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~ Chapter 6 ~

AJ, Kevin, Brian and Howie all went down the studio to get their picture taken. Kevin was fuming, he couldn’t believe Nick; he tried to call him and talk to him like a civilized person, but it seemed Nick wanted to be everything, but that! Was a girl really worth all this? Worth losing his career over? Or maybe it was just some sort of cry for help? He wasn’t blind and had noticed the sudden attitude change in his behavior, he was depressed, but he kept on pushing everyone away. How was he supposed to help him, if he wouldn’t let anyone near him?

He took a deep breath and approached Brad Windmaker; their photographer, “Hey, Brad.”

“Good, you’re all here,” he said, without even glancing up at him. “Now go over to the green screen that I have set up for you guys. I decided to do a water theme, so makeup isn’t required,” he explained, as he was fixing some sort of light with a long black stand.

Kevin rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it through his dark hair, “Uh…well, there’s a small problem.”

“What?” He glanced at Kevin with his stressful hazel eyes, “Come on, I haven’t got all day, I have Britney in less than two hours!”

He let out a loud sigh, “Nick isn’t here.”

“What?!?” He shouted, “We have a deadline, he knows this!”

Kevin could see the frustration in his face, as lines appeared across his forehead. He was only thirty-five and he was starting to look nearly forty-five with all the wrinkles that were appearing upon his once youthful face. He shouldn’t have to deal with this, Brad was a hard worker, “I know it’s just that – ”

“Nick’s been real sick,” Brian quickly added, coming up from behind his cousin.

He looked at him angrily. Kevin understood that Nick was his friend and all, but he had no right to walk out on them like that! He should be punished.

“Yeah,” Howie also said. “He must have the bug or something, because the poor guy was throwing up everywhere!”

Brad groaned, “Did he go out partying last night?” He demanding, knowing that Nick had a history of partying hard.

“No, he didn’t go out,” lied Brian. “He’s been feeling under the weather for a few days now.”

Kevin could not believe this! Brian and Howie were both lying to cover Nick’s ass! What he did was wrong and he should have to pay the price for being so irresponsible, although AJ just kept his mouth shut; his face was hard and turned his head away. He also couldn’t believe what the two were doing for their band mate. He ditched them, he should get thrown into the fire, not be allowed to prance through daisies.

Brad ran his hands through his short red curly hair that was starting to have small patches of grey, “Well since Nick isn’t here, you guys obviously can’t do the shoot.” He grabbed his black planner and began to skim through the pages and sighed, “Okay, how about this…” he looked up at Kevin, “We can meet up in three weeks, no later!”

Kevin really hated that he had to put him out like this. He could not believe in Nick’s lack of responsibility for a freaking girl! What had come over him? That boy needed sense beat into him and he would love to be the one to do the beating. He nodded, “Yeah, that’ll be great. Thanks so much, man,” he said, as he shook his hand. “I really owe you one.”

“It’ fine. You’re a good friend, Kev,” he said, with a warming smile. “Well, tell Nick I hope he feels better.”

“Uh…yeah, I’ll do that.”

“But since you guys can’t shoot today, I might as well get ready for Britney. See you in three weeks.”

“Bye, Brad and thanks again.” He walked over towards the others, giving both Brian and Howie hard looks, “Let’s go.”

“Fucking unbelievable!” Growled AJ, as he stormed out of the studio.

Kevin just shook his head, he and Nick defiantly needed a long talk. He had forgotten what the word responsibility stood for.

Nick and Kimberly went to a little diner that he knew of. It was an odd feeling for her, everyone’s eyes were on her, but they weren’t staring at her in a bad way and it made her feel…well somewhat attractive. Nick went into the diner a lot so no one even took notice in him, which was surprising. They had a nice quiet meal and Nick wanted to know more about her, he loved how normal she was around him, she wasn’t putting up a front and being something she wasn’t. Not like how most girls were. He truly enjoyed being with her. He told her more about him, he told her everything except about the guys' problems, she asked about the phone call once more, but he told her it was just one of his friends and nothing more after that. She just left it alone, wishing she knew who it was and curious if it was she they were referring to. Nick asked her about her job, he heard her mention she rather put a bullet through her head.

She groaned, “My job…I’d quit if I could,” she admitted.

“Don’t like it that much?” He asked, curious. He took a bite of his cheeseburger that he had ordered.

“It’s not just the job itself,” she continued, as she took a sip of her soda. “It’s the people...more so my boss. He’s such a dick! He’s always mean to me and I swear he is just trying to make my life miserable so I quit.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Jobs aren’t easy to come by.”

“You seem like a smart girl,” he said, with a smile.

She blushed, “Thanks, but I’m not that smart….I uh…well I never finished high school,” she shamefully admitted.

He was silent for a few seconds, “Why not?”

She sighed, “Long story short, someone hacked into my email and took very personal photos of me and posted them all over my school. And ugh, guys would say things to me…things like get on your knees baby. It was horrible.”

Nick looked at her appalled, “Did the principle do anything?”

She shook her head, “Nope. She said it was a one day thing and get over it.” She then sighed, “It was just so horrible that I had to leave….not one of my smartest choices and if I could, I would go back in a heartbeat.”

He reached out and took hold of Kimberly's hand and rubbed his thumb on top of the surface, “If you could be anything, job wise, what would it be?”

A small curve formed around her lips, “A writer. I love to write, I wanna get my GED so I can go to college for it.”

Nick looked at her with soft eyes, “That sounds like an amazing goal. I bet you, you could do it.”

She smiled, “Yeah? You really think so?”

“Defiantly. Like I said, you’re smart.”

She smiled, feeling her face flush from his kind comments. She was really liking this guy more and more and it had only been the second day. No one had ever been so sweet to her and never thought she was actually that intelligent. That alone made her feel…well good.

Soon they finished eating, Nick paid the bill and took hold of her hand and left the lovely little diner. Kimberly actually liked it there, it was nice and quaint. Not something she could see Nick being into. She was seeing a whole new side to him…a side not many people got to see.

After they left, the couple hung out for most of the day. They went to a mall, but he had to wear a hat and sunglasses so no one really recognized him. The mall was an outdoor mall, they barely bought anything. Kimberly bought new sunglasses, although Nick offered to pay she denied him and even though she did, she could see the pleased look on his face. She had her own money and just because he had a lot didn’t mean she couldn’t fend for herself. She loved being able to walk hand in hand with him, she felt so happy, so at ease. She really enjoyed talking to him. She was falling for this guy more and more. She wondered if he felt the same.

As the sky began to turn dark, he asked her if she wanted to go to a movie; not wanting to end the time he had with her quite yet. She hadn’t been to one in a while, so that answered his question.

Nick had pulled up into the parking lot of the movie theater and shut off his car and he reached into the back to grab the same blue baseball cap and big black sunglasses that he wore previously. As Kimberly watched him, she began to feel…well a little uncomfortable. He was trying to hide his face…again. Was this how it was going to be all the time when she went out with him in the public eye? But she sort of understood, he didn’t want his picture in yet another magazine and if she was in the picture with him, Laura would downright kill her. She forgot that he just couldn’t be a normal guy and walk down the streets without being mobbed by fans. That made her feel a little sad….she felt bad for him now that she thought about it.

He caught her gaze and smiled, “Don’t worry; I do this all the time. I’ll take them off when we get into the theater, I promise. I just want us to be able to get in without any hassle of me having to sign autographs.”

She hadn’t really thought about that. He didn’t get mobbed earlier when they went to the mall, all because he had on his little disguise. So he was really doing this for her? A smile appeared across her face, “Okay.”

“Are you…okay with this?”

She looked at him unsure what he had meant, “With what?”


She was surprised by the question, “Of course I am…why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know…just the way you’re looking at me. I know it’s probably a little weird for you, but unfortunately this is how it’s gonna be lots of the time. Think…think you can deal with me?” He asked, with a small laugh, but fear of rejection was in his voice.

She looked at him; stunned by how anxious his voice actually sounded, but she smiled, “Nick, of course I can.” She then laughed, “You’re really cute.” He half smiled, “But I like you…a lot and well if it means I need to get used to you wearing hats and stuff, so be it,” she said, as she straightened his hat, so the tongue was more in the front.

His lips stretched out into a large smile, “Good.” Then without any warning, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer and pressed his lips onto hers, “Have I told you, how awesome you are?” He murmured over her lips

“Not today,” she teased.

His tongue snaked into her mouth and flicked over her tongue, “Well, you are amazingly awesome.” He then gave her a quick peck, “Come on, let’s go.”

She smiled, “Okay.”

They both got out of the car and he reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. She could feel her heart beating a mile a minute, still not fully comprehending everything that was happening. She was still waiting to wake up and be alone in her bedroom, thinking her being with Nick was nothing, but an amazing dream. They walked inside and started to look over the movie chart; deciding what they should see.

“Baby Angel, see anything good?” He asked, looking at her.

She shrugged, “Hmm, I don’t know…they all look pretty good. Umm…ugh, I don’t know. You pick.”

He chuckled, “Okay…how about Dawn Of The Dead?”

“What’s that about?” She questioned.

“Zombies,” he replied as a curve formed around his lips.

She chewed on her bottom lip, that was a horror movie wasn’t it? She didn’t want to get freaked out and him make fun of her. Although, it would be a good reason to get extra close to him, she looked at him, “If I turn into a wimp, promise not to make fun of me?”

He laughed, “I promise.”

She then smiled, “But a scary movie will give me a good reason to snuggle with you,” she said, with a grin.

“Well, baby,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. “I was gonna do that anyway.”

She felt her stomach do a flip, “I was hoping that.”

They were then the next ones in line. Nick released her and stepped up, “Hey, can I get two for Dawn Of The Dead?”

“That’ll be ten fifty,” answered the chubby teenage girl with the nasal voice. “I’ll need your license and for you to remove your hat and sunglasses too, please.”

“My license? Uh…shit,” he mumbled.

Kimberly could see perfectly how nervous he was, first of all the girl was an obvious Backstreet fan. She was wearing a necklace that said BSB and she had a little pin of Nick on her blue blazer. “That is so like you,” said Kimberly shaking her head at him. He looked at her confused, “This is the second time you forgot your wallet at the house.” He then smiled and she pulled out her license to show the girl, “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” She took the license and looked at it to make sure the picture matched. After she was satisfied she pulled out the two tickets, “Here you go.”

She smiled kindly, “Thank you. So I see you like the Backstreet Boys.”

That time Nick couldn’t hide his chuckle and the girl eyed him sharply, causing him to shut up. Kimberly tried to suppress her smile, “You’re not going to make fun of me too, are you?”

“No. Defiantly not. I like their music.”

She then smiled, feeling somewhat comfortable now, “Yeah, me too. I met them once, I was in Heaven. They were all so nice to me, even Nick. He gave me a peck on the lips and I’m sure it meant nothing, but it meant everything to me. As you see, I’m not the prettiest thing, so having a guy like Nick Carter kiss me….it was like wow.”

“Aw, don’t say that. You’re pretty.”

She rolled her brown eyes, “Thanks.”

“I think you’re cute,” said Nick.

Her head shot up, “Um…yeah…thanks.” Her face turned a beat red, “Enjoy…enjoy your show.”

He laughed, “Thanks. Come on, Baby Angel.”

“Bye,” said Kimberly, smiling. Nick took her hand once again and laced their fingers, “Well, you sure made that girl happy.”

He smirked and shrugged, “I try. She looked like one of those girls that are sad, so I tried to change that. She seemed really nice, but lonely too.”

She just shook her head in astonishment, “You are defiantly one of a kind.”

“Is that a good thing?” He asked, with a laugh.

Kimberly wrapped her arms around his neck and sweetly kissed him on the lips, “Defiantly.”

He smiled and returned the kiss and amorously held onto her chin as his tongue glided against hers, “Have I mentioned how beautiful you look tonight?”

She felt her face burn and she shyly smiled, “Maybe once or twice.”

He smirked and brushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear, “Well, you are. Come on, didn’t you see the way all those truckers were staring at you?” He asked, with a smug look.

She chewed on her lower lip, “Yes,” she said, above a whisper.

Nick laughed and wrapped his arm tightly around her neck and led her into the theater, she felt like she was on cloud nine; just being near him made her feel like a million bucks. They grabbed a seat around the middle area; the theater wasn’t even that full, which was probably good for them.

After they were all settled, Nick took off his hat and sunglasses and ruffled his hair with his hand. He then looked at Kimberly and smirked, “Alone at last.”

She laughed, “Yes, we are.”

A troubled look then appeared across his face, “Shit, I’m sorry.”

She looked at him alarmed, “What?”

“I forgot to ask you if you wanted a drink or popcorn. I’m a little out of the dating scene.”

She softly giggled at his edginess to his voice, it was like he was afraid he messed things up for the night, “It’s fine. I’m not hungry.” She then wrapped both of her arms around him and resting her head against his chest, “Plus, I have all that I need right here,” she said, glancing up at him.

He smiled and cradled his arms around her and pressed his lips on her forehead. Within moments the movie began. Kimberly was surprised how much she jumped in it, causing Nick to laugh…at lot. But he tried to soothe her by rubbing her back and squeezing her close, it seemed he was enjoying her sudden outbursts far too much. She gripped his shirt and placed her face into his chest, she didn’t think a zombie movie would freak her out so much, but she did warn him. He then would try to scare her by saying he wanted to eat her up, although that backfired and he laughed, knowing it sounded more sexual than terrifying.

Once the movie ended, they waited in their seats until everyone else left, which was only about twenty people. The theater was barely full. He didn’t want to be spotted, but Kimberly thought that was just an excuse to have a little lip action, not that she was complaining. She loved how he kissed her, the way his fingers would get tangled in her hair as his mouth savagely went after hers. She felt herself melting in his kiss, she could feel her body becoming hot, the way his tongue raped hers. Damn her for having morals, she would love nothing more than to take this man right here and right now. She wondered if he would like it if she went down on him, like American Pie style.

But after much kissing, he broke away and put his hand on her chest, breathing a bit heavy, “You’re going to get me in so much trouble.”

She looked at him puzzled, “I am?” She asked, with a small laugh, “How?”

“Making me want to just throw you down on the floor as I ravage your body, not giving a fuck who sees.”

Her green eyes widened and her lips turned into a curve, “Oh really?” Her hand began to trail down his chest and down to his lower stomach, “What’s stopping you?” Seduction captured her voice.

He took a hold of her wrists and kissed the insides of them, “You’re such a tease, Baby Angel. You don’t even know how bad I want to just rip off your clothes.” His mouth then went to her neck and his hands began to drift down to her breasts and gently groped them, “Ugh, I want you,” he said, in a coarse voice.

Kimberly inhaled deeply as she felt his hands squeeze her tender breasts; she didn’t think she was going to have much self control. She didn’t know if she was going to be able to wait before giving it to him, just by that one kiss he was turning her on insanely and she wanted nothing more than just to feel him in her. “I want you too,” she murmured.

He groaned, wrapping his arms tightly around her, “You’re driving me crazy.” She laughed and embraced him, resting her head against his chest. He kissed her once on the forehead before pulling away and putting his sunglasses and hat back on. “Come on, Baby Angel.” She took hold of his hand and stood up with him, he looked at her and smiled as he walked. He stopped when he saw that the girl that sold the tickets to them was still standing there and looking bored. He chewed on his lip debating something and he began to walk over towards her.

“What are you doing?” She wondered.

He smiled and shrugged, “Just want to see one of my fans.”

A small curve formed around Kimberly’s lips, Nick was truly too good to his fans. He walked over to her; he looked down at her name tag that said Ronda. She looked surprised to see him and she stood up straight, “Is something wrong?” She asked, curious by his presences. Usually movie goers left the theater after the movie was finished.

He inhaled deeply, not believing what he was about to do. He cleared his throat, “I just wanted to tell you, you did a great job today.”

She laughed, “Uh, thanks.”

He took off his glasses and smiled his breath taking smile, “Your welcome and I just wanted to tell you that I remember you.” He walked over and kissed her sweetly on the cheek, “You defiantly should smile more, because you are a pretty girl. Boys would go crazy.”

Kimberly’s mouth turned into a large smile, she just couldn’t get over what he was doing for this girl. He defiantly was NOT a jerk, not to his fans. “I agree,” she said, with a bright smile.

Ronda looked at Nick for a few seconds in shock, her jaw dropped and her hazel eyes large, “Oh…My…God,” she breathed, it were as if she lost her voice. She swallowed hard and her eyes began to water, “Can I….can I hug you?”

He laughed and reached over to hug the girl. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and squeezed him. When he pulled away he said, “Don’t forget what I said. Well I need to go. Bye, Ronda.” He flashed her one more smile before putting the glasses back on and her face just began to glow.

Nick grabbed Kimberly’s hand and intertwined his fingers with hers as they walked out. She just looked at him amazed, “Wow,” she finally said.

“What?” He asked, as a large smile stretched out. He obviously knew what.

“You just made that girl really happy.” She shook her head in awe, as she looked at him, “You are certainly one of a kind.”

He grinned, “I try.”

She snorted, “You don’t need to.”

They came to his car and he gently pushed her against the side of it, towering over her, “You’re not jealous, are you?” He teased.

She laughed, “No.” She looked up at him and smirked, “Would you want me to be?”

He shook his head, “No…not really.” He pressed his face close to hers so that his nose was touching hers, “So it looks like I’m slowly charming my way in then, huh?” His voice sounded silky.

She giggled, “Defiantly not slowly.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”

She chewed on her bottom lip, feeling the butterflies make their round once again inside her tummy. She almost wished she could take back what she said, the expression on his face was priceless….he looked rather enthralled. “May-maybe,” she stuttered.

That caused him to smirk, “You never fail to amuse me.”

She laughed, “Thanks…I think.”

His face looked playful as he took his index finger and put it under her chin, and pressed his lips onto hers. She felt him gently nibbling on her lower lip and she groaned, he smirked and deepened the kiss, as he engulfed her mouth with his. He pressed his body against hers and his hands began to drift down her sides. Kimberly slid her fingers in his hair, as she allowed his hot tongue to explore her mouth.

“Your welcome,” he said, once he pulled away, the smile growing wide.

She looked at him a bit confused, “Uh…for what? The kiss? Well thank you.”

He laughed and pulled her into him, kissing her on the head, “I don’t think you even realize what you do to me.”

She grinned, “Would you like to specify?”

He laughed and opened the car door for her, “Maybe later.”

She smiled and sat down in the passenger seat. Nick then walked to his side and got in. After he drove out of the parking lot, he reached his arm out and wrapped it around her shoulder she leaned against him. She felt his knuckles rub her arm in a circular motion, she let out a soft sight, not remembering the last time she had smiled so much.

Kimberly wasn’t paying much attention and before she knew it, he was pulling up into her driveway, “Well…we’re here,” he announced.

She sat up straight and groaned, wishing the night didn’t have to end yet. It was late, almost ten-thirty, “Yeah, we are,” she replied, not sounding too thrilled. She didn’t want tonight to end…not ever. She loved being with him, she loved how he made her feel.

Nick leaned over and placed a sweet kiss upon her lips, “I really had a great time with you tonight.”

She smiled, “Me too.” She let out a depressing sigh, “I really wish you could stay.”

“I know, Baby Angel me too.”

A small curve formed around her lips, “Why don’t you?” Her voice began to sound seductive, “And maybe we could continue from the movie theater?”

A smirk formed around his perfect lips and he pulled her close, “God Kim,” – that sent chills down her spine – “You have no idea how tempting that sounds.” His mouth went to the nap of her neck, leaving soft kisses, which were defiantly not helping the situation.

“Mmm, then what’s stopping you?” She moaned.

He glanced up and saw that there was a red Volkswagen in the driveway’s cruddy garage, “I think your roommate is here. I don’t think me going inside is the best idea right now.”

She groaned, “That’s just like Laura ruining my fun.”

He chuckled and kissed her cheek, “You’ll see me again soon, I promise.”

“I can’t wait,” she said, with a smile.

“Me either. I really enjoy being around you. You make me feel happy.”

Kimberly took hold of his hand, “You make me feel the same, baby.”

He smiled and pressed his lips onto hers once again, “Ugh, you’re making it so difficult to leave.”

She jumped, “Wow!”

“What?” He asked, panicked.

“You just vibrated!”

He laughed and realized it was his phone that she felt. He had turned it off because Kevin and AJ were both calling him left and right. He pulled it out and once he looked at it, his face turned hard as he read the text message, “They sure know how to kill my mood,” he grumbled more to himself.

Kimberly looked at him concerned, “Is everything alright?”

He nodded, “Yeah….the guys and I….we have some serious talking to do. That’s all.”

So her theories were right, that phone conversation was about her, wasn’t it? She dipped her head and softy spoke, “Why don’t they like me?”

Nick looked at her shocked, “What do you mean? Who doesn’t like you?!?”

She looked up at him, wishing he would just come clean and tell her…she didn’t need her feelings spared. “I-I kind of heard you on the phone and you mentioned AJ….I dunno…I just get the vibe the other guys don’t like me.”

“Baby.” He wrapped his arm tightly around her, “They like you. They have no reason not to.” He could see the hurt build up in her eyes and she knew, he knew she did. Damn him for being so loud and he let out a loud sigh, “There’s just a lot that’s going on. But I swear to you, it has nothing to do with you. We’re just sort of in a middle of a small….tiff.”

“Tiff?” She didn’t believe him, God she wished she could.

“Don’t go stressing over this. Everyone likes you….Hell who couldn’t?!? You pretty much got me sucked in before we even said hello,” he told her, with a kind voice. She couldn’t help, but smile as he tried to cheer her up and well…it worked.

She nodded, “Okay.” She hugged him, “Thanks for opening up to me about it. It makes me feel good to know you can trust me.”

“It makes me feel good too, to know I can talk to someone else. I’ve been backstabbed far too many times.”

“Me too….”

“How the hell was I so lucky to meet you?” He asked, as he held her close, “I sometimes tend to fall too easy for girls…it’s one of my flaws.”

“I guess I have that as a flaw too then.”

His lips curved upward until they turned into a smile, knowing exactly what she was saying. He held her face with his hands and kissed her so sweetly. His tongue just touching the tip of hers. He was falling for this girl…and hard. “Well…I need to go. See you soon.” He kissed her once more, “Goodnight, Baby Angel.”

She smiled, “Goodnight.” She kissed him on the cheek before getting out of the car; she felt like she was walking on clouds, as she made it into her apartment. No, she wasn’t in love with Nick…but God damn it, it sure felt like she was. She jumped as she saw two people on the couch, “LAURA!” She shrieked.

Laura jumped and threw a pillow over her bare chest, “What are you doing home?!?” She demanded, “I thought you were going to spend the night with what’s his face?!? I told you to fuck him!” Anger appeared in her voice.

Kimberly turned her back once she saw Ronny, “My God, guys this is what they invented bedrooms for!” She then glared at Laura, “I don’t fuck on the first dates.” Although if Laura wasn’t here she probably would have…oh yes in a heartbeat.

“Is that why you’re still single?” Snickered Ronny.

She rolled her eyes, “Sorry….I’m not easy.” She glowered at Laura once more, “I’ll be in my room.” She then headed upstairs, not looking at the naked couple. What the hell were they having sex in the living room for?!? She shook her head franticly, feeling her anger rising. So Laura was pissed off because she didn’t spend the night so she could fuck that guy? That irritated her. Why couldn’t they just go in her bedroom like normal people?!?

Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone beeped, suddenly all her anger vanished and after reading that one little line, she felt her mouth stretch out into a large smile…

Miss you, Baby Angel

“I miss you too,” she whispered. Forgetting all about the people downstairs and laid down on her bed, recapping her day with Nick. She barely knew him, she had only spent two days with him, but she felt like she was falling in love with him. Was that possible...after only two days? Anything was possible, right?