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Because Brianna was going to be doing some rapping with Nick, they were working together a lot more. Brianna was trying to maintain her work life and her life as a mother. Heather had to take time off for her family so Brianna was single handily doing everything. Her gig at the club was accommodating, it was just her commitment at the studio with the guys that was the trouble. Karen helped out a few times when she wasn’t working. There were times where Brianna had to bring Mark into the studio but he was well behaved.

One night, Nick and Brianna needed to work more on rehearsing for a song they were basically doing a duet with Alex, Brian and Howie as backup vocals and needed to work on it. With more appearances of Brian, Howie and Alex, Nick and Brianna were left to work more on the album. Mark was starting to get restless in the studio so Nick suggested they go back to Brianna’s.

Sitting on the couch, Brianna crossed legged, hair tied back roughly, Nick sat side on, legs crossed with the lyrics in front of them, they went through the lyrics.
“You are too damn good. You seriously are.” Nick grinned at her.
“Thanks. I have to say that in the studio and all, you are fantastic even more. It’s hard to say.” Brianna replied blushing, turning her head away from Nick.
“Haha, it’s all good. I know what you mean. I have to say, I sound better when in the studio and all. I sound fine on stage and all but its the studio.” Nick replied.
“Away from all the critics and stuff?” Brianna asked, getting up to go to the kitchen.
“Yeah sorta. After all these years, I’m used to it but there are always new ones every day. Even though there is pressure in the studio, it’s less. You know?” Nick replied following her.
“Yeah, even though I am on a smaller scale than you, I feel it too.” Brianna added.
“You really are fantastic.” Nick murmured, moving closer to her, a hand brushing her hair away from her face that had fallen. Brianna tried to say something but she was speechless. Nick moved towards closer to her lips, lifting her chin up with a finger and kissed her. The more they kissed, they put their arms around each other.
“Mommy.” Brianna heard Mark. Nick and Brianna parted, Nick grinning.
“Back in a sec.” Brianna told Nick and went to Mark’s room.

“What’s up sweetie?” Brianna asked as she sat next to him on the bed.
“Had a bad dream.” He sweetly replied rubbing his eyes.
“Aww baby, it’s alright. It’s ok. Come on, get outta bed.” Brianna replied kissing him on his forehead.
“Hey champ.” Nick said who was finishing making the coffee when Brianna walked out with Mark holding her hand.
“Hi.” Mark quietly replied.
“We just had a bad dream didn’t we?” Brianna said, sitting back on the sofa, Mark cuddling up to her.
“That’s no good. We can’t have that can we?” Nick said to Mark, scruffing his hair, smiling at Mark.
“Wanna hear Mommy and Nick sing the new song?” Brianna asked him.
“K.” Mark replied.

Within a few minutes Mark was asleep. “I should get going.” Nick commented when Brianna came back into the living room.
“Stay, stay the night.” Brianna suggested.
“Nah, it’s cool. I got some work stuff to do in the morning at home, phone conferences and stuff. Thanks anyway.” Nick replied as they walked to the door.
“See you tomorrow.” Brianna whispered.
“See you tomorrow.” Nick added giving her a kiss on the lips and left.

Brianna spent the rest of the night awake, thinking about what just happened. Was Nick just flirting with her? Was this his way of letting her know he likes her and wants to continue this? Was he wanting a relationship? Was Nick wanting to have her as a rebound from Lauren? The only thing Brianna knew, was that she couldn’t tell Alex. Brianna decided at 6am that she would see how Nick would be when at the studio with the guys and take it from there. She didn’t know Nick well enough to do anything.

With an hours sleep, Brianna got up and attended to Mark’s breakfast. She wanted Mark to watch some DVD’s while she cleaned the apartment before going into the studio for a couple of hours and then onto the club.

Arriving at the studio Brianna carried Mark so he wouldn’t run away. A backpack for him and a backpack for her she walked in. Alex was in the hallway. “Uncle Alex!” Mark squealed.
“Hey there kiddo. Come to see me at work hey?” Alex remarked as he knelt down to Mark’s level who was now running to him.
“Yup.” Mark smiled.
“Cool. I will take you somewhere you will love. Your Mom may not like it but you will and that’s all that matters.” Alex said.
“Yay!” Mark cheered.
“Everyone here?” Brianna asked as she walked in the recording studio with Alex, Alex holding onto Mark’s hand.
“Everyone but Nick. Got held up with one of his conference calls. Well that’s what he says anyway.” Howie replied laughing.
“I am here now.” Nick called out walking in. Brianna froze for a second. Mark was seated down on the big couch, Alex playing with him. Howie and Brian were at the control deck.
“Like about time! Come on.” Brian added.
“You be a good boy alright. You be quiet. Know when Mommy is at the club?” Brianna told Mark.
“Ok.” Mark replied as he got his crayons out and began drawing on the paper they brought.
“He’ll be fine.” Robert one of the producers assured her.

In the recording booth, they all got in their positions, Brianna facing opposite Nick for when they were doing their rap duet. He gave her the wink, he always gave and gave an extra big smile before they were on the countdown to record.

After a lengthy break they all walked out of the booth for a break, Nick pulling Brianna back from everyone walking out. Wanting to hold her hand. “Nick.” She said quietly turning her head away from him.
“It’s alright. It’s ok. I’m ready if you are.” He replied, turning her head to look up at him.
“But what about...” She began to say.
“Being too soon? What AJ will think? The guys?” He asked.
“All of the above.” Brianna replied.
“They know I’ve been out of love for a while, even when I was with her. AJ I think will be stoked actually.” Nick replied ending in a chuckle.
“You know there isn’t just me. It’s Mark. We’re a team.” She warned him.
“I know. If you want to hold things off...I don’t know what you will say to Mark....” Nick began to say.
“I’ll just say you are a special friend. He doesn’t need to know any more than that. Anyway, he’s 3.” Brianna replied.
“Ok.” Nick said pecking her on the lips. They then walked out, hand in hand, Brianna close by Nick.

“WHA???” Brian asked when they walked out, looking up from the couch who was playing with Mark.
“Since when?” Alex asked.
“Um, since last night I think it was.” Nick replied looking at Brianna.
“Yeah it was or was it this morning?” Brianna replied.
“What???” Howie asked.
“NO! Nothing like that. No way man. We were working on the song til god knows how long. I even went home.” Nick cut in.
“So are you?” Brian asked.
“Yeah, I guess you could say we are.” Nick replied, giving Brianna a squeeze.
“Just the close ones know. No one else.” Brianna warned them.
“All the girls will be so heartbroken again now.” Howie laughed.
“Yeah, Nick, you’ve done it again.” Alex laughed.
“What can I say?” Nick shrugged.
“If you do anything man...I swear....” Alex told him giving him an evil eye.
“Chill man, it’s all good.” Nick replied.

“Hey Mark, come here, Uncle Alex has a surprise. Wanna see?” Alex asked Mark.
“YES!” Mark cheered. Alex picked Mark up, put him on Alex’s shoulders and out they walked of the recording studio, everyone following behind. The instruments.
“Wanna play Nicky’s drums?” Alex asked.
“AJ you feeling alright? Mark play on Nick’s drums? You wouldn’t even let Baylee on them and he LOVES the drums.” Brian asked.
“I changed my mind.” Alex replied as he sat Mark up at the drum set, handing Mark the drum sticks.
“Be careful honey.” Brianna called out.
“He’ll be fine.” Howie told her. They all had a chuckle watching Mark and Alex at the drums.