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She was out the front of their house, running around the yard with their adorable 3 year old child they so lovingly wanted when a car pulled up in front of their yard. Standing still she looked at the car, hoping it was him. Their child ran into her legs and stopped, looking up at her wondering what was going on. The driver got out of the car and went to the trunk which was opening up to collect what would be bags, the passenger getting out of the driver’s side back door.

Getting out of the car, he rushed a hand through his hair, fixing his clothes up from being in the seat and the seat belt on him, grabbed his jacket and smiled at her and their child. He collected his bags, a bag being put on his back, thanked the driver and smiled again. She smiled with relief. Their child squealed in delight. The three of them met each other at the beginning of the driveway. He knelt down and picked up their child, standing back up and put an arm around his wife. “Welcome home.” She said.
“It’s good to be home.” He replied as he hugged his family, giving his wife a kiss on the lips.


Brianna was curled up in bed, the doona around her when her son Mark came in jumping on the bed, a hand on her cheek.
“Hey you.” She laughed.
“Hey you.” He giggled back. Brianna sat up in the bed, cuddling Mark and giving him a tickle, she loved hearing him cackle when she tickled me.
“I’m hungry.” He said.
“Hungry are we? How hungry are we?” Brianna asked.
“VERY!” Mark replied.
“Could it be birthday boy hungry?” She asked.
“YEP!” He squealed.
“How old are you today?” She said wanting to see him show his 3 little fingers.
“Fwee” He replied.
“Oh boy! You are a big boy. Alright. Come on. Bathroom first then breakfast.” She told him.

As they got out of bed, Brianna could only but smile looking at her son run off to the bathroom. Three years old. She couldn’t believe she would get this far.

In the kitchen, Mark sat at the kitchen bench, his spoon ready for her cereal, mushed down with the milk poured own. “Want some toast? Mommy’s having some toast.” Brianna asked Mark.
“Yummy!” He grinned. As she put toast in for the two of them, the phone rang. It would only be Andrew’s parents ringing at this hour.
“You wanna answer it?” Brianna suggested. Mark quickly got out of his seat and raced to grab the phone that was on the kitchen bench. Brianna watched Mark on the phone talking to his Grandparents while she was making them toast. She thought to herself that Andrew should be here.

Andrew and Brianna met 5 years earlier through a mutual friend, Alexander “AJ” McLean from the famous band Backstreet Boys. Andrew was a close friend of Alex’s, Brianna a singer Alex befriended a year before when Alex went to a nightclub and saw Brianna perform. Andrew and Brianna first met at a Backstreet Boys concert backstage. The last 3 and a bit years, Brianna was on her own. Andrew died in a car accident, the day Brianna found out she was pregnant with Mark, Andrew not knowing. Alex stood by Brianna through everything in the pregnancy. Brianna had no friends as she was new in town, moving to Los Angeles to be with Andrew.

Brianna had only just moved to Los Angeles from Chicago just 2 weeks earlier when her world was shattered. She thought about moving back to Chicago but after some soul searching she convinced herself to stay in Los Angeles. She was an only child and her parents were only child’s themselves, both died when Brianna was 15, Brianna living in foster homes until she turned 18 and was to fend for herself. The only friends that Brianna could count on were Alex mainly but the rest of the Backstreet Boys family, which Brianna didn’t want to do as often.

When Mark was born, Alex and his girlfriend Karen were there with her as Mark Alexander was born. Fortunately, Brianna and Andrew discussed and agreed to that if Brianna were to fall pregnant, that their child’s middle name would be Alexander. Alex didn’t know this.

Earning an income to provide for Mark, Brianna went back to work as a nightclub singer a few nights a week and vocal lessons privately to people. Brianna didn’t have enough money to pay for a babysitter for Mark so in return of favour, she gave vocal lessons for free.