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“ It could be possible that it’s because you haven’t used them. We are going to run some tests.”
“ Run them.” Kevin said from where he stood.
“ I will have them set up and have them come get you.” The doctor said leaving them alone. Kevin watched Katherine run her fingers threw AJ’s hair as he cried against her chest.
“ Maybe he’s wrong.” Kevin said looking at them. Katherine looked towards him and then back down at AJ.
“ I hope your right.” Katherine said.

Katherine sat in the room alone. Two orderlies had come and took AJ down for his tests. She sat in the large chair with her knees up against her chest. She heard a noise and looked towards the door to see her son making his way into the room giggling. She looked down at her son and lifted him into her arms. She held him close and cried. Kevin walked into the room and saw her holding Brandon.
“ Kathy, everything is going to be fine.” Kevin said kneeling down in front of her.
“ He can’t walk Kevin how can you say things are going to be fine.” Katherine shouted at him. Brandon began to cry as his mother became angry.
“ Because he’s still the man you married and still the same mad that loves you. And that you love.” Kevin said trying to calm her.
“ He is the same man, but I don’t know what he’s feeling.”
“ Then ask him. Talk to him when he comes back. He needs to know that you support him.” Kevin said. Katherine nodded and looked at him.
“ He loves you. I was always hearing that from him, from the very first day he met you. Kathy you’re his world.” Kevin said to her. Katherine knew that much as he was her world too. Linda walked into the room and looked at her friend.
“ He’s not back yet?” She asked her.
“ Not yet.” Katherine said holding Brandon close.
“ How about I take him miss.” Gretchen said coming into the room.
“ No, he’s fine.” Katherine said holding her son. Gretchen sat down in front of her friend.
“ Please miss. I will do this so you can speak to your husband alone.”
“ I suppose.” Katherine said looking towards the doorway to see Nick sitting there in a wheelchair, Linda stood behind him. Nick had heard what was going on and was in tears. Katherine was angry and nearly shouted that it was Nick’s fault that AJ would never walk again, that he should have made sure they where home earlier. Katherine let the tears she’d been holding in roll down her cheeks. Nick looked down at the floor as Linda wheeled him further into the room.
“ What?” Katherine asked looking into Nick’s eyes. He could see the unspoken anger as she looked at him.
“ I’m sorry.” He said softly.
“ Sorry.. Sorry for what Nick? That you can still walk. That my husband will never walk again.” Katherine shouted. Nick looked at her and let tears run down his cheeks.
“ Don’t yell at him this wasn’t his fault.” AJ said as he was wheeled back into the room.
“ Then who can I blame?” Katherine asked dropping to her knees and sobbing.
“ The man that caused the accident. The bartender that gave him his last drink before he left the bar, the bartender that allowed him to leave being that drunk.” AJ said touching her arm. Kevin moved down and helped Katherine up. AJ grabbed Katherine and lifted her into his lap. Kevin motioned everyone from the room and pulled the door closed. AJ ran his fingers threw her dark hair and waited for her crying to slow. His own tears rolling down his cheeks. He knew that his life would be changed if he couldn’t ever walk again.


“ Nick look at me.” Kevin said getting down in front of his young friend.
“ Why? She’s blaiming me for the accident.”
“ She’s angry, AJ’s angry. She didn’t mean it.” Kevin said looking into his friend’s eyes.
“ I blame myself. I should have had us gone home sooner.” Nick said tears running down his cheeks.
“ It would have happened either way. Nick if it was fated that this was going to happen it was going to no matter what happened.” Brian said looking at his friend.
“ It shouldn’t have happened at all.” Nick said crying. Brian put his arms around his friend and held him close as he cried. Brian ran his hand over his young friends forehead.
“ Everything will be alright.” Brian said holding him close.
“ It’s not fair. I will walk and he wont.”
“ He will walk again. We all know Alex enough to know he’s stubborn enough to walk again.” Brian said to him. “ Come on buddy lets get you back to your room.” Brian said wheeling his friend down the hall.
“ This is going to be hard on them both.” Kevin said sitting down. Denise sat down next to him, holding her grandson in her arms.
“ They will make it threw this.” Denise said bouncing the baby on her knee.
“ How? They all blame the other.” Kevin asked looking at her.
“ Alex doesn’t blame Nick for this accident.” Denise said.
“ But Nick blames himself.” Kevin said looking down the wall towards here Nick had just gone with Brian.


AJ held Katherine close letting his own tears run down his cheeks.
“ What did the doctor say?” Katherine asked once she had stopped crying.
“ How about if I answer that.” The doctor said coming into the room.
“ Then explain.” Katherine said from her place in AJ’s lap.
“ We did some x-rays and an MRI. The spinal cord was not broken, but there is some major damage. There is a large amount of swelling around the spinal cord and until it comes down we are unable to determine if the paralasis is permante. But we want to start you on immediate physical therapy.” The doctor said looking at them.
“ When can we take him home?” Katherine asked.
“ A few days. But I want you to be ready and able to handle his minor disability for now. If and when his feeling returns we will be helping till then.” The doctor said. Katherine nodded and leaned her head against AJ’s shoulder. She had missed the feeling of his arms around her. She kissed his neck lightly and waited for the doctor to leave.
“ I want him in physical therapy this afternoon.”
“ What about Nick?” AJ asked.
“ Mr. Carter will be joining you for a short time till he can get stronger. With you both spending as long as you did in the coma we felt it easier.” The doctor said.
“ I want Nick to stay with us.” Katherine said looking at AJ.
“ Consider it done.” AJ said holding her close.
“ I am going to go talk to him.” Katherine said kissing her and heading out of the room. Slowly make her way to where Nick was. She knocked on the door and waited a moment. Brian opened the door and looked at her.
“ I need to talk to Nick.” Katherine said looking at the floor. Brian moved aside and let her come into the room.
“ Nicky.” Katherine started as she entered the room. Nick looked towards her and then back down at the white sheets.
“ What?” He asked his voice harsh and dripping with anger.
“ I guess I deserved that. I am so sorry Nick, I never should have blamed you for what happened. Alex doesn’t blame you. He showed me that I should blame the man that caused both you be in your coma. Or even the bartender that allowed the man to leave the bar drunk. I never should have blamed you for this. Nicky I am sorry. I also want to extend an invitation so that you can stay with us during the time your getting better. If you don’t want to I totally understand. I am sorry.” Katherine said turning on her heal and heading for the door. Brian watched the tension between them and then spoke.
“ Nick talk to her.” Brian said looking at him. Nick whipped the tears away from his face.
“ Kathy.” Nick said softly. Katherine turned and faced him, tears streamed down her cheeks.
“ Kathy, I would love to stay with you and Alex. I am sorry.” Nick said reaching his hand out to her. Katherine stood where she was in the doorway. Brian walked over and took her hand in his and pulled her back over to next to Nick. Nick pulled her down into seated position next to him. He ran his fingers over her cheek whipping the tears off her face.
“ We will be able to get Alex back on his feet. I promise you this Alex will be walking again.” Nick said looking at her. Katherine smiled a bit and then looked at her hands.
“ I want that more than anything in the world, we can make it happen.” Katherine said kissing his cheek and then heading from the room.