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It had been 2 weeks since that day. Work was starting in progression for recording and the guys were rehearsing after rehearsing over songs and making suggestions and changing things. Brianna didn’t go in everyday as she wasn’t needed. She tried to get her head around the fact that Nick liked her.

Late that night when they were needing to record a demo of a song that Brianna would be on, Nick and her were alone. Brian and Leighanne had a function on that night and Brian was guest speaker. Howie was home with Leigh and James who were both sick and Alex was out with Karen at a movie premiere Alex was to attend.

With Nick and Brianna at the control deck listening to the song they started, sitting next to each other, they were making notes of what they thought could change. Brianna leaned back as far as she could and wrote without looking what she was writing or where she was writing. When Nick realised what Brianna was doing he laughed.

“What?” She laughed back.
“You. Ya writing without looking where you are writing and all. What gives?” Nick explained.
“I’ve always done this. It started ages ago that I forgot when it did.” Brianna replied.
“I’ve just never seen anyone do it. Pretty far out.” Nick said.
“Well that’s me. Far out.” Brianna joked.
“Sure are. Come on, let’s get outta here.” Nick suggested putting down his paper and switching the control deck off. Getting up he put his hands towards Brianna to hold onto to get out of the chair.
“Where we going?” Brianna asked as she got out of the chair.
“Wherever you wanna go.” Nick replied bringing Brianna closer to him, his arms around her. Brianna just froze for a few minutes.
“I know, come on. It ain’t far from here.” Nick added a few minutes later, holding her hand.

They went to a little Japanese restaurant around the corner for a late dinner. The staff knew Nick and showed him to the table where he normally sat and gave them menus. “This place like rocks. I may as well own this place. I am here all the time and all.” Nick joked commenting as they were waiting for their sushi.
“Why don’t you?” Brianna said.
“Yeah right. Me own a restaurant.” He laughed.
“I’m serious. If you keep coming back here, you have faith and trust these people. Not meaning to title you and all, but celebrities are buying restaurants and all. If you want to do it, do it.” Brianna replied.
“You really think so?” He asked.
“I do. I really do.” She smiled.
“Hmmm.” He smirked thinking. While they were eating their dinner, Nick and Brianna were talking about the plans for the album, and then they he ended up talking about Mark.
“He’s such a cute kid.” He remarked.
“Yeah he is. Real good.” Brianna replied.
“You should be proud of what you are doing. AJ’s always talking about him.” Nick said.
“Yeah, he does have a soft spot. Mark looks up to Alex.” Brianna replied.
“Now, that can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.” He joked.
“I know.” Brianna laughed.

When they walked out of the restaurant, it all of a sudden got cool. Brianna rubbed her arms to warm herself up. “Here.” He said offering his jacket, opening it up for her.
“Thanks.” She replied wrapping it up around her.
“Say I was wondering, this weekend, you and Mark wanna come down the beach with me?” Nick asked as they walked back to the studio to their cars.
“Yeah ok sure. That’ll be nice. He hasn’t been down to the beach in a while.” Brianna replied.
“Cool. Well, I’ll guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Nick said when they arrived at their cars.