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Story Notes:

Thanks to Dreamwallpapers.com for the background art for all of my holiday stories.

Author's Chapter Notes:

BSB is touring, when they stop in Salem, Massechutes(MA). They meet a weird girl who tells them their scary future.

Holiday notebook and Journal of Kevin Richardson of The Backstreet Boys. ca. 1999

How did it turn out like this?

October, 23, 1999.

"Can you believe our last show!" Nick yelled. The 17 year old with glee. "We rocked it the other night!!!!!" he yelled into Kevin's ears. "I know, can you stop that, Nick." he told me.

"I would, but it is so cool!" He told me. "Kevin, chill, relax, your favorite holiday too, is this week, and you and Kristen are going to my Halloween costume party aren't you?" He asked me. "Sure, but Nick...." he said. As we got out at one of the local mom and pop resturant's here. "Sarah's" AJ told me. "They have a resturant called "Sarah's" after "Sarah Good" I bet." He told me. "Nick you owe me 10 bucks for getting the name right in our pool." AJ told him.

"Nick!" I told him. "What if that nightmare I told you about CAME TRUE!!!!!!" He told me. "IT WOULD BE LIKE THE WORSE, SCARIEST BUFFY EPISODE EVER!!!! I nearly shouted at him. As I hugged my youngest friend, co-worker, "little BSB brother", and partner. " I know we did a blood swear and with a couple of fans too, Kevin." He told me. "Nothing bad will happen, I won't turn into Freddy Crogger. I PROMISE." He told me as he gave me a huge hug. "Come on, I'll make AJ, buy you a hot tea with my ten dollars." Nick told me with a smile. "We're in Massechuettes for a week, ya'll know." Nick said with an even bigger whiter smile.

"I want to see the museums, the tours, the almost everything. The ghosties." He said excitabliy. I sighed, then she showed up. A black haired, hazeled eyed, pretty girl, dressed up like something out of a fairytale in an orange, black, and puprle outfit. "Who are you?" I asked. "An angel." she told us. We just laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked her. "In that thing." I commented. Before combing my hair. "Yes, trouble is coming. The trouble you saw." she told us. "I heard that already at the last stop." I told her. "Well, it is indeed coming. Let me know if you need my help at anytime, think of it, like you would ruby sleppers." She told us. We all looked at each other. "Where did she go?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, where did she go?" AJ and Howie chimed in at once. "Who?" Brian asked. "What were you three doing?" I asked. "We ordered everyone's food." Brian replied a bit pissed off. I sighed. I love Halloween as a "fun costumey Holiday". But this didn't look good. If that disappering girl was right, this was going to be one to remember.