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Chapter Thirty Seven

To say that Kay enjoyed her party would have been a HUGE understatement. Kay couldn't have been more surprised or happy. I don't think she stopped smiling once all evening.

I didn't get to tell Kay about her present until the very end of the night. We had both kicked off our shoes and were relaxing. I was grinning from ear to ear. Noah had just told me to check my phone. Chaotic was number one. I loved being number one.

It was a Carter trait.

"Want to know what I got you for your birthday?" I asked. Kay's eyes lit up and she laughed.

"Sure. Where is it?"

"It's not here."

She looked at me in confusion.

"I'm putting you in my next music video," I explained. "It's not going to be for a little while, so you're going to have to take a raincheck but--"


She wrapped her arms around my neck so tightly that I couldn't breathe. Her voice rose three octaves.

"You're kidding!"

I sputtered. "I'm not! I...can't...breathe..."

She loosened her grip and giggled.

"Isn't your duet the next single though?" she asked. I nodded.

"It is. But I have a vision."

I had already chosen the director. I was going back to the same guy that had shot my Stuck Like Glue video. He was a master at girly love songs. He also didn't hesitate when I told him I already had a girl in mind to play one of Trevor's 'other girls.'

Kay suddenly had a burst of energy. She bounced up.

"Let's dance until we're the last ones left on the floor," Kay said breathlessly. I laughed and scrambled to my feet. We ran onto the mostly empty dancefloor. As we threw our hands in the air, Kay closed her eyes.

I secretly hoped that this party was going to tame her a little bit. Her parents did care. We all cared. She had to see that now.

Don't get me wrong. I loved fun-loving Kay.

But I also didn't want all that fun to backfire on her.


We slept until about noon the next day. I woke up before her. As I crawled out of my sleeping bag, Kay opened a weary eye.

"Can it be my birthday again?" she asked. I laughed.

"Then you'd be seventeen," I said.

She sighed. "That would be fine. I'd prefer to be twenty-one already."

I shook my head.

"I'm not so sure I'm going to live through your twenty-first birthday," I said. Kay laughed.

"We're going to have to hire people just to drag us out of the clubs," she said.

Something told me I would probably be the one to drag her out. After the club incident, I wasn't so sure I was going to drink again.

We ended up spending the day by the pool. I noticed right away that Kay still had on the beautiful gold necklace she had gotten from Noah as a birthday present the night before. She played with it as we were talking.

"I still can't help but wonder how he afforded that," I said. Kay glanced down and grinned.

I have to admit, I was a little jealous. Why couldn't the big goober have gotten me a gold necklace with a diamond 'B'? I was so going to talk to mom and dad when they got home.

"I know," Kay mused. "Whatever job he has must pay a bundle."

I frowned. "But that's just the thing," I said. "He doesn't do anything."

Kay laughed. "That sounds like my perfect job."

I rolled my eyes.

"What DO you want to do?" I asked.

Kay bit her lip. She took a long while before she finally shrugged.

"I don't know. I've got plenty of time to think about it."

I nodded, but inside I was thinking that she really DIDN'T have that much time to keep thinking about it. After all, I had a job. Of course, I had ALWAYS known what I had wanted to be. I wanted to entertain. It was in my blood. Obviously, it was in Baylee's blood too.

Kay's blood...

Well, who knew?


"You can't go. I won't let you."

"Kay, get off. This is ridiculous."

We were in the airport and Kay had her arms wrapped around my leg. People were staring at us. Uncle Bri was trying not to grin. I had a feeling this was probably something he and my dad had done a long time ago.

"Your parents have three other kids. You can stay here."

I laughed. "Kay, I have the tour. I'll see you at the end of the month for the wedding. I promise."

After the rough start to my stay in Atlanta, the rest of the time had gone perfectly. From Kay's party to Fourth of July fireworks to a day at the amusement park...the time had flown by.

Now I had to get back to work.

"That's forever away," Kay sighed. Fortunately she stood back up like us normal human beings. I heard the boarding call.

"Call me," I said. We hugged tightly.

"I will. Have fun on tour. I hope Trevor comes to your first show," Kay said. She grinned.

"Me too," I said. I flipped my hair and attempted one of Kay's signature flirty looks. She gave me a thumbs up.

"Bye Brookey."

I turned and hugged Uncle Bri. He kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for having me," I said. He smiled.


I headed up the ramp. Mom and dad had called last night to let me know they had arrived back home safe and sound.

I couldn't wait to see them. And Landon. And Peyton. And even sneaky NoNo.

I missed my family.

After I found my seat and we were safely at altitude, I opened my laptop. I had relied solely on my phone for the entire week. I had a backlog of e-mails. One in particular caught my eye.


Hey Brooke -

Just wanted to let you know I'll be at your show. Think I can score a backstage pass? Haha. Call me when you can.

- Trevor

I bit the palm of my hand in excitement to keep from squealing. The guy next to me had fallen asleep almost instantly and I didn't want to spend the rest of the flight with him angry at me.

I hit reply and quickly wrote back.

Trevor -

Of course they'll be a pass waiting! Come early and we can hang out. Hope your choreography went well. I think I forgot all the steps for the tour. That's what happens when I practice BEFORE vacation. I'll have to cram them all back in before Saturday!

See you soon,


I hit send and sank back in my seat.

I thought about Garrett. I thought about Josh. Both of them turned my stomach.

Then I thought about Trevor.

One of those guys didn't belong with the others.

I'm sure you can guess which one I mean.