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"So how long are we going to do this?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at Detective Precision. "I mean really I have places to be."
"You mean like meeting with your partren in crime, a Ms. Vikki Sanders?" He asked.
I open and closed my mouth a few times thinking of something to say back to him.
“I see you have nothing to say.” He said. “I’m really shocked.”
"I want my lawyer." I said starting to get pissed at him.
“I will see what I can do.” He said picking up the file and then stood up.
“Actually, fuck this I’m leaving.” I said and stood up. “If you’re not going to charge me, then I’m leaving.”
“And leave your friend to take the blame for it all?” He said raising an eyebrow.
“We didn’t do anything wrong!” I said trying not to raise my voice, but failing.
“We have evidence that says other wise.” He said.
“How can there be any evidence when we didn’t do anything?” I asked.
“Mr. Carter claims that you and your friend drugged him and tied him up, and then refused to let him go.”
I shook my head and bit my lip to keep from laughing. Nick never complained when I was doing wonderful things to him. Vikki was right she called it. Maybe I should have listened to her, not that I’d ever tell her that.
“And if I tell you that he’s full of shit and what he says happened never happened, who would you believe?” I asked.
“Your record is against you.” He said shrugging.
“That’s bull shit, because I was never convicted of any of that.” I said shaking my head. “And do you really think I could take Mr. Carter on? I’m barely 5’6” and I weigh 175lb. Come on get real.”
“You could have drugged him.” He said.
“Why?” I asked looking confused. “I don’t need to drug anyone to get them to sleep with me. I mean just look at my body.”
I untied my robe and pulled it open showing Detective Precision what was under my robe, not that I really wanted to show him. I just wanted to make a point.
He turned his head and looked the other way.
“You can cover up now.” He said after swallowing hard.
“Do you see it now? I don’t have to drug anyone to get them to sleep with me.” I said and pulled my robe closed. “I’m covered you can look now.”
“Then why would he accuse you?” He asked.
“I don’t know? Why do men do the stupid shit they do?” I said and counted to ten in my head.
His eyes flashed anger and lust at the same time.
“I will see what I can do to get your lawyer down here.” He said and turned to leave the room.
“The only reason you’re dragging your damn feet is because you know that you have nothing to charge me with.” I called after him.
He just walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
I knew that pissing him off was not a good idea, but I couldn’t help it. Pushing his buttons was way too easy.
If he really thought that he was going to get a confession out of me, he really had another thing coming to him.
Looking at the clock above the door, I noticed it was almost time for breakfast with my Mom and Grandma. A meeting we have every week that I never miss. I wonder how long it will take them to realize that something is wrong.
Or maybe Vikki called Kyle before she was picked up, but I doubt it. He would be here by now.
If only that female cop would come back, so I could use the phone again. But again, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
I was getting really bored so I started to pace up and down the room. Why? Well because I had nothing better to do and if I sat there any longer, I was going to pee my pants.
And on top of every other problem I had I need to figure out how I was going to get us out of the freaking mess. Why is it that all my good ideas get me in trouble? It would have worked out if Nick would have kept his damn mouth shut. Laruen must have found out. That’s the only thing that explains what’s going on.
Sighing I ran my fingers through my short hair. God this was not how I wanted to spend my Monday. I really did have better things then sitting in this damn room.
I sat down at the hable and laid my head on it. I needed this headache to go away if I was going to form a plan.
Sudlenly the door swung open and Detective Precision strolled back into the room. I tried to keep the growl from coming out, but it didn't happen. He lloked at me wide eyed for a second, but that's all I needed to see the fear in his eyes.
"Its such a beautiful day out." He said and leaned against the wall.
I looked at him and shook my head.
"I want to talk to him." I said.
"You want to talk to who?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at me.
"Nick Carter." I stated looking at him in the eye. "I want to talk to the man who is acussing me of this."
"I can't do that." He said as he started to show his bluff.
"Then I want Kyle Anderson down here in a half hour." I said. "I'm done playing games with you. You have nothing and you're grasping at straws.”
"Kyle Anderson. As in the son of the govern of Louisiana?" He asked shocked.
"Yes that Kyle Anderson." I said rolling my eyes. "And I will say no more until he arives."
"What?.......How?....." He spat out shocked.
I just raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest.
'Oh yes I just pulled my huge trump card. All you had to do was read the whole file.' I thought and shook my head as Detective Precision pretty much ran from the room.
Now that I finally got part of what I wanted, it was time to plan my reveng on Mr. Carter. No one fucks with me and my friends and gets away with it. And seeing as he was the only one, I have a feeling the other boys have no idea about this.
~Nick's POV~
I hated that I had to do this, but I had to save my own skin. No one needs to know what really went on that night.
But I had a feeling once the other find out, they’re gonna be pissed. Oh well I had to do what I had to do.