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Author's Chapter Notes:

She's going home, does she want to?

She could feel her eyes sticking together as she attempted to open them. Through the slit of the eye she'd managed to open, she saw a bright room with machines around her. The blipping noise next to her made her recall trips to the hospital to visit her mother after her heart surgery. As she pried her eyes open more she could see a dark figure standing in the corner of the room, shoulders slumped, speaking in low tones, probably on a phone.

“I said I would … got crazy …. unexpected … why didn't you tell.” Were the only words Julie was able to make out. As her vision cleared she could tell the figure was Kevin. Who was he talking to on the phone? She knew that she didn't know anything about him, but now it was bothering her. Curiosity got the better of her and she lay unmoving trying to hear more of the conversation so she could get a sense of who he was talking to. His whispering was starting to annoy her, she wanted him to speak up.

“Love you, bye.” She heard him say, her heart jumping suddenly in her chest. Quickly she closed her eyes again. She heard footsteps come closer to the bed until she could sense that he was standing over her. She continued to lie still hoping he would think she was asleep.

“You can open your eyes and stop pretending now Julie.” His voice was serious but when Julie opened her eyes she saw him smiling.

“How'd you know I wasn't really asleep?” She asked him while she sat up.

Helping her prop the pillows behind her, Kevin answered. “You were lying still. You flail around when you sleep. I hope you don't share a bed with someone, you could really hurt them.”

“I do not flail!” She cried indignantly. She was about to lay into him about watching her sleep in the first place when she felt his hand on her cheek, his thumb running up and down her cheek lightly. She could feel the heat rise in her cheeks and her heart felt like it was jumping in her chest with every beat.

“I'm sorry, that was...” He dropped his hand and started to step away from the bed. Julie caught his arm and pulled him back to face her. They stayed like that, watching each other, Julie's hand on his arm, until they heard the door start to open. They hoped that Howie wouldn't be able to notice anything when he walked in but Julie knew her face was still red, there was no way he didn't know something happened between them.

Howie looked at Julie then to Kevin. “Kevin,” He started but Kevin stopped him by shaking his head and leaving the room. Howie turned his attention back to Julie.

“So how is my patient this morning?” He winked at Julie as he checked the readouts on the different machines.

“You could have told me that it was going to knock me out.” She watched as he moved about the room doing whatever it was he was doing.

“Different people have different reactions.” He smiled. “I remember the first person I injected with the serum got a little violent, AJ sported a black eye for a couple of weeks after that.” Howie laughed in remembrance.

“Is he another volunteer?” Julie asked. Howie looked back to her and nodded, something in his eyes made her move on. “So, did it work?”

His nod was more enthusiastic this time. “The readings are great, you shouldn't randomly jump any longer.”

“Doctor, is the chemical gone for good?” She wondered half to herself.

“No,” Howie answered. “The serum only forces it into hibernation. You will always have the time travel gene.” He clicked his pen and jotted a few notes down on the clipboard in front of him.

“Is there anything that might trigger the gene to become active again?” She asked. There was no way she wanted to start randomly visiting different eras again.

“I doubt you would be able to find the right combination of factors to have it happen again. Now let's see about you getting you home.” He smiled. Julie liked his smile, it was warm and inviting, making her feel comfortable.

“I don't suppose I could stay here?” She asked, knowing what the answer would be. She didn't belong in this time, her time was 2012 and she was positive that was the only time they would let her return to. Besides, what would be worth her staying? The only person she knew had his own life that she wasn't a part of. “No,” she answered her question. “I should go back to my own time. But I want to keep my memories.”

He looked up from his clipboard and smiled, his brown eyes twinkling. She noticed the patches of gray hair in his otherwise black tresses and wondered how old he was and how long he'd been doing this. She also wondered how old he would be when she went back to her own time. She shook her head at her own thoughts, best not to think about a gangly ten-year-old boy. “I have no real issue with sending you back with your memories. The only thing I ask is you keep them to yourself. It will be difficult, after all it was your life for the last five years. As long as you are okay with actually being five years older than people think you are, and you don't mention anything you saw or heard to anyone I think we can make an exception.”

“I was under the impression convincing you would be difficult.” She said as she stood with his aid off of the bed. He only shrugged in response. “One more question, if I am back in 2012 what will spur you all to look for me in the first place?”

Howie looked at her seriously. “I've thought about this too when the founders started sending the volunteers to look for the lost. If there is no one to search for, why would the project be finished and ultimately you all wouldn't be found. The first job of the volunteers, before they could look for the missing, was to set up The Library. One of our own stayed back and has been helping spur on the project. The Library holds a record of everything that has happened how it originally happened. Those who came up with the time travel capabilities also were able to install a device in this building that would stand outside of time in a way, starting in the year 2012.”

Julie rubbed her head, she could feel a headache coming.

“It really is better not to think about it. I have a strong belief the project will continue even after you go home.” He ran his hands through his dark hair and looked at Julie still attached to the machines. “Let me get these off of you.” Julie cringed but did not make a noise as he pulled the tape off of her arm holding an IV attached to her quickly covering it with a cotton ball. Everything else slid off or had Velcro attaching it to her. She held the cotton ball in place as Howie covered it with a band-aid.

The two of them moved out of the room, the sight of Kevin waiting outside the door made her jump slightly.

“So Howie, is she...? he asked.

“She will be fine and I've agreed to send her home with her memories.” Howie placed his hand on the taller man's shoulder.

Unable to look anywhere but at Kevin, it looked, to her, as if he was relieved being told she was going home. “Sick of me already?” She joked.

Kevin smirked. “Glad to finally complete my mission.” His smirk grew into a grin. “I do get to complete it?” He looked at Howie as if asking permission.

“I suppose it would be alright for you to return her home. She was your case after all. Just remember...”

“I know!” Kevin jerked his head towards the doctor. The sternness in his voice caused Julie to jump back. Howie held up his hands in surrender and then placed both of his hands on the other man's shoulders.

“I know you Kevin, I know how it affected you ….”

“I know the rules Howie.” Kevin looked aged in a matter of seconds. He removed both of Howie's hands off of his shoulders and reached his hand out to Julie. “C'mon.”

She had to practically jog to keep up with him. “Slow down Kevin.” She begged. When he slowed his pace some she was able to catch up and walk next him. “What was that about?” She asked trying not to let her disappointment show when he released her hand.

“Nothing,” Kevin muttered shaking his head. “Let's get you home.”

Julie grabbed Kevin's arm and pulled him to a stop. It was strange to her to see this man aged fifteen years from the day before when she saw him last. His goatee was salt and pepper and she wondered if he dyed his hair to keep the gray from showing. Tiny wrinkles surrounded his eyes, he didn't look bad, just older. “What happened that day in 1960? I called for you, I felt you grab hold of me. I thought you said I would piggyback your jump, how come you couldn't piggyback mine?”

Kevin shook his head, she could see it was the only answer she was going to get. “Okay,” she continued. “So how is this going to work? Am I going to piggyback your jump?”

“We have a trigger to activate the gene, it also controls the year you travel to. We will set our information and then jump separately.” He turned and started walking again.

“Did you stop looking for me?” She blurted out. “After I jumped, did you stop looking for me?”

He ran his hands through his hair and turned back to her. “Never.” he whispered turning back with finality and entering a room at the end of the hall. Julie started after him and was soon standing in the same room with Kevin. He grabbed her hand and strapped a watch to her wrist. She watched as he messed with dial.

“I have programmed it with the correct year, you should find yourself in your own apartment. I got your address from the records.” He kept his face down, avoiding her gaze.

“That's it?” She asked.

He nodded and pressed a button on the side of her watch. The effect was instant, heat spread throughout her entire body, a pulling sensation in her stomach made her feel slightly nauseous. As a whole, the experience was by far an improvement from the stomach pain and nausea she was used to feeling.

When the feeling disappeared she looked around. She was standing in the living room of her apartment in Culver City, right outside of Los Angeles. “I'm home!” She trilled with joy throwing herself down on her couch and hugging a throw pillow. Seconds later Kevin appeared in her living room. “I'm home,” she repeated for him.

He nodded and smiled. “Case complete.” He moved back to her and removed the watch from her wrist. “Remember, no information leaks.” He smiled at her again slowly moving a strand of hair behind her hear, his hand lingering on her head. She felt herself leaning into his hand. “It's been interesting Julie, I hope you have a great life.” She watched as he fiddled with his watch, pushing the button for his jump back.

She watched as his body started to disappear in front of her. His mouth moving saying something that sounded like “Help him.” Before she could even look at him puzzled, he was gone from the room and her life.

Chapter End Notes:

This is my favorite chapter so far! :)