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Chapter One Hundred-Eighty-Four
Point of View: Kevin

I was ready to leap over the seats and smack Dirk over the head for not stopping Walters from this Nick-Bash-O-Rama. Wasn't there anything, any grounds at all, that he could call him out on for this? Wasn't this like defamation without proof or something?

I watched Nick's shoulders droop further and further the longer Amelia talked and my stomach wrenched. Nick could not get discouraged. I suddenly wished beyond all wishes that I'd sat in the front with Brian, where I, too, could've leaned forward and touched his shoulder. Although I wasn't sure what good it would've done, Nick didn't seem to notice even Brian's touch.

"Nick would never..." I heard Kayla muttering behind me.

"You don't know what a drunk man could be capable of," Zoe whispered, "Sober, he might never but--"

I turned around. "Nick, even drunk, would never."

Several faces turned towards me, including Nick's and Mr. Walters'.

Zoe's eyes leveled with mine. I could tell by the expression in them that she was thankful I'd addressed it with such a strong emotion. I turned and saw the people at the front of the room looking my way. My heart thumped. Judge Heath lowered her glasses and looked directly at me. "Excuse me," she stated, "But can we please have silence in the peanut gallery?" she raised an eyebrow.

Dirk turned in his seat with a pleading expression.

But Nick's eyes were looking at me, a hopeful, thankful expression on his face.

"Nick is a good guy," I snapped, "I don't give a damn what this girl says." My voice was bold and strong, "I've known Nick nearly twenty years," I stated, "And I've never seen him even start to act like this girl is describing him. Even at his worst. And trust me -" I added, "I, above ALL of you people, have seen Nick at his worst."

Nick's face relaxed, his eyes dancing on me with relief. I could almost hear him thinking 'At least somebody believes in me still'. Dirk's eyes were wide and tense. I knew he was not as happy as Nick was about my outburst...

"Excuse me but you are not my WITNESS," Walters accused, pointing at me.

"No but your so-called WITNESS is full of bullshit," I bellowed. I was already out of bounds, I might as well polish off the job in style, I decided.

"I AM NOT FULL OF BULLSHIT!" Amelia shrieked. "I'm telling the truth," she looked at the jury, "I'm sworn in aren't I?"

"Some people don't give a fuck about lying," I stated simply.

"ORDER," cried Heath angrily, glaring at me.

Dirk turned to face forward. "I'm sorry, your honor," he cried loudly, standing to his feet. He looked panicked.

"Remove this man from the courtroom," Heath demanded, waving towards me.

A cop moved towards me and grabbed my arm. I was on my way out. I might as well say what I had to say. "Nick Carter is innocent," I yelled, "If any of you people knew anything about Nick -if you had any idea who he was or what he's been through in the past- you'd know how pathetic these accusations are!"

When the courtroom doors slammed behind me, I found myself face-to-face with a crowd of paparazzi and reporter hounds, waiting for the final verdict. They turned and looked up at me with surprise.

The cop patted my shoulder. "Just so you know," he said, "I agree with you. I think he's innocent." And with that, he abandoned me on the courthouse steps to be eaten alive by the photogs.