake him, but knew he'd be more comfortable in a bed anyway.

"Aje? Wake up . . ." Howie touched him in the side lightly and AJ jerked away, immediately awake. He was caught off guard until he saw it was Howie by his side.

"Oh hey, D."

"Hey. We got beds if you want. I can't sleep in that chair. You coming?"

"Yeah." AJ slid off his resting spot with a groan. "My head hurts . . ."

"Try not to think about it," Howie suggested as they walked toward the room the nurse had shown him.

"Damn, why didn't I think of that?" AJ said sarcastically. "Doesn't work, D."

"Sorry. You can go back to bed."

"Yeah . . . Sorry, Howie. I'm just kinda sick of all of this," AJ said as he laid down on one of the beds. Howie took the other one across the room and sighed.

"I know, AJ. I am too."

"I hope the guys are all okay," AJ continued, staring at the ceiling. He started counting the water stains up there. Three, four . . . "Do you think they're out of the cabin?"

No answer came and AJ turned his head to the side. Howie was sound asleep. Oh well, good for him. He needed sleep anyway. It seemed like he was always the one awake through all of this. AJ turned his attention back to the ceiling.

- - -


- - -

Chapter 23

- - -

Brian leaned forward and rested his chin on his hand. He had no idea what time it was but he was wide awake, the bustling of the ER like a movie around him. He watched patients slide back on forth on stretchers, the hallways like a highway for the nurses and doctors passing each other with distracted expressions on their faces.

He was watching an older woman making her way across the room with a walker. She went slowly, but the determined expression never left her lined face for a second. It was funny the way one room held so many people of varying histories, illnesses, and problems, yet they were all holding on to the same thing.


Some soap opera was playing on the television that hung from the corner of ceiling. The volume was turned low, but over the hustle and bustle Brian could hear a woman proclaiming her dedication toward one of the men on the screen as sappy music played softly in the background. How far from reality could you get.

Brian chewed on his fingernail distractly. It was a nervous habit he'd never let go of over the years. He looked down at the floor where mismatched beige and white tiles shined up at him. It was a wonder they kept this place so clean.

The seat next to him suddenly sank and Brian turned to see a little boy climbing up next to him. He smiled at the light-headed boy easily. "Hey."

"Hi! Who are you waiting for?" The child couldn't have been more than five and was nothing but smiles.

"Two of my friends."

"Oh, are they okay?"

"They will be." Brian smiled back. "Who are you here for?"

"My ma."

"Is she okay?"

"She's having a baby," the little boy said proudly, his young voice suddenly serious. "I wanna little brother."

"Oh you do, huh? Well, I hope you get one."

"Me too."

"Mr. Littrell?"

Brian looked up as a nurse called his name and saw her motioning him closer. He immediately scrambled up from the couch and gave the boy on the couch a smile. "Good luck, kiddo."


"Are they okay?" were the first words out of Brian's mouth upon reaching the late shift nurse. The older woman eyes crinkled and she nodded.

"Yes, they're fine. Actually I wanted to ask you something. You have two other young men in your group, yes?"

Brian nodded and his voice fell. "Yeah, but I don't know where . . ." He watched as she raised her eyebrows in amusement and his heart skipped a beat. "Do you?"

The nurse smiled at his eager voice. "McLean and Dorough?" Brian's head bobbed up and down. "Room 221." She pointed a little way down the hallway.

"Thanks!" He spun to go, but she caught his arm.

"Could you do me a favor? My daughter's a huge fan of you boys." She smiled. "Would you mind giving an autograph. . .?"

"No problem." He wanted to get to the guys but took the piece of paper and the pen that she offered. "What's her name?"


Brian scribbled a short message on the paper and recapped the pen, handing it back to the woman. "There you go." As she thanked him, his eye caught on her name tag. Angie. He grinned, thanked her again and took off running, ignoring the staff's objections to slow down.

- - -

Howie was in a peaceful sleep, his thoughts free from worry, when out of nowhere someone jumped down on top of him. His eyes flew open to see who had tackled him so suddenly. It was Brian . . .


"Howie!!" Brian exclaimed, shaking his shoulders. There was a huge grin on his face. "Oh my God, Howie! I missed you guys so much. Where're you been? Are you okay?!"

"Brian!" Howie grinned and gave the younger man a hug. He sat up and put his feet on the floor, pushing Brian off of him gently. Brian was almost bouncing in excitement. "Are Kev and Nick around?"

"Yeah, they're getting fixed up. Kevin got shot," Brian said absently. Howie's mouth dropped open, but Brian ignored him and ran over toward AJ.

"AJ, wake up, wake up!"

"Bri . . ." Howie objected, but AJ was already up and rubbing the sleep from his drained face.

"Hey Brian! Where'd you come from?"

"A cop dropped us off."

"A cop? A cop found you at the cabin?"

"No, not exactly . . ."

"How was Kevin shot?" Howie was asking. He came over and squeezed in to sit on the bed the other two occupied. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine-"

"Kev was shot?" AJ's jaw dropped. "By the cop?"

"No . . . Not exactly . . ."

- - -

"Don't come near me. That's right, stay where you are."

"Look, son, we need to take care of your leg. You've lost a lot of blood and might have an infection," the shiny headed man started in a soothing tone. He tried to be patient. Why did he always get stuck with the arguing teenagers anyway? "If you just-"

"No, stop. Get away. Are you even a doctor?" Nick ran a hand through his blonde hair, keeping an angry eye on the man wearing the glimmering stethoscope. It was probably a fake one.

"Yes, son. Don't I look like a doctor?"

"Looks are nothin'," Nick answered petulantly. "Show me your diploma to prove it."

The man sighed exasperatedly. "It's hanging in my office. If you're not difficult, this visit can only take a few minutes."

"Go get it."

"My office is not at this hospital. It's at my private practice."

"I'll wait for you to go get it then," Nick answered. That would give him enough time to get out of there anyway. The emergency part of the hospital had curtained rooms with brown cushioned examining tables. Nick crossed his arms and shifted on the table he was sitting on. He didn't like being alone with this guy.

The doctor moved closer and Nick's guard immediately went up. "Son, let me take a look at your leg," the doctor said patiently. He kept coming closer.

"I'll scream . . ." Nick warned. He began to get nervous and could hear his heart beating.

"I'm not going to hurt you," the bald man said, still coming.

"Stop!" Nick yelled. "Don't touch me!" He kicked the man away with his good leg, catching him in the stomach a couple times. The doctor let out a growl and stormed out through the curtains. Nick sighed. Now maybe he'd listen.

Instead, he was back in about ten minutes with Kevin at his side. Nick rolled his eyes. Great, the enforcer was now here. Kevin's upper arm was bandaged with clean, sterile linen under his t-shirt. No sling or anything. It didn't look like much.

"Hey, Nick," he greeted, moving to Nick's side. "What's the matter?"

"He's not a doctor."

"Nick, come on, buddy. Sure, he is . . . "

Nick eyes turned away, past Kevin. "Get out!" Nick yelled, his attention suddenly focussed on the doctor standing silently at the side of the room. "Why can't you just get out and leave me alone?!"

Kevin rested a cool hand on his head easily. "Hey now." His voice was verging on being irritated, but Nick ignored it and kept glaring at the doctor until he left. "Calm down. Behave yourself," Kevin said softly when they were left alone. "I know you feel like crap, but relax."

Nick just pressed his lips together and stared at him silently. After a moment, his shoulders slumped and he looked away. Kevin sighed and gave the table top a pat with the palm of his hand.

"Lay back," he directed. Nick shook his head. "C'mon, Nick. Lay back." Nick set his jaw and silently did as told. He had learned over the years not to argue with that tone. "Now breathe, okay? Relax." Kevin looked at him a minute before he was satisfied. "I'm gonna call the doctor back in and let him look at your leg." He didn't wait for an answer and disappeared from his side for a minute.

There was no way out. Nick breathed in deeply and tried to be calm. It seemed like a few minutes passed before Kevin came back through the curtain with the so-called doctor. Nick turned his head to the side and tried not to glare or make any remarks.

"Are we ready?" the man asked, sounding tired. Nick read his name tag silently. Burns. Doctor Burns. He committed it to his memory. That was the name that would go on the lawsuit when-


"Easy there. I'm going to unbandage this," Burns said smoothly, face unmoved. "It might hurt a little."

Might? A little? Nick silently cursed the man and grabbed onto Kevin's arm, digging in. The older man didn't make a remark, but Nick felt his hand on his head again and shut his eyes. Counting backward from hundred, he tried not to think about his leg and the pain. He bit his lip not to make any noise.

"Okay . . ." the doctor said suddenly.

"Okay what?" Nick demanded, opening his eyes. Kevin was looking at the wall.

"This is gonna need stitches."

"I think we all knew that," Nick muttered. "Damn doctor wannabe."

"I'll be back in a moment," Burns said, not hearing the statement and pulling away through the curtain. Nick let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"You holding up, Nicky?" came Kevin's voice.

"Yeah," Nick said softly.

"We'll be out of here soon."


"Okay!" They heard some rattling and saw the doctor returning with a nurse and a tray of instruments. Nick's eyes widened and he suddenly felt dizzy. "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

How reassuring, Nick thought. He just nodded and looked away. What was this, major surgery? He took another deep breath and wondered why he was suddenly feeling weak.

"Alright, first I'm just going to give you this shot to numb your leg. And then this one is to fight any infection that you might have picked up, alright?"

Could he say no?

- - -


- - -

Chapter 24

- - -

He was tired. Suddenly he just felt drained from everything that they had been through. Kevin came out of the examination area of the ER wearily and glanced around the waiting area for Brian.

Okay, no Brian.

He groaned. Why couldn't that kid just stay in one spot for once in his life? Did he ever listen? He was tiredly debating how to hunt him down and kill him when someone called his name. He spun around.

"Mr. Richardson?" the nurse repeated.


"Looking for your friends?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "Do you happen to know where they wandered to?"

"Room 221." She pointed down the hall and sent him a smile. "Why don't you get some rest too?"

"Yeah, I will. Thanks." He returned the smile gratefully.

As Kevin walked through the door of the room the nurse had directed him to, he suddenly found arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. He was caught off guard and for a second a thought went through his head that he'd gotten the wrong room by accident until he heard AJ's voice.

"Kev! You're back!"

Kevin grinned and returned the embrace, lifting AJ off the floor for a second. "Hey, buddy!" he exclaimed. He was so relieved to see the guys in one piece. "You okay? Hey Howie," he greeted, releasing AJ to give to other a hug.

"Kevin," Howie grinned. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking at the older man's arm. Kevin nodded.

"Yeah, just scraped me," he said, wrapping an arm around AJ easily. "How my boys doing?"


"Where's Nicky?" Howie asked.


"He okay and all?"

"Yeah, he's a tough kid. He'll pull through," Kevin said. "He just needs some rest and relaxation."

"You look tired, Kev," Brian spoke up. "Why don't you sleep too?"

"I just might take you up on that," Kevin answered with a laugh. He pushed AJ away lightly and headed toward the other bed with out another word. He could sleep forever.

- - -

When Nick opened his eyes, he finally found himself in a nice, clean, white bed. He hadn't realized how much he had taken sleeping in a bed for granted before this. He let out a sigh of relief and rested his head back against the pillow.

It was then he realized he didn't feel any pain. Or his leg.

He started to panic. They said stitches, not amputation. What if something went wrong and they had to-

Stop, he told himself. Nothing happened. He lifted up the sheet and sure enough, his leg was still there. The shot they had given to him probably hadn't worn off yet. Like novacaine or something like that. He was thankful for the temporary relief.

It certainly had take a lot out of him though; he could barely move his arms he was so exhausted. He hadn't felt this way since their first tour when he wasn't used to all the performing. He was just plain tired.

Nick vaguely wondered what time it was. He had no idea if it was even morning, noon, or night. It was like when you were sick and you slept for a real long time so that when you woke up you found that even though it felt like only minutes, the whole day had gone by while you were sleeping. That surreal feeling that was almost depressing.

A knock came at the door and a nurse poked her head in. When she saw that he was awake, she bounced right in.

"Hello, sweetie, how are we feeling?"

Nick just shrugged.

"Alright. Now stick this under your tongue," she directed, pulling out a thermometer. Nick silently did as she said, waiting a minute until it beeped. She pulled it out of his mouth and glanced down at it, writing on her chart. "You do have a fever. Do you feel your leg?"

He shook his head.

"Alright. I'll be back within the half hour to check up on you," she said, disappearing out the door as quickly as she had come.

As she promised, she was back within the half hour. Several times in fact, much to Nick's dismay. It felt like every five minutes she was back, knocking and sticking her curly head in the door. So many times, Nick was getting tired of it.

The next time he heard a light knock, he was finally fed up. "I'm sleeping!" he yelled.

"Then why the hell are you answering?" came an amused voice. Nick sat up straight.

"AJ! AJ!"

"Hey, little man, what's up?" AJ grinned as he came to the younger man's bedside. He ruffled the kid's hair playfully and Nick knocked his hands away.

"Where'd you come from? Is Howie here?"

"Yup. We ran into Brian and Kev a little while ago. You were sleeping for like two hours, man."

"Yeah well, it hasn't helped." Nick was grinning at seeing him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, pretty much," AJ answered. He pulled a chair up to the side of the bed. "How's the leg, baby?" Nick just shrugged absently. "What's that mean?"

"I don't know. I can't feel it. They gave me something to numb it awhile ago and I still can't feel it."

"Well that's good then. No pain."

"Yeah, it's all good. Where are the guys? I wanna get out of here."

"They're all like sleeping in the other room," AJ said with a shrug. "Brian and D are like making fun of some soap opera on TV. They were a little while ago at least. So I left to come bother you."

"Let's go to the other room then," Nick said. He wanted to see the other guys all together.

"How? You can't walk if you can't feel your leg."

Nick shrugged. "You can carry me."

"I probably could but I'm too tired," AJ said with a small smile. "Just stay here."

"I don't wanna stay here . . ." Nick whined. "This nurse keeps coming in every ten seconds."

"They're bothering you too?" AJ laughed roughly. "And I thought it was just me."

"C'mon." Nick sighed. "I wanna go home, Bone."

"Me too, Frack." AJ leaned back and shut his eyes. "I could go to sleep right here . . ."

"No, don't sleep," Nick objected. He didn't want to be alone again. Things bothered him more when he was alone now. "Talk."

"About what, kid?"

"About . . ." Nick trailed off. He tried to think. "About . . . what happened to you and Howie after you left the cabin."

"You really wanna hear?" Nick nodded. "Okay, it started when D and I got picked up by a car on the highway . . ."

- - -

Part IX by old_archive

Crash Course

- - -

Chapter 25

- - -

He wanted to get out of there. Out of the hospital, out of the town, out of the state. But right now, out of this room would suffice. Howie stared at the casually dressed, more than slightly overweight officer that sat easily in the chair across from them. The man was the epitome of lethargic. AJ leaned against him with a sigh.

"Get me out of here," AJ mumbled. He shut his eyes and ignored everything else.

"Well, boys . . . " the chubby man started, writing slowly on his small white pad with a stubby pencil. He had gone through almost three pages of it in the time they'd been in the room. He trailed off mid-sentence as if writing took up the entirety of his concentration. Nick cast a long look at Kevin who just shrugged.

The silence went on for almost a minute. Brian glanced at the other guys' expressions and drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch impatiently. "Ahem," he coughed loudly. Officer Chub looked up suddenly from his writing.

"Oh." Pause. "Well, boys, I think that's about it." Another pause. "Thanks for your cooperation in this mess." He smiled at them and got up with some effort from his seat. "That's all the questions we have."

"God," AJ muttered when the man was out of earshot. "And they wonder why there's damn criminals running this town, huh?"

Nick rolled his eyes. "That guy was dumb. What was he writing anyway, a book?"

"Looked like it," Brian replied. "He was thick." He shifted in his seat. "Can we leave now?"

"Yeah." Kevin nodded. "Lemme just try and give Donna a call to see where we have to be." The other guys just groaned and stared at him tiredly. "What?"

"I don't wanna have to be somewhere," Nick mumbled. "Let's just go home."

"Yeah," Howie filled in. "We need a break."

"Guys, I know. Don't worry, we'll get one." Kevin ran a hand through his hair. Forget even requesting a break, he was demanding one. Donna would just have to give it to them. It was going to take more than a day or two to recover from the course they had been dragged through during the past few days of hell.

"You know, that was close," Brian spoke up suddenly. There was no answer, but the guys silently agreed, thinking the same thing. The past few days now seemed like one long nightmare. It almost didn't seem real, but nonetheless, they all realized it was going to be hard to forget. A bad memory that followed like a shadow.

Nick shook his head and tried not to think back. "I just wanna forget about it."

"Me too," AJ agreed.

"Well, we're all still here." They all felt the same thankfulness that was evident in Howie's tone. Kevin nodded in agreement and threw an arm around Brian.

"Right. Let's try and get back on track."

- - -

"Frank, man . . . you okay?"

The large man sat up with a groan, rubbing his tender head. He looked around carefully, not recognizing his surroundings. "I think so . . . Where are we?" His gaze focused on the van outside the small house. "I thought-"

"Don't. Forget it Frank, we're out of here."


"I told you man, I've got a few . . . connections. Just forget it, okay?"

Frank nodded, the pounding in his head fading slightly as he stood slowly. "Sure, sure. No problem."

"Good, come on. We don't have a lot of time."

"For what?" Frank looked at his friend with a frown.

"To get out of town," the man answered with a roll of his eyes. "C'mon, Frankie, don't play dumb now. Jill's not around anymore. It's just me and you. Let's start fresh."

"Sounds good to me," Frank replied easily, following his friend out the door. He left it unlocked- they wouldn't be returning anyway. "So what exactly's our plan of action?"

"Don't worry, man. I've got it all covered . . . Jill's not here to screw us up this time."

Frank nodded as a smile spread across his face. Things were definitely looking up.


The End

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