Last Christmas by rebellious_one
Past Featured StorySummary:

Brian had the perfect trip planned out for the group, in hopes to recapture and relive the good times and enjoy one of the greatest gift life has to offer, friendship. What wasn’t planned was the unimaginable event that would occur, turning their trip into an unforgettable one and a fight for survival.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Drama, Humor, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: Yes Word count: 54216 Read: 63949 Published: 12/22/09 Updated: 11/09/11

1. Chapter 1 by rebellious_one

2. Chapter 2 by rebellious_one

3. Chapter 3 by rebellious_one

4. Chapter 4 by rebellious_one

5. Chapter 5 by rebellious_one

6. Chapter 6 by rebellious_one

7. Chapter 7 by rebellious_one

8. Chapter 8 by rebellious_one

9. Chapter 9 by rebellious_one

10. Chapter 10 by rebellious_one

11. Chapter 11 by rebellious_one

12. Chapter 12 by rebellious_one

13. Chapter 13 by rebellious_one

14. Chapter 14 by rebellious_one

15. Chapter 15 by rebellious_one

16. Chapter 16 by rebellious_one

17. Chapter 17 by rebellious_one

18. Chapter 18 by rebellious_one

19. Chapter 19 by rebellious_one

20. Chapter 20 by rebellious_one

21. Chapter 21 by rebellious_one

22. Chapter 22 by rebellious_one

23. Chapter 23 by rebellious_one

24. Chapter 24 by rebellious_one

Chapter 1 by rebellious_one

“I’m renting out a snow lodge for us to stay in.”

“Are you fucking kidding me Rok? For how long?”

“I think that sounds like such a nice and great idea!”

“Dude, this is totally something that would come from Kevin. Must run in the family. Damn Kentuckians and their need to connect with the wilderness.”

That’s how the conversation basically went, or at least as much as Brian could recall. He had first contacted Howie, who sounded pretty stoked about the idea. He then made the second call to Nick, who INSISTED on making it a four-way call with them, Howie and AJ. Howie was still pretty stoked, Nick was making fun of him, and AJ… well, AJ was being a drama queen.

They hadn’t done something like this in so long, so he was convinced that they’d be down for it, since they were all older and mature. He should have known that some things will NEVER change, like Nick’s persistent teasing or AJ being a total spaz. But surprisingly, two grueling hours and a migraine later, he was able to get them all aboard.

When he had thought about how they hadn’t done a trip like this in so long, he really wanted to make it straight up like the good ole days. It would just be them spending time together; no wives or girlfriends, not even their own children would be there. Just simply them.

With a sigh, Brian placed the last finishing touch upon the mantelpiece. Taking a step back, he stared at the group picture he had just set down, and had glanced over the lodge, making sure everything was in place. Talk about nostalgia. The fire was burning, the kettle was whistling, letting him know the hot cocoa on the stove was ready, the holiday delectable’s were showcased in a beautiful and artistic way. Now, all that was needed to complete everything was…

*Ding DONG*

“My guests.” Brian stated, matter-of-factly, to himself.

He trudged over towards the large wooden door, his heavy Timberland boots scraping painfully against the stone tile flooring. Standing a bit on the tip of his toes, he rose himself a few inches higher to look out the peephole, slowly smiling at seeing who was on the other side.

He unlocked the heavy brass latch and opened the door, revealing the second oldest. “Howie D.” Brian greeted with a large smile as he moved slightly to the side to allow his friend in.

“Hey Rok.” Howie replied as he shook off the snow before pulling Brian in for a hug. “Am I the first one here?” he asked as he glanced the lodge over, taken aback by how amazing it was.

“When are you never the first to show up to something?” Brian joked as he closed the door, following Howie in towards the parlor.

“True.” Howie replied with a smile, as he continued looking around, “Damn Bri, this place is really nice.”

“It’s probably one of the nicest lodges I’ve ever came across.” Brian noted, “It’s fully equipped with everything to make your stay an enjoyable and warm one. The stone flooring throughout this lodge is actually hooked up to this unit that’ll keep the flooring heated.”

Howie’s eyes widened, “Wow, if there’s something I absolutely cannot stand, it’s walking around on ice cold flooring.”

“You and me both.”

Howie walked up towards the fireplace and had looked over the pictures that scattered the mantelpiece, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were fitting to move in.” He picked up an older group picture of them, “Sentimental much?”

Brian chuckled, “Nah man, I was dead serious when I called ya’ll to stay up here, and have it be like how it used to. Just thought I could… recapture the essence of the good ole days, you know what they say, a picture’s worth a thousand words.”

“Yeah, and this picture just told me I’m freaking old, in less than a thousand words.” Howie joked as he placed the picture back down. “Man, you weren’t kidding when you said this lodge will keep you warm huh?” he mentioned as he shrugged his coat off.

“Which is one of the many reasons I looked into getting this lodge.” Brian replied as he grabbed Howie’s coat and hung it up on the coat rack near the door. “I rented this place out for two months, and had decided that I wanted to spend my time with just you guys for the beginning part of my stay here, and then spend the rest with my family, spend Christmas and New Years up here. Baylee’s pretty excited, as you can imagine, and kept going ‘make sure you call me when your guys slumber party is done, okay dad?’”

Howie laughed as he sat down on the large black leather couch, “A slumber party huh? Had I known that, I would have brought my favorite PJ’s.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “Hey, can I offer you something to drink man? Water, pop, I have some hot chocolate that just got done warming up on the stove.”

“I’ll take a cup of hot chocolate.”

Brian nodded as he turned and made his way into the kitchen to make Howie a cup of hot cocoa. Meanwhile, Howie continued to look over the photos that decorated the place. Brian sure had went all out in planning this trip. “So, you never really did give me an answer when I said that it looked like you were fitting to move in here.” he stated a little loudly, so that Brian could hear him from the parlor.

“I don’t know what makes you think that.”

“The pictures man… this living room is set up exactly how your living room is set up, filled with pictures.”

Brian walked back into the parlor from the kitchen, a saucer and cup in one hand and a large platter in the other. “I figured I’ll be here for a while, first with ya’ll then with my family, so I wanted to make this place as homely as possible.”

“Makes sense.” Howie said as he grabbed the cup and saucer from Brian, muttering a soft thanks and doing a double take of looking at Brian holding a platter. “And that would be…”

“Cookies.” Brian responded as he placed the large platter down on the coffee table, revealing to Howie an assortment of holiday cookies. “Don’t ask man, Leighanne made it for us. Just say thank you dude.”

“Thank you Leighanne.” Howie said with laughter, blowing over his cup of hot cocoa, watching as the concoction of chocolate and cream swirled together. He blew his steaming drink a few more times before he finally placed the cup to his lips and took a small sip. “Wow Bri, this is really good man.”

“Milk and packets of Nestle hot cocoa mix.” Brian stated matter-of-factly, with a large grin.

Before any of them could say anything, the large wooden door of the lodge flew open, causing the both of them to jump, Howie managing to spill some of his hot cocoa on himself.

“Shit.” Howie seethed as he quickly placed his saucer and cup down on the coffee table and began to tug at his shirt and pants, so the drenched heated material wouldn’t burn his flesh. Biting his bottom lip to contain his anger, he looked up towards the door to find AJ standing there with a camcorder in his hands.

“You guys gotta see this shit!” AJ exclaimed as he quickly closed the door behind him and locked it.

“Uh… hi to you too AJ?” Brian said as he continued to stare at his younger friend in bewilderment. “I will not ask you why you just busted into my lodge and closed and locked the door and go straight to asking you what do we gotta see.”

“Oh.” AJ muttered, as he looked between a confused Brian and a peeved Howie, and the locked door. “You see, both Nick and I rode up here together and we had this bet going on with each other and… long story short, he lost the bet, had to frolic naked in the snow and I caught it all on camera!”

Brian leaned slightly to glance over AJ to look at the closed door, “Uh huh. And let me guess, he doesn’t want you to show us, right?”

“Yups, which is why I just kinda busted through and locked the door behind me because my ass is so grass once Carter gets in here.”

Brian continued to look between AJ and the closed door, “I’ll get the hookup cords.” Brian said as he turned on his heel and began walking towards his room.

“Uh… hold on.” Howie finally stuttered out, finally able to let everything register and snap himself out of his frozen state. “Does no one care that I burnt myself? Thanks to you AJ!”

“Um… I am in NO way, shape or form in control of what you do, so really, there’s no need to thank me.”

Howie rolled his eyes as he sauntered away in search for the bathroom to clean himself up, “Smartass.”

“AJ, open this damn door!” a voice had shouted from the outside, followed by loud knocks.

“Oh shit, here Rok, hide this.” AJ whispered as he tossed the camcorder to Brian.

Brian caught the camcorder and quickly found a place to hide it. Meanwhile, Howie had walked out from the bathroom, continuing to towel his shirt and pants down.

“D., could you open the door, please?” AJ asked as he jogged away from the door and found solace behind the large leather couch in the parlor.

“Oh no, I am not apart of this.”

“You’re not apart of this dude, I’m just asking you to open the door while I chill right over here.”

Sighing heavily, Howie walked over towards the door, unlocking and opening it to reveal an eerily calm Nick, who slowly stalked into the lodge. He was only wearing long jeans and a simple shirt, which looked to be rumpled.

“Where’s the tape?” was all Nick asked as he immediately trained his eyes on his target, which was AJ.

AJ held his hands up, as if to surrender. “Dude, Brian took it away from me as soon as I walked in and told them what was going on. He didn’t like the fact that I held something that would expose his best friend in such a manner.”

“You fucking prick, you’re lying!” Nick shouted in a light matter as he darted off into AJ’s direction.

Eyes widened, AJ quickly maneuvered himself out of Nick’s path, and tried his best to hide himself behind Brian, “Okay, look Nick, we’re in Brian’s lodge now, we can’t roughhouse in here, ain’t that right Brian?”

“Yeah, which is why we’re gonna take this back outside.” Nick said as he started off towards AJ again.

“Okay, TRUCE TRUCE TRUCE TRUCE!!” AJ shouted, hoping to cease the banter.

After a moment of silence, Howie folded his arms across his chest and finally spoke out, “Okay, now that we’ve got this out the way, anyone care to explain what the hell is going on?”

Nick finally cracked a smile and pointed at AJ, “I’ll get you back man.” he looked over towards Howie, “And to answer your question, AJ and I had this bet going, and if he lost the bet, he had to not only wear eyeliner, but full on makeup to one of our interviews and if I lost the bet, I had to do what I said in that one interview and frolic naked in the snow.”

“And he lost the bet.” AJ pointed out.

“Whatever dude, you went above and beyond by filming the shit dude.”

“So uh, glad to know that we’re all here safe and sound.” Brian intervened, “Before we get settled in, why don’t ya’ll grab your stuff from the cars and bring it in here, and I hope ya’ll brought your Secret Santa gifts.”

“Who the hell does Secret Santa with just four people?” AJ asked no one in particular as he walked towards the door, opening it and holding it open for them to walk out.

“The Backstreet Boys, that’s who!” Nick stated in a joking matter as he walked out towards AJ’s car.

Howie glanced over at Brian, who smirked at him in return, “This… is gonna be an interesting stay.” he cracked as he walked out.

Brian shook his head, smiling all the while, “You can say that again.”

Chapter 2 by rebellious_one

“I call dibs on the first room!” Nick exclaimed as he dragged his luggage into the lodge.

“Dude, what are you, like, 12? Nobody calls dibs on rooms anymore.” AJ retorted as he followed in behind Nick with his luggage. “Lord, someone tell me why I decided to pack away my whole life with me.”

Howie smiled and rolled his eyes, “So, how is this gonna go? With the rooms and whatnot?”

“Well, this lodge has seven rooms total, one downstairs and six upstairs. I have already claimed the downstairs one, leaving the remaining six open.” Brian explained, “Here’s the catch though… only one of those rooms are a master bedroom, with it’s own bathroom and access to a balcony that overlooks everything.”

Both Nick and AJ glanced over towards each other. “Nobody calls dibs on rooms anymore.” Nick mocked.

“Whatever dude, I’m not calling dibs on that room… I’m taking it!”

“That’s not fair man! Okay, look… we’re gonna handle this the manly way.”

“Oh yeah? How’s that?”

Nick positioned himself in a stance, “Rock, paper, scissor.”

“What the fuck dude? Okay Rok, who do you think should get the room, me or Nick?”

“Howie.” Brian simply replied.

Both Nick and AJ’s mouths fell agape. “What?” AJ shrieked, “What about Team Arok dude?”

“What about Team Arok?” Nick mimicked, “Wait… you guys have teams?”

“Yeah, this year it’s all about teams man… Team Edward, Team Jacob, Team Arok…”

Nick rolled his eyes, “You would come up with something like that, Twilight lover. And for your information, before there was ever a Team Arok, there was Team Frick and Frack!”

AJ and Nick continued to grumble with each other as they began hauling their luggage upstairs. Howie glanced over in Brian’s direction, “You set out to plan this trip for us, in hopes that we can get it touch with the good ole days. Going based off the way AJ and Nick are acting, I think it’s already beginning to work.”

“The bad thing is their behavior isn’t even apart of the good ole days,” Brian chuckled, “I’m gonna go ahead and make those two fools drinks while ya’ll settle in. If you could be so kind as to hurry the two boneheads up so we can all do our gift exchange.”

“You’re gonna make them hot cocoa to drink, even with the way their acting now?” Howie asked with a small laugh, as he began to ascend up the flight of stairs with his luggage, “Please tell me you’ll spike it with some form of sedatives.”

Brian laughed and shook his head as he watched his friend make his way up the stairs. Sighing heavily, he took a glimpse at his watch, noticing it was a quarter to five. “I hope my gift for them gets here real soon.” he said to himself as he walked off into the kitchen.

Moments later, Brian cued in on the sound of two pairs of feet bounding down the flight of stairs together. A small smirk crept up on his face when he heard the voices, “You guys would leave Howie upstairs by himself.” he said as he garnished the two cups of hot cocoa with cool whip, looking up to see both Nick and AJ stroll into the kitchen.

“You said settle in, as in place our luggage in the room we select.” Nick pointed out, “Princess is up there primping.”

“I was not primping Nick.” Howie voiced out as he too walked into the kitchen. “Unlike you two, I don’t like to just throw my suitcase on the bed and leave it there.

Brian chuckled, “Some things will never change I suppose.” he said as he handed both AJ and Nick their cups of hot cocoa. “Are you ready for another one D.?”

“Well, seeing as how someone decided that I should wear my hot drink,” Howie said as he glanced in AJ’s direction, “I guess I’ll take another one.”

Brian nodded as he got two saucers and cups out and began to fix both he and Howie a cup of hot cocoa. “You guys can go get settled in the parlor… oh wait, before you do that, you guys got your gifts, right?”

“Why would you tell us that now and not before when we had gone to our cars?” AJ asked.

“I did, you guys weren’t paying attention.”

AJ fished out his keys from his pocket and placed it on the counter, sliding it over to Nick, “You can grab it.”

“What?” Nick shrieked, “Why the hell do I have to go grab it?”

“Because I picked you up and drove all the way here, dipshit.”

“Look, why don’t we handle this the manly way?”

“For the love of GOD Nick, we are NOT doing rock, paper, scissor!” AJ exclaimed as he grabbed his keys off the counter, “C’mon dipweed, we’ll BOTH go grab the presents from the car.”

“What’s with the name calling? You know, I really don’t appreciate it because it hurts my feelings.”

AJ playfully pushed Nick out of the kitchen, “Shutup dude.”

Howie rolled his eyes, “I’ll go make sure the kids behave nicely.” he said as he followed Nick and AJ out.

Brian shook his head as he grabbed AJ and Nick’s cups of hot cocoa and brought it out to the parlor. He then walked back into the kitchen to retrieve his and Howie’s drinks. As he returned to the parlor, he was greeted by AJ, Nick and Howie walking back into the lodge with their gifts.

“Now, before we sit down, is there anything else we need to do?” AJ asked as he placed the bag with gifts underneath the tree.

Brian laughed, “No Jay, you guys can finally sit, relax and enjoy the hot cocoa.”

Both Nick and AJ flopped down on the couch while Howie sat on the large leather chair situated next to Brian. “So, how did your guys’ trip up here go? Or dare I ask?” Brian questioned as he grabbed his drink and took a small sip.

Both Nick and AJ looked at Howie, as if to tell him to answer first, “Well, it went rather well, luckily it wasn’t snowing on the drive up here. Unfortunately, I wasn’t graced with extra company.” as he said this, he glanced over towards AJ and Nick’s direction.

AJ nearly choked on his hot cocoa as he took a sip and wanted to give an answer to Howie’s statement. “No dude, you were FORTUNATE to have not been graced with the extra company. Queen Carter here decided to hit me up and ask if he could catch a ride because he didn’t want to drive.”

Brian looked over at Nick, “So, you decided to catch ride with the worst driver out of all of us?”

AJ flipped him off, “I’m a good driver, we got here alive, right?”

“That’s reassuring.” Howie sniggered.

“Look, I did not see any one of ya’ll offer to pick him up, so you guys have no room to be talking about my driving.”

“I was okay with your driving.” Nick said with a shrug.

AJ looked at both Howie and Brian, “You see? Thank you Nick.”

“Seeing as how you turned a two hour trip into thirty minutes.” Nick stated quickly as he took a sip of his hot cocoa.

AJ shot a look over at Nick as both Howie and Brian laughed. “Okay shithead, I got your ass the next time you call me to pick you up for something. And I don’t know why the hell you two are laughing over there because I hope ya’ll know he’s got your asses on speed dial.”

Howie brought his laughter to a cease, “Completely random, but I forgot to tell you AJ… you are the only man that’ll wear black clothing and skulls during this season.”

“A season of festive colors, joy and… happy things.” Brian added.

AJ glanced around the room to take notice to what they were all wearing. Nick was still in a simple pair of faded jeans and a black screen t-shirt that had an arrow that pointed up to him and read “As Seen On TV”. He was wearing a coat earlier, but had taken it off and left it in the car when he had to follow through with the bet he lost. Howie was wearing a pair of faded jeans as well with a dark grey screened collared shirt. AJ chuckled when he looked Brian over, noticing that he wore a dark pair of jeans and a blue and white short sleeved plaid shirt, very cowboyish of him, except for the fact that he wore a black knitted beanie hat and not a cowboy hat. Finally, he looked down at what he was wearing, which was a pair of black jeans, black and dark gray long sleeved flannel shirt and a scarf.

“This is my style, thank you very much. And before you guys go any further, I’ll show you that I keep in touch with the season and festiveness.” he kicked off his black and white Converse shoes, revealing his socks to them. “My scarf and socks are matching with the skulls, but if look closer, you’ll notice that the skulls are wearing red Santa hats. What do you guys got to say now? I don’t see you guys wearing anything festive.”

“Oooh, you guys got served.” Nick snickered.

AJ cocked an eyebrow as he looked over at Nick, “You too Carter.”

“But I didn’t say shit about what you’re wearing.”

“Anyway,” Brian voiced out, rolling his eyes, “are we ready to open our gifts?”

“Isn’t it bad to open gifts way before Christmas?” Nick asked no one in particular.

“No Nick, and you volunteered yourself to be the first person to find your gift and open it.” Brian replied.

Nick shrugged as he pushed himself up from the couch. He walked over to the Christmas tree, looking at the gifts that were under them. “I thought you said this was gonna be Secret Santa Rok.”

“It is, why?”

Nick lifted his gift up, “Because some asshole made sure to write a big ass note that says ‘I got you this gift Nick, don’t say I never got you anything, sincerely AJ.’”

They all looked over at AJ. “What?” AJ asked, sounding innocent, “Is it such a crime that I wanted him to know that I got him a gift?”

Brian sighed heavily, “That’s the whole point of doing Secret Santa AJ, we’re not supposed to know who got us what.”

Nick sat down beside AJ again and began to unwrap the gift. When he finally unwrapped it, he busted out laughing as he held the box up for everyone to see, “AJ got me…” he couldn’t even finish his sentence because he was laughing so hard.

“The Shake Weight?” Howie asked, noticing AJ was laughing hard as well while Brian looked equally as confused as him.

“Oh dude, you’re a fucking ass.” Nick laughed as he playfully shoved AJ. “It’s an inside joke.”

AJ tried to stop laughing so he could explain, “I had posted this video on Nick’s facebook of this guy that does parodies on infomercials, he’s even done parodies on us and *NSYNC. Anyway, he did a parody on the infomercial of this product, Shake Weight, and he called it the… what did he call it Nick?”

“The Strokemeister, or some shit like that.”

“Yeah, he called it the Strokemeister and it was the funniest shit ever… you guys just gotta watch the video to get it.”

“What… does it do?” Howie asked, sounding nervous to even hear their answer.

“It’s just this dumbell looking thing that shakes while you hold it, and it’s supposed to work out your muscles.”

“Ooookaaayyy…” Brian said in a drawn out voice, “Howie, you wanna go next?”

Howie slowly got up, “I don’t know if I wanna find out what I got, and from whom.”

“Well, I don’t think you have to worry too much, because at least you know the gift to you isn’t from me.” AJ said.

As soon as Howie found his gift, he grabbed it and walked back to his seat. He noticed on the tags of the gifts, even the tag on the gift he brought, the handwriting was different so they couldn’t tell who it came from. Well, with the exception of AJ’s gift. He took his time with opening the gift, revealing a black box. When he opened the box, a small smirk tugged on the corner of his lips.

“Well… what is it D.?” AJ questioned, impatient to see what he had got.

Howie took the diamond incrusted watch out of the box and held it up for them all to see, “A Rolex watch.”

AJ’s mouth fell agape, “Holy shit! Who in the hell was your Secret Santa?”

Before Howie could remind him that it was to remain a secret who got him the gift, Nick spoke out. “I had it custom made by my jeweler.”

With a heavy sigh, Brian shook his head and began to rub his temples, “So much for it being Secret Santa.”

AJ chuckled, “See, like I said, who does Secret Santa with just four people?”

Brian stood up, “I guess I’ll go ahead next since I know who gave me my gift?”

“Why do I have to be last?” AJ asked with a pout.

“Because your gift is from me and I want you to open it last.” Brian stated matter-of-factly as he grabbed his gift from under the tree.

It was a medium sized box, but the weight of it felt like it had nothing inside at all. He unwrapped the paper and took off the lid of the box, being greeted by what looked to be a small jewelry box, nestled in a pile of stripped paper. He lifted the smaller box out of the bigger box and took off the lid, seeing nothing but a card inside.

He took a while to read the card, but then smiled. “Thanks D.” he said as he looked up at Howie, holding the card up. “Can’t wait to test those babies out.”

Nick leaned over towards AJ, “What’d he get?” he questioned in a whisper.

“I’m assuming golf clubs.”

Howie smiled and nodded, “Glad you like it. I was gonna bring it in here, but it’s not quite an inconspicuous gift, so I just left it in my car and decided to wrap up that card that explains what was purchased.”

Brian placed his gift down on the floor and glanced at his watch, “Alright Jay, last but not least.”

“Saving the best for last, huh?” AJ joked as he got up from where he sat and made his way over to the tree to grab his gift.

“Of course sweetheart.” Brian sighed in a feminine tone, causing the other two to giggle.

AJ grabbed his gift bag from under the tree and made his way back to his seat. He observed the gift bag for a while before he finally opened it, “Did you have Leighanne wrap my gift?”

“Whatever dude. I know how to wrap gifts, thank you very much.”

A smile still plastered to his face, AJ began to take his gift, or rather gifts from out of the bag. His smile grew even bigger when he realized that it was articles of clothing, decorated in skulls. “You know me oh-so well.” when he got down to the bottom of the bag, his smile fell a bit, as he grabbed the last item and held it up.

The three of them busted out in laughter, “I had to man.” Brian said, as he continued laughing.

“This isn’t a laughing matter.” AJ grumbled, placing the eyeliner pencil back in the bag. “The least you could’ve done was made sure it was MAC liner.”

After hearing that, the three immediately brought their laughter to a cease, staring at AJ in disbelief. “I’m just playing man!” AJ laughed as he grabbed the small couch pillow that was beside him and hurled it in Brian’s direction, “You’re a fucking asshole man, you guys need to leave me alone with my style.”

Brian caught the flying pillow, “You know you love me!”

“Whatever m-” AJ was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

Both Howie and Nick’s face twisted in puzzlement, “Who the hell is that Rok?”

Brian smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know. AJ, why don’t you go answer the door.”

“The fuck I am! Enough for it to be some psycho killer or some shit.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “It’s the other part of your gift, just go get the damn door.”

AJ stood up slowly, “You don’t know that for a fact. If it is some psycho killer and he kills me, can you guys make sure the morticians apply MAC liner on my eyes and not that shit Brian bought?”

They all busted out laughing as they watched AJ slowly make his way to the door, obviously nervous on seeing who was behind it. Sighing heavily, he reached out for the doorknob and began to twist it slowly, cautiously opening it. When he finally had the door all the way opened, he lightly gasped upon seeing who was on the other side of the door, now standing before him.

Chapter 3 by rebellious_one

“Kevin?” AJ said in disbelief, not believing that their eldest brother was standing right before him.

Kevin simply gave a warm smile in return, “You look a little too surprised to see me AJ.”

AJ could only grab him in a hug, “Holy shit man, I mean I am kind of surprised because honestly I didn’t think you’d be here too.”

“Well, why wouldn’t I?” Kevin asked as he gave a hearty pat to AJ’s back before he broke the hug. “I’m still your big brother, right?”

“I know, it’s just… I understand that you’ve been so busy with your family, especially your son that I figured that… I don’t know man, shit, it‘s just so good to have you here.”

Kevin smiled once more as he held his arms open, “Merry Christmas Alex.”

AJ stared at Kevin for a while, before he finally turned to see Brian, Howie and Nick standing behind him. Brian stood there smiling, while both Nick and Howie looked equally shocked to see Kevin there. “This… was the other part of my gift?” AJ asked.

Brian simply nodded, “Wasn’t a psycho killer or anything.”

“Wait,” Nick finally spoke out, breaking he and Howie out of their slightly shocked state, “am I the only one that’s really not understanding what’s going on here? I mean don’t get me wrong Kev, it’s really, really great to see you and all and I know we’re all glad to have you here, but I’m not understanding the linkage between Kevin being the other part of AJ’s gift.”

AJ sighed; he didn’t want to sound mushy, but he knew Nick needed an explanation. “One day after rehearsal, Brian and I were talking about the group and all that’s happened in the past couple years. I sat there saying how proud I was of us and what we’ve accomplished thus far, with just the four of us and had said that Kevin would be so proud of us, to which Brian reassured me that he was and always will be. From there I said if there was one thing I wanted… it was for us to come back together and just have it like how it used to be. It had been so long since we’ve last taken a time to ourselves, where it was just us, you know? And I said I’d give anything to get that back, and have it remain in tact.”

Howie looked over towards Brian, “That’s why you did all this.”

Brian nodded, “Brining us all home together for the holidays.”

“And AJ, you were being an ass about the whole trip idea.” Nick pointed out.

AJ flipped him off, “Whatever dude, you were being an even bigger ass.”

“Nick and Alex.” Kevin said in a warning tone as he gave them his infamous ‘look’.

Both Nick and AJ looked at each other, before they busted out laughing. “Never gets old!” Nick laughed as he gave AJ a high-five.

Kevin cocked an eyebrow, “You know what else doesn’t get old? Me being the big brother and bossing ya’ll around. So why don’t you two be nice younger brothers and go grab my stuff from the car and bring it in here.”

That immediately brought Nick and AJ to silence, the both of them staring at Kevin as if waiting to see if he was serious. Instead of Kevin cracking a smile, like they both hoped he would, he simply stared at them as he fished his car keys out of his pocket. He handed the keys over to AJ, “It shouldn’t take you guys long, and I better not hear the car start for any reason.” he glanced over at Nick as he said this.

AJ took the keys, “Brian, I don’t think I like my Christmas gift anymore.”

“Man, he must be getting so old that he forgot that I’m not 16 and I have my own super, uberly cool car to start and drive.” Nick pouted as he walked out the open door.

“Dude, your car will NEVER be as super, uberly cool as Kevin’s car.” AJ replied as he followed Nick out.

“And why is that?”

“Because Kevin’s car is an eco-friendly, go green, I-run-on-solar-power car.”

Kevin sighed heavily as he looked at his cousin and Howie, “Have those two not done any growing up since I left?”

Howie chuckled, “Funny you should mention that, because we were just talking about that. Told Brian the purpose of this trip is actually working.”

Kevin shook his head as he followed Howie and Brian into the parlor, “Speaking of the trip, looks like you guys went ahead and started the party without me.”

“We had to cous, would’ve blown the surprise if I kept them waiting.”

While Brian and Howie reclaimed their seats, Kevin sat down in the middle of the large couch, looking over everything that was set out on the coffee table. “Let me guess, Leighanne baked these goodies?”

“Why is everyone quick to wanna know and give credit to Leigh when it comes to wrapping gifts or baking cookies and whatnot? Would ya’ll believe me if I said I was responsible for everything?”

“No, but I would believe you if you said Leighanne left you in charge of Baylee while she wrapped gifts and baked cookies.” Kevin replied as he grabbed a cookie from the platter and took a bite of it. “And I know her baking anywhere, because she makes some of the best sugar cookies I have ever tasted. And her homemade royal icing is just perfect.”

Brian chuckled and gave his older cousin a weird look, “Okay Martha Stewart, do you want anything to wash that down with?”

“Milk please.” Kevin muffled out as he continued to munch away at the cookies.

Just as Brian rose from his seat and began to make his way into the kitchen, he was stopped by the sound of AJ and Nick struggling through the door with Kevin’s luggage.

“I think… Kevin packed away… a horse for us… to go horseback riding on…” Nick panted out as he placed the suitcase down.

Hunched over, AJ shook his head as he tried to catch his breath. “No dude… he packed away… your guys’… whole damn family farm…”

Brian simply laughed, “Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but Lord Richardson has found Leighanne’s sugar cookies, so uh, one, he won’t be moving anywhere for quite some time, and two, you guys should just go ahead and take his luggage upstairs into one of the rooms because he’ll only be asking you two do it .”

“Are you fucking kidding me Rok?” AJ asked with a heavy sigh, “Because if you aren’t, I was dead serious about no longer wanting my Christmas gift.”

“You guys know you miss his dictatorship. Besides, he has me working too, so don’t feel too bad.”

“Oh yeah… what does… he have you doing?” Nick heaved out as he began to drag Kevin’s suitcase up the flight of stairs.

“Lord Richardson enjoys his sugar cookies with a tall, cold glass of milk.” Brian replied as he quickly made his way into the kitchen, luckily able to escape the protests he knew would be coming from his two younger friends.

He stood in the kitchen for a while, releasing a chuckle when he finally heard the groans of protest rise from AJ and Nick as they struggled up the stairs. Shaking his head, he opened the fridge to grab the gallon of milk, then reached up into a cabinet off to the side to grab a tall glass. As he poured the milk into the glass, he made sure to fill it to the brim so that his cousin wouldn’t keep sending him back into the kitchen for refills. After staring at the filled cup for a while though, he realized that his cousin could finish the drink in one gulp if he wanted to, so he decided to take the cup AND the gallon of milk out with him.

“Your drink, my lord.” Brian said as he walked back into the parlor, seeing that Kevin was still attacking the cookie platter, while Howie drank his cold cocoa.

Kevin brushed the crumbs from his lips as he reached out to grab the filled cup Brian was handing over to him. “Thanks.” he said before he placed the glass to his lips, finishing his drink off in one gulp, as Brian had anticipated.

“And of course, I came prepared.” Brian chuckled as he poured Kevin another glass of milk and had placed the gallon down on the coffee table.

“You are too kind.” Kevin voiced out as he took another swig of his milk, sighing at the feeling of the cold liquid washing the consumed sweet cookies down.

“So, how was your trip up here?” Howie asked as he took another sip of his cold drink.

“Wasn’t too bad, started to snow slightly on the way up, but everything else was smooth sailing. Now, leaving my house to come on this trip was a different story. Mason would NOT let me leave.”

Brian laughed, “That’s daddy’s boy. How did you finally get him to let you leave?”

“Tell him that daddy had to go help Santa Claus and that I would return with a gift especially for him from Santa.” Kevin answered before he munched away on yet another sugar cookie. “Okay, someone needs to take these cookies away from me or else I go home with a gift I wasn’t intending on giving my wife, which is giving her insulin shots to administer to me.”

“Not to get off topic, but where did Nick and AJ disappear off to?” Howie asked no one in particular.

“I had them take up Kevin’s stuff.” Brian responded, “To which that should’ve been done a long time ago.”

“Nick!” Kevin shouted, to which he heard no answer. “Alexander!”

They fell silent to see if they would hear a response, to which they only heard AJ’s soft voice, asking why Kevin had to use his full name. “I can hear you AJ.” Kevin said with a sighed, “So stop ignoring me you two.”

“What?” he heard Nick’s voice whine.

“What are you guys doing? Why aren’t you two down here yet?”

“Because we’re tired.”

“Tired? I just got here, don’t you guys miss me?”

“Uh… yeah, yeah we do.”

“Nick misses you the most and shouldn’t be tired at all because my ass drove us here, and he didn’t do jack shit but sit in the passenger seat, change the radio stations and doze off.”

“Oh thanks a lot asshole.”

Kevin rolled his eyes at the two bantering back and forth, “So, are you guys coming down to visit with me?”

“Uh… there’s always tomorrow Kev.” that was AJ who replied. “And we know you’ll still be here when we wake up in the morning.”

“I hope he flips the mattress over, with you on it.”

“Fuck off Nick.”

“Well,” Brian sighed with a chuckle, “that went over well.” he rose from his seat and began to collect the dishes that littered the coffee table.

Kevin only gave a small malicious smirk, “I got those two, I’m gonna be their morning call for tomorrow.”

As Howie continued to stare at the two Kentucky cousins, a grin began to tug on the corner of his lips. “Thanks Kev, for coming all the way out here, and thank you Bri for planning this whole trip. I just know this was something long awaited and long needed, and now… here we all are, together for the holidays, and it all feels like how it used to be. I just know this is gonna be a great trip and it feels… it just feels great having us all together.”

Brian nodded, “This is gonna be a great trip… one hell of a trip, but a great one nonetheless.”

Kevin simply smiled as he stared at his two younger brothers, “Yeah… and it feels damn good being back together.”

End Notes:

Happy New Year everyone! Goodbye 2009, hello 2010!

Chapter 4 by rebellious_one


AJ cracked one eye open, the sound of his cell phone vibrating across the bedside table rousing him from his sleep. Sighing heavily, he reached out and grabbed his phone, looking down to see that it was an email text alert. Disregarding the email sent directly to his phone, he took notice to the time. 4:14 am. Letting his head fall back onto the pillow, he placed his phone back on the table, closed his eyes and awaited for sleep to come back to him, which came sooner than he thought.

But just as he started drifting back to sleep, another sound caused his eyes to snap open once again. This time, it was the sound of footsteps. What the fuck, he thought to himself, glad that he was laying with his back facing the door. But, as the footsteps drew closer and grew louder, he realized that it was headed in his direction and came right to a stop outside his door.

His breathing hitched when he heard the doorknob twist, and the door was slowly pushed open. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to turn around and face whatever was standing at his door. But he wouldn’t have to wait to see what or whom it was, because the sound of footsteps resumed and it was making it’s way towards his bed.

He remained laying perfectly still in his bed, as if anticipating for whatever was to come next. A blow to the head? A knife to the back? A gunshot to the back of his neck? But instead, he felt something touching and began to pull at his toes. Immediately, he shot his leg out, in a kicking motion, and turned around to see who was in his room.

“Fucking asshole.” AJ sighed with relief. The pale moonlight that poured in through his window revealed to him Kevin. “You know I fucking hate it when you do that shit.”

“Man, I ain’t done it in so long. And would you rather have had me do what Nick hoped and flipped the mattress over with you on it?”

“No.” AJ grumbled out as he pushed himself up from his bed and propped himself up on his elbows. “But that’s besides the point, what the fuck are you doing in my room at fucking four in the morning?”

“Why are you saying such vulgar words so early in the morning.”

“Because it’s four in the fucking morning Kev, in case you missed it when I said that.”

“Well, I said I was gonna be yours and Nick’s morning call, in case you missed it when I said that.”

“Why in the world do you wanna wake us up this early Kev?” AJ whined as he allowed himself to fall back down on his bed, grabbing his pillow from beneath his head and placing it over his face.

Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed, “Because you, me and Nickolas are gonna go out and get a few things, then come back and do a few things before Brian and Howie wake up.”

“Well, what if I said no?” AJ muffled out from beneath the pillow.

“Then I’d tell you that you have no choice.” Kevin replied as he grabbed the pillow and lifted it off AJ’s face. “I’m giving you ten minutes to get ready. In the meantime, I’m gonna go wake Nick up and then I’ll be waiting for you guys downstairs. Lets try to do this as quickly and quietly as possible.” he instructed as he dropped the pillow back down on AJ’s face.

He removed the pillow from his face, and after staring at Kevin for a while, AJ finally busted out in a small chuckle. “And you’re laughing because…” Kevin asked, puzzled by the sudden chuckle that arose from the younger man.

AJ sat up in his bed, smiled and shook his head, “Nothing, it’s just… you know I’ve really missed you. I missed having your daddy, dick-headed self around, and it just made me realize that Nick and I love giving you a hard time because we love how you put up with our shit and the way you do it. There’s no one in the world that can put up with our shit and put us line like you can Kev… and although you’re being an absolute dick right now…” Kevin gave him ‘look’ when he heard him emphasize the word ‘dick’, “I wouldn’t trade it for the world because I’ve missed it and I’m just glad to have it back… have you back.”

Kevin gave a genuine smile in return, “Thank you Alex. And you know I’ve missed you guys as well, missed all this, having my two younger brothers rag and nag and bother the shit outta me and drive me up the wall. But like you said, it’s good to be back and… have it all back again.” he grabbed the pillow once again, “Now, enough of this mushy stuff and hurry up and get ready.” he said as he lightly whacked AJ in the head with the pillow. “I still have to go wake Nick up, and you’re down to eight minutes.”

AJ cracked a smile, “Ass.”

Once Kevin left his room and closed the door behind him, AJ got up from his bed and sighed in relief when his feet came in contact with the warmed tiled flooring. He glanced over towards his window and noticed the glass was frosted on the outside. Thank god it’s warm in here, he thought to himself as he padded over towards his suitcase and began to rummage through it, pulling out the clothes he would wear for today.

For Howie and Brian’s sake, he opted to wear clothing with no skulls on it. He pulled out a pair of faded dark denim jeans, with long, purposed tears that ran across the knee and thigh part of the pants. He settled on a white v-neck shirt, and if it was too cold outside, he’d top off his wardrobe with his black leather jacket. Satisfied with everything, he took his clothing and made his way to the bathroom.

He opened his door and walked out into the dark hall, quietly making his way to the bathroom. Once there, he turned on the light and closed the door, looking everything over seeing how this was his first trip to the bathroom. It was huge, absolutely immaculate. Placing his clothing down on the double vanity counter, he looked over the toilet first, then the old fashioned tub that was situated not that far away. Tucked in the back corner of the bathroom was the walk-in shower stall. On the wall next to both the shower stall and tub was a towel rack that would keep your towels dry and warm.

He walked over towards the towel rack that was mounted on the wall near the shower stall and ran his hand across the fresh white towel, immediately feeling the nice warmth. “Nothing like taking a nice hot shower in a freezing cold location.” AJ said to himself as he stripped himself of his clothes and stepped into the shower stall.

He turned the water on, sighing in relief when an immediate burst of hot water jetted from the shower head, the strong streams beating down on his body, the heat immediately relaxing his taut muscles and warming his flesh. He remained standing under the hot water for a good minute or so, enjoying the shower a little too much and too long, because the next thing he knew, he heard a knock on the door, breaking him from his tranquil state.

He knew it was Nick. “I’ll be out in a bit.” he voiced out loud enough for Nick to hear him.

Sighing heavily, he began to wash his body down, quickly washed his hair, and then began to rinse himself off. When he was through, he shut the water off and opened the glass door of the shower stall, grabbed the warm towel off the rack and wrapped it around his body. He stepped out into the now steamy room, and began to pat his body dry.

Just as he was putting his clothes on, he heard yet another knock on the door. With only his jeans on, he walked over towards the door and opened it. “Just gotta finish my…” before he could get his sentence out, Nick pushed through, causing AJ to back up and open the door wider to allow Nick in. “Uh, Nick?”

“Don’t look at me.” was all Nick said in reply as he began to strip himself of clothes and immediately stepped into the shower stall.

Shrugging it off, AJ closed the door and walked over to the sink, “I taped you frolicking naked in the snow, remember? I’ve seen it all before dude.”

“But you have yet to see me naked… and wet.” Nick cracked back in a feminine tone as he started his shower.

AJ busted out laughing, “Too early for this shit man.” he said as he turned on the water from the sink and began to brush his teeth.

“According to Kevin, it’s never too early for anything. Speaking of which, you have any idea why the hell he decided to get just the two of us up at this time of the morning?”

AJ shrugged, as if Nick could see him. He spat out the foamy toothpaste that filled his mouth, “All he told me was that we’re gonna go get something and do something before Brian and Howie wake up.” he answered before he resumed brushing his teeth.

“Why are we doing anything for those two? It’s not like it’s their birthdays or whatever.”

AJ rinsed his mouth out before answering, “You’re telling me. If anything, we’re the January babies.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t give him a harder time about getting up. I mean, we already had to grab this man’s luggage and drag it upstairs to his room, and then he decides to wake us up four in the morning because he wants us to go with him to do shit?”

AJ laughed listening to his younger friend rant as he pulled out his shaver and a can of shaving cream. “Don’t you just love how he picks on us?”

Nick opened the glass door to the shower stall, peeking out a bit, only exposing the top half of his body, “Come again? Did you just ask me if I love how he picks on us?”

AJ rolled his eyes, spraying a pile of whipped shaving cream onto his hand. “Yes, that’s what I asked you.”

Nick remained silent for a while, as if contemplating that question over. “Actually, I do, which is why he is the only man on this planet that I’ll ever let get away with half the shit he pulls with me, notice how I say HALF though. Don’t ever go telling the man that though.” he closed the shower door and resumed bathing himself. “I love me some Kevin Scott Richardson.”

“That was so gay dude. And the fact that you said that while you’re in the shower, naked and wet, makes it all the more disturbing and… gayer, if that’s even possible.”

Nick shut off the water and opened the door again, reaching out to grab a warm towel from the rack. “Whoa, these towels are nice and warm, sweet.” He wrapped the towel around his body and stepped out from the shower stall. “Gayer than the fact that there’s two men sharing a bathroom right now, with one half naked and the other completely naked and wet under this towel?”

“Don’t take this too far Junior, or else someone will be walking out of here with a sore ass, and it’s not gonna be me.”

“Why, you have the hots for little ole me?” Nick asked in a sultry, feminine voice, placing a finger in his mouth.

“Dude, I’m ending this fucking conversation because I think I just threw up in my mouth. Imagine if Lauren and Rochelle heard us talking like this dude.”

“Don’t get that shit twisted, Lauren would be all for a foursome.”

AJ shivered and gagged at the thought of that, “Actually, I think Rochelle would be all for that shit too.”

Nick laughed, “We got ourselves a couple of freaks man!” he said as he grabbed his clothes and made his way back into the shower stall to change.

AJ slathered the whipped shaving cream all over the bottom part of his face, “Thanks to you, I actually just envisioned Lauren photographing Rochelle.” when he heard no reply, he chuckled and shook his head, “As nice of a vision that is, get that shit outta your head Nick.”

“You started it man.”

“I know, and I’m ending it.” AJ responded as he began to shave off all of his facial hair.

As soon as Nick was dressed, he stepped out of the shower stall again, his eyes widening a bit at the sight of AJ washing his face off, noticing that there was no facial hair. “Whoa dude.”

AJ turned to see Nick standing before him, dressed in jeans and a white screen t-shirt that had a picture of Mario and read “Made In The Eighties”. “Whoa dude what?” AJ questioned him.

“You look… freaking young.”

“What are you trying to say, I looked old before?”

“No, it’s just… you look like how you did when we first started.”

AJ turned to look at himself in the mirror, realizing what Nick said to be true. “I’ve shaved all my facial hair off before Nick.”

“And I’ve always told you, hell, we always tell you that you look so much younger without facial hair. But I don’t know, for some reason, at this very moment you look… seventeen again.”

“Loved that movie by the way.” AJ noted. “And I guess you look younger too with that video game shirt you’re rocking.” Nick looked down at his shirt and smiled. “Now, bring back the penis hairstyle so I can say the same for you about looking seventeen again.” Nick’s smile quickly fell.

“My hairstyle back then did not look like a penis.” Nick pouted as they both grabbed their belongings and made their way out of the bathroom.

“You’re right… your hairstyle made you look like the head of a penis.” AJ cracked as he opened the door, revealing Kevin, who stood there with his arms folded across his chest, one eyebrow cocked.

“Dare I ask why you two are walking out of this bathroom together talking about… penises?”

“Kev, did my hairstyle back in the days look like a penis?”

Kevin gave him an awkward look, “What?”

“The hairstyle I rocked back then, did it make me look like the head of a penis?”

Kevin glanced over towards AJ, who was trying to hold in his laughter. Kevin’s awkward look changed into an amused one as he looked back at Nick, “Yes.” he replied matter-of-factly.

At hearing that, AJ busted out laughing and had to shove his fist into his mouth to quiet his laughter. “Oh god Nick, don’t you know better than to ask him anything?”

Nick shook his head, laughing as well, “I really hate you guys.”

Chapter 5 by rebellious_one

“So, this is what you dragged us out here to do?” Nick asked in disbelief as they pulled into a parking lot.

“Yup.” Kevin simply replied as he pulled his car into a stall.

“To do some grocery shopping with you?” AJ asked this time, glancing back at Nick, who was seated in the back, but was leaning forward to be situated in between him and Kevin.

“Yup.” again, another simple reply from Kevin as he shut his car off and took the keys out of the ignition.

“We’re actually gonna get out of this car, grab a shopping cart and do some grocery shopping with you?” Nick voiced.

Kevin rolled his eyes, “My my, nothing gets past you two huh?”

The three of them got out of the car and began to make their way over towards the store. “You couldn’t have came here by yourself and done this? You just had to drag our asses outta bed at four in the morning mind you, to join you?” Nick whined.

“Now, where’s the fun in doing this all by myself? When I asked you guys yesterday if ya’ll were gonna come down and visit with me, a little someone said specifically that there was always tomorrow and that I’d still be here in the morning. Well, it’s tomorrow, and it’s morning, and you guys are here with me. Isn’t it great?”

“Would you be offended if I said no?” Nick muttered under his breath, causing AJ to snicker.

Kevin simply ignored him as he grabbed a shopping cart and began to wheel it into the grocery store. “Lets see here…” he mumbled to himself as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

Eyes widened a bit, AJ glanced over at Nick, “Good lord, the man has a fucking shopping list.”

“I told you we need to get a few things.” Kevin said as he began pushing the cart towards down towards the breakfast/cereal aisle.

“I bet you any money he’s gonna grab some type of whole grain cereal.” Nick whispered to AJ as they watched Kevin scan through the boxes of cereal, finally settling on one and grabbing a box of cereal that was titled “Bran Nuts”.

“Bran Nuts Kev?” AJ asked as he watched him place the cereal in the cart.

“Yes, why?”

“Because it’s fucking Bran Nuts.”

“It’s a whole grain healthy cereal.” Kevin reasoned as he began pulling the shopping cart along behind him, his back now facing the two.

Nick snickered as he leaned over to whisper to AJ, “Told ya.”

AJ smirked as they followed Kevin, who was too wrapped up in looking the cereals over. When he was sure Kevin was heavily occupied and wouldn’t pay them any attention, AJ quickly shot out and grabbed a box of Cocoa Pebbles. Nick watched in silence as AJ quietly placed the box of cereal in the cart.

Smiling, Nick shot out for a box as well, grabbing Lucky Charms and quietly placing it in the cart. As the three continued down the different aisles, Kevin was still so heavily preoccupied in looking everything over and gathering all he had wrote down on his list while AJ and Nick continued throwing random grocery items they wanted into the cart.

When Kevin finally got to the end of his list, he released a sigh and folded the paper back up. “Alright, I think we’re good to go.” Kevin said as he slipped the folded list back in his pocket and turned around to face Nick and AJ, only to find his attention being immediately drawn to the overfilled shopping cart. “Uh… what the hell is this guys?”

“This, is stuff Nick and I want.” AJ replied matter-of-factly. “And after you waking us up at four in the morning and dragging our asses outta bed to go do some grocery shopping with you, we think it’s only fair.”

“And we deserve it.” Nick chimed in.

Kevin stared at the two, “Fine.” he finally replied after a long moment of silence. “You guys do deserve it.” and with that, he pushed the cart into a checkout line and began to unload the items and place them on the conveyer belt.

As Nick and AJ busied themselves with their own little conversation, they failed to notice that Kevin had taken out all his items first, followed by theirs. When everything was out of the cart and ready for checkout, Kevin grabbed the divider used to separate the groceries and placed it in between his items and all that Nick and AJ had grabbed.

“Hello,” the older male clerk greeted, “did you find everything okay today?”

“Yes, thank you.” Kevin replied with a big smile, glancing over to his two younger friends to notice that they were still wrapped up in their conversation.

“Okay, your total comes out to $42.58 sir.”

“$42.58?” Nick and AJ whispered in unison. “Was everything we got on sale or something?” Nick asked as they both turned around to still find their stuff waiting to be checked out while all of Kevin’s groceries were checked, totaled and bagged.

“What the hell Kev?” AJ whined.

Kevin laughed, “What? You guys said you deserve these things, and I truly agree, so knock yourselves out. No one’s stopping you guys from getting what you want.”

“The whole point of doing this Kev is to have you buy these things! This was supposed to be your treat to us for coming out with you.”

Kevin rolled his eyes over to the clerk, “Kids.” he whispered before he turned his attention back to Nick and AJ. “Oh man, I’m sorry you guys. You should’ve been more specific. But I already paid for my stuff… maybe next time.”

The clerk laughed at the banter that was taking place before him as he began to checkout the rest of the items, “So, who’s gonna pay for this?”

Both AJ and Nick looked at each other in silence, as if waiting to see who would be the first to budge. “I didn’t bring my wallet.” Nick finally replied sheepishly.

AJ’s eyes widened, “What?! Who in the hell travels without their wallet?”

“Uh, I do, for this case anyway, it’s not like we knew where we were going anyway, I don’t recall anyone,” he shot a look over towards Kevin as he said this, “telling us that we were gonna do some grocery shopping.”

“But you do recall the man saying that we were gonna GET some things, notice how I emphasize the word GET.”

“Shoots, I thought he was talking about wood… or something…”

“Then, if I were you, I’d start taking all my shit outta this checkout line seeing as how you don’t have the money to pay for it.”

“Noooooo AJ, please?” Nick whined, “The guy is halfway through with checking out our stuff, you wouldn’t want to anger and frustrate the poor man by having him take out all the stuff and undo it, would you?”

The clerk laughed, “This has nothing to do with me, because if requested we have to do it, it’s our job.”

“Well, okay but you know if situation was vice versa I would pay for your stuff.”

“No you wouldn’t Nick.”


With a heavy sigh, AJ took his card case out from his back pocket, “Either way, I’m making my collection when we get back.”


Kevin relieved a heavy sigh as he drove up to the driveway of the lodge, thankful he would soon get out from the small confinement that seemed to home and echo the pestering voices of AJ and Nick. As soon as he parked, he turned the car off, ripped his keys out of the ignition and quickly jumped out, briskly walking towards the back of the car to open the trunk. Once he popped it open, he grabbed his groceries and began to make his way towards the lodge.

“Try not to make any noise as ya’ll carry your stuff in, yet try to hurry because we got stuff to do.” Kevin said softly as he opened the door with a spare key Brian had gave him.

Both AJ and Nick looked at each other, “Well, you heard the man.” AJ said as he himself began walking towards the lodge.

“Yeah, I heard the man say to not make any noises as YA’LL carry the stuff in. I don’t know if you know this, but ‘ya’ll’ is plural.”

“Who’s treat was it?” AJ retorted, which caused Nick to remain silent. “Lets go sweetheart.”

“You always counteract with that shit. You said it yourself that you’re only gonna make your collection when we got back, so technically, you didn’t treat me because I’m only paying you right back!”

“I decided that I don’t want your money anymore. Besides, you make like it’s a million and one bags to carry in.”

“Well, it is a lot of bags.” Nick grunted out as he hauled as much shopping bags as he could out of the car, pouting all the way into the lodge.

AJ, who remained standing there, sighed and walked towards the back of the car. He loved picking on his younger brother, but this situation reminded him a lot of the younger days. They’d always boss Nick around, hell, even AJ fell comfortable bossing Nick around, even though he was two years older. But AJ was also normally the first to cave in and help the kid out with whatever he was being told to do.

He shivered as a cool breeze blew past him, pulling his leather jacket tightly to his body. As he reached out to grab the groceries from the back of the car, he stopped when he noticed a small snowflake land on his hand, and quickly melt away. He looked up to the sky and was greeted by a shower of the soft flakes of snow. Just in time, he thought to himself as he pulled the groceries out.

As he turned to walk the groceries into the lodge, he was greeted by Nick, who was walking out, but was also staring at something behind him. He finally registered the sound of a car coming up the driveway, and turned around to find a patrol car pulling up.

Face twisted in puzzlement, AJ walked the groceries up to the entry way and placed them on the ground, turning around and standing beside Nick to stare at the cop, who was now getting out of his car.

“Good morning fellas.” the cop greeted as he walked towards them, taking his hat off. “Sorry to be here so early in the morning, but I’m looking for a Brian Thomas Littrell.”

“Is there a problem officer?” Nick immediately asked.

“Oh no, of course not, just wanted to have a word with the individual who rented this lodge. I’m Officer Rick by the way.” he said as he held his hand out.

Nick shook his hand, “Nick.”

AJ shook his hand next, “AJ.”

Officer Rick nodded and smiled, “Nice to meet you guys. Now, is Brian anywhere around?”

“You guys almost done, we got things…” Kevin said but stopped in the middle of his sentence when he walked up towards the door and saw AJ and Nick standing there, talking to a police officer.

“Are you Brian Thomas Littrell?” Officer Rick questioned.

Kevin shook his head, “No, but I’m his cousin, Kevin Richardson.” he introduced as he stuck out his hand.

Officer Rick shook his hand, “Nice to meet you sir, Officer Rick. I’m looking for your cousin because I would like to have a word with him.”

“He’s actually still asleep, but is this a message I can pass along to him?”

“Will you guys be staying here with Brian?” when he received nods in reply, he continued his explanation. “Well, since you’ll be staying with Brian, I just wanted to warn you guys of a storm system heading our way. We’re expecting hard snowfall within the next few hours or so, and it isn’t expected to clear out for the next day or two, so we’ll be dealing with a few deep feet of snow. Just wanted to remind you of the hazards of driving in this condition and we highly suggest not trying to go anywhere and to stay within the lodge during the storm.”

AJ and Nick glanced at each other while Kevin gave a small nod, “Good thing we got our shopping done and stocked up on things.”

Officer Rick smiled, “Yes, very good thing, and looks like you guys came back just in time.” he said as he held his hand out to catch the falling snowflakes. “Looks like this system could be moving in earlier than expected. But, in case of emergency, please do not hesitate to call, Brian should have the emergency contact numbers. Once the storm clears up, we’ll send up some trucks to plow away the snow and clear the driveway and road.”

“Thank you so much for coming up here to inform us.” Kevin thanked as he held his hand out once again.

Officer Rick nodded and shook Kevin’s hand, followed by AJ and Nick’s. “No problem, just doing my job. You guys take it easy and enjoy your stay here.” and with that, he walked back to his car, got in and drove off.

They stood there for a while in silence, watching Officer Rick drive away. Kevin slapped a hand down on AJ’s shoulder and gave him a hearty pat on his back, “Okay, lets finish up getting these things in the house because we got some cooking to do.”

“Did he just say snow storm?” Nick finally asked, breaking himself out of his phase.

“Did you just say cooking?” AJ interrupted with his question.

“Yes Nick, he said snow storm, and yes AJ, I just said cooking. Now, can we hurry up and get the rest of the groceries in here please so we can start?”

“Why the hell are we cooking for Howie and Brian? Better yet, why the hell are we doing a surprise breakfast for those two?” AJ grumbled as he picked up the groceries he placed on the ground and walked it into the kitchen.

Kevin rolled his eyes, “Do you think you can handle the rest?” he asked Nick.

“Am I the only one that’s concerned about this snow storm?”

“No, I am too, but I know well enough to say if we do exactly as Officer Rick advised us to do, we’ll be just fine. You make like you’ve never experience a snow storm before Nick.”

“I’ve never experienced a snow storm while staying up at a resort or lodge and had officials advise to wait out before.” Nick pointed out.

“If it makes you feel better, Brian and I were practicing boy scouts, so you should feel safe.”

“The phrase ‘WERE practicing boy scouts’ does not make me feel safe Kev, but thanks for trying.”

Kevin chuckled and slapped his hand down on Nick’s back, giving his tensed shoulders a relieving squeeze. “Don’t worry kid, we’ll be fine. Now, lets hurry up and get these things inside so we can start cooking.” and with that, he turned and walked into the lodge.

Releasing a sigh, Nick made his way back over to the car to grab out the remaining groceries. He looked up to the sky, not liking how dark it was becoming, and it was only 6:30 in the morning. Grabbing the rest of the grocery bags, he closed the trunk of Kevin’s car and began to walk towards the lodge, failing to notice that there had been a car that had pulled up and parked itself a few feet away.

Chapter 6 by rebellious_one

He awoke to the smell of hickory smoked bacon and the aroma of delicious Columbian coffee filtering into his nostrils and tickling his senses. He pushed himself up from his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, glancing over towards the digital clock on the bedside table, which read 7:45.

Wonder who that could be cooking… he thought to himself as he got out of bed and padded over to a large, comfy leather chair that was situated in the corner of his room. Grabbing the robe that was draped over the back of the chair, he swung it around and onto his body, pulling the fleece material snug against himself.

Grateful that the floor automatically warmed his cold feet, he opened the door to his bedroom and began his descent downstairs. As he neared the bottom of the stairs, he took a deep breath in, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of a good home cooked breakfast and a fresh pot of coffee to compliment it.

“Smells great.” Howie voiced out to Nick and AJ, who were both sitting in the parlor, flicking through channels.

Both Nick and AJ looked up at Howie, “Good morning your majesty!” Nick said in an exasperated tone as he jumped up from where he sat on the couch and rushed over towards Howie, “Would you like today’s paper to read as you enjoy your fine meal that was generously,”

“Not to mention hella early!” AJ added.

“Prepared for you? Please, tell me, how do you like your eggs; over easy, scrambled, sunny side up? Do you prefer wheat or white toast and what kind of jam would you like to be slathered over your slice of golden brown toast?”

Howie gave his younger friend a weird look, “Um, are you okay Nick? You’re kinda scaring me right now.”

“Have you paid a visit to the lavatories this morning by the way? To drop your kids off at the pool? If not, I implore that you go and please know that I offer my assistance in wiping your ass.”

Howie laughed and playfully pushed Nick away from him, “Shutup man, now you’re just being gross.” he looked off towards the kitchen, “Are the Kentucky cousins our chefs during our stay?”

“Don’t get that shit twisted!” AJ quickly replied as he rose from the couch and made his way over to where they stood, “Nick and I were dragged outta bed to go with Kevin to the store to stock up on groceries then help him cook a surprise breakfast for you two for now goddamn apparent reason.”

“Well then, are you two out here because you’re hiding from Kevin?”

“Hiding from Kev?” Nick asked in a ‘you’ve got to be shitting me’ tone. “The asshole kicked us out of the kitchen. He asks for our help, then he decides to kick us out, so as soon as he gave the words, we were out.”

Howie sighed and shook his head, “Why is it that I can see you two purposely messing stuff up so he would kick you guys out?”

“No, Kevin had no reason to kick me out!” AJ voiced out in his defense, “According to daddy, I wasn’t frying the bacon right. I mean, as long as you don’t burn the shit, I would assume there’s no right or wrong way to frying bacon. But this dipshit on the other hand seriously thought it was okay to throw a Poptart in the microwave.”

Howie cocked an eyebrow, “Okay, and? I throw my Poptarts in the microwave all the time.”

“The Poptart was still in the fucking wrapper when he put it in the microwave.”

Howie eyes literally bulged out, “You did WHAT?!? Are you serious Nick? You put a packaged Poptart in the microwave? Please don’t tell me you started the microwave with that in it.”

Nick simply gave a shrug, “You guys can’t tell me you’ve never wondered what would happen if you left the Poptarts in the package and put it in the microwave.”

Closing his eyes, AJ shook his head and began to massage his eyelids. “I’ve wondered Nick, but I also never wanted to find out. I have better sense to know what the hell would happen if I put foil in a microwave rather than me trying to experiment and actually find it out myself.”

“So… what exactly happened Nick, or dare I ask?” Howie drawled out slowly.

“Nothing, just popped and sizzled. You should’ve seen Kevin though, he dove at the microwave like Superman!” Nick said as he busted out into Soulja Boy’s “Crank Dat” song.

Howie continued to stare at Nick in utter shock, “You know, it absolutely scares me that you find this situation funny. You could’ve caused some major damages to this place Nick, damages Brian would have to pay for. What’s worse, you could’ve hurt yourself or others in the process of trying to figure out what would happen if you microwave a Poptart still in it’s damn package.”

“Which is why daddy Kevin kicked me out of the kitchen.” Nick pouted. “So, about that neglected trip to the lavatories… since Kevin kicked me out, my offer for wiping your ass still stands. Because I am here to serve you Howard.”

Howie rolled his eyes as he continued his trek into the kitchen, “Go do something with yourself Nick.”

When he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by Brian sitting on a bar stool which was situated at the kitchen island, enjoying a cup of orange juice and reading the paper, while Kevin was taking something out of the oven.

“Well, well… if this doesn’t look like a scene out of ‘Three Men and a Baby’ right now.” Howie joked as he took a seat next to Brian.

As Kevin turned to address the newcomer in the kitchen, Howie could only laugh at Kevin’s appearance, wearing a white apron with a dishtowel draped over his shoulder.

“Three Men and TWO Babies.” Brian corrected as he flipped to the sports section of the newspaper.

Howie chuckled and began to sniff the air, “Mmm, that smells great Kevin! What you baking over there?”

“Some good ole fashioned buttermilk biscuits.” Kevin replied as he walked the hot, freshly baked biscuits over towards Brian and Howie. “Which, we will drizzle with honey.”

“Man, this looks so delicious!” Howie complimented as he looked over the spread of scrambled eggs, Belgian waffles, pancakes, bacon strips, sausage links, French toast, seasoned potatoes and buttermilk biscuits. “The smell of all this traveled right upstairs and woke me up.”

“Well, you guys can go ahead and dig in. Everything is ready, we were just waiting on the biscuits.” Kevin said as he turned and began to pile all the dirty dishes into the sink.

Howie smiled, “You don’t have to tell me twice.” he said as he grabbed two plates, handing one to Brian. “Um… what was the occasion for this?” Howie whispered to Brian as he gave him his plate.

Brian simply shrugged, “Don’t know, but lets not say anything because this is definitely something I could get used to.” Brian whispered back before he turned his attention onto his cousin. “Hey Kev, why don’t you have Frack do the dishes? It’s a simple task for him to do, and I’m sure there’s nothing in there that could cause harm to himself or any one of us.”

“With that kid, you never know.” Kevin replied with a slight chuckle and sigh, “But you’re right, I should have him do the dishes while AJ cleans up.” and with that, Kevin removed the apron he was wearing and tossed the white apron and dishtowel on the counter. “I worked hard to make most of this food, and I think I deserve to enjoy it with ya’ll.”

“Damn straight.” Howie laughed as he handed Kevin a plate.

Kevin grabbed the plate and was about to shovel a heaping spoonful of scrambled eggs onto his plate, but stopped. “Speaking of which… where are those two?”

“There were chilling in the living room last time I saw them.” Howie replied as he munched away on the rather crispy strip of bacon.

“Nickolas and Alexander.” Kevin called out as he continued making his plate.

“Why does he have to use our full names like that?” they heard Nick silently grumble as both he and AJ walked into the kitchen.

“Yes master.” AJ joked.

“Aren’t you guys gonna join us for breakfast?”

“That depends. After we make our plates, are you gonna kick us out again?”

“Shutup and make your plate Alex.”

The two young ones both cracked a smile as they grabbed their plates and began to pile on food. When they were through, they joined Howie, Brian and Kevin, who were situated at the kitchen island, silently eating their food.

“So, how do you guys like the bacon?” AJ asked no one in particular.

Brian, Howie and Kevin glanced at each other, looking to see who would give the response. “It’s good.” Howie said as he took a swig of his orange juice, washing down the crunchy pieces of bacon he was having a hard time digesting.

AJ gave Kevin a smug look, “You see? You kicked me out of the kitchen for nothing!”

Nick glanced around at all their plates, “Wait… where's the Poptart’s I made?”

“Are you serious Nick?” Kevin said as he gave Nick a pointed look. “Do you even want me to answer that question?”

“No need, I’ll just go make us more.”

“NOOO!!!!!” they all shouted in unison as they sprung up from their chairs to stop Nick from going anywhere.

“Why don’t you let me take care of it buddy?” Brian assured as he gave his friend a pat on the back. “Does anyone want Poptarts?”

When he got no response, he turned to face Nick, “You see? Now that we’ve got that all taken care of buddy, you don’t have to worry about a thing. So, why don’t you have a seat again and just enjoy your breakfast?”

Nick pouted as he sat back down, “I bought us blueberry Poptarts to eat with our breakfast.”

“And maybe we can have it for breakfast tomorrow.” Brian laughed.

They continued finishing off their breakfast in silence; all that could be heard was the notable chewing, crunching, munching, slippping, slurping and breathing sounds. Howie finally broke the silence, “Well, that surely hit the spot.” he said as he place his fork down on his now empty plate. “I hope we have nothing planned for today because right now I just wanna crawl back into bed.”

Kevin perked up on what Howie had said, “Oh by the way, an officer came up early this morning to warn us of a storm system that’ll be moving in. We’ll be getting some hard snow fall and a few feet of snow, so he advised us to just stay in, wait it out, and they’ll send up some trucks to plow away the snow.”

Brian nodded, “Looks like we’ll have to get some wood ready for a fire.” he said as he rose from his chair. “Welp, thank you cous for the delicious breakfast, thank you AJ for burning the bacon, and thank you Nick for trying to blow this place up, with us in it.”

Before Nick and AJ could protest, Kevin voiced out, “Nick and AJ, since you two failed with helping me with breakfast, you two have cleanup duty. AJ, you’ll clean the kitchen while Nick does the dishes.”

“We didn’t fail, you fired us Kev.” AJ pointed out.

“Yeah, I fired you guys because you failed.”

Before anything else could be said, Kevin, Brian and Howie had quickly filed out of the kitchen, leaving their dirty dishes on the kitchen island, and leaving their two youngest friends to stare at each other, and the mess that laid waiting for them.

“You know… I’m beginning to think the only reason why Brian wanted the two of us on this trip and invited Kevin over was so that they could boss us around, just like they used to do back then.” Nick grumbled as he walked over towards the double sink and began to fill one side with water and soap.

AJ chuckled, “I’m so locking my door tonight. And I’m setting traps so in case the asshole decides to wake me up early again, he’ll be in for a lovely surprise.”

“I find it absolutely amazing that this lodge seems to have everything, but it lacks a dishwasher and an automatic fireplace. Wow, whoever constructed this lodge was a true genius.”

Ten minutes later, both AJ and Nick had the kitchen spotless. The clean dishes laid in the rack to be dried, the counters and table were wiped down, the stove was scrubbed from the oil and grime that clung to it.

“From this point on, we’re not doing shit!” Nick said as he tossed the dishtowel that was draped on his shoulder onto the counter.

AJ nodded and sighed, “I’m gonna go out for a smoke, you wanna join me?”

“Nah man, I think I’m gonna head upstairs and hide out there for the rest of this trip.”

AJ laughed as he walked out of the kitchen and headed towards the door. He glanced off into the living room, seeing Kevin and Brian watching TV, but Howie was nowhere to be found. Shrugging, he opened the door and stepped out into the chilling cold.

“Holy shit.” he muttered as he wrapped his arms around himself, too lazy to go back in and grab his leather jacket.

Closing the door behind him, he walked further out from the entry way to see that the snow was indeed falling harder and faster, noticing the ground was already covered with a few inches of snow. Shoving his hand into his pocket, he pulled out his pack of cigarettes and shook a stick out. Placing it to his lips, he used his other hand to reach into his other pocket and fish out his lighter.

He tried to steady his trembling hands long enough to flick his lighter, and after a few attempts, he was finally able to produce a flame. He quickly placed his cigarette over the open flame, puffing all the while to get the nicotine burning and to feel the rush of the intoxicating smoke fill his lungs. Immediately, he felt warmth spread throughout his body as he took the first drag of his cigarette.

“Should’ve picked up another pack while we were out there.” he said to himself as he exhaled a cloud of smoke, watching as it intermingled with the frosty mist of his breath.

As the smoky mist cleared away, he noticed a defined figure off in the distance. Squinting his eyes, he soon realized that it was a figure of a woman, staggering towards their lodge.

“What the fuck…” he said to himself as he flicked his cigarette off to the side, wondering if he should alert the guys. Deciding against it, he ran out into the cold, figuring he would help the woman back to the lodge.

Shit, he thought to himself, feeling for the first time how extremely cold it was out under the falling snow, but his adrenaline kept him going. When he finally reached the woman, his arms quickly shot out to catch her, for her legs had buckled. Catching her falling form had caused them both to fall to their knees on the soft snow.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” AJ asked, his voice full of concern as he tried to look her over.

Her golden brown hair blowing in the chilly wind, she slowly lifted her head to look at her savior, her azure eyes weak, yet lustrous. “I’m so… sorry.” the woman said softly, her teeth chattering.

“There’s no need to apologize, but are you okay? You’re not hurt or anything are you?”

She shook her head, “No… it’s just… so cold… I, I’m having… problems with… my car and it wouldn’t… start and I have… no cell phone… so I started… looking for… help.”

“Shh, it’s okay.” AJ soothed as he wrapped his arms around the shivering woman, in hopes to transfer what little body heat he had to her. “My friends and I are staying at this lodge right up ahead, why don’t we get you there, warm you up a bit and then you can use our phone to call for some help.”

The woman glanced up at AJ, smiling weakly, “Thank you, so much.”

AJ gave a slight nod and rose to his feet, bending down to gently haul the woman to her feet as well, “The name’s AJ by the way.” AJ introduced as he embraced her trembling form, pulling her closer to his body to keep her warm as he began to walk her towards the lodge.

Releasing a sigh, she snuggled herself tighter into AJ’s body. “Adrianna.”

Chapter 7 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
Forgive the mistakes, if there are any misspelt words or whatever. It's pretty damn late, I'm tired yet anxious to post this update before I go to sleep. I know I could've waited till tomorrow, but like I said, I was anxious, lol, and I shall fix any mistakes tomorrow! :) Thank you soooo much for the reviews everybody!!! :D

“You ever find yourself flicking through channels, and then stopping on a show you know your son watches? And when the show is just starting, do you find yourself singing along to the theme song?” Kevin asked his cousin as he continued surfing through the channels, yet to have found one show or movie they’d like to watch.

“Yeah, I think there was even nights where I’d be caught singing the damn song in my sleep.” Brian laughed.

“Oh really? What song?”

“Spongebob Squarepants.”

“Ahh, the lovely sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.”

“I did tell you the story of AJ linking us to the Spongebob characters, right?”

Kevin shook his head as he changed the channel to Nickelodeon, sighing in disappointment when he found that “The Fairly Oddparents” was on instead of “Spongebob Squarepants”. “Nope… I think the question is do I even want to know the story?”

“To simply put it, AJ said he’s Spongebob, Nick is Patrick, I’m Sandy Cheeks, Howie is Mr. Krabs and you’re… Squidward. You can figure out the rest on why or even how he made those connections.”

Kevin rolled his eyes, “He would say I’m the dude with the freaking penis-looking nose.”

Before another word was said, the front door busted open, causing both Brian and Kevin to immediately snap their attention over towards the entry of the lodge. They both quickly rose from where they sat when they saw AJ walk in an exhausted woman.

“What’s going on AJ?” Kevin asked as both he and Brian made their way over towards AJ and the woman, helping him to walk her into the living room.

“I was smoking a cigarette outside when I noticed her struggling towards our lodge. From what she’s told me, her car broke down and she had no cell phone to make a call, so she set out to look for assistance.”

When they sat her on the couch, Brian kneeled down in front of her and tilted her head up to look into her eyes. “She’s been out in the cold for quite some time, though fortunately no physical signs of hypothermia. I’ll go get her some blankets and something warm to drink.”

Kevin glanced AJ over, noticing that he was quivering as much as the woman was, “Jay, maybe you should go change your clothes and get into something warmer. The last thing we need is you getting sick.”

“I’m fine.” AJ lied, feeling the adrenaline quickly dissipate, leaving him to feel how cold he really was.

Brian quickly returned with a stack of folded up blankets. Tossing them on the couch, he grabbed one and unfolded it, wrapping it around her trembling form. “Here you go. I’ll go ahead and make you something warm to drink. Are you hungry or anything?”

Adrianna shook her head, “No, but thank you.”

Brian nodded as he disappeared off into the kitchen. Kevin continued to unfold the blankets, “AJ, I mean it. Go get into something warmer.” he said as he wrapped the blanket around Adrianna.

Deciding not to fight back, AJ turned and began his trek upstairs, rubbing his two hands together and blowing into them all the while. Instead of going into his room to change into something warmer though, he walked over towards Nick’s room and knocked on the closed door.

“If it’s Kevin, Brian or Howie, I’m not opening it.” he heard a voice say from the other side.

AJ couldn’t help than to chuckle, “It’s me man, open up.”

A few seconds later, Nick opened his door a crack. “Please don’t tell me they sent you up here to tell me to do something.”

AJ shook his head, “No, just wanted to know if you have something warm I could possible wear, like a sweatshirt or something.”

Nick noticed for the first time how bad AJ was shaking, “What in the hell happened to you?” he asked as he opened the door wider, allowing AJ to walk in.

“Long story short… was outside smoking my cigarette, seen a woman off in the distance, ran to help her and found out that she was experiencing car troubles and had no cell phone to call for help, so she went looking for help instead.”

Nick’s eyes widened a bit upon hearing the new information, “Are you serious? Is she okay?”

AJ nodded, “She’s fine, was just really cold because it’s cold as fuck outside. So, can I get that sweatshirt?”

“Oh yeah, hold on.” Nick said as he walked over to his suitcase and began to rummage through it. Pulling a black hooded sweatshirt out, he handed it to AJ. “There ya go. She doesn’t need any clothes to change into, does she?”

“Nah man, Brian had grabbed some blankets for her. Can you believe there’s already a few inches of snow that’s accumulated?”

“I believe it, the guy did say we’ll be experiencing hard snowfall and a few good feet of snow. A bit surprised that the storm is moving in this quickly though.” Nick said as he glanced down at his watch, seeing that it was almost noon.

AJ slipped the large sweatshirt over his body, sighing in relief as warmth immediately came to him. “Much better.”

“Does Howie know what’s going on?”

“Not sure… he wasn’t downstairs, which I assume he really meant it when he said he was gonna crawl into bed and go back to sleep.”

Nick nodded as he watched AJ make his way out of his room, “Wait, where you going?”

“Back downstairs. Why?”

“Wait for me!” he said as he quickly followed AJ out of his room and downstairs. He was greeted by the sight of Kevin sitting beside lumped form under a pile of blankets.

Kevin turned when he heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs, “Glad you decided to listen to me.” he said as he looked AJ over.

AJ rolled his eyes as he flounced down on the leather chair situated across from the couch. “Yes daddy.”

Nick took a seat in the other open chair, “Is she okay?” he mouthed to Kevin.

Kevin nodded, “We’re just trying to get her warmed up before we start bombarding her with questions.” he said in a light tone.

Brian walked out from the kitchen, mug in hand. “Here you go.” he said as he handed Adrianna the steaming cup.

Weakly, Adrianna reached out for the cup and grabbed it, “Thank you.” she barely whispered before she took a small sip of the hot chocolate, sighing at the feeling of heat coursing through her body, warming her flesh.

Brian took a seat on the other side of Adrianna, and they remained in silence as they tried not to watch her drink her hot cocoa. “I’m really sorry…” she said, breaking the silence. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“You’re not an intrusion.” Kevin reassured.

Adrianna gave a small smile, “Thank you. I swear, I just feel like I’m having the worse day ever. I was actually on my way to work, but before that my boyfriend and I had gotten into an argument about something so stupid, I can’t even remember really, and he tried to tell me not to drive my piece of junk car out in this weather. And what did I do? I did just that, jumped in my car and left to work because I don’t like to stick around after an argument anyway. On top of that, I was running late for work, and before you know it, my car comes to a sputtering stop. So, here I was, stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no cell phone to call for help, and it was beginning to snow harder outside, so me, being the dumb person I am, decided to take it upon myself and go out there to look for help, and as you can imagine, it only resulted me in getting lost.”

“So, how did you find this place?” Nick asked.

“I actually came across tire tracks in the snow that led me up here. I didn’t exactly find this place, because I was just about ready to give up. Your friend here,” she looked at AJ, “kinda found me and brought me back to your place. And I’m just so thankful because…” she began to tear up a bit, “I don’t even wanna imagine what would’ve happened if you hadn’t found me.”

AJ glanced over to Nick, who seemed unaffected by her story. “It’s okay,” Brian said soothingly, “We’re just glad that AJ got to you in time and we’re more than happy to help you. But for now, why don’t you get some rest, and when you wake up, we’ll figure out what to do from there.”

Adrianna nodded as she placed her half filled cup down on the coffee table. “My name’s Adrianna by the way.”

“I’m Brian, the one on the other side of you is Kevin, this is Nick and of course you already know AJ.” Brian introduced. “But, we’ll go ahead and let you get some sleep, okay?”

They all rose from where they sat and began to walk towards the kitchen as Brian set up the couch for Adrianna to sleep on.

“Well, this trip took a sudden interesting turn.” Kevin said as he sat down on the barstool at the kitchen island.

“Tell me about it… it’s not everyday you go outside to smoke a cigarette and find a person that‘s lost.” AJ replied as he opened the refrigerator to grab himself a drink.

Nick remained quiet, thinking about Adrianna and her story. He felt like he was the only one that was wondering about this mysterious woman. Her story seemed simple enough, but… there was just something about her Nick couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“Kiddo.” Kevin spoke loudly, breaking Nick from his trance. “I can see you’re thinking… seems dangerous.”

Nick gave his older friend a look, “Shutup Kev. I’m just thinking about… what we’re gonna do about her, yanno?”

“Well, didn’t take long for her to knock out.” Brian said as he walked into the kitchen.

“So, what do you guys suggest we do?” Nick questioned no one in particular.

“We let her use our phone to call for a tow truck or something.” AJ replied matter-of-factly.

“Let me reiterate the fact that I said this trip has taken a sudden interesting turn.”

They all looked over at Kevin, “Why do you say that?”

“Because even if she was to call for help, no one would be able to come out here to help her. From the looks of things, the storm has already moved in.”

“So, what are you getting at Kev?”

“Looks like she’ll be stuck with us and will have to wait the storm out.”

Nick looked over at his two friends, who both remained quiet. He really didn’t like the fact that no one else appeared worried enough to inquire about this woman.


Howie emerged from his master bathroom, having awoke from the nap he had taken right after breakfast. He was shocked to realize that he had slept practically the whole day away, for it was quarter to six in the afternoon, but figured it didn’t matter, it’s not like they could go out and do anything anyway.

Wanting to know what the rest of the fellas were up to, he walked out of his room and began to walk downstairs, a look of puzzlement flashing across his face when he saw a woman sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Hearing the sound of someone coming down the stairs, Adrianna quickly turned to face Howie, “You must be Howie.” she said with a smile. “I’m Adrianna.”

Howie forced a warm smile, “Nice to meet you.”

“If you’re wondering where your friends are, I believe AJ had gone upstairs to take a shower, and Nick, Brian and Kevin are somewhere in this lodge. I swear, I’d get so lost in this place if I was staying here.” Adrianna laughed.

Howie gave a slight chuckle, not meaning to come across rude or unwelcoming, he was just taken aback by what was going on.

“Okay, so we’ll set you up to stay in one of the extra guest bedrooms.” Kevin said to Adrianna as he walked into the living room. He smiled when he saw Howie at the foot of the stairs, “Hey D., how’d you sleep man?”

Howie gave a slight nod, still seemingly in a phase. “It was good.”

“Have you met Adri-”

“Adrianna?” Howie cut him off. “Yes, I have.”

“Okay… well, why don’t we get you set up in that extra room.” Kevin said as he began to walk upstairs, prompting Adrianna to follow.

Shaking himself out of his phase, Howie walked over towards the leather chair and plunked down on it, looking up when he heard Nick and Brian walk into the living room.

“Well, good morning Sleeping Beauty!” Brian joked as he sat down on the other chair, “That breakfast really did you in, huh?”

Howie immediately cracked a genuine smile at seeing his two younger friends, “Yeah, I meant business when I said that I wanted to crawl back into bed. Eating like that is sure to put anyone to sleep.”

“We should hurry up and go get that wood for the fire.” Kevin voiced out as he walked downstairs and into the living room, sitting down next to Nick on the couch. “Before it gets any colder and snows any harder.”

Silence had befallen them, all of them looking around at each other to see who would volunteer to do it. “Well, since no one is volunteering, I guess I’ll go ahead and do it, because I’ll only get told to do it anyway.” Nick grumbled as he pushed himself up from the couch and began to march upstairs to grab something warmer to wear.

“Well, I was gonna send Brian, but thanks Nick!” Kevin joked.

Nick ignored Kevin as he reached the top of the stairs and walked into his room. He rummaged through his suitcase in search for another hooded sweatshirt he knew he had packed away. He finally found his dark gray sweatshirt and pulled it out from his pile of clothes, messing it up all the while. He rose to his feet and slipped the sweatshirt over his body, checking himself over before slipping on his Timberland boots and making his way back downstairs.

Bypassing the parlor, where Kevin, Howie and Brian remained sitting, he walked straight towards the door and opened it, being greeted by the extremely cold and dry wind that blew past him, causing the flesh of his face to prickle. Shivering, he closed the door behind him and began his trek out towards the backside of the lodge; Brian had told him earlier where he would find the shed, which housed the already chopped wood.

After a few minutes of searching for the shed, he finally found it. “Bingo.” he said to himself as he walked over towards the shed and opened the two double doors. He saw nothing but stacks of neatly cut wood, a wheel barrel, and other numerous items, such as gas cans, tools, etc. He smiled triumphantly as he reached out to grab the first wooden cylinder block, but when he suddenly heard a noise come from behind him, the only thing he could remember was pain exploding through his head.

Chapter 8 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
So... I was debating if I should've kept the two parts in one chapter because of how short they were, or break them apart in two chapters regardless. I decided to have two separate chapters...

“Man, it’s getting real cold now, huh?” Howie commented as he blew into his two hands, rubbing them together afterwards.

“Yeah,” Brian agreed as he got up and walked to the window to look outside, “This storm is moving in way sooner than expected.”

Kevin sighed as he picked up the remote and began to flick through the channels once again, “Hopefully that means the faster it gets here, the sooner it’ll leave.”

Brian nodded in agreement, “Nick better hurry with that wood so we can go ahead and get the fire started. Speaking of which, who’s got cooking duties for dinner tonight?”

“You and Howie.” Kevin simply replied, never breaking his eyes from the TV.

Brian chuckled, “Fair enough, I don’t even know why I asked that.”

“Welp,” Howie sighed out as he pushed himself up from his seat, “I shall go figure out what we can concoct.” he said as he began to make his way into the kitchen.

Brian gave a slight nod, “I guess I’ll go ahead and check on the girl real quick.” he said, more to himself, as he walked towards the flight of stairs.

As soon as he took the first step though, he immediately froze at the sound of the doorbell ringing. A look of puzzlement etched across his face as he turned to make his way towards the door now. “Who would be ringing the doorbell.” he muttered as he stood on the tip of his toes to look out the peephole, confused as to why he saw Nick standing there, let alone why he rung the doorbell instead of just walking in.

“What the…” Brian started out as he opened the door, but his words immediately died off upon seeing Nick standing before him, with a trail of red running down his forehead. “What the hell happened Nick?”

Nick sighed and looked away.

End Notes:
because of how I end it. I love to keep you guys in suspense. ;)
Chapter 9 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
Yay, although very short, there's two chapters!!! :D But...

“Shit.” AJ bit out as he stepped out from the warm, steamy bathroom into the coldness that coursed through the hallway.

Quickly he trotted into his room, hoping his room would be at least a little bit warmer, but it was just as cold. “This is bullshit.” he gritted out as he grabbed the sweatshirt he had borrowed from Nick earlier and slipped it over his slender frame.

Content at the slight warmth he was now encased in, he sat down on the edge of his bed and leaned back to grab his cell phone from off the bedside table. Sitting back up, he glanced down at the phone and saw that he had one missed call. He sighed and smiled upon seeing the name. Rochelle. Just as he was about to call her back, he heard a soft knock at his door.

“Come in.” he called out to the person that was on the other side of his door.

He glanced up from his phone when he heard his door finally open, finding Adrianna on the other side, peering in through the cracked door.

“Come on in.” AJ invited with a smile.

Adrianna smiled as she opened the door further and walked into the room. “Thank you.” she said as she closed the door behind her. “You look fresh and clean.” she commented as she leaned back against the closed door.

“The hot shower was nice let me tell you, it’s honestly the best thing to do in such cold weather. But anyway, how was your nap?”

Adrianna shrugged, “I couldn’t really sleep to tell you the truth… I just keep thinking back to…” she took a long pause, “what would’ve happened if you never found me.”

“Hey, don’t think about that.” AJ said in an sympathetic tone. “Do you wanna sit down and talk about it?”

Without saying another word, Adrianna pushed herself away from the door and made her way over towards AJ’s bed. AJ was taken aback when Adrianna sat down beside him on the foot of his bed and had situated herself a little too close. When he had offered her a seat, he honestly thought she would have sat in the chair across from his bed, but he shrugged it off.

“What would you do if you were in my shoes?” Adrianna asked as she picked at her fingers, not bothering to look up at him as she asked the question.

AJ shrugged, “Um… for one, I would tell him how I feel and how he makes me feel. Communication plays a huge role in relationships. I mean, when you’re in love with somebody, it’s seriously a two-way street. You shouldn’t ever be afraid to tell him how you feel or how he makes you feel at times. And of course, leaving right after an argument is never good, especially if you leave an argument on a sour note.”

“Yeah,” Adrianna scoffed, “my mother always told me that you should never leave or go to bed mad at a person… what if you never see that person ever again? And that asshole was close to losing me… if only he knew that.”

“Negative thoughts aside, I’m sure he knows what he did wrong and is sorry for it… I mean, you did say that he tried to tell you not to drive off to work in that car, knowing it gives problems, and offered to drive you to work. I think if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have said anything.”

“Do you know how thankful I am that you found me?” Adrianna suddenly asked.

AJ was visibly taken aback by the sudden question, “Um… well, I would assume real thankful because you keep thanking me.” he replied with a uneasy chuckle.

“Let me show you how thankful I am.” and with that, Adrianna turned and threw her legs over AJ, straddling his lap. She quickly moved in for the kill, capturing his bottom lip.

AJ sat there in shock, frozen by what had just occurred. One minute, she was sitting next to him, seeking his advice, the next minute she was on top of him, claiming to show him how thankful she was of him finding her and saving her life. He remained rooted to where he sat for a good minute or so, feeling her begin to tug on his bottom lip with her teeth. But before he could say anything, she roughly forced him down on his bed, and her hands began to roam wildly across his chest.

“I am sooo thankful you found me Alex.” she said in a whisper, her lips hovering so close above his own. “I think, in a way, you were meant to find me… this was meant to be.”

Lost in the sudden sensation, AJ could vaguely feel her grasp his sweatshirt ever so tightly, as if determined to remove the offending material. Her lips now moved down to his neck, where she began to bathe the tender flesh with her tongue.

“Adrianna,” AJ tried to get out, still rendered speechless, “you have… a boyfriend.”

“And my boyfriend… obviously… doesn’t want me…” Adrianna responded between kisses. “But I know you know how I feel… and perhaps know what I need and how to give it to me… it’s no coincidence you found me. I strongly believe in fate. Just… let it go.” and with that, she worked on getting the sweatshirt off, leaving him only in his black wife beater and gray sweatpants.

AJ couldn’t deny it, he was lost in the sensation he was feeling at the moment. I mean, here he was, laying under a female, who straddled his waist and worked him up a frenzy. Her lips, her kiss, her touch… although he didn’t want it to happen, he was already too lost in the feeling and he wasn’t sure if he could stop it, he had to find a will, and a way.

A gasp tumbled from his lips; she now suckled on the prominent vein that ran across his neck and stood out painfully whenever he sung or screamed, one of his erogenous zones. The immediate heat that coursed through him caused his arms to flail out, and his eyes snapped open upon feeling his hand contact something hard. His cell phone. One missed call. Rochelle.

“Stop!” AJ exclaimed, flying up from the bed and gently urging Adrianna off of him.

Adrianna remained situated on his lap, “What’s wrong?” she asked breathlessly, leaning in to try and kiss him again.

AJ turned his head, “No, we… we can’t do this Adrianna.” he bucked up lightly to get Adrianna to remove herself from his lap.

Adrianna complied and got off of AJ, only to sit down next to him on the foot of the bed again. “Why can’t we? You seemed fine with what was going on a minute ago.”

“Because…” AJ took a deep breath in and sighed, hoping to ease his racing heart and heated arousal. “because you have a boyfriend, and I have a girlfriend. I mean, sure, I was enjoying what was going on a minute ago, what man wouldn’t, but the thing is what was happening is not right and I really don’t feel that way… towards you. I love my girlfriend and I’m sure you love your boyfriend.”

Adrianna reached out and lightly grasped AJ’s chin, turning his head so that he was now looking at her. “I do love my boyfriend… but what my boyfriend doesn’t know and what your girlfriend doesn’t know won’t hurt. C’mon, I know you want this, maybe more than I want it… just let it go baby… if only this one time.” she ended her sentence in a whisper, her lips dangerously close to his.

AJ immediately flew up from the bed, “No, and if you want to stay here and want us to help you, you better stop with this shit and start respecting my decisions. I was empathetic before, but with the way you’re acting, I will not hesitate to kick your ass back out there.”

Adrianna’s eyes widened in shock, “Why… why are you talking to me like that? You wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Then I suggest you stop with this bullshit and go back to your ro-” AJ was cut off at the sound of commotion going on downstairs. “What the hell?” his focus immediately drawn to something else, he made his way towards his closed door, intent on leaving his room and going downstairs to see what was going on.

He grasped the doorknob, but just as he turned it to open the door, he was thrown off guard at the feeling of something being smashed into the back of his head, instant pain gripping him. He staggered for a bit, trying to catch his bearings and register what had just happened. He turned around and found Adrianna standing behind him, with shards of glass littered around them.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” he screamed out, his hand reaching to the back of his head. When he brought his hand back in front of him, his palm was drenched with his own blood. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!?”

Adrianna stood there, eyes wide. She had grabbed a decorative vase from off the dresser and smashed it across AJ’s head, her intentions were to knock him out.

AJ ripped his bedroom door open, “Stupid fucking bitch, get your shit and get the fuck outta here!” he bellowed as he quickly made his way downstairs.

He made his way into the living room, where he found his four brothers just sitting there; Kevin and Howie seated on the chairs while Nick and Brian sat on the couch. “Dude, Adrianna is fucking outta here. That fucking bitch just broke a goddamn vase over my fucking head!”

The four of them just stared at AJ, not saying a word. “Um, hello? Are you guys listening to me?” AJ asked in a louder voice, now getting angry at the fact that his friends were acting weird. “That bitch just knocked me in the fucking head and I’m fucking bleeding.”

Still, no words came from them. AJ finally took notice to the streak of blood that ran across Nick’s forehead though, as if he had wiped away the blood that seeped from an unseen wound. “What the fuck is going on?”

It was then that he also noticed that his friends were now looking at something behind him, and before he could turn around to see what they were looking at, he felt something cold and hard at the back of his head.

“Don’t move.”

End Notes:

bet ya'll hate me with how I'm ending it, huh? LMAO. Thanks for all your support and feedback guys, it's greatly appreciated! :)

Chapter 10 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
Alright people, no cliffhangers with this chapter, I swear. Even with how I ended this chapter, I don't view it to be a cliffhanger because, well... perhaps I'll explain it with the next chapter, or the chapter after that, lol.

His eyes drifted close, wincing at the feeling of the blunt object pressed firmly against his fresh wound. Taking in a deep, shaky breath, he slowly rose his hands… it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was held to the back of his head was the cold tip of a gun.

“I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming…” AJ silently chanted to himself, knowing their trip couldn’t have suddenly turned this drastic.

“Well, let me wake you up from this fucking dream.”

Before AJ could register what the man behind him had said, unbearable pain exploded in the back of his head. He immediately collapsed to his knees, his hands flying up to hold the back of his head. “FUCKING SHIT!” he cried out.

He pushed himself up from the ground, leaving bloody handprints on the tiled flooring, and unsteadily whirled around to face their tormentor. For a moment, his conscious threatened to leave him, but he straightened himself out long enough to connect eyes with the man that had just bashed him in the back of his head with a gun. Angered by what had happened earlier and the current situation they were in, he was ready to lunge himself at the man, not thinking clearly and apparently not caring about the fact that the man had a gun.

Kevin sprung up from where he sat and quickly wrapped his arms around AJ, reeling him back. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid.” he whispered harshly into AJ’s ear before he placed him down on the couch between Nick and Brian.

Tears cascaded freely down AJ’s face, but he didn’t care, he was experiencing excruciating pain. He placed his hands back to the wound and applied pressure, hoping it would dull the constant pain that seem to pulsate every second.

The man had his gun trained on all of them, “Is there anymore of you fuck faces in this lodge?”

They all thought about Adrianna, but AJ could care less if the bitch had walked down and was knocked in the head as well. Just as he was about to rat Adrianna out, the sound of someone running downstairs kept him quiet. This bitch will get hers, AJ thought to himself.

“What’s going on?” Adrianna asked as she approached the guys, oblivious to the fact that there was an armed man in the room as well.

The man stalked up to Adrianna from behind and wrapped his arm around her waist, reeling her back. She released a startled yelp, but was soon quieted when the man placed his hand over her mouth and the gun to her temple. “Is this the last one?” he asked, fingering the trigger.

Kevin rose his hands, gesturing for the man to remain calm. “Yes, we’re the only ones in this lodge. Just please… don’t do anything to her.”

AJ snapped his eyes over towards Kevin’s direction, what the hell was he saying? The bitch knocked him in the head earlier and Kevin doesn’t want anything to happen to her?!

“Aww, becoming ever so protective of the bitch, are we?” the man cooed as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back.

She cried out, tears springing forth from her eyes. The movement alone cause the four of them to jerk forward in their seats, as if wanting to do something to get Adrianna away from this crazy man, but AJ sat there, a small smirk on his face, despite his pain.

“Perhaps we can figure out what you guys wanna protect her so much.” he trailed his gun down her chest. “I mean, one girl in a lodge with five guys… this is all so interesting to say the least.” the gun found solace near her lower region. “You don’t mind if I test this out, do you?” he asked as he leaned in and forced a kiss upon her. Whimpering, Adrianna squirmed in attempts to get away.

Kevin’s fist balled up, not liking the fact that the poor woman was being violated by this man, right in front of them. “Don’t you fucking tou-”

All of their mouths fell agape when they saw Adrianna stop struggling and wrap her arms around the armed man. They remained silent as they watched the two engage in a deeper, meaningful kiss.

Adrianna finally, yet hesitantly, broke away. “About fucking time James, what in the hell took you so long?”

“Had to take care of fucking blondie over there.” James replied as he gestured over towards Nick. “What about you, what the hell were you doing upstairs?”

Adrianna glanced over at AJ, “Well, one of them was trying to take advantage of me.”

AJ’s eyes widened, “BULL FUCKING SHIT YOU DUMB BITCH!” Nick and Brian immediately shot their hands out, in hopes to restrain their riled friend.

James walked away from Adrianna and slowly sauntered over towards AJ, “So… you trying to fuck with my bitch, is that it?”

Normally, AJ was one to quickly divert any sort of tension or drama, but when provoked, he was quick with his tongue and didn’t care to watch what he said. “I wasn’t trying to fuck with no one, least of all your dumb bitch over there.”

“You do realize that I’m the one with the gun, right?” James chuckled. “If you wanna put that dirty mouth of yours to some good use, you should start thanking me that you’re still here, sitting on that fucking couch because I don’t put up with people with smartass mouths.”

AJ bit his tongue, knowing James was right. He was the one with the gun, and he could end his life in the blink of an eye if he wanted to. Right now was not the time to get mouthy.

James tucked his gun in the waist of his pants, “You guys must be wondering why we’re here, and it really doesn‘t take a fucking genius to figure it out… you guys can consider us the modern day Bonnie and Clyde.”

“Wait, baby?” Adrianna spoke out sheepishly.

James slowly turned to face Adrianna, “What the fuck are you interrupting me for?”

“Just figured I would tell you something you should know before you go on.”

“Are you fucking kidding me, right now?” James asked her with a sigh, staring at her for a while, before he finally looked away and started shaking his head. He pulled his gun back out, aiming it directly at the guys. “Don’t try anything stupid, because I swear if you do, you’re fucking dead.” and with that, he and Adrianna walked away and situated themselves behind a wall to talk.

“Who the fuck goes to talk behind a wall when they have hostages?” AJ whispered to no one in particular. “We’re outta sight for them, we could just fucking leave if we wanted to.”

“But we’re not gonna do that.” Kevin said in a warning tone. “You, for one, are in no shape to be doing anything strenuous, and we’re not risking it.”

AJ rose his hand to touch the back of his head, wincing slightly. He sighed when he felt that he was still bleeding, “As if getting hit in the back of the head once wasn’t enough.”

Brian glanced over to inspect the damage; he could clearly see the fresh deepened gash, and the fact that his hair was matted with his thick, dark blood made it look messy. “Looks like you’ll need stitches for that. Until then, we’re gonna have to clean that up and keep it covered, and of course ice down the swelling.”

“Considering our situation, I don’t think I’ll be needing those stitches.” AJ grumbled, he was starting to feel lightheaded.

Kevin shot him a look, “Don’t talk like that Alex.”

“Maybe they’ll just take our shit and leave.” Nick spoke out for the first time, trying to remain optimistic. He was seemingly in a daze.

“I highly doubt that. We’ve seen their face, we know their names… there’s no way in hell they’re gonna let us g-”

“Alex, enough.” Kevin warned once more.

“I’m just saying, if we really wanna get outta here alive, we’re gonna have to do something. There’s two of them, and five of us.”

“There’s two of them with a gun, and just five of us.” Howie corrected.

“Aside from the fact that they have a gun, we have the upper hand. Lets just think of a plan and all we have to do is execute it properly.”

“Like I said, you’re in no shape to be doing much of anything, both you and Nick. You do not wanna mess with head traumas.” Kevin replied. “Look, I’m trying to think of something, but until then we’re not gonna attempt anything stupid. Especially you Jay with that mouth of yours.”

AJ sighed heavily; the only reason why he was fussy and ballsy in the first place was because of the given situation they were in. First he was being hit on by the girl they saved, then the same girl decides to smash a vase over his head, then he goes downstairs to find his brothers being held hostage by a bandit, then the bandit decides to knock him over the head again, for good measures, and now here they sit, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Before any one could say anything, both James and Adrianna walked back into the living room, “Well gentlemen, looks like I have some good news for you guys,” James started, “we’ll be extending our stay… oh, and I hope you don’t mind company.”

End Notes:
Once again, a big THANK YOU to all those who have read and reviewed, and even those who have just read this story period. You guys are truly such an encouragement and driving force when it comes to me writing, so I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate the fact that I've been welcomed back with open arms, and I look forward in continuing to entertain! :) Thank you a thousand times and just know, feedback is always GREATLY appreciated. :D
Chapter 11 by rebellious_one

“So, why don’t we start this off by collecting any and all means of communication…” James said as he cleared off everything that was on the coffee table, “cell phones, laptops, Ipods or whatever that shit is… put it all right here on this table.”

Kevin was the first to budge, moving forward in his seat so he could grab his cell phone from his back pocket. Sighing heavily, he placed his cell phone on the coffee table and slid it across. Brian, Howie and Nick soon followed suit, hesitantly grabbing their cell phones and placing them on the coffee table.

James aimed his gun at AJ when he noticed he didn’t place anything on the table, “Where’s your phone?”

“Ain’t got one.” AJ replied coolly.

“Bullshit, you’re a fucking celebrity… every celebrity has a cell phone.”

“Yeah? Well, lucky you I forgot mines at home.” he could feel the guys’ eyes on him, staring at him as if he was crazy for lying, but he knew this was the only one to save their asses.

Adrianna stepped forward, “Well, what the fuck do you call that thing you were messing with when I went to your room?”

“An Itouch?” AJ responded matter-of-factly.

Gun still aimed at AJ, James never broke his stare away from him. “Dri… take him upstairs and get that Itouch he’s talking about.” he turned his attention back to AJ, “And no fucking around.”

With the help of Brian and Nick, AJ slowly pushed himself up from the couch, the trauma to his head causing him to take things slow, but all of that went right out the window when James reached out and grabbed AJ, pulling him and shoving him towards the staircase. “Stop taking your sweet ass time.”

Gritting his teeth, AJ held in the pain, dizziness and nausea he felt, as well as his desire to verbally retaliate. He forced himself to walk up the flight of stairs, each step becoming harder to take, but he pressed on. When he finally made it to the top, he sighed in relief, thinking he could give his body a small break, but Adrianna was right behind him to push him forward.

His fists immediately clenched up as he continued his trek to his room. He opened the door, immediately looking around for his phone before Adrianna came up from behind. He noticed that his phone laid hidden underneath his pillow, only a small part of his phone being visible, and luckily his Itouch was right on his bedside table. He entered the room just as Adrianna came up from behind.

“You see… Itouch.” AJ said as he grabbed his Itouch from off the table and tossed it to Adrianna. While Adrianna busied herself in focusing on catching the flying object, AJ quickly pushed his cell phone further under the pillow. He stared at her as she examined the piece of technology.

Adrianna slipped the Itouch into her back pocket and looked up at AJ, “You know… you should’ve really took up on the offer when you had the chance. Would’ve been your last fuck.”

AJ gave a mock look of hurt, “Aww, I really missed out, didn’t I?”

“We could… finish where we started.” Adrianna drawled out seductively as she leaned against the door frame.

“Yeah, because one of my biggest fantasies is to fuck a crazy bitch who broke a damn vase over my head. Yeah, no thank you.” and with that, AJ pushed past her and began his descent downstairs.

When he entered the living room, James rose and aimed his gun at him again, “Where is it?”

“She has it.” AJ replied as he situated himself back down on the couch between Nick and Brian. His eyes flew shut for a bit, the feeling of pain and nausea catching up with him and rendering him dizzy.

“Are you okay?” Brian whispered.

Eyes still closed, AJ gave a slight nod, “Moving around too much I guess.”

Kevin glanced AJ over, as well as Nick. They both seemed to be holding up fairly well, but he knew they must be in a lot of pain. “Excuse me, is there any way we could get ice and a first aid kit?” he spoke out.

James immediately directed his gun towards Kevin, “What?”

“We did what you asked of us, now all I’m asking you is to allow one of us to get some ice and the first aid kit for our two friends here.”

James lowered his gun a bit. He remained silent, as if contemplating it over, until he finally asked, “Who’s place is this?”

“Mines.” Brian voiced.

James made his way over towards Brian and grabbed him, hauling him to his feet. Kevin quickly jerked in his chair, as if wanting to fly himself at James for grabbing his cousin the way he had, but luckily Nick shot his hand out to keep him seated.

“You are to get the shit and come right back. Adrianna will follow you and make sure you do just that.”

Brian made his way into the kitchen, feeling Adrianna coming up from behind. He walked towards the refrigerator and opened a small, narrow pantry that was situated next to it. He took out the first aid kit and then made his way over towards the kitchen island.

“So, this is your place huh?” Adrianna asked, breaking the silence.

Brian really didn’t want to talk to the lady that betrayed him, but still gave a reply. “I rented it out.”

“And it’s just you five that’s staying up here?”

Brian gritted his teeth as he pulled out two Ziploc bags and two dishtowels. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I really don’t want to be talking to you right now.” he said as he turned to his freezer and began to fill the Ziploc bags with ice cubes.

“A bit hostile, aren‘t we?” Adrianna asked in a mocking tone.

Brian closed the freezer and walked back over to the kitchen island, where he zipped up the bags of ice. He unfolded the two dishtowels and placed the ice bag in the middle of the towels. He grabbed the first aid kit and tucked it under his arm, then reached out to grab the two makeshift ice packs. “I’m hostile towards anyone who threatens my family.” he said in a menacing tone before he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief as he walked back into the living room, seeing his four brothers. He couldn’t believe who spoke out towards one of their captors, but if there’s one thing he doesn’t like, it’s having his family or loved ones being threatened or in danger.

“Here you guys go.” he said as he handed the two ice packs over to Nick and AJ. He sat down in between them and opened the first aid kit, rummaging around in search for aspirins and anything that could clean their wounds up. Meanwhile, both James and Adrianna had busied themselves into a small conversation.

“Damnit, I forgot to bring out something for you guys to wash this down with.” Brian muttered as he handed them both a packet of aspirins.

“Don’t even worry about it man, ” AJ replied as he grabbed the packet and ripped it open. “Thanks.” He shook out the aspirins into his palm then quickly popped them into his mouth, quickly producing enough saliva to swallow them down.

Nick did the same with his aspirins, swallowing it down hard. “Thanks Rok.”

Brian peered closer at Nick’s forehead, “Just gonna clean this blood off a bit to assess the damage.”

Nick’s eyes widened slightly upon watching Brian open up a moist towelette packet. “Doesn’t that have alcohol? That’s gonna burn like hell man.”

“I’m not even gonna go close to the cut with this, just gonna wipe away the blood is all. Now, hold still.” Brian instructed as he began to wipe away the dried up blood. “Just a lump and a small cut. You wanna cover that up?” he asked as he slathered a thin line of Neosporin across the small wound.

“Nah man.” Nick sighed, pulling away from Brian when he was done, leaning back against the couch and placing the makeshift ice pack softly to his head. “Just want this pounding headache to go away, and wake from this fucking nightmare.”

Brian gave a slight nod as he turned to now address AJ, “You and me both.” He rose up in his seat a little to inspect the back of AJ’s head, to which he already knew the damage was far worse than Nick’s. “The bleeding looks like it stopped a bit.”

“Don’t even bother trying to clean it up.” AJ advised as he closed his eyes, willing his nauseousness away.

Brian nodded as he applied a small amount of Neosporin to the laceration. “How you feeling right now, honestly?”

AJ nibbled on his bottom lip; the feeling of nausea, dizziness, and throbbing pain had him in a tight bind, threatening to steal his consciousness away at any given moment, but what kept him strong enough was the unfortunate situation they were in, him and his brothers being held hostage. “Sore and dizzy.” AJ simply replied, not wanting to let them know all that he felt and alarm them. The last thing he wanted was for them to worry about him, when he was worried about the rest of them.

“Just give the aspirin some time to kick in man.” Brian said sympathetically as he grabbed the towel-wrapped ice and gently placed it to the back of his head.

“Someone wake me up when this is all over.” AJ sighed heavily as he reclined back into the couch, making sure to not apply any kind of pressure to the back of his head.

“Alex.” Kevin called out softly, in a warning tone. “Don’t you go to sleep, both you and Nick can’t.”

James stopped talking to Adrianna and focused his attention back on the guys, “Are you guys done now? Everyone catered to?” he asked in sarcasm. He smiled when none of them gave an answer, “Dri, get on the phone and see where the hell those guys are.”

As Adrianna turned to leave the room, James walked over towards the coffee table and moved it so it was situated where he and Adrianna were standing. He sat down on the edge of the table, propping his arms on his knees while he still held his gun, “So… Adrianna tells me that you guys are a couple of celebrities?”

When he got no answer, he began to fiddle around with his gun, “Looks like we’ve struck gold when we stumbled across this house. How’d you like my baby’s acting by the way?” AJ slightly scoffed upon hearing him say that, “She surely worked her charm on all of you guys, especially one of you.” he looked over towards AJ as he said that.

Biting his tongue, AJ simply rolled his eyes at that statement. “So, tell me…” James started as he began to fiddle with his gun, “What kind of celebrities are you? Actors? Singers? Models?” Again, no reply. “Giving me the silent treatment now, huh? We were so wordy befo-”

He was cut off when Adrianna walked back into the room, “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but there seems to be a slight problem.” she said as she held the phone out.

Growling, James pushed himself up from where he sat and whirled around to face Adrianna, “What do you mean there seems to be a slight problem?”

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask Bobby that?” Adrianna bit back in anger, irritated with how James was treating her.

James ripped the phone out of Adrianna’s hand, “I swear, if you want a job done, you just got to do it yourself.” he grumbled as he walked into the other room with the phone.

Adrianna turned and followed him into the other room as well, “I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t cop an attitude with me, because I’m really beginning to get sick and tired of your shit!”

The boys looked at each other as they heard them arguing in the other room. AJ placed his ice pack down beside him, the back of his head becoming too cold and creating more of a headache if anything, “Do we have an ideas now?” he sighed.

“We leave.”

All eyes snapped immediately towards Kevin. “What?” Howie choked out, “But, before you said…”

“I know what I said before, but apparently these crooks aren’t very smart. They should never leave their victims alone. Not only do Nick and AJ need medical attention, but they have others that’ll be joining them as well, which would leave us even more at a disadvantage, and who knows how long they’ll keep us here or what they even intend on doing.”

“So, how do we do this?” Howie questioned in an uneasy voice.

“We’ll have to do it quietly and quickly, but the thing is it might get a little tricky if we all just get up at one time and leave. We’ll more than likely have to do it one by one, to eliminate as much noise and avoiding drawing their attention back here as possible. Nick, you’ll go first, followed by AJ. I’ll round up the back, okay?”

They waited in silence for a moment, to make sure they were preoccupied with whatever they were doing. When Kevin gave the signal, Nick slowly and quietly rose from the couch and began to quickly make his way over towards the front door. He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, in hopes to steady his shaking hands and quietly open the door. He sighed in relief when he was able to open it with no noise emitting, and turned to signal AJ to follow.

AJ rose to his feet, wobbling at first, but was able to catch his bearings. Hastily, he made his way towards the door, but immediately stopped in his tracks when he heard James’ voice grow louder as he reentered the room.

The remaining color drained from AJ’s face, “Oh shit.”

Chapter 12 by rebellious_one

“What the fuck is going on here?” James exclaimed, eyes wide as he scanned the room, noticing there were only four guys in the living room, one of them standing, apparently headed towards the front door.

Without saying another word, James rose his gun and aimed it in AJ’s direction. Kevin immediately rose from where he sat and lunged himself at James, able to get a hold of James’ arms and redirect the aim of the gun.

“GO!” Kevin shouted, straining to obtain the gun.

Rooted to where he stood in shock, AJ broke himself out of his phase and was about to resume his way towards the door, but instead turned and started to sprint up the flight of stairs instead. Meanwhile, Adrianna walked back into the living room, her eyes widening upon the sight she was greeted with.

James was able to regain the upper hand of the situation, and maneuvered the gun so it was now aiming towards Kevin’s shoulder. A shot rang out, rendering them all speechless and motionless, except for Kevin, who’s body jerked back from the power of the gun. He glanced down to see a sea of red spread across his right shoulder. Legs weak, it buckled, causing him to crumble to his knees. Both Howie and Brian immediately shot out for Kevin, catching him before his whole body made contact with the ground.

Brian, who was near tears to have just witnessed what happened to his cousin, tried his best to blink away the tears that welled within his eyes and contain the emotion that threatened to overtake him. “Kev?” he called out softly, scared to hear his cousin’s painful reply.

Eyes squeezed shut, Kevin fluttered them open briefly to make eye contact with his two younger brothers, “What happened?” he asked through gritted teeth, the unbearable pain and shock from what just happened rendering him clueless as to what just happened a few moments ago. He tried to glance down at the area where he felt the most discomfort, but the pain prevented him from doing just that.

“Easy there Kev.” Howie said as he gently placed his hand on his left arm, “Try not to move, you were shot.”

James turned to face Adrianna, “Stay down here with them, I’m going after that other motherfucker.” and with that he took off upstairs, gun in hand.

AJ ran into his room, closing the door and locking it. He leaned against the closed door for a bit, trying to ease his racing heart, his shaky hands, and stop the world from spinning. All of a sudden, the door began to shake violently as loud pounding sounded out from the other side of the closed door. AJ immediately jerked back.

“Open this fucking door.” he heard James growl from the other side.

Eyes wide, AJ quickly glanced around the room, looking for the things he would need to take and how he would be able to get out of the room. The first thing he went for was his cell phone, which was still hidden underneath the pillow. Next, he grabbed the sweatshirt he had borrowed from Nick, as well as his leather jacket from his suitcase. Once he had everything, he ran over towards the window, opening it and looking down.

“Fuck me.” he breathed out.

He snapped into action when he heard the door rattle again, and he quickly climbed out of the open window. He began walking slowly across the sloped rooftop, being careful as to not lose his footing and fall. The sound of gunshots rang out, which startled him and caused him to slip and fall on the sloped rooftop. He allowed his cell phone and the two jackets to fall from his grasp and roll down as he clung to the rooftop, hanging on for dear life.

He looked up to see James staring at him through the open window, gun aimed and ready to fire. Closing his eyes, he let go and allowed himself to slide down the roof, as James began to shoot at him. Luckily, the bullets had missed, but he landed rather painfully hard on his back on the snow covered ground.

“AJ!” he heard a voice call out, and looked off to the side to see Nick approaching him.

With the help of his friend, he pushed himself up from the ground, looking down to see the snow painted with his own blood. “Shit,” Nick gasped, “he shot you.”

AJ shook his head, “No, must’ve reopened the cut when I fell.” he said as he placed his hand to the back of his head. He held it out in front of them, his palm drenched with fresh blood.

“What the fuck happened in there? Where’s the other guys?” Nick asked as he grabbed the two jackets on the ground.

AJ bent over to pick up his cell phone and slipped it into his pocket, “I’ll tell you later, but we have to get the fuck outta here.”

“Wait, we’re just gonna leave them here?! We can’t do that!”

“We have to Nick! It’s either we stay here only for him to catch us again and kill us this time, or we go out and get help for them.”

Regretfully, Nick nodded and turned to begin walking down the road path, but was pulled back by AJ. “What the hell?”

“We can go down that way.” AJ said as he tugged Nick along, “You heard him say there’s other guys that’ll be coming up, and the last thing we need is to run into them.”

Nick nodded as they began to jog off towards the back way of the lodge, going god knows where.


“FUCKING SHIT.” James growled as he marched downstairs and back into the living room. He rose his gun, prepared to shoot and kill Kevin for preventing him from shooting AJ, but Adrianna quickly acted out and stopped him from doing just that.

“What the hell are you doing?” Adrianna exclaimed, pulling down James’ hand that held the gun.

“He fucking got away… TWO of them got away, and I could’ve stopped one and got the other one if it wasn’t for this fucking asshole!” James shouted as he rose his gun again, approaching Kevin.

Both Brian and Howie immediately leaned forward, protecting Kevin. Again, Adrianna brought James’ hand down. “Yeah, but killing them isn’t going to get us anywhere James, you know that.”

James continued to glare at Kevin, who only stared weakly back at him. Sighing heavily, he ripped away from Adrianna’s grasp, “I’m beginning to think that these boys would be worth so much more dead than alive.”

“Yeah, continue to think that, and you can kiss our money and plan goodbye! Look, Bobby already said that he and the others will be here soon… we’ll just send some of them out there to look for those two, that’s all baby. Lets not make this worse than it really is… those two are the ones with head injuries, and they’re out there, wandering in the fucking cold, with no way to contact anybody for help. They can only get so far before we eventually catch them again.”

James walked over towards the three that were still situated on the ground and knelt down before them, “You guys better hope that we find those two… because if we don’t, I will not hesitate to kill you all, and then kill those two once we find them.”


“So… what happened?”

AJ sighed heavily, walking uphill on snow was truly becoming a task for him, “Just as I was making my way towards the door, James came back into the living room. He was prepared to shoot me, but Kevin stopped him.”

“I had almost ran back into the house when I heard the gunshot. What happened with that?”

AJ shrugged, “I don’t know,” he replied softly, his voice pained with the thought of leaving his three brothers behind. “I hadn’t hung around to find out. I just booked it upstairs and right into my room. Next thing I knew, James was trying to get in. I was able to get out through the window, and here I am now.”

“You don’t think one of them was shot, do you?” Nick asked hesitantly, as if scared to know the answer, but knew he had to inquire.

“I can only hope and pray that it was a stray bullet.” AJ replied with a slight quiver in his voice; his shaking being caused by the cold. “Can I get my jacket, please?”

Nick handed him his leather jacket. “I brought you your sweatshirt.” AJ said with a nod as he placed his jacket on.

Stopping momentarily, Nick pulled his sweatshirt over his tall form before he resumed following AJ, “So, do you know where we’re going?”

“No idea.” AJ replied as they continued to trudge through the snow. He fished out his cell phone from his pants, “Fuck me, no reception. And my battery life is down to two bars.”

“So, what are you thinking?” Nick asked.

AJ sighed heavily, slipping his cell phone back into his pocket. He now knew how Kevin felt, when they all turned to him for answers. Seeing as how it was only the two of them, and he was the oldest, it was only right for Nick to ask him what they should do; he only wishes it were questions about their job and not how to save their lives. “Honestly, I don’t know man. The closer we are to the lodge, the more likely we’ll get reception and be able to call for help…”

“But…” Nick continued for him.

“But the more likely we’ll also get caught again.”

“Well, we’re headed to nowhere if we continue to go up this way, when we know the only way to help is to head down.”

“I know, and we’ll only run into those guys that are supposed to be coming up to our lodge.”

“We gotta think of something, we’ll fucking freeze and die out here if we don’t.”

“I’m trying to think of something here Nick, and thank you so much for your vote of confidence.”

Nick suddenly stopped in his trek, “We need a car.”

AJ stopped as well, turning to look at his younger friend, “Yes, we do need a car, having a car in this situation would be nice, but my car keys are in the lodge.”

“Then we’ll need to get a car.” Nick replied as he turned around and began walking back down towards the lodge.

“Hold up!” AJ exclaimed as he walked in front of Nick to stop him from proceeding any further. “What the hell do you mean we’ll need to get a car?!”

“Look, I have an idea, I’m gonna go CSI on you for a moment, but given what we know about these bad guys, it’s only a male and female.”

“An armed male and female for now.” AJ corrected.

“Right… we also know that they called up ‘company’ to join us, right?”

“Yes, and we don’t know how much is in their company.”

“And we left behind three of our own. So, what I’m thinking is that… they’ll keep some of their guys back in the lodge with them while they send out some guys, maybe two, four at the most, to come and look for us.”

“Okay, and where the hell are you going with this Nick?”

“I’m thinking we take them out.”

AJ’s eyes widened upon hearing Nick’s plan. “You think we what? Oh hell to the fucking no Nick, we are jeopardizing way to much if we follow through with that plan! We don’t know how to fight or take down anybody, let alone armed robbers, that’s fucking suicide!”

“I know way more than you think.” Nick insisted, talking about the physical training and programs he followed years prior to lose weight. “And given the situation we’re in, I seriously doubt you won’t resort to physical fighting if need be. But after we take those guys down, we’ll sneak back, take a car and go off to get help. I’ve seen it done before in movies.”

“That’s just it Nick! Those were fucking movies, we’re not in a goddamn movie, this is our LIVES we’re talking about. Plans don’t always go the way we want it to, anything can happen, there’s no fucking retakes, no mistakes can be made.”

“Sounds like someone is slowly starting to like my plan.” Nick said as he gave AJ a pointed look.

AJ mentally kicked himself for the way he ended his statement. Deep inside, he knew it was all or nothing, and they couldn’t think of any other plan. Looking up to the darkened sky, he watched as the snow fell for a bit, accumulating rather quickly around them. Kevin would seriously whack Nick upside the head for even suggesting this as a plan, being the one to not have anyone take risks or chances. But there comes a time in everyone’s life where it’s no longer about you, but rather those you love and others around you.

“He really must’ve knocked you up good, huh?” AJ asked with a small smirk, not being able to believe how crazy Nick was at the moment.

Nick gave a small smirk as well, gently touching the lump on his forehead, “Maybe?”

This wasn’t about him, his safety, his wellbeing anymore… this was about his life, and his life was his brothers. “Alright Nick.” he was hit in the head, twice, just as hard.

Chapter 13 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
FINALLY!! A freaking update!! Sorry for keeping ya'll waiting for so long; had to overcome this stupid writer's block. O.o But here's a brand new chapter just for ya'll, so please read and enjoy. :)

The sound of the door busting open cause Brian and Howie to immediately snap their attention over towards the front door, where they saw a group of six males march into their lodge.

“Honey, I’m home!” exclaimed the first man who walked into the lodge. He glanced over towards Howie, Brian and Kevin. “And these guys must be the lucky souls we decided to intrude on.”

James briskly entered the living room, to which he saw his friends making their way in from the entryway. “Thanks for joining us fellas. Would have loved to have you guys EARLIER when we have FIVE of these FUCK HEADS!” he shouted.

“Where’s the other two?”


Bobby shrieked away from his friend’s shouting, “There’s no need to yell dude, we’re here now, I’ll just have Rocky and Dennis go out and look for them. It was snowing pretty relentless out there, so I’m sure they didn’t get far.”

“I don’t want just Rocky and Dennis out there looking for them, I want those two AND Zack and Richard to go out there and find them… and bring them back to me… alive.”

Without turning to address his men, Bobby snapped his fingers, “You guys heard the man. Go out there, retrieve those two, and bring them back here alive.”

Howie and Brian watched sadly in silence as the four appointed men filed out of the lodge in search for their brothers. “I hope those two got as far away as they could from here and will find help fast.” Howie whispered.

Brian gave his older friend a sad look, “Not to be pessimistic, but this is Nick and AJ we’re talking about.”

“You don’t think they’d be capable of bringing back help?”

Despite the unfortunate situation they were in, the thought of his two younger brothers brought a small grin to Brian’s face. “No… I think they’re capable of doing something stupid, like come back for us.”


“So, where should we start looking?” Rocky asked no one in particular as the four of them walked out into the frigid snow.

Dennis scanned the area, “All I know for sure is that they didn’t go down this path,” he said, pointing to the road they came up on. “because we would’ve seen them if they had.”

“Meaning the only way they could’ve gone is up.” Zach voiced, gesturing up towards the back of the lodge.

“So, are we gonna split up and look for them?” Rocky questioned yet again.

“Am I the only one thinking you sound mighty incompetent with all your questions?” Richard retorted, to which he received a flipped bird from the curious man. “Just saying, you’re asking questions like you’ve never done this before.”

“No, I’m asking questions because this isn’t something we can afford to screw up! We fuck up with getting those two assholes back to James, we can kiss our asses goodbye!”

“Correction, YOU can kiss your ass goodbye because I’m fitting on finding those two and bringing their asses back here.” Richard corrected as he began his trek up towards the back of the lodge.

Rocky remained rooted to where he stood as he watched his fellow accomplices head off into separate directions in search for their two victims. “I’m guessing we’re splitting up.” he muttered to himself as he started off in one direction.

After five minutes of aimlessly wandering around with no results, Rocky found himself back to where he started. He released a heavy sigh, his breath creating a frosty mist. “This is absolute bullshit that we’re out here, in the fucking cold, looking for two assholes… I swear, once we find them, their asses are fucking out of here.” he grumbled as he began his trek back towards the lodge, but immediately came to a halt when he noticed that someone was standing near the back of the lodge; someone who wasn’t apart of their group.

“Gotcha.” Rocky whispered to himself as he slowly and quietly stalked his way towards the unsuspecting victim. As soon as he got close enough though, the man turned around, revealing a rather shocked expression.

They both stood there for what seemed like forever in a stare down; both of them anticipating the first move to be made. “Where’s your other friend?” Rocky asked.

AJ continued to stare at him, not giving a reply. He glanced around him, looking for anything that he could use as a weapon, but came up with nothing. When his eyes wandered back on Rocky, they widened a bit when he noticed that he was reaching for something in his back pocket. Without thinking twice, AJ quickly swept down and managed to collect a rather large handful of snow and hurled it at the offending stranger.

The snowball hit Rocky full force in the face; the sudden and brute force of the balled up snow causing him to stagger backwards. He shook himself from the sudden shock and the broken ice crystals. His eyes connected with AJ once more, glaring with such ferocity.

“You’re fucking dead.” Rocky growled as he whipped out his gun and aimed it at AJ.

AJ’s eyes widened, but quickly flew shut to blind himself from the impending bullet and onslaught of pain that was sure to come. It was quite though, no sound of a gun going off, no painful feeling of a bullet entering his body, nothing. He peeked one eye open to see the once-armed man in a crumpled heap on the snow covered ground and Nick standing behind the unconscious man, holding a rather large and thick branch.

AJ smiled in relief upon seeing his friend, “Took you long enough.”

Nick gave him a pointed look, “A fucking snowball AJ?”

“Do you see any weapons laying around here? Cause if so, please point them out to me so I can use them next time you decide to use me as bait.”

Nick gestured towards the large branch he had used to knock one of their tormentors unconscious. AJ scoffed, “Like I had time to run up to a tree and break off a branch.”

Nick tossed his makeshift weapon down at the unconscious man’s body. “One down, three more to go.”

“They all went off in split directions though.”

“So, we either go after them or wait for them to come to us.”

AJ chuckled, “Do you know how crazy you sound right now? How crazy we are? Kevin would fucking kill us!”

Nick gave a slight smirk, “I’d rather die by the hands of Kevin then the hands of these men.”

“I don’t know about that…” AJ slurred off when his eyes glazed over towards the shed off in the distance and caught his attention. “Hey… would you say that shed is fairly large?”

Nick nodded, “Fairly large, filled with chopped wood and other shit.”

“I think I have an idea.”


“So… I’m guessing we’re all coming back empty handed?” Dennis asked no one in particular as he approached Richard and Zach, who had since regrouped.

“Those assholes are here, I just know it.” Zach voiced. There’s no way they could’ve made it out far in this cold, so their either still close by or they’re far out, dead somewhere.”

“Speaking of assholes, where the hell is Rocky?” Richard asked, being the first to notice that one of their own was missing.

“He probably managed to get himself lost.” Dennis cracked as he rolled his eyes, “Zach, go and look for Rocky, and when you find him, meet us back here.”

Zach frowned, “Wait, why me? Where the hell are you guys going?”

“We’re gonna continue looking for those two. Whether they’re dead or not, we’re gonna find their bodies and bring them back here.”

Releasing a huff, Zach turned and began his quest of looking for their missing partner. “These kids have a lot to learn.” Dennis noted as both he and Richard walked out in the opposite direction, continuing their search. “I swear, what ever happened to respect?”

Richard nodded in agreement; both Zach and Rocky were the youngest in their group, followed by Adrianna. “One would think these kids would listen to the very people who’s been in this game for quite some time.” Richard added. “But I tell you, respect and chivalry is dead.”

“You can say that again. Even with James in there… he decides to send out the two dinosaurs to search for these two fucking kids in the cold.”

Richard shook his head, “I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that he directed us to come out here to look for two kids or the fact that he sent us out here WITH two kids to look for two kids.”

“I’d have to say the latter.” Dennis chuckled.

Before they could say another word, the sound of a gun going off had rendered them to remain silent and immediately looked off towards the direction where they heard the gun go off. Dennis quickly drew his gun out, “You think he found the two?”

Richard shrugged as he too took out his gun, “I don’t know. Where exactly did the sound come from?”

Dennis gestured over towards the shed off in the distance. “Sounded like it came from that direction.”

Richard gave a slight nod as both he and Dennis cautiously sauntered over towards the shed. While Dennis scanned the area to make sure no one was closing in on them, Richard slowly approached the closed door of the shed. He held the gun high with his left hand, steadily aimed while his right hand grasped the shed’s door handle and he cautiously opened the door. When he realized there was no one in the shed that would be a threat to him, he swung the door open all the way, revealing one of their unconscious partners.

“What the fuck?” Richard muttered as he bent down towards Rocky’s unconscious form, checking him over.

“Is everything okay in there?” Dennis asked as he made his way into the shed, though still standing guard for the outside.

Richard released a sigh of relief when he found his immobile friend’s vitals to be okay, aside from being unconscious. “Well, I found Rocky. Only problem is he’s knocked out for the count.”

Dennis glanced around the dark shed, “So, where the fuck is Zach?”

All of a sudden, they heard a gun cock, and Dennis felt something cold being placed to the back of his head. “Don’t move.” the voice warned.

Richard looked up to find Zach being held captive by one of the men they were sent out to look for and retrieve. The man had an arm wrapped around Zach’s throat and a gun placed to his head. He glanced back at Dennis, to see the other man they were looking for standing behind Dennis, holding a gun to the back of his head.

“Look…” Richard tried to reason, but AJ swiftly cut him off.

“Don’t you fucking move!” AJ warned as he took his gun off the back of Dennis’ head and trained it on Richard. “I want you to walk further in and sit next to your friend.” he instructed Dennis.

Without hesitation, Dennis walked further into the shed, being stripped away from his gun before doing so. Dennis rose his hands slightly in surrender as he made his way over towards Richard and sat himself next to him.

“Give me your gun.” AJ demanded. When he noticed that Richard made no move to hand over his gun, Nick tightened his grip around Zach’s throat, causing him to gasp out in surprise and pain. With a glare, Richard quickly tossed his gun on the ground in front of AJ.

His eyes still locked on Richard and Dennis, AJ slowly walked forward to claim the tossed weapon. He now trained the two guns on both Richard and Dennis, “Now, give me the car keys.”

“The fuck I will!” Richard scoffed.

AJ cocked the second gun, “The fuck you won’t.”

If eyes could kill, AJ would have been dead on the spot with the way Richard was glaring him down. Not taking his eyes off of AJ, his reached into his pocket and fished the car keys out, tossing them to the ground. Again, AJ bent down to grab the keys. Nick loosened his grip around Zach’s throat and shoved him towards Dennis and Richard.

AJ proceeded to walk backwards towards the shed‘s door, guns still trained on the group of men before him. He allowed Nick to walk out of the shed before him and he quickly followed suit, immediately closing the door behind him. They both broke off into a mad dash for the car, the accumulated inches of snow unfortunately slowing them down a bit. When they finally reached the car, AJ quickly unlocked and opened the car door with unsteady hands, tossing the guns in the back seat.

Nick climbed into the passenger side, staring forward in shock and silence for a while, “I can’t believe we just did that.”

AJ chuckled, “We can blame it all on this.” he said as he gestured to his injured head.

“Speaking of which, where the hell did all that come from?”

“Where did all of what come from?” AJ asked as he started the car.

“You know… the whole bad ass thing with the two guns drawn on the dudes. I mean, to go from hurling a fucking snowball to aiming guns. That was pretty bad ass.”

“I’ve always been bad ass Nick. As for the whole gun thing, it was either I learned how to hold those bad boys convincingly or shit my pants. Lets just say I didn’t opt on the latter.”

Nick laughed and shook his head. His eyes wandered over to the lodge as they began to reverse out of the driveway. “Do you think they’ll be okay?” he asked softly.

AJ glanced the lodge over, “Of course. I mean, this is Kevin, Howie and Brian we’re talking about. If anything, and I don’t mean to sound like a pessimistic, but we won’t be okay Nick. They’re looking for us, and they won’t stop looking for us until they have us back in captivity in the lodge. I honestly think the further we are from them, the better; not only will it kill time, but it’ll give us time to get help for Kevin, Howie and Brian.”

It pained them both to drive away, leaving their four brothers behind, but they knew this had to be, in order to save them. “God, I hope you’re right.” Nick whispered.

Chapter 14 by rebellious_one

“So… you guys are some famous dudes, huh?” Gene asked the group of three men that sat before him on the floor. He sat on the large chair, legs propped up on the coffee table, picking aimlessly at his nails. “It’s really unfortunate that you guys had to find yourselves in this… predicament, but extremely fortunate for us, as you can understand why.”

A look of amusement etched across Gene’s face when he felt the piercing glare from the wounded member, “Oh, do I feel… animosity radiating off you?” he asked in a cocky tone. “You wanna do something big guy? C’mon, hit me with your best shot.”

“Don’t fucking tempt me.” Kevin growled out, trying to conceal the throbbing pain he felt.

“Don’t tempt you?” Gene repeated, “You’re in no way, shape or form able to do anything, so I can sit here and tempt you all I want, because you see this here…” he patted at the holster, which held his gun, “I will not only take it out and shoot you in your head, and believe me, I won’t miss, but I’ll also shoot those two fuckers that sit next to you. So you don’t fucking tempt me.”

Kevin could feel his blood boiling, but tried his best to contain his anger, for whenever his anger would flare up, so would the excruciating pain he was in.

“I hope they found those two assholes.” Bobby voiced out as he walked into the living room, “Adrianna said if they’re not back here in the next ten minutes or so, James is gonna send both you and I out to go look for them.”

Gene scoffed, “Yeah, and leave those two alone again with these guys? Doing just that got us to where we’re at now. James needs to take a fucking chill pill.”

Bobby chuckled, “Oh yeah? Well, why don’t you tell him that to his fa-” he faltered off the ending of his sentence upon hearing a car start, THEIR car start. Both he and Gene snapped their attention over towards the front door.

“What the fuck?” Bobby breathed out.

Gene shrugged, “Maybe they found them up above the lodge and someone came back for the car to go retrieve them or something.”

Before another word was said, James reentered the living room, eyes closed and hands massaging his temples. “Someone wanna tell me why the FUCK your guys’ car was just started up? What the fuck are they doing out there and where the fuck are they going?”

Bobby held his hands out in hopes to keep his partner calm, “Look man, we don’t know what’s going on out there, but we figure maybe they found them beyond the lodge and one of them came back for the car to go and get them.”

“I don’t like you guys figuring shit out.” James gritted out, “I want you guys to go out there and know what the FUCK IS GOING ON!!”

Gene quickly rose from where he sat and followed Bobby out of the lodge. As soon as they stepped out though, the car was reversing down the driveway.

“Where the fuck are they going?” Bobby voiced, more to himself as he fished his cell phone out of his pocket. Before he could punch the numbers in though, he felt Gene nudge his back. “What?” he asked as he turned to look at Gene, but instead found himself staring at his group of men, who were slowly walking up from behind the lodge.

His eyes drifted close in disbelief, “If all of you guys are standing here before me, please, tell me… WHO THE FUCK JUST TOOK OUR CAR?”

“Look man, if we were all out here, looking for those two, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” Zach spoke out.

“So someone, anyone, just please enlighten me with what the fuck happened.” Bobby drew out, ever so calmly.

“Rocky here had gone MIA so we decided to send Zach to look for him.” Dennis began to explain, “While Richard and I continued to look for the two, we had heard a gunshot go off near the tool shed and that’s where we found Rocky knocked unconscious and Zach being held at gunpoint by one of them.”

“And exactly how did they manage to get a gun.”

All eyes had befallen on Rocky, who was still trying to collect his bearings. “Don’t fucking look at me like that, I had one of those fuckers until the other one decided to bash my head open with a fucking tree branch.” he glanced over towards the other three, “I don’t know where the fuck you guys were, but I almost had them.”

Gene scoffed, “So, which one of you assholes are gonna be the one to tell James exactly what happened?”

“The guy who almost had them.” Richard retorted as he shoved Rocky towards the lodge.

“Don’t fucking push me.” Rocky growled out, “I’m probably suffering from a concussion right now, and with my head pounding and shit, the last thing I need is for you to be pushing me around to do anything.”

Slowly, one by one, they all filed back into the lodge, each not anticipating the wrath James would surely bring down upon them. With their three hostages still on the floor, they were greeted by James sitting in the large chair, with Adrianna standing behind him, running her hand through his hair.

“What happened?” James asked coolly, his eyes still closed.

They all looked around at each other. Rocky then felt himself being pushed forward again, and he turned to glare at the group behind him. “We uh…” Rocky drew out shakily, “we ran into a few complications.”

“Just tell me what… the fuck… happened.”

“Well, I had one of them, but the other came behind and knocked me out. With a tree branch.”

“And then?”

Rocky glanced back towards the group, hoping one of them would step in and save him, “Um, I’m not sure what happened after that.”

“Considering the fact that you’re all here, standing before me, I can say it’s safe to assume that the two I sent you guys out to look for had gained the upper hand of the situation at one point in time, am I correct?”

“Yes.” they all answered in unison.

“I can say it’s safe to assume that the only way they had gained the upper hand of the situation is by wielding a weapon, a gun to be precise,” as he said this, he pulled out his gun, checking his chamber to make sure it was loaded, “am I correct?”

Rocky’s breathing hitched in his throat, “Yes.” he answered unsteadily with the others.

“Now, my only question is… who’s gun was it?”

Rocky’s eyes widened upon seeing James toy with his gun. He knew he had to speak up, because lying to James would only make things worse. “When they knocked me unconscious, that’s when they managed to take my gun.”

James simply looked up and stared hard at Rocky. “No shit Sherlock.” was all he said before he rose his gun and fired it, the bullet tearing right through Rocky’s head.

Both Howie and Brian jumped at the sudden sound of the gun going off, they both trembled at the initial shock of witnessing James shoot and KILL one of his own men. The rest of his men tried their best not to look down at their dead partner.

“DID ANYBODY ELSE LOSE THEIR FUCKING GUN?” James screamed as he rose from the chair, gun aimed at his group of men. When he got no answer, he tucked his gun away. “I guess nobody gets the fucking picture that TWO of our HOSTAGES just did a getaway with OUR FUCKING CAR!”

“James, we can take one of their cars.” Bobby spoke out, gesturing towards Brian, Howie and Kevin. “And we can go out and get them back.”

“Go out and get them back?” James asked incredulously, “Now, why would I do that, so you guys can go out there and just FUCK UP THE JOB AGAIN?!” Shoving his hands into his pocket, he fished out his cell phone, “Dispose of the fucking body and clean up that mess; hopefully this is a job you guys can’t fuck up.” he bit out before he walked away to make a call.

Howie tried his best to not look at the dead body that now laid beside him, but that inner part of himself that needed to be reassured that this was all real kept him glancing back. He felt himself gag upon seeing one of their captors, his eyes rolled up, the part of his head where the bullet had entered now sinking in, blood spewing forth from his orifices.

“Oh god.” he quietly choked out as he forced himself to turn at stare at Brian, who had his focus still trained on his cousin.

Brian glanced up, “Just, don’t look back.” he whispered, hoping his eldest friend wouldn’t freak out on him now.

Howie could feel a fresh batch of tears well up within his eyes upon realizing how real this all was, “I don’t want them to come back for us Brian…” he whispered back, “you heard James when he said that he wants to kill them, and seeing him kill one of his own men, he won’t hesitate to do just that.”

“Howie, I know it’s extremely hard to do this right now, but I need you to try and think positive, okay? Believe that Nick and AJ will bring us back help, believe that we will all make it out of here, alive. I can’t lose you right now, I need some strength too buddy, okay?”

Howie nodded, knowing Brian was right. “I’m sorry.”

Brian forced a light smile, “Don’t apologize. And just think, one man down.”

Again, Howie nodded. As Howie kept his back facing what was going on behind him, Brian took that moment to glance up and see what was going on. The men were now dragging the body out, leaving a streak of blood behind, to stain the stoned flooring of his lodge. He quickly fixed his gazed back upon his wounded cousin.

One man down.

Chapter 15 by rebellious_one

“So, do you know where the nearest police station is?” Nick asked AJ as he glanced out the window; they were still surrounded by nothing but trees and snow.

“No, but we’re fucking screwed.” AJ grumbled as he began to feel the car rumble and slow down.

“What do you mean we’re fucking screwed?”

AJ quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road, “Who the fuck decides to drive up to a lodge to hold people hostage on a fucking empty tank?” he said aloud as he slammed his fist down on the steering wheel.

“Are you kidding me?!” Nick asked, leaning over to look at the gas meter, which the meter indicated that they had indeed burnt up the remaining fuel. “Shit!”

With hope gleaming in his eyes, AJ immediately remembered about his cell phone. He quickly rose up in his seat, fishing his cell phone out from his back pocket. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “still no reception.”

Nick craned his neck to look out through the back window, “Well, we’re a few miles away from the lodge.”

AJ sighed heavily, “That doesn’t help Kevin them.”

“You might wanna strangle me for even suggesting this crazy idea, but the only thing we can do now is walk the rest of the way… or at least until we find a place where we can call for help.”

AJ shook his head, slightly chuckling, “Nick, if you haven’t noticed, everything we’ve been doing has been downright crazy, so anything you say to me right now is a fucking genius plan, but please, don’t let my statement get to your head because this is the first AND last time I’m ever telling you that.”

“Who’d ever think, the two youngest of the group, who were mercilessly bashed in the head, are out to save the day?” Nick commented as he got out of the car.

“Why don’t you save that for when we actually save the day.” AJ laughed.

They both packed up the necessities they would need from the car and began their long journey into nowhere, in hopes to find civilization. Their trek had started off smoothly, but then exertion began to catch up with them. Every step they took seemed dauntingly heavy, the snow now seemed like quicksand. Their heads pulsated painfully as they strained to keep focus, keep pressing on in the frigid weather. Finally, Nick’s legs buckled and he allowed himself to fall to his knees on the soft snow.

“Fuck man… I don’t think I can go any further.”

“Are you serious? What’s the matter?” AJ asked in concern as he tried to inspect his youngest friend, putting aside his pain for the moment.

“I don’t know man, my head is feeling worse than before… I guess the adrenaline has died down, leaving the pain and cold to finally catch up to me. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I don’t think I can keep pressing on, at least not right now.”

AJ sighed heavily, “Fair enough,” he said as he too allowed himself to collapse to the snow-covered ground. “Truth be told, I’m in a lot of pain too, more pain than I had felt back at the lodge, just didn’t want to stop us is all.”

“I’m sorry.” Nick replied sheepishly.

“Why you apologizing man? If anything, I thank you for stopping us, cause knowing my dumbass, I would’ve driven us to the point of one of us dropping dead or something.”

Nick glanced worriedly at AJ, “Are you seriously feeling worse than before? I mean, you were bashed in the head, twice, and you’ve also managed to reopen your wound, so I know you must be feeling way worse than me.”

He really didn’t want to worry the younger one, but he couldn’t hide it for much longer, “My sight’s becoming blurry, and I could literally feel my eyes roll into the back of my head every few minutes or so.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before Jay?”

“Because I didn’t want you worrying about me when we should be worrying about Kevin, Brian and Howie.”

“Well, we gotta worry about ourselves too Jay, because Kevin, Brian and Howie are depending on us.” Nick maneuvered himself closer to AJ, “Lemme take a look.”

“You’re just gonna see a bloody mess.” AJ noted as he allowed Nick to look at his wound.

Nick sucked in through his teeth, “Shit man, looks worse than a bloody mess.” Although AJ’s hair was matted with blood, he could clearly see the gash and his scalp. Fresh blood just seemed to be oozing ever so slowly from the wound while the surrounding flesh appeared discolored and flush. “Aside from your head pounding, how does the wound feel to you right now?”

“Stings like fucking hell, and even though it’s freaking cold, it kinda feels hot.”

“Shit Jay, it’s trying to get infected.”

“I figured.” AJ sighed, “Only thing is I don’t think it’s trying to get infected, I think it already is. Thanks though Dr. Carter.” he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and take the focus off him.

Nick rolled his eyes, “Shutup man.”

“Since you’re done examining my… laceration, perhaps I should take a look at your head too, make sure at least one of us has a fighting chance of making it out here alive to get help.”

“Don’t talk like that Jay.” Nick quickly scolded, yet complied with letting his older friend inspect his wound.

“I’m just kidding Nicky.” AJ chuckled, but deep down inside, he really wasn’t.

Truth be told, he could slowly feel himself slipping away, maybe not to death, but unconsciousness. But he was sure it’ll only be a matter of time till his body succumbed to the head trauma, infection and the cold weather. The only thing that kept him going on though was the thought of saving his brothers, making sure they’d be all right, even if he wasn’t. Everyone knows how much the boys’ mean to him; they are his only brothers, his closest best friends, they are everything to him, and he’d be damned if he were to let anything or anyone harm and take them away from him. And while his mind, heart and spirit was set on a mission, his body refused to catch up and be on the same level.

“Yeah, well I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t joke like that.” Nick grumbled, “We’re both gonna be find, we’re gonna find help TOGETHER, and we’re gonna come back and rescue Kevin, Brian and Howie. We just need a little rest is all.”

AJ nodded as he continued to look Nick’s head over, “You’re right.” he said with a sigh, “And not to be pessimistic or anything, but it looks like you’ll be right behind me with you‘re cut getting infected. It’s kinda red and there’s pus.”

Nick closed his eyes, “This is just fucking great.” he muttered.

“Look, we’ll just rest up for tonight, we’ll need as much energy as we can get to continue on tomorrow. Thinking positively here, nothing will be done until they catch us. We’ll continue on first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Okay… so, where exactly are we gonna rest up?”

AJ looked around; they were surrounded by nothing but towering trees, there was no sight of any kind of makeshift shelter. When he turned around, he sighed heavily and groaned out as he pushed himself up from the ground. “Shit.”


“Turn around.” was all AJ said, to which Nick did. Not far off in the distance was the car they had abandoned. “We didn’t even walk half a fucking mile.”

“Sure felt like we had though.” Nick pointed out as he too pushed himself up from the ground, “Seriously felt like we were walking forever when in actuality we only took about… sixty some steps or so.”

“Well, the car will have to do for now. As you said, at least we’re a few miles away from the lodge.”

They both started their slow trek back to the car, deciding that the car could actually benefit them right now.

“Wait a minute,” Nick voiced as they neared the car, “perhaps we should move the car inwards, get it off from the side of this road. Just in case they come looking for us or something.”

AJ nodded as he opened the door to the passenger side to toss in what they were gonna bring with them, “Okay, makes sense.”

“So, just throw the car into drive. You steer, I’ll push.”

AJ gave his younger friend a look, “You don’t wanna steer?”

“Me steer you push?” Nick asked in a pointed manner, “You are in no shape to push a car Jay.”

“Neither are you.”

“I’m in better shape than you.”

AJ chuckled and held his hands up, “You got me there.” It was amazing how during this horrific event, he was able to see how far both he and Nick have came; how much growing they have done, how mature they’ve become. If they were in this situation years ago, both he and Nick would fight till the end with who had to push the car and who got to steer. Now, Nick would weigh out situations and selflessly volunteer himself to do things; as would AJ, but he also learned to not fight back with his youngest brother and just listen.

“Okay, ready?” AJ asked as he turned the key in the ignition and threw the car into drive, his foot pressed down on the brake.

When he saw Nick give a slight nod in the rearview mirror, AJ slowly lifted his foot off the brake and Nick began pushing the car. The car jerked forward, but AJ noticed that Nick was having a hard time pushing the heavy car through the snow. Without thinking twice, AJ jumped out of the car again and aided Nick in pushing the car while he kept his other hand on the steering wheel. With both of them pushing, they were finally able to propel the car forward as AJ tried his best to steer off to the side, bringing them deeper into the snowy forest of trees.

“Okay… I think… this is… good enough.” Nick panted out, turning around to notice that they were pretty far in.

AJ stopped pushing as well and allowed himself to collapse down into the driver seat, “Lets never do that again.”

“Agreed.” Nick snickered as he staggered his way over towards the passenger side, opening the door and dropping himself into the seat. “At least the battery is still in tact, we can use the heater.”

“Yup.” AJ nodded. “I fucking feel lightheaded.”

Nick decided to take it upon himself to search the car for something, anything that would help AJ. He was sure he wouldn’t find anything in this car, but tried to remain positive and search anyway. He opened the glove compartment and began rummaging around through all the papers and other items that were shoved in there. A small smile crept across his face when he felt his hand come in contact with what felt like a small plastic bottle.

He quickly pulled the bottle out and held it up triumphantly. His smile fell. “Pepto Bismol.” he glanced over at AJ, “Got an upset stomach, indigestion or diarrhea?”

“I wish that’s what I had right now.” AJ groaned.

“Pop the trunk.” was all Nick said as he got out of the car.


“Gonna check to see if they have anything in the back.”

“Probably nothing more than car tools.”

“You never know. Think positive Jay.”

Shrugging, AJ pressed the button that popped the trunk open. Nick lifted the trunk door up and beamed upon what he found. “Bingo!” he cried out happily.

“What’d you find?”

Nick held up closed water bottles, “Water, convenient store snacks and…” he held up a white box, “a first-aid kit.”

“What are the odds huh?”

Grabbing an armful of items, Nick closed the trunk and jumped back into his passenger seat. “That’s what positive thinking will do for ya.” he said as he passed a bottle of water to AJ and allowed the packaged snack to fall from his arms.

“Chips, jerkey, cookies… all items for a stakeout?” AJ suggested as he continued to look the items over.

“Perhaps.” Nick shrugged as he opened the first-aid kit. “Gauze, band-aids, ointment… ahh, here we are.” he held a small packet up. “Painkillers.”

“You’re a lifesaver Nick.”

Nick grinned as he tore the packet open, allowing the two pills to fall into AJ’s hand, “Nah man, this car is a lifesaver.”

AJ quickly popped the pills into his mouth and twisted the plastic cap off of his water bottle. He took a long swig; allowing the purified luke-warm liquid to wash down the aspirins, cool his parched throat and quench his thirst. He slightly shook his head, “That’s… not what I meant. I mean you’re an actual lifesaver Nick. I’ll admit, at first I was scared of the fact that I was stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with you, not only that, but we had to go and retrieve help. But you were the one that came up with the idea to take those guys out, and it actually fucking worked. And here you are now, checking up on me and taking care of me, being so altruistic.”

“Altruistic?” Nick laughed, “That’s such a big word, what the hell does that even mean?”


“Oh. Why couldn’t you have just said that?”

AJ laughed, “ANYWAY… what I’m trying to say is… I really don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here with me. Scratch that, I’d probably dig a hole and die in it or something. But… you’re keeping me sane, you’re keeping me focused, you’re keeping me positive, you keep me going… you’re keeping me alive, and just… thank you for that Nick, really.”

Nick gave a genuine smile, “It’s not often you hear the praise and thanks of your eldest brothers, especially your rebellious, badass older brother at that.”

“Yeah, well it’s not often you have the youngest one being the hero. So, thank you.”

Nick continued to stare at AJ, admiring the man at the moment. “So, do you want chips, cookies, jerky…”

“I’ll take the jerky.”

Nick handed him a stick of jerky while he ripped open the small bag of chips for him to munch away on. AJ turned the key in the ignition and put the heater on full blast; he sighed at the cloud of heat that surged out from the vents.

“I’m actually kinda glad we didn’t get that far with our walking… we would’ve been stuck with trying to rest up in the blistering cold.”

Nick nodded as he continued to munch away on his barbeque chips. “Speaking of cold, perhaps you should make like… a makeshift ice bag or something and put it on your head, try to reduce the swelling.”

AJ gave him an amused look, “Are you trying to fish for more compliments here Nick?”

Nick chuckled, “No man, I’m serious. And after you ice it down a bit, I’ll go ahead and put this antiseptic ointment on it.”

“Well, what about you? You better be icing your head down right along with me.”

“I’m all about it.” Nick trailed off as he turned to search for some kind of material in the back seat. The only thing he could find was a black t-shirt, which was crumpled up in a heap on the floor by AJ’s seat. “This will have to do.” Nick said with a shrug as he grabbed the t-shirt and held it in front of him.

“Dude, was that fucking used?”

“It’s not like we’re gonna be wearing it or something.” Nick pointed out as he tugged the shirt down the middle, tearing the material in half.

AJ grabbed the torn material, “You know…” he started as he opened the car door and began scooping up a ball of snow, “I can’t get used to you taking care of me, it’s always been the other way around, with the older ones babying you and whatnot.”

“Well, lets not get used to it.” Nick joked as he too compacted a ball of ice and wrapped the material around it. “I’m sure if the roles were switched right now, with you being better off than me, you’d do the same thing.”

Without saying another word, AJ placed the makeshift ice pack on his head, wincing at the immediate cold that greeted him. “You know what I was just thinking…”

“Hmm, what’s that?”

“We can’t go to sleep, can we?”

Nick gave AJ a look, “Why not?”

“You heard the old man warn us not to go to sleep.”

“As long as we do wakeup checks, then I think we’ll be fine.”

AJ chuckled, “Yeah, and who’s gonna do the wakeup checks?”

“I’ll do it.”

AJ’s eyes widened, “What? No man, you need some sleep yourself.”

“I’ll get some shut eye, I just won’t go into a heavy sleep and all.”

“You… won’t go into a heavy sleep?” AJ asked, his one eyebrow cocked. “Look, just forget I even brought that up. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna go to sleep and have you do the wakeup checks. We’ll both get some sleep, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

But Nick shook his head, “Honestly man, I don’t think I’ll be able to get much sleep anyway. Just… don’t worry about it, you get some sleep and I’ll be checking on you, okay?”

AJ eyed his friend a little longer, but decided not to fight with him. “This fucked up trip has brought us closer to each other, hasn’t it?”

Nick suddenly perked up, “You know… it really has, and I think I just had an epiphany.”

AJ groaned, “Oh god Nick, I’m scared to even ask…”

“Everything from us being bossed around to do things together, to us sharing the bathroom, even to us being the first to escape and having to go find help together…”

“I really don’t wanna know where you’re heading with this…”

“Dude, I think we’re gay.”


Chapter 16 by rebellious_one

Brian sat there in silence, watching as their captors walked back and forth past them, almost as if forgetting that their hostages were also in the room with them. They had long since cleaned up the blood that stained the stone flooring, but Brian could still see the extremely faint hue of red. Luckily, the smell of death that had once lingered was now gone, replaced with the fresh scent of Pinesol, but he could still smell the sharp metallic scent of fresh blood. His cousin’s blood.

He glanced down at Kevin, who was propped up against the couch. He had paled significantly, and his emerald green eyes seemed heavy and glazed. His breathing was shallow, due to the fact that he probably didn’t want to take normal breaths in, which would cause his chest to expand, thus leading to an onslaught of pain. Blood continued to seep out of the wound, but Brian had noticed that there were no traces of blood on the couch of which he was propped up on. A sure good sign that he hadn’t suffered an exit wound, but nonetheless, the bullet was still lodged within his chest cavity.

“Stop staring at me.”

The weak voice had broken Brian out of his trance, “Huh?”

“I said… stop staring at me.” Kevin softly spoke out again. “Stop looking at my chest, stop looking at the blood… I know what it’s doing to you Brian. And for the record, I’m fine.”

Brian sighed, “You don’ look fine Kev.”

“Thanks for making me feel worse Bri.” Kevin tried to chuckle. “Couldn’t you have at least… lied and told me that I look beautiful?”

Brian forced a smile, “You look beautiful cous.”

Kevin lightly shook his head, “It’s too late, you can’t tell me that now… I already know I look like shit.” he tried to turn his head to look at Howie, “How you holding up over there D?”

Howie, who had busied himself with staring at dismissed cookies and gifts, looked at his eldest friend, “I’m as fine as can be in this situation man. The real question is, how are YOU doing?”

“Just got done telling Brian I’m fine… I’m kinda growing numb right now.” Kevin sensed them both tense up in worry. “Before you guys jump all over me, I’m actually taking it as a good sign… I’d rather be numb than feel the continuous pain.”

“You will let us know if you feel progressively worse… right?” Brian asked in a small voice.

Kevin remained silent for a while. “Yeah.” he lied. Truth was, he may have felt slightly numb, but he could still feel the pain, and he knew the numbness wasn’t a good sign.

“Alright you two, get up.” Bobby said as he gestured for Brian and Howie to stand up. “Zach and Gene, help that one up.”

“Where are we going?” Brian asked as he rose up from the ground. When he noticed that Zach and Gene were closing in on his cousin, he quickly stepped in front of Kevin, as if to protect him. “Wait, what are you guys doing?”

Dennis came up and shoved Brian away from Kevin, “You best not ask questions and just do what we fucking tell you.”

Brian watched helplessly as Zach and Gene wrenched Kevin up from the ground, not being mindful of the gunshot wound he had sustained. “Move!” Dennis shouted as he pushed Brian forward again, causing him to crash into Howie.

Howie quickly reached out to steady Brian, “Lets just do what they tell us Bri.” he softly said as they followed Bobby.

Bobby led them into the room Brian had selected to stay in, “You guys are to stay in here. We already cleared this room out of anything that you guys could possibly use to try to escape. So, in other words, don’t even try it.” and with that, they all left them in the room, closing the door behind them.

After standing there for a moment in silence, Brian finally turned his attention back to Kevin, who stood there in a hunched position. “C’mon Kev, lets help you to the bed.”

Howie had came over to help Brian bring Kevin to the bed. “At least they brought us in here to sleep.” Brian voiced as he helped his injured cousin to settle in, trying to remain optimistic. His room was complete with a king sized bed as well as a large, plush couch.

“Does that feel better Kev?” Howie asked as he continued to prop the full pillows up around him.

Kevin simply nodded; he was in too much pain at the moment to say anything, but he didn’t want them to know that. Before anything else was said, the door to the room opened again, revealing Adrianna as she slowly walked in.

“Brought you guys something to eat, as well as some medical things for him. Took me a long, and I mean long time to convince James, but he gave in.” Adrianna said as she placed down a tray on the small round table that sat tucked away in the corner of the room. On the tray was a pot, some bowls, spoons, packages of crackers, a loaf of bread and a first-aid kit. “I hope you don’t mind, I used your kitchen and food items. You guys seriously stocked up with groceries, huh?” when she got no reply, she continued talking. “Well, I hope you guys like minestrone soup. It’s my specialty, actually, James’ favorite.” she explained as she placed the bowls out in front of her and began to ladle some of her hot, fresh soup into each bowl. “Has some hearty potatoes, carrots, celery, beans…”

She handed the first bowl over to Brian, who just stared at her in return. She gave a small smile before she grabbed the next bowl and handed it to Howie. “So, are one of you guys gonna feed him or…” she trailed off, holding the last bowl before her. “One of you guys can feed him after I look him over.”

“What do you mean look him over?” Brian asked as he placed his bowl down.

“I’m gonna take a look at his injury, make sure it’s not getting infected or anything.” she replied as she grabbed the first-aid kit and made her way over towards Kevin.

“We don’t need your help, we got it from here.” Brian said in a menacing tone, not wanting the woman who had tricked them to touch his cousin.

“I really do insist taking a look at it. I mean, I’m no doctor, but I’ve been through this enough to know a thing or two.”

Brian immediately glanced over at Howie, who looked just as concerned with what she said. Adrianna continued, “James is always so quick with his gun… he wouldn’t have to resort to this kind of thing if only people would listen. Don’t get me wrong, he is quite a difficult guy to live with, but you’ll get used to him if you give him a chance.”

She sat herself down on the bed, inching herself closer to Kevin. “I’m gonna have to lift your shirt, if it’s alright.”

Before Brian could protest, he saw his cousin move to try and lift up his shirt. Deciding not to fight with him, Brian moved in to help Kevin lift his shirt up. “Okay…” Adrianna sighed as she moved in even closer to inspect the wound. “Doesn’t look like it’s infected. Just gonna clean you up a bit and dress it up. There should also be some painkillers in here to help ease the pain.” She rummaged around in the first-aid kit, pulling out a packet of gauze and the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. “I seen the way Zach and Gene just hauled you up from the ground.” She twisted the cap off of the hydrogen peroxide bottle. “You might wanna take a deep breath in.”

But Kevin did nothing to prepare himself. If he had taken a deep breath in, he’d cause himself more pain than he was in at that moment. Adrianna slowly poured a good amount of the peroxide over Kevin’s gunshot wound; the liquid immediately began to fizzle and foam up. Kevin chewed on his bottom lip, trying hard to not focus on the extreme stinging sensation that now wracked him.

“I know it burns.” Adrianna whispered as she lowered herself towards his chest, “It’ll go away in a bit.” She gently blew on the fizzling wound, looking up at him in a seductive manner all the while. Kevin bit down on his lip harder, trying not to reveal that he was actually cringing at her behavior. He wondered if his cousin had seen that, because if he had, surely he would have gone off.

After lingering over his exposed chest, she finally rose up and opened the gauze packet, pulling the fresh medical material out. She separated the folded up gauze, taking one and placing it over the peroxide bottle. She gave it a quick shake, lightly dampening the sterile cloth with the peroxide. “Now, I’m just gonna clean up this mess a bit.” she said as she began to wipe away the trails of blood that had streaked down his chest and dried up, staining his flesh. As soon as she was done cleaning him up, she took the remaining gauze and placed it over the now cleaned wound.

“Could you rip me off two pieces of that medical tape please?” she asked Brian.

Brian obliged and grabbed the roll of tape, ripping two pieces off and handing them to Adrianna. She gave him a quick smile before she turned her attention back on Kevin, taping down the gauze to his chest. “There you go. That should hold you over for now. Which reminds me, I forgot to bring you guys drinks. I’ll be right back in with some water and then you can take some aspirin.” and with that, she rose off the bed and began making her way out of the room.

“Why are you doing this?”

Adrianna froze at the sudden question. Her hand lingering over the doorknob, she slowly turned around to address Brian, who had been the one to ask the question. “What?”

“Why are you doing this to us?” Brian asked again. “You tricked us into thinking you needed help, we took you in with no hesitation and tried to help you. Then we find out that you’re with the guy that’s holding us hostage. The same man who’s hurt my friends, the same man who shot my cousin.” he voice became hard as he said that. “Don’t you understand he needs a hospital, regardless if you’ve cleaned him up, he needs to see a doctor. But you’re not gonna let us go, are you?”

“We’ll let you go, after we get what we want.”

“And what exactly is it that you guys want? Money? Cars? Because if that‘s what ya‘ll wanted, you would have just taken all that we had a long time ago and just left.” when he got no answer, he continued. “You guys probably don’t even know what the fuck ya’ll want.” The fact that Brian was standing up to one of their captors, especially in a vulgar manner had shocked both Kevin and Howie; it even had shocked Adrianna. “You guys are probably just some incompetent, sadistic burglars who steal and kill. So again, I ask you, why are you doing this?”

Adrianna remained silent, as if contemplating the question. “I’m leaving the first-aid kit in here, in case you guys need to change his gauze or whatever.” she finally replied, avoiding the question altogether. “And if you guys behave, our friend who’s coming up tomorrow just might be able to help your cousin.” and with that, she left the room.

Chapter 17 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
This AC blackout was pretty insane! Writers and readers alike kinda came to the terms that we're a bit addicted to this site, and we honestly don't give a damn and wouldn't have it any other way! :D But, during this horrific event, a fellow author was kind enough to open up her forum site and allow AC authors to post their updates on her forum and have readers leave reviews.

So, just want to take this time to thank Julie for allowing us all to raid her forum with our stories, reviews, and our bitching. If it wasn't for her opening her sanctuary to us, I think we would've been lost. :P Thanks again Jules.
The movement of someone situating themselves next to him and the sound of a door closing roused him from his sleep; causing him to become alert, yet his eyes remained closed. It didn’t remain as such for long though, because the next thing he knew, a faint beam of light blasted through his eyelids. Although the light was dim, it was enough to cause his eyes to flutter open.

“Good morning Mr. I-just-won’t-go-into-a-heavy-sleep.”

Upon hearing that voice, Nick quickly straightened himself up in his seat, trying to rid himself of his disorientation. “Oh shit.” he muttered, not being able to believe that he had actually fallen asleep.

“Water?” AJ offered, holding the bottle up. “I stuck it in the snow, so it’s nice and cold.”

“How long have I been out?” Nick yawned, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

“Lets just say you slept contently.” AJ laughed, “Which is all good, because you needed the sleep.”

But Nick shook his head, feeling extremely bad. He had told AJ that he wouldn’t go into a deep sleep, that he’d keep an eye on him and check up on him, wake him up every so often. “No man, I can’t believe I fucking slept like that.”

“I can. Look, you have nothing to worry about Nick. I’m fine, I mean obviously, I’m talking to you right now, and you’re fine. Like I said, you needed the rest and I’m glad you got it.”

“Well, what about you? How much sleep did you get?”

AJ shrugged, “Enough I suppose. I couldn’t really sleep, my head was fucking itching like crazy. Ever since I put that damn ointment on my head, that’s when it started itching.”

“It could mean that it’s trying to heal.” Nick suggested with a shrug.

“It could, but it was fucking driving me insane. I seriously couldn’t go to sleep without wanting to pull my hair out and scratch the hell outta my head.” AJ grumbled as he tried to scratch the surrounding area of his wound.

“How’s it feeling now?” Nick asked him as he took the cold water bottle AJ had offered him earlier.

AJ shrugged, “Although the pain is still there, along with the fucking itching, better than last night. The sleep definitely helped.”

Nick gave a small nod, twisting the cap off the water bottle and taking a long swig of the cold liquid. “What time is it anyway?”

“I don’t know…” AJ pulled out his cell phone to look at the time, “six ‘o two. And I still have no fucking reception.”

“It’s really dark out for six ‘o clock.” Nick noted as he looked out the car window; the sky looked as if the sun would not be making an appearance anytime soon, and on top of that, it was still snowing.

“Well, as much as I hate to say this, and as much as I’d hate to leave this warm car, I suppose we should start heading out.” AJ said as he opened the car door. “I’ve already packed away some of the water and snacks, so we’re good to go.”

Nick got out of the car as well, immediately wrapping his arms around his body in hopes to keep warm; the cold easily defeated the purpose of his sweater. “Is it just me or did it get colder over night?”

AJ zipped up his black leather jacket, “Well, we were in a warm car.” he replied as they began their trek out to the road.

“And this wind really isn’t helping any.” Nick grumbled, not liking the feeling of the snow being blown right in his face.

As soon as they got out to the road, they continued their long journey down the side of the road, hoping they’d come across a sign that would point them to a neighborhood, gas station, anything. “What’s the first thing… you’re gonna do… when we get back home?” Nick asked, breaking the long silence that had befallen them.

AJ shifted the bag he had been carrying that was filled with necessities, “Grab Rochelle in the tightest hug and never let her go.” he replied sullenly, thinking back to how he had missed her one call before everything had gone downhill. “I kinda feel like I let her down man.”

“What do you mean?”

AJ sighed, “When I came out of the shower, I had seen that I missed her call. Right when I was going to call her back, that’s when that bitch walked in. Instead of escorting her back out so I could make the call back to Rochelle, I decided to let her stay and tell me her sad fucking sob story. Next thing I knew, she was making moves. She had pinned down to the bed and was telling me how it was fate that I found her, that we found each other or some shit. And as much as I hate to admit it, I didn’t stop her actions immediately.”

“Dude, were you gonna actually do it with her?” Nick asked in disbelief.

“No man,” AJ quickly shook his head, “but I was distracted by her ministrations; I mean, what man wouldn’t be distracted by receiving sensual attention from any female? But Rochelle quickly came back to mind and that’s what forced me to stop her. Technically, I didn’t cheat on her, but it sure feels like I did… I never wanted to be that man again.”

“You’re not ‘that man again’ Jay.” Nick reassured, “Sure we all make mistakes and temptation is a bitch, but what makes you the better man is the fact that you even recognize the action to be wrong.”

“Yeah… it’s just the last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt my w-” AJ faltered off, realizing he was about to expose his secret to Nick, but he figured to tell him anyway. “If I tell you something man, you gotta promise me that you won’t say anything to anyone.”

Nick pretended to look around, “Dude, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s no one around for me to say anything to.”

AJ rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean, don’t say anything to the others when we get back to them. I was kinda planning on telling all of you guys anyway sometime during this trip. But um… Rochelle and I are married.”

Nick immediately halted. The shock of what AJ had just told him rendered him motionless for a while. “What?” he finally choked out. “Since when?”

AJ smiled, “It’s been a few weeks actually.”

“And you… the one with the biggest fucking mouth and can’t keep secrets for shit, managed to keep this a secret from us for this long?”

“Like I said, I was planning on telling you guys sometime during this trip.” AJ shrugged. “And to be real, you guys would’ve been the first to know. Not even my mother knows. Rochelle’s family doesn’t even know, well, except her father because I respectfully asked permission.”

“Holy fucking shit.” Nick gasped out, still not being able to believe the news.

“We were gonna make the announcement to our families on Christmas day. As for the public, we were just gonna announce that we’re engaged… sort of do a public proposal on my birthday.”

“So wait… the world is gonna be under the impression that you two are engaged because you’re gonna do a public proposal… but us and your guys’ families will be the only ones to know that you guys are actually married?”

AJ nodded, “Married by the court, but our big ceremony will come later, hopefully sometime next year.”

“Holy shit. I think I need to sit down.”

“It’s not that big of a shock, is it?” AJ chuckled.

“I don’t know if I’m happy or if I should feel hurt that you waited this long to tell us.”

“Oh my god, get over yourself dude.” AJ pulled the bag he hauled in front of him and opened it, “Here, have some water and a snack, it’ll lighten the load and prepare you for what I’m gonna tell you next.”

“Oh God.” Nick groaned as he grabbed a bottle of water and a stick of jerky. “What do you mean prepare me for what you’re gonna tell me next? Please tell me that your ass signed a prenup.”

“Actually, I didn’t.”

Nick’s eyes literally bulged out of his head, “Are you fucking crazy AJ?! You’re married and don’t have a prenup.”

“Marriage is a unity of two becoming one, so what’s mines is hers and what’s hers is mine. Besides, this is seriously gonna be a lifelong thing between us because I have everything set for her and my child.”

“Wait… did you just say child?”

AJ smiled even bigger and nodded, “She’s carrying my child Nick.”

Nick all of a sudden felt extremely lightheaded, “I think we need to get back to the car.”

“Shortly after we got married, she told me that she took a home pregnancy test and it came out positive. Like I said, this is gonna be a lifelong thing because I’m not gonna leave her or my child, not gonna follow the shoes of the man who helped create me.”

Nick quickly tore the cap off his water bottle and began to chug the liquid down, “I can’t believe this.”

“I’m taking it you’re not happy for me?”

“I am man, it’s just…” Nick shook his head, “It’s all so sudden, you know what I mean? What you just told me, it’s a lot to take in.”

AJ nodded, “I know, but I just feel like this is it man… I knew she was the one when I first laid my eyes on her. And to be married to her now and have a child on the way… it’s more than I could ever want, more than I could ever ask for… my own family. I intend on getting back home to my family, getting us all back home to our families, but, and god forbid, if something happens to me… I have Rochelle and my unborn child set for life. If they have to go on without me, at least they won’t have to struggle, you know?”

Nick gave a small nod, taking that moment to drink the rest of his water so he wouldn’t have to say anything. “I am happy for you AJ…” he finally said. “It’s your life man, and you know I’ll be here to support you with whatever. But congrats dude… I know you’ll make a great dad.”

AJ beamed upon hearing his younger friend tell him that, “Thanks Nick, means a lot to me to hear that. I can only hope I can be the best father that my child would want me to be.”

“And you will be.” Nick reassured, “But man, with four guys’ down, I guess it’s a shame I don’t believe in marriage, huh?”

“Marriage can be a beautiful thing Nick… I think, for some, it can just be so beautiful. No one ever really thinks beyond having a big, beautiful, outrageous wedding ceremony… they figure once the vows are spoken, that’s all there is to it. People tend to forget the whole ‘for better or for worse’ part. They say marriage isn’t for everyone, but who knows right… one day you might just wanna settle down with the papers and court finalizing your guys’ commitment to each other, you know? You’ll know when and if.”

Nick tore open the wrapping of his beef jerky stick and began to munch away at the flavorful stick of jerky, “I just don’t wanna deal with all the… technicalities of getting married.” he managed to say with his mouth full of jerky, “I mean, why do I need the court and some damn papers to know that I love the woman I’m with? I’m just glad I got myself a girl that respects my decision.”

“Wait.” AJ suddenly said, bringing them both to a halt. “I don’t mean to just cut you off, but do you hear that?”

Nick strained his ears to pick up whatever it was that AJ heard, “No man, what is it?”

“Sounds like… a car…” AJ drawled out slowly, remaining quiet to confirm his thoughts, “Holy shit Nick, it’s a fucking car!”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Nick exclaimed as AJ began to walk in the direction of where he heard the car coming. “What if it’s more of their people coming up to the lodge? What if they were told to look for us on the way up or something?”

“Shit.” AJ said curtly, knowing Nick had a point. “Well, why don’t we just hide off behind the trees and see.”

Nick nodded as they both quickly situated themselves behind some trees, anxiously awaiting the car that sounded to be approaching slowly. Nick discarded his jerky and bottle of water, “I’m hoping that I’m wrong and it’s someone that can actually help us.” he whispered.

AJ nodded, his heart pounding hard and fast at the anticipation of the oncoming car. Hopefully they’ll finally get some help for them and their friends and bring this nightmare to an end. His lips tugged into a small smile when he finally saw the car; his smile growing even bigger when he noticed that it was a patrol car.

“Halle-fucking-lujah.” AJ muttered before he stepped out from behind the trees and began to wave the car down. “HEY!”

Nick smiled as well as the car pulled off to the side, coming to a stop in front of them. They both sighed heavily upon realizing who it was behind the wheel.

“What in the blazing hell are you two doing out here?” Officer Rick asked as climbed out of his car. “It’s freaking cold out and this storm is starting to settle in, and here you two are, wandering about.”

“We decided to go for a stroll.” AJ joked. He was so happy and relieved that they had finally found some help, “You don’t know how happy we are to see you Officer Rick, we actually were on our way to look for some help.”

“What seems to be the problem?” Officer Rick questioned in concern.

“Long story short, we’re being held hostage up at the lodge. Fortunately, both Nick and I were able to escape and set out to look for some help.”

Officer Rick’s eyes widened upon hearing the situation, “How long have you guys’ been held hostage?”

“Since yesterday. Not long at all, but they’re armed. There’s about seven of them back up at the lodge, still holding our three friends hostage.”

“I figured something was wrong.” Officer Rick replied, “I have been trying to call Mr. Littrell’s cell phone since yesterday, and after my failed attempts of trying to reach him this morning, I had figured I’d just make the drive up here to make sure everything was alright. Looks like it was a damn good thing I decided to go out on a whim.”

Nick nodded in agreement, “A very damn good thing.”

“Why don’t you two hop in the back of my cruiser, I’ll get you guys warmed up and we’ll get some help for you and your friends.”

“Thank you so much.” they both sighed in relief as they climbed into the back of the patrol car.

“No problem.” Officer Rick responded with a smile, “Lets get this heater on real quick, and let me do a quick call to report this incident.” he said before he closed the door, leaving both Nick and AJ in the now heated car.

“I can’t believe we did it man!” Nick said, a full blown smile graced on his face.

AJ nodded, “Now… you can say that we’ve saved the day.”

“We saved the fucking day!” Nick cheered as he glanced at Officer Rick through the window, who was on his cell phone, reporting the incident. “Totally random, but you need to switch your phone.”

“Hmm, and why is that?” AJ asked him, his eyes closed as he tried to rest in the heat that embraced them.

“Cause Officer Rick’s cell phone works out here.”

Upon hearing that, AJ fished into his pocket for his cell phone. He looked down at it, noticing that he still had no reception, and his battery life was down to one bar. “I’m going back to Blackberry.” he grumbled as he shoved his cell phone back into his pocket.

Officer Rick opened the door to his driver side, “Alright, lets head out.” he said as he situated himself into his seat and threw the car into drive, going in the direction up towards the lodge.

“Don’t you think we should go and get backup or something?” AJ asked. “I mean, there’s seven armed people up there in the lodge.”

“Got that taken care of. I dispatched for backup and their on their way up here.”

Upon hearing that, AJ settled back into his seat, glad that this would all finally be coming to an end. The ride back up to the lodge was in silence, but both Nick and AJ found themselves lurching forward in their seats as they pulled up to the lodge.

“You two wait here.” Officer Rick said as he pulled his gun out and cocked it, climbing out of his car.

Both AJ and Nick sat there, watching as Officer Rick slowly made his way towards the front entry of the lodge. Gun ready, Officer Rick stood to the side of the door, his back pressed up against the wall. Slowly, he inched his hand out towards the doorknob and slowly turned it, finding it to be unlocked. He glanced back at AJ and Nick and gave a slight nod before he slowly pushed the door open and proceeded in, closing the door behind him.

“This is it.” Nick finally said, breaking the silence. “Any minute backup will have this place swarmed and we’ll be on our way home.”

“I can’t wait.” AJ sighed as he pulled his cell phone back out of his pocket, glad to see that he now had two bars of reception. “Finally.” he cried in triumph, punching a phone number in.

“Who are you calling?”

“My mom… I need to hear her voice right now.” AJ replied as he held his cell phone up to his ear, glad to hear it ringing on the other side.

All of a sudden, the sound of a gun going off twice rang out, rendering both Nick and AJ motionless. Finally breaking himself out of his shock, AJ quickly shoved his cell phone back into his pocket, completely forgetting that he hadn’t hung up the pending call.

Eyes wide, Nick glanced over to AJ, “What do you think happened?” he asked in a hush voice, as if scared that their tormentors would hear them.

AJ slightly shook his head, “I don’t know. Maybe Officer Rick shot one or two of them?”

Both he and Nick stared at the closed door of the lodge; waiting, hoping that Officer Rick would emerge and signal that he had them subdued and the situation under control. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the door cracked open slowly, but no one came out.

“Where the fuck is he?” Nick panicked.

Sheer terror etched across their face when they seen the familiar face of one of their tormentors make their way out towards the car, gun drawn and aimed towards them.

“Oh shit, OH SHIT!” AJ exclaimed as he reached for the door handle and tugged on it, hoping they’d be able to get out and escape once again before he got closer to the car, but the handle just jiggled; they couldn’t open their doors from the inside.

“FUCK!” Nick cried out as he too was unsuccessful with getting his door to open.

Richard approached Nick’s side of the car and trained the gun on Nick through the window. Finally, he opened the door, “Welcome back boys.” was all he said before he reached in and grabbed the collar of Nick’s shirt, wrenching him from the car.

“Get your fucking hands off him!” AJ shouted, immediately becoming protective of his younger brother.

“Well, if it isn’t the one with the wise ass mouth.” Richard said as he reached back in and pulled AJ out of the car as well. “Well, well, well… you boys’ played quite a game of ’catch me if you can’, giving us a fucking run around looking for you two. Games over assholes.” Using his gun, he whipped across Nick’s face.

Nick’s head snapped to the side from the impact. He glowered back at the man, feeling a long, fresh laceration that now ran across his cheek up to the corner of his eye. He could feel his blood surge from the new tear, but he didn’t care to wipe it.

Richard focused his attention back to AJ, “And you… you’re not so big without our guns, huh?” he asked before he quickly launched his clenched fist forward, digging it into the pit of AJ’s stomach.

Immediately, AJ doubled over in pain, trying to catch the breath that was forced out of his body. Not giving AJ time to collect himself, Richard shot out and grabbed both Nick and AJ by their shirts and shoved them towards the lodge. “You guys’ ain’t getting away this time.”

Still hunched over, AJ tried his best to walk up to the lodge. He glanced up at Nick, who had fire dancing in his eyes. “You… okay?” he coughed out, but each cough wracked his now battered abdominal area, bringing on new waves of pain.

Nick gave a curt nod, “Yeah. You?”


“Stop with the fucking chit chat!” Richard bellowed as he shoved AJ forward again, causing him to stumble over his two feet.

Nick quickly reached out to help balance his friend once more. Hesitantly, they both finally reached the entry to the lodge, not wanting to go in and see what awaited them, but the prodding gun forced them in anyway. They were expecting to see blood splattered everywhere and Officer Rick’s body laying in a crumpled heap on the floor, but they were greeted by James and Adrianna, who stood there before them.

“You guys’ had fun?” was all James’ asked, his eyes glaring fiercely back at them. “I hope so, because it all ends, right here and right fucking now.”

“Where’s our friends?” AJ blurted out. He figured since they were gonna die anyway, he’d ask where their friends are, or at least know that they’re okay and are doing better off than they would be in a few minutes.

“They should be the least of your worries right now.” Adrianna replied.

Before AJ could say anything in return, the sound of a gun being cocked behind them rendered them speechless and immobile. When they noticed both James and Adrianna were looking at someone behind them, they both slowly turned around, to find Officer Rick standing behind them, two guns aimed directly at them.
Chapter 18 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the short chapter. :( Working on the next update though! :) Thanks for ALL the reviews my lovely readers!!
“Rick?” Nick choked out in shock, slowly raising his hands in surrender. “What the fuck is going on?”

“I’m sorry to have to do this to you boys’, but a job is a job.” Rick said with a shrug, gun still trained on them.

“Don’t fucking apologize to them!” James bellowed, “These two put us through fucking hell and back and that’s right where I’m gonna send these two.”

AJ completely ignored what James was rambling on about, “So, you were just another part of this elaborate plan? This storm moving in was the perfect time for you guys’ to strike… as a person of authority, you told us to stay up here, and we listened. Had we known it was all for fucking this.”

Rick gave a small smirk, “You gotta admit, I played my part pretty damn good, didn’t I?”

Nick continued on from where AJ left off, being able to have pieced it all together himself as well, “You didn’t come up here on a whim… James probably called you to help search for us, meaning nothing was reported and there’s no backup coming… that call you made was to James.”

“It’s a shame you guys only figured this all out now.” Rick replied with a small nod. “Maybe you two should have better listened to what I said of staying up here at the lodge, maybe it wouldn’t have came down to all of this.”

James groaned, “Enough of this fucking talk. Bobby, go grab those other fuck heads.”

With a nod, Bobby turned and disappeared into the hall. A minute or so later, Howie was the first to stumble out, followed by a slow trailing Kevin, who was supported by Brian.

Both AJ and Nick’s eyes widened upon seeing the state Kevin was in, “What the fuck did you do?” AJ exclaimed, both he and Nick making a move towards their friends, but were quickly and restrained by Richard and Dennis.

“What I did?” James repeated as he sauntered over towards Kevin, who was leaning against Brian. “I didn’t do anything. This…” he reached out to grab Kevin’s wounded shoulder, causing Kevin to cry out in pain, “this was your fault, do you remember? He received the bullet that was meant for you.”

Barely able to stand on his own two legs now, Kevin tried desperately to remove himself from James grasp, growing frustrated and angry that the pain he was in rendered him completely helpless. Brian bit down on his tongue, hard, to the point where blood had quickly filled his mouth. He knew if he did or say anything, he’d only be making the situation worse.

“Let him go.” Nick growled out.

An amused look etched across James’ face, “Did you… did you just fucking tell me what to do?” he glanced around at his men, as if to make sure he had heard Nick right, “He just told me what to…” he chuckled, then quickly pulled his gun out and aimed it at Nick, “WHO THE FUCK IS THE ONE WITH THE GUN?”

Nick gulped, but tried to hold his composure and continue his bluff, “Look, we’re the ones you’ve been looking for, and you got us, just… please let them go, please.”

James chuckled, glancing around at his men once more, “Now they’re fucking begging me. They all should’ve been groveling at my fucking feet from the moment I showed up. But now… now that I have complete control over this whole situation and have you all at odds, waiting to kill off each and every one of you, only now you wanna beg to me? This is just fucking great!”

The sound of a cell phone vibrating caused them all to remain silent, glancing around at each other. Finally, their eyes landed on the coffee table, where one of the cell phones rhythmically vibrated across the table.

“Well, well, well… finally, a phone call!” James stated as he walked over to the coffee table, picking the cell phone up. “Lets see… a Leighanne is calling…”

Eyes slightly widened, Brian immediately took a step towards James, but was quickly subdued by Zach and Gene. They had a firm, tight grip on Brian’s arms, holding him back from going any further or doing anything.

“Don’t.” Brian warned, struggling against the hold he was in.

James revealed a smirk, “This should get interesting…” was all he said as he turned to face his back to Brian, and answered the phone.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING TALK TO HER!” Brian screamed, thrashing around in hopes to get himself loose.

“Leighanne?………… No, this is a friend of Brian’s, one you have never met………………… well, you see, I’d give him the phone so you could talk to him, but…” he looked over at Brian, “he’s a little tied up right now.”

“You son of a bi-” Brian was immediately cut off by Bobby, who had walked up to him and plowed his fist into his stomach. He hunched over in pain, trying to collect back the air that was forced out of him from the punch, but both Gene and Zach tugged and roughed him around, straightening him up.

“But you can talk to me…” James continued, “Why don’t you start off by telling me what you’re wearing?”

At hearing this, that only enraged Brian even more. With a new found strength, Brian violently shook himself out of the grasp Zach and Gene had on him. He charged at James full force, disregarding the fact that James had rose his gun and was aiming it straight at him. All he could remember was the sound of not one, but three bullets being fired from the gun and his body jerking back from the impact before darkness immediately consumed him.
End Notes:
Short chapter, I know... but it's because I decided to change this chapter up a bit so I could leave ya'll on a CLIFFHANGER. Don't you just love those?!? ;) I don't. O_o
Chapter 19 by rebellious_one
"Oh my God… no, no, no, no, NO!!!”

Voices… he could hear voices; they all seemed so distant, but slowly the voice became louder. Darkness still claimed him, but he tried hard to force open his heavy eyes.

“Don’t you fucking leave me… you’re gonna be alright…”

How he wanted to speak out and let them know that he wasn’t going anywhere, and that he indeed was going to be alright. He couldn’t feel much at the moment anyway, his body had probably grown completely numb to the immense pain, he was probably in shock. Either that or perhaps death would claim him soon.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen… I’m sooo sorry baby.”

Was that Kevin now? And why was he apologizing, saying this wasn’t supposed to happen? If anything, HE should be the one apologizing to all of them. The trip was his idea, and if it wasn’t for him, they all wouldn’t be out here in this situation. But, he would be dead soon, so it wouldn’t matter anyway; his apology would fall on deaf ears. Maybe the fact that he would be the first to die could be some kind of consolation.

“Just please, open your eyes for me… let me know you’re okay, please.”

They probably don’t know that they’re asking a lot of him right now. He’s on the brink of death and they’re asking him to open his eyes and let them know that he’s okay? His eyes are extremely heavy right now, but the desperation in their voice helped him force his heavy eyelids to flutter open, at least let them know that he would be seeing God soon and from there, everything would be alright.

“No… no… NOOOOOOO!!!”

The voice was now crying and screaming. He didn’t understand. Did he not just flutter his eyes open for all of them to see? He could’ve swore he saw both AJ and Nick hovering above him before he allowed his eyes to drift close once more. He decided to force his eyes open one more time, and only then did he realize the voice he heard this whole time did not belong to Nick, AJ, Howie or Kevin.

He trained his weak eyes on both Nick and AJ, who were staring back at him in concern. “What happened?” he croaked out, now feeling a sudden throbbing pain that coursed up and down his back and the back of his head. It hurt him to take a breath in, a weird pressure sensation wracked torso area. He tried to raise his head to see where he was shot, but AJ and Nick quickly prevented him from doing so.

Since they wouldn’t let him inspect his injuries, fearing he was far worse than he thought, he decided to let his hand travel upwards towards his chest where he felt the uncomfortable pain. Slowly, he dragged his hand up, preparing himself for the sharp pain he would soon feel for grazing his shot wounds, but he felt nothing.

Perplexed, he tried once more to raise himself up from the ground, to which he received help from both Nick and AJ this time. Once he was seated upwards, he quickly glanced down at his chest, both of his hands splaying across his shirt to find no entry wounds and no blood. He looked up to find to find James kneeling on the ground, cradling someone on his lap. His mouth fell slightly agape when he saw Adrianna’s blank eyes staring back at him, a trail of blood trickling down the corner of her mouth.

“Oh my god…” Brian whispered out. The three bullets that were meant for him had accidentally hit Adrianna instead. But he remembered being jarred backwards as well, convinced the impact of the bullets had surely flown his body back. But upon realizing who was beside him, he figured either AJ or Nick, or perhaps both, had knocked him out of the way, just in time.

“Baby girl, look at me…” James pleaded as he tilted Adrianna’s head, her lifeless eyes now staring back at him. He wiped away the stream of blood from the corner of her mouth and raked his hand through her hair, streaking her blood across her face. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” he cried, leaning down to kiss her pale lips.

Brian glanced around the room, noticing for the first time that they all were staring at the scene before them in shock, their captors not even bothering to wield their weapons out towards them once more. As he fixated his eyes back on James and Adrianna, it was only now beginning to sink in that he should’ve been in Adrianna’s place, laying in a pool of his own blood, his blank, lifeless eyes staring back at the four men he’s come to love and call his brothers. The throbbing pain that reverberated through his back and chest reminded him that it wasn’t from the three bullets he had thought entered his body, but from an individual or two who had tackled him out of the way, thus saving his life.

Still sobbing, James straightened himself up and placed his fingers over Adrianna’s eyes, closing them. He turned his hand over so that his palm was facing up towards him and stared at the blood that was now dried, caked to his hand like dried up paint. That’s when he remembered that he was staring at the blood shed by the one he loved, not by his victim. With that thought in his head, he slowly reached out to grasp the gun he had neglected when he had rushed over to Adrianna’s side. Placing Adrianna’s head on the ground, he pushed himself up and turned around, his eyes scanning the room, in search for the one he had intended on killing.

His eyes finally locked on Brian, who was still on the floor, situated between AJ and Nick. “Look what you made me do…” James growled out as he slowly stalked over towards Brian, who was now scrambling to get up. “YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!” he screamed out as he rose the gun, prepared to fire.

The sound of something sharp had sliced through the air like a hot knife through butter. Although the sound was relatively silent, it was enough for them to register it to be a bullet. They all looked around, wondering where the shot had come from and who it had hit. They found themselves looking back at James, who still stood there, gun aimed at Brian, but his face had gone slack. Not long after, a sea of red had spread across his chest like wildfire.

Yet, James still stood there, gun still trained on Brian. He wavered a bit, and began to gurgle on the blood that seemed to flood his mouth, but his shaking hand still fingered the trigger. Another shot had whizzed past, hitting James in the chest yet again. The second shot had been enough, for not long after, James’ knees had buckled, causing him to crumble to the ground.

The other men had quickly scrambled about, wanting to make their way to the nearest exit. “Don’t get up.” Nick voiced, not wanting any of his brothers to get up in fear and get caught in the crossfire.

Rick was the first to walk out of the lodge, to which he rose his gun and began to wave it around in the air, “I’m an officer!” he exclaimed, hoping they would let him go.

But that gesture only resulted in getting shot at. The force of the bullet hitting his arm caused his body to spin around. He immediately fell to the ground and grasped at his injured arm, feeling his own blood surge from the wound.

Bobby, Gene, Richard, Dennis and Zach had tried to escape the lodge as well, but were greeted by a swarm of uniformed SWAT officers who had moved in on them.

“GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!!” one of the officers bellowed as he brandished his assault rifle.

Quickly, the five of them dropped to the ground, moving their hands up and placing them on the back of their heads in surrender. Meanwhile, the rest of the SWAT officers had moved into the lodge to apprehend any other armed men. There was only a group of five men huddled in the parlor area along with two dead bodies.

Nick held his hands up and tried to stand up, but was quickly stopped by the officer. “DON’T MOVE, GET ON THE GROUND!” the officer exclaimed as he aimed his rifle at Nick.

“Please don’t shoot!” AJ pleaded, coming to Nick’s defense, “We’re the hostages!”

Gun still trained on Nick, the officer glanced around the room, taking the five men in. Three of them showed visible signs of injury. He looked over the two dead bodies, immediately recognizing the one they had shot down. When he realized that they five men weren’t armed, he slowly lowered his gun. “Get a paramedic in here!” he shouted as he made his way over towards the corpse to retrieve the weapons.

Sighing heavily, Nick allowed himself to sit back down on the ground, glad that this was all finally over. Two male paramedics rushed in, immediately making their way towards Nick and Brian, to which Nick waved them off, “Please, check on my friend over there first. He was shot.”

Upon hearing that, one of the paramedics made their way towards Kevin while the other insisted on checking Nick over. “It’s nothing more than a bump on the head,” Nick stated as he shied away, “just please, work on my friend first and I promise I’ll let you guys check me over out in the ambulance.”

Reluctantly, the paramedic gave a slight nod and left to join his partner in aiding Kevin. Sighing heavily, Nick glanced over towards Brian, “How you holding up over there?”

Brian, who was seemingly in a phase with all that had went down, snapped his attention to his younger friend, “Huh?”

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” Brian finally replied with a quick nod, but deep down, he really wasn’t, he knew they all weren’t. He had brush death quite a few times during this traumatic ordeal, they all had, and he just couldn’t shake that thought from his mind. “Just… glad this is all finally over. I can’t help than to think back to the moment our trip took this drastic turn.”

“Tell me about it.” Nick groaned out, “How’s your stomach?”

Brian shrugged, poking and prodding at his stomach to see if he felt any pain, to which he only summed up a dull throb, “It’s fine, just bruised a bit… it’s my back and neck I’m worried about, I swear, for some reason it feels like I was hit by a freight train or something.”

“Well, this freight train saved your life thank you very much!” AJ voiced as he lightly slapped Brian’s leg. “Which, as much as I’m glad you’re still here, I kinda regret doing that solely for the fact that the room won’t stop fucking spinning. Besides, Nick made the first move in getting you out the way, but I decided I wanted to be a hero and at the time it had looked like fun having Nick and I tackle you. Which is why your chest and back probably hurts by the way.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “I figured that much out.”

With Nick’s help, Brian pushed himself up from the ground and then made their way to AJ to help him to his feet. They slowly sauntered over towards Howie and Kevin, who both looked as equally relieved as them. “How you doing big man?” AJ asked, looking Kevin over.

Kevin winced as the paramedic fixed a temporary bandage over the wound, “I’ll be doing a hell of a lot better once they get me to the ambulance, they’re gonna give me a good dose of morphine.” he said, causing them all to chuckle, “But, the gunshot wasn’t an exit wound, so I’ll be going into emergency surgery once they get us to the hospital.”

“We’re dealing with Superman here, not even a bullet can keep him down!” AJ smiled bitterly, remembering how James had told him that the bullet lodged in Kevin’s shoulder was intended for him, and that it was his fault that Kevin was injured. “How about you D?” he pressed on, trying to shake himself from the negative thoughts, if only for a moment.

Howie glanced up at his younger friend, a look of sheer exhaustion etched across his face, “I just wanna get us outta here.”
Chapter 20 by rebellious_one

The trip out to the hospital was a lengthy one, making both AJ and Nick realize that they were quite a distance away from civilization. Nick shivered slightly at the realization of it all; he and AJ probably would have never made it to get help had they continued on, for even the nearest grocery store they had gone to early yesterday morning was miles away from where they were.

That thought made something click in Nick’s head, “How do you think these guys knew?” he questioned, breaking the silence between he and AJ.

AJ broke his gaze from the window; he had busied himself in watching the flurry of snow fall around them, trying to recollect the unfortunate events that had befallen them all and actually let it settle in. He and Nick were riding in one patrol car, an ACTUAL police patrol car, while Howie and Brian rode in another. Kevin on the other hand had been rushed to the nearest hospital in the ambulance, to which they were headed now to be checked out. “Huh?”

“These SWAT and policemen and paramedics… how in the hell do you think they knew what was going on? I mean, think about it Jay, they came at the right fucking time man… I can’t help than to think, any later and we’d…” he paused, letting reality sink in, “we’d all be dead.”

AJ shook his head, not wanting to think about the negative alternative. All he knew was that they were saved and that they would be fine, that God works in mysterious ways and was definitely there watching over all of them, that help had reached them just in time, and for that he would be forever grateful. “I don’t know man. Perhaps Leighanne knew something was up when she called and that fucker answered Brian’s phone… maybe she was the one that called.”

Nick gave a small nod as he glanced out the window, “Three days… our trip was ruined in three days. I feel really bad for Brian, I mean, he worked so hard to put this trip together for us, only for it all to come to an end after three days, with some of us battered and bruised and one shot.”

AJ sighed, feeling bad as well. “Yeah, I do too… but there ain’t no way in hell I’m going back up there, not even to get my shit or my fucking car. This drive is making me realize how truly far away we were from establishments and whatnot; a perfect place to be a vulnerable victim now when you think about it. I’ll probably have someone tow my car back to my place, pay someone to gather my shit and just be done with that place. As for the trip itself, I’m all about making it up to Rok… I’ll plan the next trip, and this time I’ll get us a place right next to a fucking hospital or police station or something.”

They both chuckled bitterly, obviously not in the mood the laugh or crack jokes, but nonetheless trying to make light of this heavy situation they were faced with less than an hour ago. They both perked up a bit as the car turned and entered the emergency entrance of the nearest hospital. To their surprise, news crews had swarmed the area, being kept at bay by the local police force.

“Well,” AJ sighed, “Didn’t take long for the press to get wind of what happened.” he said as both he and Nick got out of the car. They were immediately encased by a wall of SWAT men, who tried to shield them as best as they could and quickly ushered them into the hospital.

“Could you tell us what happened?”

“Do you guys have any names of the suspects who did this?”

“Is it true that Kevin Richardson was shot?”

“Could you give us any news on the medical conditions of the five band members?”

Questions were continuously shouted out by reporters, which only fell on deaf ears. As soon as the heavy glass doors to the entrance of the emergency room slid closed, it was able to drown out the sea of questioning voices for a moment, before it carried through once more when the doors reopened. Both AJ and Nick turned around to find that it was Brian and Howie who had been ushered in as well.

“Any word?” Brian immediately asked, figuring a doctor had came out to address AJ and Nick, who had already been there longer than they have.

Nick shook his head, “We were just brought in not long before you guys.” He gestured towards the crowds of news media outside, “It’s crazy out there, huh?”

Howie nodded, “Yeah, we had to duck our heads and wait a bit for them to get us as close as they could to the entrance. News travels fast.”

A tall, older male doctor dressed in surgical scrubs emerged from the back, the large double doors opening automatically, catching the attention of the four concerned individuals.

“Is he okay?” Brian voiced out, the four of them inched closer to the doctor in hopes to hear any good news on their eldest friend.

“Is who okay?” the doctor questioned with a puzzled look.

The four of them looked at each other, “We’re here for a Kevin Richardson.”

“Oh, that man. I’m sorry to say, I’m not the doctor who is in charge of Mr. Richardson, nor am I the one who performed the emergency surgery on him, so I unfortunately have no kind of news I can give to you guys at this moment of his current condition. My name is Dr. Rummel, and I’m one of the very few trauma ER doctors here. I was immediately notified upon the arrival of you four, for I was told that two individuals needed to be looked at for head trauma.”

“That would be those two.” Howie replied as he gestured over towards Nick and AJ.

Dr. Rummel nodded as he used his elbow to hit a button on the wall, causing the large double doors to open automatically again, allowing a nurse with two wheelchairs to emerge. “You two can go ahead and have a seat on this.” he said as he grabbed a wheelchair from the female nurse and wheeled it over towards AJ, “We’ll wheel you guys on back and take a look at you from there. As for you two, is there any injuries you may have sustained that we should take a look at?”

Brian was ready to shake his head, but Howie quickly interjected, “Actually, I think he should be looked at…” Howie said as he nodded his head towards Brian, “as for me, I’m fine.”

“Would you like to be wheeled on into the back?” Dr. Rummel asked Brian with a warm smile.

Brian gave a light grin and shook his head, “No, I’m fine with walking.”

He nodded before he looked back over at Howie, “You can wait right here for now, it’s a private waiting room so you won’t be bothered by anyone. I’ll send a nurse out in a bit to check your vitals, make sure you won’t need an IV or anything. I’ll also have a nurse walk you on back here once we get them settled in rooms if they need it.” he said before they all began to make their way through the double doors.

Howie watched as Dr. Rummel pushed AJ and the nurse pushed Nick in the wheelchairs while Brian slowly sauntered behind them. He gave a small smile, thankful that they had been saved and his friends would be looked over and receive the medical attention they needed. With nothing else to do, he closed his eyes and began to pray.

Chapter 21 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:

So, here is the update I promised I'd post in a few days! :D

“Your vitals all checked out to be normal.” a young nurse spoke out in a British accent as she removed the BPR cuff from Howie’s bicep. “You just appear to be a bit on the dehydrated side as expected, so I’m going to hook you up to an IV, have a bag pump some lovely nutrients into your body, get you hydrated, then you should be good to go once the bag is empty.”

Howie simply nodded as he watched the nurse lay out and prepare the tools needed to hook him up to an IV. “My friend doesn’t like needles.” he suddenly said, thinking of AJ as he eyed the packaged needle.

The nurse looked up at him, “Really? Which friend?”

“The one that was wheeled back… he’s the one that’s covered in tattoos, can’t miss him.”

“Ahh, the one covered in tattoos?” she repeated with a chuckle, “I find that extremely hard to believe.”

Howie now watched as she grabbed and ripped a small square package, taking out a folded alcohol towelette and began to wipe and sterilize the back of his left hand. “We all did. We could never understand how he’ll sit there and get all these tattoos, but can’t take a small, quick pinch of a needle shot.”

“You’re not uneasy with needles are you?” she asked, flashing a flirtatious smirk as she grabbed the packaged needle, ripping it open. “If you want, I can numb the site before I stick the needle in.”

Howie chuckled, “Oh no, I’m perfectly fine with needles, just… seeing it made me think of him is all.”

“Oh. Well, if you don’t cry, I’ll give you a lollipop when it’s all done.” she joked as she placed the needle at the back of his hand. “You’re gonna feel a slight quick pinch in three, two, one.” she inserted the needle and fed the catheter through the punctured opening as well. “Looks like you’ll be getting that lollipop.” she smiled as she began to secure the IV tubing to the back of his hand.

“Thank you.” Howie laughed as he rose up from his seat. “Would I be able to go back there now?”

She nodded, “I’ll take you back there as soon as I clean this all up.” she replied as she hung up the solution bag on the IV stand. She quickly gathered up her mess and walked off to properly dispose it. When she came back, she walked up to the two double doors and hit a button on the wall next to it. “Come on back.” she said as she stepped to the side, allowing Howie to walk through.

Howie grabbed his IV stand and wheeled it in with him through the double doors, walking behind the nurse as she led him to where the others would be. He sighed, thanking God that they were all here, safe and alive. He couldn’t believe how sudden their vacation turned into a drastic hostage and standoff situation, but he was thankful it hadn’t gone on as long as it could have. Thanks to the two youngest, they were saved.

“Right through this door.” the nurse said, breaking Howie out of his thoughts. “I’ll be back to check on the bag.”

“Thank you.” Howie bid with a smile as he pushed the door open to room A208. He was greeted by the sight of both Nick and AJ laying in two separate hospital beds placed directly across from each other, and Brian seated in a chair in between them.

“Oh thank god you’re here!” Brian exclaimed in a light exasperated tone. “These two should be resting, doctors orders, yet they won’t shutup about how they saved the day!”

“Because we did!” AJ voiced, sounding much like a little kid bickering back and forth with another kid. “I bet you guys were thinking, ‘oh, our fate lies in the hands of Nick and AJ, they’re gonna fuck everything up!’ Well, thanks to us, we saved the motherfucking day!”

Howie glanced back at Brian and smiled. Brian simply shook his head, “They’re never gonna let us live this down.” he muttered as he began to rub his temples.

“Well, they do have a point Bri,” Howie stated sympathetically as he walked over and sat down in a chair across from Brian, “let them live it up.”

“Yeah, let us live it up Rok!” Nick cackled, “I wonder if Obama will be the one to give us our medals of honor…”

Both Howie and Brian exchanged looks, “Who told you guys that you would be receiving a medal of honor?”

“Isn’t that the stuff they give you when you do something courageous and for your bravery, when you risk your life for others or something like that? Because I ain’t about formalities when it comes to receiving something that big from the President… I want an all out bash on his front lawn, and I want fucking Lou’s fatass to be there, along with those people of Jive that thought we weren’t shit, Paris’ dumbass, and ooh, I guess my mom and dad can be there too…”

“Nick, the only people eligible to receive a medal of honor is military personnel…” Brian interjected, his eyes closed as he continued to massage his temples. “Please tell me that you knew that and you didn’t actually think you’d be getting a medal of honor.”

“… are you serious?”

Brian remained silent, not bothering to look at his best friend, while Howie just looked away, trying hard not to bust out laughing. Nick glanced over at AJ for help, to which AJ just shook his head and held his hands up, laughing, “You were on your own with that one Nick! Even I knew that medals of honor were only given to people in the military.”

Nick looked crushed, “We’re not gonna get anything at all for what we did?”

The room fell silent. Laughter soon bubbled out from everyone… everyone except Nick, who still had a look of disappointment on his face. The kid was seriously set on receiving a reward for the heroic actions he and AJ performed to save the lives of his other band mates.

“Nick…” Brian tried to get out between his laughter, “if it makes you feel any better, I’ll have a medal of honor made just for you… and maybe I can ask Kevin to present it to you.” that caused them all to laugh even harder.

Nick pretended to pout, but eventually gave in to the infectious laughter that surrounded him. “Fuck you guys! I ain’t gonna save your asses anymore!”

Brian finally brought his laughter to a cease, “No, but on the real Frack… we’re very thankful for all that you and Jay have done.” he said in a serious tone. “I mean damn, if it weren’t for you two… I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

Nick smiled, not wanting to think of how close they actually were to losing his best friend. Having his little “blonde moment” and hearing his brothers laugh at his expense was truly something he needed… something they all needed. It did help to take their minds off the dramatic, and almost deadly situation they were faced with hours ago. He reached his hand out towards Brian, “But you are here. And there’s no need to thank me, you’re all my brothers… I did what any one of you guys would have done for me.”

Brian grasped Nick’s hand and smiled. AJ took that moment to raise his hand, “Um, Nick? You might want to take me out of that grouping of us guys doing the same for you in return, because uh… I value my life way too much!”

Nick rolled his eyes, “You mean to tell me that you were fine to risk your life to save Brian, but if it were me, you wouldn’t have done it? Thanks a lot bro!”

“Thanks for killing the mood AJ!” Brian chuckled.

“Hey, I was just killing the mood to keep you two from the path of gayness ya’ll were trotting on, but if you guys want to continue on the Bromantic Brick Road, then by all means hold hands and continue on while Howie and I throw rice at you newlyweds.” AJ caught the pillow Nick chucked at him. “You know I’m just kidding Nick… I risked my life for one Backstreet Boy, I think I can risk my life three more times, it’ll be fun.”

Brian pointed at Nick, “Frack, I can believe you saving the day… but AJ? He’s the drama queen of the group! If it’s an activity that’ll result in him chipping one of his precious manicured nails, he won’t do it!”

“I will too thank you very much! Just… whoever I save, they better be ready to rush me to the nearest nail salon after because they WILL be paying for my manicure! Come to think of it… Nick, I totally take back what I said earlier. I would totally risk my life and save you dude!”

“What ever changed your mind?” Howie asked sarcastically.

“To save the blonde heartthrob of the group, I’d be more than a National fucking hero! Do you know how much ASS I would get afterwards… just for saving Nick?”

“Oh god!” the remaining three groaned out.

A sudden knock on the door immediately brought their laughter to a cease. “Hope I’m not breaking up the party here.” Dr. Rummel voiced out as he peered in through the cracked door.

“Of course not doctor, c’mon in.”

Dr. Rummel pushed the door open and walked in, “I was able to get some information on Mr. Richardson. He’s still in surgery, but the surgeon informed me that the operation is going well, he’s okay and will recover just fine.”

Upon hearing that, they all seemed to release an audible sigh, glad to know that their eldest brother would pull through just fine. Though it was a very scary situation, they had no doubt in their minds that Kevin would pull through… this is Kevin they’re talking about. “Now, as for Mr. Carter and Mr. McLean…” Dr. Rummel continued, “we’ll be keeping the two of you overnight to further assess the head injuries you have sustained. Nothing to worry about, just more so precautionary measures before we release you.”

“What about them?” Nick asked, gesturing towards Brian and Howie.

“Well, they’re good to go once those IV bags are done. If you guys want, I’m sure we could accommodate you two to stay the night here as well… set up a room or something. Let me go check on that and I’ll get back to you guys.” and with that, he walked out.

Brian sighed once more, “It’s a relief to know that cousin Kev will be on the mend.” He tried his hardest not to think back to the moment when he watched as his eldest cousin was shot by one of their captors. The fear that immediately bubbled up within him at the sight of a red sea spreading across Kevin’s chest like a wildfire is something he definitely does not want to relive. He pushed back his tears, as well as those thoughts, not wanting to let his emotion get the best of him in front of the others. “He’s gonna be okay.”

“Of course he is, this is Kevin we’re talking about!” Nick voiced. He could clearly see his best friend seemingly battling with the thoughts of almost losing his own blood relative. He eats bullets for a meal, and shits out gun powder.”

“Why does that sound like a Chuck Norris fact?” Howie snickered.

“Because it was. You guys should try reading Chuck Norris facts, but replace Chuck’s name with Kevin’s, it’s fucking hilarious!”

As the three began to delve into a deeper conversation of Chuck Norris facts and how strong Kevin is, AJ remained silent. He couldn’t help than to be plagued by the words their tormentor had said to him… this was your fault, do you remember? He received the bullet that was meant for you.

He closed his eyes as the memory flooded his mind… the memory of him getting ready to run out the door after Nick, and immediately stopped in his tracks upon hearing James’ voice and seeing him reenter the room. Everything had been set into slow motion from there as James rose the gun and fingered the trigger, preparing to shoot him. Kevin had lunged at the man and struggled with and the gun.

“GO!” he clearly heard Kevin’s voice yell out, as if he were right there in the room with them.

Instead of running out the door, he had ran up the flight of stairs and into his room to grab his cell phone. As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, that’s when he heard it… the unforgettable sound of a gunshot ringing out. He immediately turned around, ready to run back down the flight of stairs and make sure that all his brothers were okay, but he knew if he had done that, Kevin would have fought and struggled with their captor on his behalf for nothing.

As painful as it was, he had to keep going, and literally had to force his body to do just that. He knew that he had to get out of there and get help… their lives depended on both he and Nick. But shit, if only he had stayed… maybe Kevin getting shot could’ve been avoided? Maybe if he had just sat down as soon as James came back in the room, he wouldn’t be sitting here with the knowledge that Kevin took a bullet for him. Nick could have easily gone out there and got help by himself… if he had just stayed and listened, Kevin wouldn’t be in emergency surgery right now, having a lodged bullet be removed.

“Hey man, you okay?”

AJ snapped out of his thoughts and glanced over at Howie, who was staring at him in concern. “Yeah, sorry… just phased out.”

Howie gave an unsure nod in return and hesitantly focused his attention back on Nick and Brian, who were still talking. He knew AJ better than that... something weighed heavily on the rebel's mind, but he knew better than to push his best friend for answers right now. He would check on him again later. 

AJ tried his best to delve himself in the conversation the other three were in, tried to get his mind to not think of the negatives and dwell within the past, but try as he might, he couldn’t get the sound of the gunshot and the image of Kevin baring the wound out of his head.

The man was right… this was all his fault.

End Notes:

Unfortunately people, we're coming to an end with this story. I know, I know... this story was rather... short! I'm looking at the amount of chapters and just thinking how short this story seemed and how fast it kinda all happened.

I didn't actually intend to write the boys' being held captive for a long time... I mean, only so much can happen during that period of time of the boys being held hostage, and I honestly don't think I could have wrote it well and would have been able to pull it off, lol. Sad, but true.

I'm looking to wrap this story up in the next three chapters or so, but not to worry... I'm looking to make a sequel to this story! I promised you guys' a twist with this story, and I shall soon deliver just that! Whether you guys get it or not, well... we'll see what happens when we come to that point! ;)

Just want to take this time to THANK all those who have taken the time to read this story and review it of course! I was honestly surprised with how much positive feedback I got with this story, and I truly appreciate all the encouragement and inspiration I have received from everyone, so thank you! As always, feedback is welcomed, appreciated and loved! :)

Chapter 22 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:

Alrighty people... just two more chapters (I think!) after this, and I'll FINALLY have another story to add to my very short list of completed stories!! Lol. Hope you guys enjoy this update, and as always, feedback welcomed, appreciated and loved! :)

I should’ve stayed… I shouldn’t have left.

His eyes remained closed, but he could clearly hear the voice, echoing in his ears.

Maybe… maybe if I had just sat back down, none of this would’ve happened. Nick could’ve gone and got help by himself just fine. You shouldn’t… *sigh* you shouldn’t be laying here like this.

The echoing eventually stopped, and the voice he heard had finally blended into a solid sound. He fluttered his eyes open, and though his vision was blurred, he could see a figure seated at his bedside, their head hanging down.

You were right, I’m always doing something stupid… I should’ve just listened, should’ve kept my mouth fucking shut and just do what I was told. This wasn’t supposed to happen to you… that bullet was meant for me, but you took it.

He shifted on the bed, thinking that his movement would catch the person’s attention, but to no avail.

This is the second time… the second time you’ve saved my life. You’re always fucking saving me Kev! People think I’m stupid for sounding so hopeful that you’d come back to us… I don’t want you back, I NEED you back. How can I ever repay you…

“Why don’t… you repay me… by letting me sleep.” he said as he fluttered his eyes open once again, his vision becoming clear and revealing AJ, who was now staring back at him.

AJ smiled, “Welcome back big man.”

“I ain’t gone nowhere baby.” Kevin grunted as he tried to look down at his repaired right shoulder. He slowly rose his right hand and grabbed the neckline of his hospital gown, lifting it a bit to look at his bandaged wound, “You think I’m gonna have a cool looking scar?”

“You’re gonna have one badass looking scar.” AJ chuckled, “How you feeling?”

Kevin shrugged as he tried to settle himself more comfortably on his hospital bed, “Thanks to the medication, all I feel is slight throbbing and pressure… like a hot steam roller rolling over my chest. Nothing I can’t handle.” he joked, lowering his voice a little more to sound manlier.

“Nothing can keep you down.”

“Oh, I know of a few things that could keep me down.” Kevin scoffed. “What about you? How’s that hard head of yours?”

“Hard head is right!” AJ laughed, “But I’m okay… they stitched up the multiple lacerations and have me on medication for pain and to continue help fighting an infection that tried to start. I have a lovely concussion, so they’re probably gonna keep me here another night or so.”

Kevin nodded, “And the others?”

“Nick had his head stitched up as well, Howie was just put on an IV for dehydration, as was Brian, but he has bruised ribs and his body will continue to be sore, from that epic tackle we gave him.”

“I’m glad to hear that you’re all okay.” Kevin said with a weak smile as he closed his eyes for a bit, trying to swallow down a wave a pain that had wracked him in that moment. “So, what was with that little soap opera moment you had going on earlier while I was out.”

AJ’s eyes widened a bit, “You heard all that?”

“I just had surgery Alex, I wasn’t dying.” they both laughed at Kevin’s sarcastic remark. “I really don’t know why you’re beating yourself up over what happened to me.”

“Because you were shot, and I just left you.”

“No offense Jay, but what good would you have been for me if you stayed? You would’ve only done the same thing Brian and Howie did, which was nothing… they couldn’t do anything.”

AJ sighed. “I should’ve just done what that fucker said, then this wouldn’t have happened! He even said… that bullet was meant for me, not you. I should be laying there, not you.”

“Can you not try to take this away from me? It’s been a while since Kristin and I were able to do anything intimate with one another, and I heard women find a man that’s been shot really hot, so this could really help me in the be-”

“Alright!” AJ quickly interjected, laughing. “I really don’t need to hear that right now.”

Kevin laughed as well, “But seriously… are you really gonna believe the man that did this to us? That bullet wasn’t meant for anyone specifically Jay… this would’ve happened regardless, and I honestly thank god that it happened to me and not you guys.”

“That’s just it Kev, you’re always saving my fucking ass, and what do I ever do for you in return, besides fuck everything up?”

“You don’t fuck everything up… and you do more for me than you’ll ever know. You live, and that’s all I need in return.”

AJ gave him a warm, genuine smile, “You’re missing the point…”

“No, YOU’RE missing the point. What happened to me was not your fault… it was no one’s fault except for the man that pulled the trigger. You do realize that you and Nick saved our lives, right?”

AJ scoffed, “Yeah, we brought back a demented cop that was in on the fucking scheme.”

“No Alex… you two saved OUR lives more than once. From help arriving to you two tackling the shit out of Brian. This whole situation could’ve escalated to be way worse, but because of you and Nick… we’re all alive in the hospital, and the nightmare is over. You guys saved us.”

“Nick could’ve easily saved us on our own.” AJ said with a shrug.

Kevin peered at him as if he had lost his mind, “Nick… saving us on his own? Yeah, I don’t think so. I’d rather take the chance of trying to save myself than having my fate lie in the hands of a grown ass man who tried to warm up a packaged Pop-Tart in the microwave.”

AJ busted out laughing, “Yeah, you’re right… this is the same guy who was convinced that he and I would be receiving a medal of honor for our ‘heroic acts’.”

“Come again?” Kevin asked in a serious tone, peering over at his younger friend with a ‘you’ve got to be shitting me’ look. “He thought what?”

“Yeah man, he seriously thought we were gonna get a medal of honor. For the life of me, I don’t know who or what gave him that idea, but he was so set on it. At first, we thought he was joking, waiting for a ‘I’m just kidding guys!’ that sadly never came.”

Kevin shook his head, “What are we gonna do with that kid?”

“You’d think I’d get used to him and his stupidity after spending 18 years of my life with him… oh no, and being stuck in the middle of Bumfuck with him proved that. I’m still asking the big Man upstairs why, of all people, I was stuck with him!” AJ joked, “I really don’t know how you were able to put up with him AND me all these years.”

Kevin smiled and sighed, “All these years… and I still don’t have an answer. You and Nick are so much alike, yet so different. I think I was able to do it because you two reminded me so much of myself. Though you guys always viewed me to be a stick in the mud, I knew what it was like to be the youngest; I am the youngest in my family. But, being the eldest of you four, I understood you and Nick the most, more than I let ya’ll on to know.”

“Is that why you always picked on us?” AJ cracked, a small grin graced upon his lips as he picked at his fingers.

“Of course.” Kevin replied with a nod, “It’s what my brothers did to me. And I remember…” he paused for a moment, recollecting his earlier years with his family, “I remember what it was like to look up at my eldest brothers and want to be just like them. They’d expect a lot from me, which is why I expected a lot from you two. What they did built me up to set out and want to make them proud… and that’s exactly what you and Nick did… you’ve made me proud. It made me realize that they made me to be a man of my own, not to be like them, that I wasn’t just their shadow. You two are men all your own, and you both make me so proud.”

AJ sat there in silence, taking in all that Kevin had just said. After a long moment of silence, he finally asked, “Do you remember when your brothers moved out of your house… when they left your family to start one of their own?”

Kevin slowly nodded, his face contorted in confusion, not really understanding where the rebel was going with his question. “Yes… I do. Why?”

Unshed tears, AJ refused to look up at him as he asked the next question. “How did it make you feel?”

Kevin was taken aback by that question. Though AJ refused to look at him, Kevin knew in that exact moment where he was going with that question; the tears that welled within his eyes had told him. “I remember feeling… upset, sad, scared, lost… I was upset because at the time, I thought they were being selfish. I was sad because they were my only brothers, and since I was the youngest, I’d be left behind. I was scared and felt lost because I only ever knew my life with my brothers, and now I’d have to live without them? I didn’t think it was fair.”

“Did you ever think or wish that they’d come back?” AJ asked him, a lone tear trickling down the side of his face.

Kevin closed his eyes and remained silent for a long while, “Yes.”

AJ simply nodded and wiped at his eyes, “So, it‘s normal then?… Thinking or wishing that you’d come back.”

“Alex… it is very much normal, but what are yo-”

“People think I’m stupid… for wanting and being hopeful that you’d return. I keep telling myself that you’ll be back, you’ll come back to us when you’re good and ready… and every time we enter that studio without you, it hits me… hard. I can’t help than to think if we’re or even if I’m the reason why you left. And I know… I know you’ve told us before we’re not, but whenever I ask myself why you left, I can’t help than to think it was us or me.”


“That’s why I told Brian that I wanted us, just the five of us, to come back together and enjoy the holidays how we used to… before fame really hit us, before we started looking to create our own families… just the five of us.”

Kevin sighed, “Alex… you know the reason why I left was a personal decision that had nothing to do with you, or anyone for that matter. My heart just wasn’t into the career itself at that time… I had my family to think about, Kristin and Mason. My love of music will never die, but our demanding and relentless schedule kept us away from our families for too long. I couldn’t be in that situation, not while Kristin was pregnant. I continued on with Broadway and television because it was something I enjoyed that wouldn’t take me completely away from my family. Coming to that decision wasn’t the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life… to walk away from you four, the years we spent together and all the memories, you don’t think it was easy for me, do you?”

AJ shrugged, his head kept down, “No.”

“It wasn’t. That was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with, right after losing my father. But I knew… I knew that before I came to my decision, that you four would be okay. You came back to us, clean and in a good frame of mind to work, Brian’s son was old enough to travel around the world with us, Howie was able to manage his side job of real estate and this, and Nick had gotten his solo ambition out of the way… there was no reason or doubt in my mind that you guys could and would carry on just fine, without me.”

At that moment, AJ could care less that tears were now falling down freely, “We only managed… we could never do without you.” He looked up at his eldest brother, to which he received a warm smile in reply. “Will you… will you ever come back?”

Kevin remained silent, thoughtfully thinking his question over, “Honestly, I don’t even know. I loved the life I lived with you guys and doing what we did… but, at the same time, I love this new life I’ve been living for the past years. I miss holding this career with you guys, but you know you four will always and forever be apart of my life regardless. I will say this, those times I’ve rejoined, to be up on that stage and to see the reception of the fans… it’s the greatest feeling in the world. Then… when I look down at you four, as the fans chant our name… I’m reminded of all we’ve been through, what we’ve done and how far we came together. It was all worth it… every tear, bead of sweat, laughter, smile, heartache, trials and tribulations… we made it, and every moment spent with my younger brothers was and is well worth it.”

AJ tried to smile through his tears, though that wasn’t exactly the answer he was looking for. “So, you never know…” Kevin continued, “I could come back to this all with you, if and when I’m ready. But, no matter what Alex, you’ll always and forever be my little brother.”

At hearing that reply, AJ’s smile grew bigger and brighter. He rose from where he sat and held his hand out, “And you’ll always and forever be my big bro.”

Kevin looked down at the outstretched hand, then back up at AJ. “After all that, and I only get a handshake?”

AJ laughed and carefully maneuvered himself to give Kevin a hug without disturbing his wound and causing him pain, “Thank you… for saving me.” he whispered.

Kevin smirked and whispered back, “No Alex… thank you for saving me.”


The fact that they all had stayed in the hospital made the day go by painstakingly slow. When the following day had come around, they couldn’t believe that it had just been yesterday that they were all saved; what they had been through felt like it had gone on for too long, though they were only held captive for a day. Though, if you were to ask them, a day spent in captivity by armed men, not knowing if they’d let you live or not, was long enough. When Kevin was shot, Howie and Brian had began to lose hope that they’d be rescued, or if these guys would leave them, alive, once they got whatever it was that they wanted. Their captors were in it for the long haul, or so it seemed, and they thanked God that helped had arrived sooner rather than later.

“Well, well, well, you guys look like an eager bunch ready to get out of here.” Dr. Rummel mentioned as he walked into Nick and AJ’s room, finding four of the members camped out in the room.

“Yup, I even fixed up the bed for ya’ll.” Nick replied as he motioned over towards the now vacant hospital bed, finding it to be messily fixed up. The nurse had came earlier that morning to remove his IV and discharge him.

Dr. Rummel chuckled, “I see.” he focused his attention to AJ, who was sitting on his bed, still hooked up to an IV. “I haven’t even discharged you and you look like you’re ready to leave. How’s the head feeling?”

“Fine enough to get out of this place.” AJ replied curtly in a joking tone.

Dr. Rummel shook his head, “I don’t know Alex… but, if you insist that you feel alright, then I will grant you your wish. But, if there are any problems that arise, any at all, I do not want you hesitating on coming back here, do you understand?” when he seen AJ nod, he continued, “From my understanding, I was informed by your manager that you guys will be staying near here until Mr. Richardson is discharged as well. Within that time span, you are to come here if you experience any problems. If not, you’ll follow up with your regular doctor. I’ll send the nurse in here to remove your IV and discuss different things, like when your stitches will be removed, prescriptions, etcetera. Okay?”

AJ nodded, “Thank you Dr. Rummel.”

“No problem.” Dr. Rummel replied with a smirk, “Well, although we have met under unfortunate circumstances, it has truly been a pleasure having you gentlemen be under my care. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. I’ll see you guys in the media… take care fellas.” he bid farewell with a wink.

A chorus of “thank you” sounded out as they watched the doctor leave the room, closing the door behind him. AJ sighed, “Thank god I’m getting out of here with you guys. I fucking hate hospitals.”

“You sure you feel okay to leave?” Howie asked pointedly, wanting to make sure that his best friend wasn’t saying that he felt fine just so he could be discharged.

“Yes Mother Hen!” AJ joked, “I feel fine.”

A knock on the door had interrupted them, and before any of them could say anything, the door slowly opened, revealing Leighanne who peered in through the crack. “Hello boys!” she said excitedly.

Brian beamed brightly at the sight of his wife as they all greeted her. Leighanne opened the door further, allowing Leigh, Rochelle and Lauren to walk in behind her. They were all holding “Get Well” gifts for their significant others.

“MONKEE!!” AJ practically squealed as he held his arms out.

Rochelle simply smiled as she quickly walked over to him and closed the distance between them, allowing herself to be embraced by his arms. He pulled her in tight to him, resting his head upon her chest, listening to her heart beat. “God, I’m so happy to see you baby.”

Rochelle slightly pulled back from him and leaned down to give him a chaste kiss on his lips. “I got you something sweetie.” she pulled a stuffed monkey and a “Get Well” balloon from behind her back, holding it out to him.

AJ grinned as he accepted the gift, “Thank you baby, but you know nothing would ever come close to having my real and only monkee here with me.” his arms tightened around her waist as he gave her a deeper, longer, more meaningful kiss. “I love it… and I love you.”

Both Leigh and Leighanne handed their husbands their gifts as well, which were balloons, flowers and a personal gift from their sons, James and Baylee.

Howie admired the personal card his wife and son made for him. On the card were paint handprints of Leigh and James with a message that said, “Feel better soon! We love you Papi, always and forever!” . Although the card was covered with colorful scratches and lines, he could clearly see James name signed out, obviously hand over hand method, and Leigh’s signature right next to it. He looked up at Leigh and smiled, “I definitely feel better now.” he said as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Brian opened the card Leighanne handed to him and was greeted with a picture of Leighanne kneeling behind a smiling Baylee, her arms wrapped around him. As soon as he had opened the card though, Leighanne and Baylee’s voice chorused out, singing together along to his song, “The Perfect Fan”. The clip then ended with Leighanne saying “I love you baby” and Baylee saying “I love you daddy!”

Tearfully, Brian could only grab Leighanne and pull her in for a kiss… words at that moment couldn’t express how lucky he felt to have his wife and son, and how very lucky he was still be alive. Then, a negative thought had entered his head… he thought of how Leighanne and Baylee were supposed to join him up at the lodge after the time spent with the fellas. He clenched his eyes closed as he held onto her tighter… he couldn’t bare the thought of if his family had joined them, had they still have been in the situation they were in. It was a thought he DIDN’T want to think of about, and thanked God he wouldn’t have to face.

“I love you.” Brian whispered as he went in for another kiss, “God I love you.”

Meanwhile, Nick was sitting on the bed, Lauren standing in between his legs. They were lip-locked for what seemed like forever, until Nick finally pulled himself back. “Did you hear? AJ and I saved the day?”

Lauren laughed and nodded, “Of course I did… my baby’s a hero! I’ve got myself my own little superhero!”

“I’ll be your Superman, baby.” Nick said as he locked lips with her once again.

“Now that we’ve got this joyful reunion out of the way,” Leighanne voiced out, capturing all of their attentions. “are you guys ready to get out of here? The rest of the family is waiting for you all outside.”

The four of them looked over at each other with smiles, as if letting realization sink in… it was all over. “Yes.”


Shortly after the reunion they had with their significant others, the nurse had came in to discharge AJ and released him. Before they left the hospital, they had gone to visit Kevin, happy to see him reunited with Kristin and his baby Mason once again. They promised that they wouldn’t be too far and would wait for him before they had walked out.

As soon as they hit the waiting room, they were greeted by their family members… Denise and Tony were there for AJ. Paula, Pollyanna and John were there for Howie. Harold II, Jackie and Harold III were there for Brian. BJ, Leslie, Angel and Aaron were all there for Nick. They were all immediately wrapped in tight embraces by their respective family members, tears cascading freely down their eyes at realizing though they were held hostage and injured, they were there with them now, alive and safe.

“Oh my, look at what they did to you!” Denise cooed as she tried to expect her son’s head.

AJ quickly shied away, chuckling, “I’m fine Mom, it only looked worse than what it really was.”

Denise closed her eyes as tears sprung forth, threatening to spill over. “I‘ll never forget the fear I heard in your voice Alex.” AJ’s expression contorted in confusion, but she continued, “You had called me, and I guess you forgot to hang up. I answered, and all I could hear was static, then I heard you screaming and another man’s voice demanding you to get out of a car. It was the hardest thing to hear, to know that my baby boy was in trouble. I made Tony get on the phone with authorities and they were able to dispatch help out to you guys immediately.”

AJ remained silent, taking in the new revelation. He simply grabbed his mother and Tony and pulled them both in for a tight hug… because of his parents, they were all still alive.

Aaron tiptoed on his toes to try and look at Nick’s bandaged head. He let out a low whistle, “Guess these guys didn’t care to knock out the remaining brain cells you had left.”

Nick playfully shoved his younger brother away, “Shutup dude, I’ll still kick your ass in this condition!”

Paula caressed Howie’s face, “Cómo se siente mi amor?”

Howie smiled as he leaned into his mother’s touch, “Muy bien. Yo sólo quiero ir a casa.” he replied as they all began to walk out.

“Are you guys ready?” Jenn, their manager asked them as she led the group towards the hospital’s exit doors. “It’s a circus of media out there. If you guys don’t want to deal with it, we’ll have Q and the rest of the staff hurry you off into the waiting vehicles.”

When she received nods, she pushed the doors open, revealing a flurry of flashing lights and microphones immediately being shoved in their direction.

“What really happened up there?”

“Do you guys know the men that were behind this?”

“What do you think their motives were?”

“Where is Kevin Richardson?”

“Is Kevin okay?”

“Where will you guys go from here?”

Brian had stopped in front of the reporters, halting the other three as well. He figured he’d say a little something, to let their fans know that they were alright and will be just fine… they deserved to know that much, and hear it straight from them. He waited in silence for the crowd of reporters to settle, as Howie, AJ and Nick gathered beside him, their families backing away so they could give their word.

“We just want to thank you all for your continuous outpour of love, worry, compassion and prayers during this difficult time.” Brian spoke out. “The five of us have being through quite a traumatic experience, but we made it out alive and are now on the path of recovery. As you may already know, our eldest brother, Kevin Richardson, received a gunshot wound to his right shoulder. He was immediately rushed into emergency surgery as soon as we were rescued and is currently recovering just fine. Again, we thank you all for your continuous prayers and support during this time, and because of you all, we will surely have a speedy recovery and resume living our lives. Thank you.”

As the four men began to walk away, reporters continued to hound them with questions, demanding a little more to be said about what had happened to them. The guards quickly intervened, distancing the invading reporters from the guys and their families as they filed into the waiting vehicles.

“What are you thinking about Bri Bear?” Leighanne whispered into Brian’s ear as she snuggled up beside her husband.

Brian found himself staring out the window as the large vans drove away from the hospital, headed to the nearest hotel. “How I had the perfect trip planned out for us… in hopes to recapture and relive the good times, and how it all changed so quickly. I felt like… what we had gone through, had definitely tested our friendship with one another.”

“And…?” she drawled out slowly.

“And…” Brian smiled at the thought of his two youngest brothers being the ones that saved them all, how Kevin had sacrificed himself, how Howie remained strong within his faith. Though they were faced with a traumatic, unimaginable circumstance, it didn’t completely foil his plans of bringing them together and reconnecting. If anything, it had done just that, and definitely made their bonds with one another tighter and stronger than ever before. “We passed.”

End Notes:

Once again, thank you ALL for taking the time to read this story and for accepting it! You all have truly encouraged and inspired me, so thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!! :) <3

Chapter 23 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:

Second to the last chapter people!! Finally, ANOTHER long story to add to the complete list!! :D

“Recording in three… two… one… go.”

“Hi, we’re the Backstreet Boys!” Howie, Brian, AJ and Nick chorused out. They had decided to make a video for the fans and world to see, to update them on their recovery, their plans, and thank them for the prayers and support. They were in Brian’s hotel room, smashed together on the couch while Jenn filmed them.

“Oh my god, we’re back again… can’t hold us down, get it through your head!” Brian sang out, causing the other three to laugh.

“But here we are, we are back, on the mend and looking forward to our future thanks to all of you out there.” Howie spoke out.

Nick chimed in next, “We just want to thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for your unconditional love, support and prayers that you have given us during this time.”

Silence had befallen the group, causing Howie, Brian and Nick to look over at AJ, who obviously missed his cue. “Oh, my turn?” he asked, causing them to groan out. “We’re all okay, and are continuing to heal. We’re actually talking about getting back into the studio once everything settles down, and I apologize ahead of time if Nick and I forget lyrics during our performances, because… these head injuries we sustained managed to knock out what little amount of brain cells we had left.”

Nick shot a look at AJ, “Wow dude, never thought I’d hear the day where you’d dumb yourself down.”

“We actually have a special guest with us here today!” Brian interjected in a goofy tone, “He wants to thank you all as well for your continuous love and prayers. It’s none other than Daddy Kevin!!”

The four of them began to clap and cheer as Kevin slowly wandered into the shot from the side. He was shirtless, and his arms, chest and back were all painted blue. In the middle of his chest, was the Superman logo sloppily painted on. He walked in with nothing but khaki pants on, his top half painted, and his hands placed on his hips.

“Yeah, it’s Superman!” AJ laughed as the rest of them cheered, “Nothing can keep him down.”

Brian rose from the couch, “Look, you can’t even see his surgery scar!” he said as he pointed to Kevin’s right shoulder, where he had the surgery done.

Kevin sighed and shook his head… they kept referring to him as ‘Superman’, so it was Nick’s bright idea to have him walk into the shot, shirtless and have them paint the Superman logo onto his chest. He could clearly see that not a lot had changed with these guys since he’s left… if anything, they probably got worse with their crazy antics.

“And now, we have a special surprise for one of our own, and we will have Superman here present it himself!” Brian said to the camera before he sat back down on the couch.

Kevin smirked and rolled his eyes, reaching behind him and pulling out an object from his back pocket. “We gather here today, in part to express the fullness of our gratitude and appreciation to a young, brave soldier who saved countless lives… three to be exact. While he did not act alone, his fellow comrade who also bravely laid down his life on the line in attempts to save others recognizes the fact that no one outside of military personnel receives a medal of honor.”

As the group busted out in laughter, Kevin handed the medallion over to Nick, “A medal, not so much of honor, but carefully selected by the four of us with pride and dignity.”

The group cheered as Nick grabbed the medallion, looking it over. “Wow, you guys are assholes... thanks.” Nick said in an unenthusiastic tone, causing them to all laugh. “I am number one!” Nick read from the medallion as he held it up for the camera as Jenn zoomed in on it.

“Speech!! Speech!!” AJ jeered in a low voice, causing Brian to do the same.

Nick stood up from the couch, giving slight bows and pretending that he was waving at an audience of people in front of him, “I’d just like to thank all the little people and this…” he gestured back towards AJ, “grizzly of man behind me for staring danger in the eye with me. Through this experience, our bromance has truly grown and become unparalleled.”

“Alright, that’s enough Nick, you can sit down!” AJ quickly interjected, pulling his younger friend to sit back down on the couch.

Brian leaned forward to look at AJ, “Who’s traveling down the Bromantic Brick Road now?”

AJ shook his head, “No, no, no, no, no dude… Nick’s been in a gay mood.”

“Can I shower and put a shirt on now?” Kevin asked, rolling his eyes. He couldn’t believe that he was standing there, shirtless with his makeshift Superman costume, while the younger ones bickered back and forth with each other.

“Yeah you can…” Nick replied, “but after you do that one thing I told you to do.”

“Nickolas, no.”

“C’mon Kev, just do it one time!”

Kevin gave his infamous “look”, to which riled a reaction out of Nick and AJ.

“HE DID IT!!” AJ shouted, jumping up from the couch and cheering. “Good lord, he did it!” he ran up towards the camera, “Did ya’ll see that?! That’s what Nick and I had go through for the last seventeen years of our lives!!”

Kevin closed his eyes and shook his head at their retarded antics, “I’m not doing it Nick.”

“Who saved your guys lives?” Nick counteracted.

Kevin glanced over at Howie and his cousin, hoping that they would come to his defense. Brian was chuckling while Howie held his hands up in defense, “Don’t look at me bro… I had to deal with them in your absence.”

Rolling his eyes, knowing that he wouldn’t get anywhere, Kevin slowly sauntered over towards the center of the camera, getting ready to do whatever it was Nick wanted him to do.

“Wait!” Nick shouted as he rose up in his seat a bit, reaching back to grab something out of his back pocket. “We need music!” was all he said as he pulled his cell phone out and began to pull up his music player on the phone.

Kevin closed his eyes as soon as he heard Soulja Boy’s “Crank That (Superman)” song blast through from Nick’s cell phone. Positioned in front of the camera, Kevin began to do the “soulja boy” dance, while the rest of the boys sang the song along with the music in the background, “Soulja boy up in this oooohhh, watch me crank and watch me roooollllll, watch me crank that soulja boy and superman that oooohhhhh!!”

“Alright, that’s enough!” Kevin said sternly as he stopped dancing and walked off to the side again. “Can I leave now?”

“Kevin Richardson, ladies and gentlemen!” Nick joked as he gestured over towards Kevin while the rest of them cheered unenthusiastically.

Kevin walked up to the camera, “And you guys wonder why I left the group.” he said before he walked away.

“Wait, wait, wait Kev, come back!” Brian exclaimed, “Lets all end this video together.”

A few seconds later, Kevin trudged back into the shot, placing himself at the end of the couch where Howie was sitting. “Alright, what are we gonna do?” he asked as he sat down on the armrest.

“What better way to end the video than to go into one of our songs, acapella?” Brian suggested.

They huddled together, discussing what song they could sing acapella and began to sound out their harmonies. When they were ready, they turned back to the camera and waited on their former leader.

Kevin counted them in, “One, two, three…”

They began to sing the song they thought would be fitting to leave them on, harmonizing with each other perfectly, “Everybody, yeah… rock your body, yeah… everybody, rock your body right.”

“Rock your body right!” AJ belted out.

“Backstreet’s back ALRIGHT!!”


“Right through here ma’am.” a prison guard said as he led a young, blonde female through the halls and over to the cubicle where a criminal was waiting.

“Thank you.” she replied, “I’ve got it from here.”

“Yes ma’am.” the prison guard nodded as he watched her walk over towards the waiting criminal. She was a beautiful blonde bombshell, who wore big, white framed sunglasses. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail with a fashionable hair scarf wrapped around her head. She wore a simple creamed colored dress, a large fashion designer bag slung on her shoulder. Her red pumps and red lips stood out painfully, her heels clacking on the cold, hard tile in a steady rhythm.

She sat herself down on the chair that was positioned there, staring at the man she came to visit and speak to. A plexiglas is what stood between her and the criminal, and on the side of them were two black telephones. Slowly, the man reached out and picked the phone up off the receiver. A few seconds later, the woman did the same.

“Hello.” he started off.

The woman simply continued to stare at him, “What… happened.” she bit out in a low, menacing tone.

“We had them all, we really did!” the man blurted out.

“Will you be quiet!” she seethed in a whisper. “We’re still in a place where people can fucking hear you!”

“James and Adrianna captured them all in the house… I-I’m not sure what happened after that!” he explained in a softer tone.

The woman pushed her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose as she began to massage her temples, “I’ll tell you what happened Rick… you guys were only supposed to capture TWO of them, that’s it, not five, but two. I told you guys if you had to kill the other three, then do it, but I only wanted two of them to be brought back to me, alive. I paid you all for a fucking reason, how hard was that?”

Rick remained silent for a while, contemplating if he should reveal the change of plans James and Adrianna had come up with. He figured, perhaps if he told her, she could help him break out of this place. “James had a change of plans when he realized that these guys you had us going after were celebrities. He figured he could make more money off of making them hostages then he could have received from you. Yo-you didn’t tell us who we were dealing with!”

“Because it didn’t matter!” the woman snapped back. “I paid you guys, and your guys’ job was to only get the two that, ironically, were the first to get away and get help, and bring them back to me alive. But instead, you all decided to be so selfish and now look, a sabotaged plan that left both James and Adrianna dead. And now, here we are… you’re all locked up, those guys are walking around and I’m back to square one.”

“I-I wasn’t apart of their plan! I can get those two for you all by myself, I promise you, I can!”

The woman simply shook her head as she stood up, “They always say when you want something done, you have to do it yourself…”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Rick cried out his apology.

“Oh, you will be.” the woman replied in a dark tone as she began to walk out. “But it won’t matter.”

Rick watched as the young woman left. “Fucking bitch.” he growled out under his breath as he stood up from where he sat and was led out by a prison guard.

“It’s lunch for you guys.” the guard spoke out as he led Rick out to the large dining hall, where the other prisoners had already gathered to grab their food to eat.

Rick immediately spotted Bobby, Dennis, Richard and Zack, who were all seated at a table, already eating their food. Rick got in line to grab his meal and made his way over towards them. “That woman’s a fucking bitch!” was all he said as he sat down next to Dennis.

“What’d she say?” Richard asked as he scooped up a heaping spoonful of mush that was supposed to be meatloaf. “Is she gonna bust us outta this joint?”

“She just reiterated what the plan was supposed to be… I swear, if it wasn’t for fucking James and that bitch of his, we’d still be free men, roaming around with a shitload of money in our pockets.”

“That’s what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.” Bobby growled out as he slammed his fist down on the table, rattling their metal trays and causing a few burly prisoners to look their way.

Before another word was said, a group of big, muscular prisoners approached them from behind. The five of them turned around to address the group of Mexican gangsters, who were now just staring at them. “Can we help you?” Bobby asked in a gruff tone, trying to bluff, which no one bought.

“Courtesy of Layla.” was all the leader said before the gang immediately rushed and pulled the five up from where they sat and began to beat them relentlessly, stabbing them over and over with their makeshift weapons.


Her heels clacked painfully against the pavement as she walked out from the prison and towards a waiting vehicle. She smiled as the guards that had followed her out immediately turned around and began running back into the building, yelling out that there was a riot going on.

“I guess those guys accepted our gifts.” the driver said as the woman, named Layla, opened the car door and climbed into the passenger side. “It was an offer they couldn’t refuse.”

“Made sure those five dumbasses won’t EVER speak of our propositions with them.” Layla replied as she flipped down the overhead visor and began to look herself over in the mirror. She removed the scarf that was wrapped around her head, along with the blonde ponytail wig, allowing her short, dark brown hair to cascade down to her shoulders. She removed her sunglasses and ruffled her hair a bit as she settled back into the seat.

“I love it when you mess your hair like that, you’re so fucking hot!” the man growled as he reached over to grab her, pulling her close to him and smashing his mouth onto hers, kissing her deeply. “With the way you can easily disguise yourself, you never cease to amaze me.”

She leaned forward to catch him in another kiss, nibbling on his lower lip before she pulled away, “You love anything I do Daryl.”

Daryl gave a sultry smile as he turned the car on and threw it into reverse, pulling out of the parking lot. “We’re the modern day Bonnie and Clyde.”

Layla simply grinned, pearly white teeth peeking out from her harsh, red tainted lips, “That we are baby, that we are…”

“Where off to now?” he asked as he drove down the road.

She remained silent for a while, formulating a plan that suddenly came to her as they drove away from the prison, “Lets go get my man… and our money.”

End Notes:

Alright, now I know what you're thinking... who in the hell is this Layla chick?!? You'll find out soon enough! I'll tell you this much, not all is what it seems. >:]

Just wanted to share, I came up with her name from this Eric Clapton song; Totally envisioned this conniving, manipulative, deceptive bitch to be a Layla, walking away from her victims to this song, lol. It just fit!

Just one more chapter people! Thanks again for taking the time to read this story and stick with it for this long. Can't wait to get started on the sequel! As always, feedback appreciated, welcomed and loved! :)

Chapter 24 by rebellious_one
Author's Notes:

The LAST chapter. Finally, another COMPLETE story in the books! :D

“Man, I can’t believe this is finally it… the big day.” Nick stated to no one in particular as he looked himself over in a large stand mirror. He turned around to face his best friend who was behind him, “How do I look?”

“Like how you did on the cruise.” Brian replied as he began to adjust his bowtie a bit. “A Backstreet Boy going to prom.”

“So then, where’s your prom dress my lovely date?” Nick joked, quickly dodging the hotel chair pillow Brian chucked in his direction.

“Prick.” Brian muttered just as their hotel door opened, revealing Howie and Kevin who walked into the room.

“Glad to see you’re dressed and ready.” Kevin remarked as he looked their youngest brother over, “I was afraid that I’d walk into this room, finding you to still be in your briefs or something.”

“First of all…” Nick started off matter-of-factly as he turned to face the eldest, “This is the year 2011 Kev… I’m a big boy now; I be rocking my Dora the Explorer Pull-Ups as we speak! Second of all, I find it highly disturbing that you were expecting to walk in and see me in my briefs.”

Kevin rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Bro, could you NOT be homo for like a few weeks? You can pull that shit with Brian and AJ, but not with me buddy.”

A knock on the door rendered them silent for a while, before Howie walked over to open the door, allowing a slightly frenzied looking Jenn into their room.

“Well, well shawty, don’t you look beautiful?” Nick cracked as he marveled Jenn’s appearance, to which her brown hair was scrunched to the side, lose curls falling past her shoulders, and wore a short, fitted blood red dress, which were complimented by her black heels and cluth and painfully red lips.

“Have any of you guys seen AJ?” was all that Jenn asked in reply, sounding a bit out of breath.

The four of glanced at each other, realizing for the first time that they were so wrapped up in getting ready that they hadn’t even seen their brother at all today. “To tell you the truth Jenn, we haven’t seen him at all today.” Brian answered, “Last we heard, Q had Mac run him home to get something.”

Jenn released an exasperated sigh as her brows furrowed in panic, “Shit you guys, Rochelle has been looking for him as well and none of us can find him! You don‘t… you don‘t think he‘s gotten cold feet, do you?”

Nick simply waltzed over towards Jenn and reached out to grab her by her shoulders, giving her a gentle, reassuring shake in attempts to calm her down a bit. “Relax Jennay… Rochelle ain’t supposed to see him anyway, it’s like bad luck or some shit like that. As for this whole cold feet nonsense… this is AJ we’re talking about!! He’s been waiting for this moment practically his whole life! If anything, Rochelle would be the one to get cold feet, not him!”

Jenn simply nodded, trying hard to digest and believe what Nick was telling her, “You’re right… he and Mac are probably just running a little late, maybe stuck in traffic or something? I should be on the phone with him right now, trying to figure out where in blazing hell they are!” as she pulled out her phone to make the call, her eyes widened upon seeing the time. “Oh god, it’s time!! You guys need to be out there already and we have a missing groom on our hands!!”

It was Kevin’s turn to try and calm the erratic younger woman down, “Just call AJ or Mac and see where they’re at. We’ll go out there and try to stall it. We won’t let Rochelle know yet that he isn’t here… I really don’t want to distraught the already stressed woman, so we’ll go from there, alright?”

Jenn could only nod as she punched in AJ’s number first, walking out of the hotel room to make the call. Kevin was the next to file out of the room, followed by the remaining three. They made their way down to the elegantly decorated area where the ceremony was to be held and positioned themselves up at the front of the altar.

“Man, I sure hate to be Mac right now…” Nick muttered to Brian, who could only simply agree, “I’m sure Jenn will have his head for screwing up, and Rochelle would probably want to mount it on her mantlepiece.”

Five minutes pased, and nothing. Ten minutes passed, still the same result. Fifteen minutes passed, and Rochelle wasn’t even standing at the end of the aisle. A full twenty minutes had passed after the initial start of the ceremony, and people began to glance around at each other, obviously growing restless and inquisitive of what exactly was going on… or lack thereof.

“I have an unsettling feeling about this you guys…” Howie said to no one in particular as they remained standing at the front of the altar. “This is very unlike AJ…”

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, prepared to call AJ’s cell phone. He was rendered motionless though as he caught sight of Q down at the end of the aisle, now making his way towards them. The look on his face was one that worried them all.

“You guys…” Q started off in a breathy tone.

Kevin immediately shout out for Q and urgently pulled him towards their group, huddling around him so they could hear what he had to say, “I really don’t like that look on your face Q…” Kevin pointed out in a whisper, his features becoming rigid, “What’s going on?”

“AJ’s missing.”


Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away… this year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special…

He arose to the sound of the classic Christmas song playing from a distant radio. He slowly rose his head from it’s lolled position, his neck protesting in pain as he broght movement to the stiffened muscles. Eyes fluttering, he was greeted by a familiar setting through his blurred vision. Wanting to rub his eyes from the disorientation, he tried to raise his hands but quickly found that it was bound together behind him. His eyes widened upon realizing that he was seated on a chair and his arms were wrenched behind him, metal handcuffs encircled his wrists.

Once bitten and twice as shy, I kept my distance but you still catch my eye, tell me baby do you recognize me? Well it’s been a year, it doesn’t surprise me…

“What the fuck?!” he cried out as he struggled on the chair, tugging hard against the cuffs and realizing that his feet were bound to the chair as well. “SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!” he shouted, hoping that someone, anyone would hear his plea.

Happy Christmas… I wrapped it up and sent it, with a note saying “I love you” I meant it, now I know what a fool I’ve been, but if you kissed me now I know you’d fool me again…

“How in the fuck…” he voiced out to himself as he began to look him self over, trying to figure out how he landed here, bound to a chair. The last thing he remembered was being at the hotel, getting ready for his wedding. Sure enough, when he looked himself over, he stil found himself dressed in his tuxedo, the only difference was that his black overcoat remained unbuttoned and opened as his undone bowtie hung around his neck. For the life of him he couldn’t remember how he got here or who even brought him here…

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away… this year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special…

As he continued to struggle, he failed to notice the sound of high heels, clacking painfully against the concrete flooring. “Welcome back Alex.”

AJ looked up at the stranger and gasped.

A crowded room, friends with tired eyes… I’m hiding from you and your soul of ice… my god I thought you were someone to rely on… Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on…

“Wha-what’s going on?! What are you doing?!?” AJ asked frantically, his voice seeming to crack with emotion.

“Haven’t you been told to never accept drinks from someone you don’t know?” the female stranger asked as she dragged a chair across the room. AJ winced upon hearing the wooden legs of the chair scrape painfully across the cement, until she situated the chair across from him and sat down. She simply smiled, pearly white teeth peering out from behind her crimson red painted lips.

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart, a man undercover but you’ve torn me apart… oooh-hooo, now I’ve found a real love, you’ll never fool me again…

“We spiked the drink that was sent to you… it was that easy.” she continued as she crossed one leg over the other.

AJ wracked his brain for the memory of it all. He remembered being separated from Rochelle, he was in one hotel room while she was in another, both getting ready. He had called his brothers to make sure they were getting ready themselves. He remembers hearing a knock on the door just as he finished tidying up himself, and had opened the door to be greeted by room service, which was presented by a male worker. It was a lone champagne flute with a written note from Rochelle that said, “Now I can rest my worries and always be sure, that I won’t be alone anymore… Now and forever, you will be my man. Love, your monkee.” They had spiked that drink.

“Remember what happened to you guys last Christmas?” she asked as she rose from the chair and began to walk circles around him, “The hostage situation up at the lodge? That was only the beginning sweetheart… this isn’t over, not by a longshot.” she shot her hand out, roughly grabbing him by his chin and forcing him to look at her; her nails dug painfully into the delicate flesh of his cheeks, “We’re here to finish it… and believe me, we will finish it.”

She bent down, her face hovering close to his, her red blood-red lips ghosting over his. As she tried to kiss him, he quickly turned his head, causing her lips to be placed on his cheek instead. She simply smiled as she straightened herself back up. “Well, it’s been fun, but I have a wedding to go to…” she said as she turned and began walking away, “I’ve got some very lovely people to see.”

AJ’s eyes widened as he struggled even more in attempts to get free. “Don’t you DARE FUCKING TOUCH THEM!!” he screamed as he continued to pull at his binds, but his threats fell on nothing but deaf ears as the radio seemed to drown out his voice.

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away… this year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special…

End Notes:

FINALLY!! Done with this story!! Lol. I just want to take this time to thank each and every one of you that took the time to read this fic, mention this fic, stick with it as long as you have, and leave such great reviews! From the bottom of my heart, I greatly and truly appreciate it! You guys all inspire and encourage me, so it's all thanks to you guys that I was able to complete this fic and think up ideas for the sequel! Lol.

Once again, thank you all and I seriously can't wait to get started working on the sequel and get it out to you all! I promise ya'll twists, and I'll be sure to deliver just that with the first chapter of the sequel; so stay tuned! ;)

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