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"I feel like a penguin."

"You look like a penguin."

"If I keep eating this shit I'll waddle like a penguin."

"So stop eating."

"I can't stop eating, I eat when I'm nervous."

"So don't be nervous."

Nick's eyes widened to the size of the plate he was holding - covered with pigs in blankets, cheese squares, tiny chocolate mousse cups, and carrot sticks drenched in ranch dressing - he looked at Brian, incredulous, "How the haystack am I supposed to be not nervous right now?"

"Because it's not even your wedding?"

"I'm gonna be doing this shit in like six months, though!" he whined. He shoved a chocolate mousse cup into his mouth, crunching through the dark chocolate cup savagely.

Brian was staring into a mirror, his breath coming out shakily and his blue eyes glowing with nervousness. He shook his head at Kevin, who was lounging in a chair a couple paces away. "Nick," Kevin drawled, "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be the one calming him down, not the other way around."

"Sorry man," Nick said. He held up a weenie on a toothpick. "You want some good eats?"

"No, that's okay," Brian said, rejecting the half-eaten finger food. "I'm good."

Nick shoved it into his mouth.

"Have ya'll seen Emma yet?" Brian asked, looking around the room.

"I think AJ snuck over to her side," Howie answered from behind Brian. "We all know he's a bridezilla at heart."

Kevin rolled his eyes.

Nick's eyes widened. "AJ's over there? Jesus Christ, he's not allowed to be unattended by Lauren. By the time he's done she'll want skulls and red and weird shit for our wedding." He dropped his plate and beelined out of the room.

Brian let out a breath of relief. "Oh my Lordiness," he gasped, "I thought he'd never leave."

"Why'd you pick him to be your best man again?" Howie asked, laughing.

"I don't know," Brian laughed. "Obligation, since I'm his, I guess."

Kevin shook his head. "You could've pulled the 'he's my cousin' excuse if you picked me."

"Or the Howie hasn't gotten to be one yet excuse if you'd picked me," Howie chimed in.

Kevin laughed, "Poor D."

"I know, I always get picked on and left out," he muttered. "And I'm not even asleep this time."

A knock came on the door, followed by the door busting open. "I hope none of you boys are indecent, 'cos I'm coming in --" Molly was suddenly in the bachelor room, clad in a light blue dress, a white shawl around her shoulders, which she squared and put her hands on her hips. "Littrell," she barked.

"Someone's in trouble," Howie giggled.

"What's up Molly?" Brian asked, turning around to face her.

"Why the hell did you send the nervous shooter over to our half the wedding party? He's over there, a ball of nerves. He's like a puppy about to pee all over the floor."

"That's why we sent him over there," Kevin chuckled.

"Well he's your problem now," Molly pulled Nick through the door by his shirt. "Keep him over here." She disappeared out the door, closing it behind her, as Nick stood sheepishly by the wall.

"What in the hell did you do in under three minutes to be exiled back here?"

"Lauren was trying on the veil and they were all giggling and --" Nick shook his head like he'd seen a ghostly, awful thing and grabbed his plate of food, shoving two weenies into his mouth at once. He chomped around them, "It was awful," he said, crumbs flying out of his mouth.

Jake poked his head in, "Hey guys? They want you up front."


The four of them were joined by AJ in the hallway, who muttered something to Nick about letting him help out with the wedding plans - to which Nick quickly threw a stick of gum into his mouth as a response - and they trooped to the front of the church. A hush went over the crowded pews, and Brian felt his palms go moist. Nick bumped into him from the back and he glanced over his shoulder. Nick's eyes were panic-filled. Brian laughed.

Lauren, Leigh, Rochelle, Kristen and Molly walked up the aisle together, Molly being the maid of honor, of course. The other four were dressed in dark blue gowns, making Molly's light blue stand out. They reached the stairs leading up to the platform and each stood on a different step - Lauren on the lowest, since she was the tallest of the girls - and Baylee came next, strutting down the aisle, carrying a basket with the rings inside. He proudly did not have a top hat on, and stood by AJ, who put a hand on Baylee's shoulder.

But when the music started and the people stood up... Brian's attention was completely diverted from everything else around him. He stared down the aisle at the doors, his heart racing.

Jake and Emma appeared at the door. Emma, dressed in white, her arm hooked through Jake's. The small veil was covering her eyes, and she held a bouqet of dark blue violets with ivy mixed in. Jake led her slowly up the aisle towards Brian. He patted her shaking hand, and she smiled up at him, tears filling her eyes. She mouthed thank you to Jake when they reached the steps and he gently placed a kiss on her cheek before letting her go and sitting down in the place saved for him in the front row.

Emma gingerly stepped up the stairs, and Molly stepped forward and carefully lifted the veil away from Emma's eyes, smiling into them tearfully. She hugged her best friend tight and whispered, "Go get'im," in her ear, making Emma laugh quietly.

When she turned around, Emma's eyes locked with Brian's. He held out his hands to her, and she slid hers into them, stepping closer. Staring into each other's faces, they both knew that the next six months would certainly hold some crazy times - what with Nick getting married and Emma still in treatment - but that no matter what the days would bring they already knew that even if they couldn't save each other from the battles they were fighting - they could be there for one another through it all.