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Chapter Nine - Los Angeles, CA

"Oh my god, you look great!"

"So do you!"

I hadn't seen Kay since the hospital. I had been worried that a thin, pale girl would be getting off the plane. Instead, it was Kay in all her natural glory. I hugged her tightly.

"How are things going?" I asked.

I snorted. "Oh, you have no idea."

We walked towards baggage claims. Chuck was right on my heels. We grabbed Kay's bags and headed towards the SUV the hotel had supplied me, complete with driver. Chuck tossed Kay's bags in the back and we got in the back.

"So?" I asked.

Kay filled me in on everything. I noted the anger in her voice when she mentioned Claudia. She described her sessions with Marcie; I could tell that they were helping. Kay seemed to have more awareness of her own emotions.

"And then I overheard Baylee tell dad he kissed Marcie!"

Kay looked excited; I'm sure I looked suprised.

"He did?"

Kay smiled. "He did."

We talked about that for awhile. The whole thing seemed so sad to me. I couldn't imagine having that huge wedding and being so in love and then less than two months later...

"What's sad is no one saw it before," Kay finally said. She glanced back over at me.

"Anyhow, how's it going with Nate?"

She had said the magic word. I felt my face reddened.


"Did you do it yet?" Kay asked curiously. I had a feeling that no matter how much Kay changed, she was still always going to have her mind in the gutter.

"No!" I exclaimed. I leaned against her. I needed to whine about the whole Trevor thing. Kay was the perfect person to whine to. She would understand.

"You're never going to believe my luck," I said with a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"My tour promoter found a new opening act for me."

Kay smiled. "So?"

"It's Grenadine."

"You're kidding!"

I shook my head. "Trevor had a dozen roses waiting for me in my hotel room."

Kay snorted. "Why the hell would he do that? He's the one that broke up with you!"

"He wrote on the note that he made a mistake."

"No shit. But that's his problem."

I bit my lip.

"Right?" Kay pressed.

"He wants to talk to me and explain," I added.

Kay shook her head. "You're not going to listen to his bullshit are you?"

I threw my hands up in the air. "I don't know! I mean I feel so bad. His family is crap and he's had to deal with a lot. The least I can do is hear him out."

"Did you know he told me that he hated me?"

I looked at Kay in surprise. "When?"

She glanced down at her wrists. "That night."

I studied her wrists; I hadn't taken a good look before. They looked better than I had imagined, but it still tore me apart that Kay had felt so desperate that she thought the only way out was death. I ran my fingers along the jagged line. "He just came out and said he hated you?"

"He said he hates people like me."

I frowned. I thought back to the last phone call I had with Trevor. He had called her a slut. I felt angry. He was too quick to judge her.

"I'm sorry he said that to you," I said gently.

Kay shrugged. "I could care less what he thinks about me."

I didn't really believe that. I wrapped my arm around her and squeezed.

"Did I mention I'm glad you're here?" I said.

We looked at each other and smiled.


"This room is awesome. Man, I'd love to be pampered like this every day."

Kay was sprawled on the bed. She had gone over every square inch of the suite. I could tell the green-eyed monster of jealousy was coming out.

"The whole hotel is like this," I said. "The manager came up right before I picked you up and told me to call room service if I needed anything. It's all on the house."

Kay laughed. "You suck."

I grinned. Kay sat up and looked around.

"So where's this gorgeous hunk of yours?" she asked.

I felt my face grow warm again.

"He's not my hunk," I said lightly. "He's probably in his room."

Kay hopped off the bed. "Well let's go! I need an introduction."

"Now?" I asked in surprise.

"Sure! Why not?"


Kay grabbed my hand. We walked out of the bedroom, through the entertainment lounge and to the front door. Kay opened the door and gestured out into the hall.

"After you!"

I stepped out into the hall and swung around. Kay closed the door behind us. The look on her face made me nervous. It was the same look she had the night we snuck out to the club in Atlanta.

"He's probably working on the website," I said.

"He could use a break," Kay reasoned.

Reluctantly, I walked down to Nate's room. I stood in front of the door. My heart started to flutter. I bounced nervously.

"Stop doing the bathroom dance and knock," Kay whispered.

"I'm not doing the bathroom dance!" I whispered back. She laughed.

Kay always knew the right words to say to get me to do something. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. We waited. There was no answer.

"He's not here," I said. I turned around. "You'll just have to wa--"

"Not so fast," Kay said.

I watched in horror as Kay took out her keycard. She stuck it in the slot, sunk to the ground, did something weird with her nail and the display uncertaintly flickered green.

She snickered and opened the door. I gasped. "Kay, what are you doing?"

"Sometimes I get bored and watch Modern Marvels. Hotel systems aren't as fool-proof as you think."

I stared at her in horror. Kay looked smug. The first thought that came to my mind was to run away. Before I could, Kay tugged me into the room.

The first thing I heard was the shower running. The thought of Nate naked and soapy in such close proximity to me was too much.

"We shouldn't be in here," I hissed. Kay just smiled. I stood like a defenseless status and watched Kay walk over to his duffel bags on his bed. She started going through them. After a minute she held up a box of condoms and shook them in my direction.

My armpits started to sweat.

"Kay!" I hissed. She giggled softly and put them back.

"Fine," she whispered. Kay started to walk towards me. I slapped her shoulder. She was having way too much fun at my expense.

We were almost back to the door when the bathroom door started to open. We both froze. My blood seemed to stop flowing throgh my veins. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe.

But not Kay. In a second she had tugged the both of us under the bed. I heard a screaming in my ears that could only be coming from within. I hit her shoulder again. Kay was shaking like she was laughing. Ugh!

The sound of the bathroom door closing caught our attention. I saw two strong looked bare feet walk towards the bed. They stopped inches from our face. They were Nate's feet. I gripped the carpet with my fingernails. I was sure we were going to be caught.

After a minute, the feet walked away from the bed ad walked over to a small table where his laptop was. Music flooded the room. The feet started to move to the beat.

I felt Kay wiggle up. She pushed back the bedspread. I was about ready to reach for her when she turned around and gave me a thumbs up. My curiosity got the best of me. I wiggled up beside her. My mouth went dry.

Nate was wearing a white towel wrapped low around his waist. A mat of dark hair disappeared under the terrycloth. My breasts tingled just thinking about what was hiding under that scrap.

I watched as he walked back into the bathroom. I knew I should have moved, but I couldn't. The sight of his strong calf muscles were burned into my retinas.

Luckily, my immobility proved to be a good thing. Nate came back within seconds with a hairbrush in his hand.

And he started to sing.

He didn't have a good voice. But what he lacked in musical ability he made up for with the way he moved his body. A rush of delicious wet heat rushed south. It became worse when he dropped his towel.

My mouth opened; I couldn't contain the moan that was going to burst forth. Before it could escape, Kay clamped my hand over my mouth. I exhaled hot heavy breath against her fingers.

Nate was incredible. My eyes soaked in every square inch of him. My entire being was screaming. He looked amazing with clothes on, but naked...

I wanted him more than I had wanted anything else before. Kay pressed her face against my back. He was all mine to look at. I knew it was wrong to be gawking at him with him so completely unaware, but I couldn't look away.

He took the towel and draped it over the back of his chair. I started to sweat as I watched his hand press against his chest and move it's way down. He stopped right before he got to his member. He turned and headed towards the bed.

The bed creaked above us. I was in torture. I had never been so turned on in my life. I wiggled uncomfortably. He was getting dressed right above us. I didn't want him dressed. I wanted to come out, toss him back on the bed and...and...

Kay finally let go of my mouth when I heard the bathroom door open again. My imagination had gotten the best of me. Nate's stocking feet disappeared as he closed the door again. I heard the faucet turn on.

"Let's go!" Kay whispered. We both wiggled out from under the bed. Kay threw open the door and we dove into the hall. I hit the wall hard and slid down. My legs were shaking.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god," I said. Kay laughed.

"See? Now aren't you glad that I made you go in there?" she asked.

I looked at Kay. She seemed unaffected by the whole thing. I was completely affected. Kay pulled my to my feet and rubbed my back.

"Let's go get you calmed down," she said in an almost mom-like voice.

"I'm calm," I mumbled as we made our way back to my room. I fanned myself.

"Is it hot in here? It's hot in here," I complained.

Kay stuck her keycard in the reader and opened the door. I shuffled in. I headed right towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Kay called.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said. I needed a shower.

"That shower head looks like it'll do a good job!" she teased.

"Shut up!" I called back. I closed the door and began to undress. Every inch of my skin was so completely alive and aware. I was making myself shiver.

And even though Kay had been teasing, I was thinking the same thing about that shower head. It was the closest I was going to get to Nate at the moment.

Something told me it was going to be a poor substitute.