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                                    The Guardian Crusade

                              Volume I


                                                            Chapter 15


Nalia laid in the bed under the blankets as she listened to the silence of the hallway outside.  There hadn’t been a sound for about half an hour but she wanted to give it a few more minutes just to make sure.  She knew this Palace like the back of her hand, she knew the hidden hallways, the hidden paths through the city and she was confident she would get out of here.  Her eyes started to tear up as she thought about Nick and who he now was.  She didn’t know what had happened, how he ended up like this but right now she didn’t care.  What she did care about was getting out of here.  It would be a long walk to Sarila but she knew she could walk it.


After some time had passed since she had last heard anyone in the hall, she slowly crawled out of her bed and walked over to the wall.  Sliding her hand up the wall she waited until her finger tips felt it.  She slid them across the wall left and right, up and down, and then as she brought her hand in front of her she felt it.  The small sliver of a line going down the wall became clearer when her fingers hand found it.  She turned her body and bumped her hip against it, the door clicked and popped open. Quietly she stepped into the dark, musky, and small hallway.  Slowly she closed the door behind her and then cursed as the hallway went dark.  She placed her hands on the walls beside her and carefully began to make her way down the hall.  It had been a while since she had been behind the walls of the Palace.  Rayne and her were always getting in to trouble for running around in them when they were little.


When she came to a gap in the wall she squinted her eyes to get a better look around the corner.  She then looked down the hallway in front of her and mapped out where she was in the Palace.  Stopping in the middle of the hallway she knelt down and gently hovered her hand over the ground.  She could feel a light breeze along her fingers and knew then that she was close to the secret door in the back of the Palace.   Slowly she stepped down the hall, when she saw that the hall was completely black, she reached out and touched the door in front of her.  A light smile came across her face as the thought of almost being out of here crossed her mind, and she reached out for the hook on the door, pulling it open. 


With one foot she stepped onto the stone stairs, still to dark to see much, she kept her hand on the wall as she got her footing in the narrow staircase.  Closing the door behind her she began to descend down the stairs.  Her heart began to beat fast as she walked down towards the bottom of the stairs.  She tripped up a little not realizing she was at the bottom already and reached for the wall catching herself.  Nalia froze wondering if anyone had heard her stumble.  After a moment, when she figured it was safe, she grabbed the hook on the door and pulled it open a crack.  She peered out of the small opening she had made and looked around at the open area behind the Palace.  Opening the space more she stuck her head out and looked down the back wall of her old home.  No one was around, so she took a deep breath and then dashed out of the door and ran as fast as she could across the lawn.


As she approached the large stone wall the wrapped around the entire city.  She heard shouting behind her and her instincts told her to drop to the ground and she did.  Slowly she turned around and looked.  She could hear men shouting but off in a distance.  Quickly she looked around for an opening to the forest outside of the Palace wall.  A bright light made her lay low to the grass again.  She looked up and saw a large bright light illuminating the sky above her. Holding her breath she watched as a Priests holy light spell lit up the sky so the soldiers could search. 


Again she looked around and thanks to the light saw the small door in the middle of the stone wall.  She looked back to the Palace as another Holy Light spell went up, closer to her this time.  With another deep breath she jumped up and headed for the door.


“I see her!!” Someone shouted from behind her and the voice made her run faster.  Violently she tugged on the door as she stopped dead in front of it.  It wouldn’t open and she quickly looked back as the guards coming out from beside the Palace ran towards her.  She looked back at the door and tried to pull harder.  Then a purple explosion from beside her knocked her to the ground.  Quickly she shook it off and looked back.  She saw Nick running with the guards as they approached her.  Taking a couple of steps back as she stood up, Nalia took one last look at Nick and then too the door.  Closing her eyes she set off the rage in her body and ran at the door.  It splintered and shattered around her as she burst through it.  She didn’t stop where she came out, she just kept running.  Through the trees, bushes, and through the forest she ran, until she collapsed to the ground exhausted.








Aj waved the smoke away from his face as it drifted to the floor.  He looked around the room and didn’t see the dwarf guards he had seen the day before.  He didn’t see anyone in the room as he stepped off the pedestal and over to the large doors. 


Aj had woken up about a half hour ago.  Rayne was already up and figuring she was getting ready for breakfast, he had a bath and got ready himself but when he got downstairs for Breakfast Avit told him Rayne had been up for a few hours now and was at the Drisel Palace.  So he decided to skip breakfast for now and go see what she was up too.


He pulled the doors towards him, closing them as he stood in the Palace hallway.  Aj stopped in the foyer when he saw the men and woman cleaning the floor, walls, and ceiling.  They were human, all of them and when they saw him they stopped and bowed.  He lightly smiled as he started walking again, not sure where he was suppose to go. He looked around him as the people worked with vigor as they rebuilt their home.  Aj looked around, he had never been farther than this hallway, he didn’t even know if there were stairs, or where they were.


“Excuse me, King Alexander?” a soft voice said from behind him.  He turned around and saw a small woman looking up at him.  “If you are looking for Milady, she is in her meeting room.”


“Ok, thank you.” Aj said with a light smile and nod.  The lady bowed to him and walked away.  “Great, now where’s that?” he asked himself as he looked around.  The walls were the same height as the walls in the tree castle, but the hallways were much wider.  He looked to his left when he heard people talking and saw two men walk around the corner.  Aj walked towards them and as he got closer he found the stairs.  With a little triumphant smile and cheer to himself he made his way down.   


Making his way down to the Palace entry he looked around as guards and people walked in and out of hallways, doors and from giant front door that led to the city.  The floor was made of marble although most of it was cracked and chipped.  The walls were a thick smooth stone and large stone pillars held up the stone ceiling above him.  When he looked to his left he saw two large doors, they had caught his eye when he was coming down the stairs.  Large blue marble doors, with a silver lion’s head in the middle of them, sat closed with two guards beside them.


“Have you seen Princess Rayne?” Aj asked the Elvaan two guards.


“Yes sir.” They said with a nod.  “She is in there.” The one Elvaan nodded at the doors.  He went to open them but the guard had already reached the handle and started pulling open the door.  With a light smile to them he walked into the room.

 “Hey.” Aj said when he heard the door click close behind him.  She didn’t say anything, she didn’t flinch or look up, she just sat there.  “Rayne?” Aj said as he stepped forward.  Startled she looked up at him and then lightly smiled.


“Hello.” She said as she stood up.


“Seems like a good read.” Aj said nodding to the papers.


“Pardon?” Rayne said confused.  Aj nodded to the papers again and she looked down at them.  “Oh, yes, it is the report from Avit, on how Dyn escaped.


“Oh.” Aj said wondering why he didn’t get it.


“I saw Avit this morning before I came here, he gave it too me.” She said as her eyes drifted down to the paper.


“What does it say?” Aj asked.


“The Spy does not remember a thing.” Rayne told him.  “He remembers watching the Palace and then that is all until he was inside the jail cell.” 


“Do you think he is lying?” Aj asked.


“No, the Elvaan spies are many things but a traitor they are not.” She said with a sigh.  “I think it was magic, magic conjured by the evil, some how he controlled the spy to free Dyn.” Rayne told him.


“Must have been pissed when Dyn changed the plan on him.” Aj said finding it almost amusing.  He waited for Rayne to flash him a smile but when she didn’t he wondered if he should of brought up that night at all.  “So are you hungry?” Aj asked changing the subject.


“A little.” She said with a shrug.


“Excuse me, Milady?” a voice said from behind them.


“Yes Starla?” Ranye asked as Aj turned to look at the woman at the door.  He lightly smiled when he saw it was the woman from before.


“Some people have been talking and wondering when the Sarila Guardians will be back in running order. Some of them would like to sign up.” Starla said.


“I am not sure, more things to worry about then getting the Sarila Guards together again.” Rayne said as Aj turned and looked at her funny.  When she didn’t say anything he looked back to the woman, who was looking at her just as confused.  “Is there anything else Starla?” Rayne asked as she gathered up the papers in front of her.


“No that is all for now Milady.” She said with a nod.


“Alright thank you.” Rayne said with a light smile and nod.  As the woman left the room Aj turned back around and look at Rayne.


“What was that about?” Aj asked.


“What was what?” she asked him as she looked up.


“More things to worry about than getting your Guards together?” Aj asked as he raised his eyebrow at her.  “You just got this place back you want you lose it again?”


“We are still sorting out who is with the Evil and who is not; I can not trust anyone to guard my life right now but myself.” Rayne said as she picked up the papers.


“But you should get some together, to guard and stuff.” Aj said as she walked around the table.


“And the Tokia and Winnol guards are doing just fine.” Rayne told him.


“Until we go to war again and need them, just put a couple together, to guard the city and the Palace.” Aj said as she walked up beside him.  “You can’t wait until you’ve interrogated everyone.”


“And why not?” Rayne asked him.  “I knew a man all my life and he turned on me and my Father in a heart beat, why should I trust any of these people.” She said angrily at him.


Aj was about to answer but the sound of the door flying open caused them both to turn around and look.  They saw Avit standing at the door, a little out of breath, and for a moment Aj’s heart raced wondering what he had to say, what had happen now.


“Avit?” Aj said looking at him a little confused.


“She is awake Princess and wishes to see you.” Avit said looking at Rayne.  Aj watched as all of the anger on her face washed away. Quickly she looked at him and he lightly smiled, taking her hand and led her to Avit.


“How is she?” Rayne asked as they left the meeting room and headed towards the stairs.


“She is a little confused on what happened and wants to see you.” Avit told her. 


They traveled back to Winnol via the globes and made their way down the hall.  There were people in the hallway but they didn’t say much as they watched the three walk towards Halian’s room.  When they approached the door Rayne stopped and Aj turned and looked at her.  She was staring at the door.


“Rayne?” Aj said but she didn’t say anything.  He then looked at Avit. “Tell her she’ll be right there.”  Avit nodded and headed inside, Aj then turned his attention back to Rayne.  “Sweetheart?” he said as he placed his hands on her arms.


“What do I tell her?” Rayne asked as her eyes filled with tears.  Aj took a deep breath and slid his hands down her arms.


“You tell her it wasn’t her fault, she was being controlled, but now she is safe back with you.” Aj told her.  He watched as she took a deep breath and he took her hand. “Come on.” He said with a light nod to the door.  They walked over to the door, Aj opened it and they walked in.  He felt her squeeze his hand when they walked in and saw her mother sitting on the edge of the bed talking to a Priest.


Halian looked up and Aj saw a joyful smile come over her face when she saw Rayne.  He looked at Rayne standing beside him as she let go of his hand and took a step forward.  The people started to walk out of the room, even Avit and soon it was just the three of them.  When her mother stood up, Rayne quickly ran over to her.


“Sit please.” Rayne said as she lightly grabbed her mother.


“Oh, Rayne I am fine.” She said with a light smile as she sat back down.  Aj felt a little weird being there.  “I am more worried about you.” She said.


“Me?” Rayne said a little shocked.


“I remember.” Halian said.  “What I did to you, in the hallway.” 


“It was the Evil mother, it was not you, I know that.” Rayne said.


“But I still remember, it was still my eyes that saw you..” She stopped herself and looked down. 

“I am ok now.” Rayne said as she hugged her.  Aj lightly smiled when he saw Halian look at him as she hugged her daughter.


“Thanks to you.” She said as she slowly pulled away from Rayne not taking her eyes off of him.


“Actually it was more Brian.” Aj said with a light laugh.


“That time yes, but all those times before, you protected her when I or her..” Halian stopped and Aj watched as the woman’s face fell.  “Oh Adop.” She closed her eyes as a tear fell from her eye. “I am so sorry.”


Aj felt himself get emotional as he watched Rayne pull her mother into another hug as they both began to cry.  He stood there awkwardly for a moment and even thought about going outside to see Avit but instead he found himself staring at the ground.


“And I am sorry to you Alexander.” Halian said as she pulled away from Rayne.  “I was the one that allowed Dyn to poison Marsa.”  Aj froze he knew Dyn was behind it but he didn’t really know she was too.


“It wasn’t you.” Aj said with a light shake of his head. “Don’t need to apologize.”  Halian lightly smiled at him and looked back to Rayne.  “But I should thank you too.” Aj said quickly and both Rayne and Halian looked at him confused.  “Your book, with all your notes about the Mage talent, it really helped me a lot.”


“Oh.” Halian said completely forgetting about her book.  “Is that how you summoned the Elemental?”


“Yeah.” Aj nodded. “Found the secret pocket in the back of the book, with the notes in it.” Aj said “You were right; The Guardian Mage is the one who summons it.”


“So that means Adamai was a Guardian.” Halian said and Aj nodded at her.


“There was a fight between Adamai and some army; the place the story describes resembled a place that was mentioned in the Book of Guardians.” Aj said.


“The Fables?” Halian said.


“We do not think they are Mother.” Rayne said.  “Do you have any of his memories?”


“No.” Halian said.  “I do not know what he wanted, or what his motives are, I just saw all the things he had done.” She said sadly.  “Made me do.”


“Well he can not make you do anything more.” Rayne said as Halian looked back at her.  Aj watched as Rayne’s Mom smiled at her and the two hugged again.  Just then there was a knock at the door and Aj turned around and walked over to answer it.


“The ships from Drisel have arrived.” Avit said.


“Good and the prisoner camps are set up on the magic fields for now?” Aj asked.


“Yes Sir.” Avit said with a nod.


“Are you almost ready to head to the Lake?” Aj asked Avit.


“Yes Sir, I have five men coming with us, along with your friends and Princess Rayne.” Avit said but he was interrupted.


“Queen.” Halian said correcting him.  Aj turned around and looked at her a little confused.  “Her Father is dead, the land has been returned to her, it is time she took back what is hers.”


“Aren’t you Queen though?” Aj asked still confused.


“No, the Royal blood line is on her Fathers side, and it stays on that side.” Halian said as Aj looked at Rayne.


“It can wait Mother, we must get Nalia back, and end the Evil.” Rayne told her.


“But they should still address you as such.” Halian said to her.


“It is fine Mother, much more important things to worry about.” Rayne said as she stood up.  “Like you getting some rest.” 


Aj watched as Rayne’s Mother lightly smiled at her and let her daughter tuck her into bed.  He nodded for Avit to join him outside of the room and let the too talk for a minute.  Lightly closing the door behind him Aj turned and looked at Avit.


“Do you have a time on when we will be going?” Aj asked.


“In about an hour we can head out, once the prisoners from the ships have been settled into the camps.”  Avit said


“Alright, then we’ll meet in the globe room?” Aj said as a couple of servants walked into Halian’s room.


“Yes Sir.” Avit said with a nod. 


“Excuse me.” A woman said from beside them and both men turned and looked.


“Elder Rexil.” Avit said a little shocked. Aj noticed he quickly turned to him.  “King Alexander, this is Elder Rexil, she is the Head Cleric for the Druid order.” He looked at her as she lightly smiled at him, she was tall and slender, her hair was chocolate brown, straight, and braided behind her ears.  Her long pointed Elvaan ears had many earrings decorating them. He looked into her dark brown eyes as she began to speak.


“It is an honor my Majesty and I am sorry I could not meet you sooner.” She said with a light bow.


“Nice to meet you too.” Aj said as the door to Halian’s room opened.  The three in the hallway turned and looked as Rayne came out of the room.


“Elder Rexil.” Rayne said a little shocked as she stopped in front of the door.


“Princess Rayne.” The Elder said and Aj picked up on the hostility in her voice.  “The Clerics wish to meet you, we have heard you have hit the last stage of your Druidism.” She said and Aj could still hear the hostility in her voice.


“I see.” Rayne said with a nod.  “Shall I go now?”


“Whenever you have time Milady.” The woman said with a light bow, and that time Aj caught the sarcastic tone.


“Sorry I’m kind of new here, so tell me.” Aj said as the Elder looked at him. “Do the Clerics hold a higher ranking over a Princess?” He asked.


“No Sir.” Elder Rexil said looking at him confused.


“Oh, ok, I was just wondering thought I heard some dislike towards Princess Rayne in your voice.” Aj said looking at her and he saw her face quickly drop, then return to the proud manor it was in just seconds ago.


“I assure you, King Alexander, it is an honor for the Clerics to have Princess Rayne, a Guardian in our ranks.” She said with a light smile.


“Glad to hear it.” Aj said with a light nod.  “How about I walk you?” Aj asked looking at Rayne.  She lightly smiled as he held out his arm for her and she took it. 


“You did not have to say anything.” Rayne said as they walked away from the Elder and Avit.


“So you picked up on it too?” Aj asked.


“I am use to it.” Rayne said with a light smile.


“You mean it’s not the first time she’s talked to you like that?” Aj asked.


“Her and other..” Rayne paused. “Other Elvaans.”


“Because you’re human.” Aj said remembering what Avit said to him.


“Yes.” She nodded.  “I guess I can tolerate it more because there’s never been a human druid before.”


“Well it’s going to stop.” Aj said as they walked down the stairs.  “You should be respected because you’re special.”


“You think I am special.” Rayne said with a light laugh, as the guards opened the front doors for them.


“I don’t think, I know.” He said with a light smile.  She softly laughed as she laid her head on his arm.




Nalia felt something wet hit her face and it jerked her from her dream.  Trying desperately to get back to her dream, to get back to Nick, her mind slipped her back into her sleep but then she was awoken again by another wet splatter.  Slowly her eyes opened and she lifted her head.  Looking around she saw trees and leaves, she heard the wind gently blowing the loose leaves on the ground across the forest. Another drop hit her head and she looked up through the trees, as a light drizzle fell onto her.   


Remembering what had happened back in the castle she quickly sat up and looked around.  She listened for any signs of the Evils men, she looked around for any signs of his men, and she slowly stood up the longer she was there in silence.  Looking around she tried to get her bearings on where she was.  She knew where the back of Palace was, she knew which direction she was headed in.  She looked around and found the sun and figured out which way was North.


“I should go to the old cottage, maybe I can find some supplies to get me too Sarila.” Nalia said as she started walking.  She kept her focus making sure her mind didn’t wander back to Nick, what had happened to him, what she had done to him.  The more her mind tried not to think about him, the more it did.  Their first date, their first kiss, the first time he spent the night in her bed, the way he made her laugh, and feel.  She lightly smiled as the picture of him looking back at her with his eyebrow raised drifted through her head.


Soon she looked up through the trees and saw she was starting to loose the sun.  Stopping she looked around and listened.  A small smile came across her face when she heard the splash of the falls off in the distance.  Looking around she recognized where the noise was coming from and headed in that direction.


As she approached the opening to the Lake she saw something move on the other side.  Quickly she knelt down and made her way to the forest edge.  Looking out across the Lake she saw her parent’s old cottage, where they spent many summers with Rayne’s family and sometimes Marsa would come out with his.  There were Gryphon’s resting by the water, and there were lights, or lantern shadows dancing around the window.


“Damn it.” She whispered but how did Nick know to look for her hear.  Looking to her right she mapped out a plan to walk around the Lake.  She had hoped to swim across, which would have been quicker, but now, it would make to much noise, and she would be seen easier. 


Nalia started stepping back when she saw the front door to the cottage open and she froze staring at it waiting to see who came out.  Her heart began to race when she saw Rayne walk out and make her way down to the Lake.  Quickly Nalia got up and burst out from the tree line.


Rayne!!” She shouted as loud as she could as she ran for the Lake.  As she shouted for Rayne again she saw her friend look up.  Nalia dove into the water and began swimming as fast as she could.  It was a long swim but she could do it, she’s done it before. She pushed herself, kicking her legs hard as she swam towards Rayne and the cottage.


“Nalia!” Rayne shouted from above her and she quickly stopped.  Looking up as she brushed the water and hair from her face she saw Rayne hovering over her on a Gryphon.  She reached up as Rayne extended a hand to her and the two girls worked hard on getting Nalia up onto the giant bird.  When Nalia was safely on board Rayne turned the Gryphon around and headed back to the cottage.  By then everyone was standing on the Lake’s edge waiting for the two girls.


“Princess Nalia how did you escape?” Avit asked relieved.


“I know that place well Avit, I almost got caught though.” She said as she jumped down from the Gryphon.


“What’s Nick doing?” Brian asked her as he rushed up to her. “Is he ok?”


“He is not Nick anymore.” Nalia said sadly.


“We know.” Rayne said from beside her and she looked at her.  “That is why we are here, to find a way to stop the Evil and help Nick.” Rayne said to her.


“Here?” Nalia said confused.


“Let’s get her dried off, get something to eat, and rest up a bit while we fill her in.” Kevin said as everyone looked at her.


“Sounds like a plan.” Aj said with a nod.  Nalia lightly smiled as everyone began walking to the cottage.  She didn’t know why they were here, but she was glad they were.  Nalia stopped as everyone walked through the cottage door.  Slowly she turned around and looked back in the direction of the Palace.  She took a deep breath as a tear slipped down her cheek.


“We will save him.” Rayne said from beside her.


“Can we?” Nalia asked.  “How do we get the Evil out of him, will he be ok if we do?” She asked.


“I do not know how to separate the Evil from Nick, but I know he will be ok.” Rayne said as she put her hand on her friends arm.  “My Mother is alright, and Nick will be too.”


“Your Mother?” Nalia said confused.


“She is alive, she is in Winnol.” Rayne said with a smile.  “She was not dead when Johon found her in Pomic, he kept her alive.  It jumped from Mother to Dyn when we were out on the ships, then it jumped from Dyn to Nick when they were fighting.”


“So that is why Dyn was alive?” Nalia said remembering back to when they came up to the ships.  Rayne nodded.  “Is he alive now, Dyn?” Nalia asked.


“No, he is not, we think he jumped to Dyn after finding him dead out in the ocean on their way to Winnol.”  Nalia took a deep breath; it was a lot to take in.  “Come on; let’s get you to the fire.” Rayne said with a light smile.  Nalia lightly smiled back as her and Rayne headed into the cottage.