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The Guardian Crusade

Volume I

Chapter 1

27 Years Later; Earth 2005

He sat at the small table skimming over the cards in front of him. The sounds all around him taking his mind away from the game he was playing. Looking up he saw the major sound distracting him, Kevin and Nick fighting.

“Why can’t you just listen to me when I’m talking to you, just stop with the damn video game.” Kevin said angerly as he stood over Nick who was still staring at the television screen.

“I am, just because I ain’t lookin at you.” Nick said back without even moving his eyes.

“It’s a sign of respect.” Kevin said in a tone Aj knew got under Nick’s skin. He smiled a little it was the same fight they always had, just Eleven years later.

“Whatever, I’m almost done.” Aj heard Nick huff as he looked away. He frowned a little as he lowered his head to look out the window at the clouds that had covered over head. It looked like there was a storm coming in.

“What the hell man!” Aj heard Nick shout as he looked away from the window quickly.

“Just stop for one second!” Kevin shouted back as he held the plug to the video game consol in his hand. Aj rolled his eyes, this fight was over the fact they were stopping to eat. He looked back down too his game of solitaire.

“Hey.” A voice said from beside him, he looked up and saw Brian squeezing into the booth across from him. “Any luck?” he nodded to the game.

“Nope” he said shaking his head with a sigh.

“So, how are you doing?” Brian asked as Aj skimmed over the cards one last time before he called it.

“Fine.” Aj said as he began to gather up the cards. He knew where Brian was going with this. Was he tired, was he ok, was he going to drink again. He knew the answer but he could tell the people around him weren’t so sure.

“Are you tired or anything?” Brian asked as Aj started to shuffle the cards.

“A little.” He shrugged as he heard a rumble of thunder over him. Aj began to lay the cards out in a row again as the door to the back of the bus slammed shut. He looked up and saw Kevin storming down the small hallway by the bunks.

“I swear that kid.” Kevin was cut off by a loud cracking sound that turned into a large bang. Then the bus began to swerve and the three guys grabbed onto what ever they could as the momentum sent them falling. Aj heard a yell and a loud crash just before his head smacked against something and everything went black.

He felt his eyes flutter open and every time the light would peek through his head would throb in pain. With heavy footsteps around him, loud mumbling ringing in his ears, Aj tried to force himself awake. He moaned as he raised his arm blocking the sun from his eyes.

“Over here! This one is waking up.” He heard someone shout. With a shade safe over his eyes Aj opened them and looked around.

“Stay there.” A man said as Aj got a sword pointed in his face.

“uh, sure.” Aj mumbled his head pounding with every word. He lowered his head hoping that would ease the pain. When it didn’t he grabbed his head and closed his eyes again.

“Wait a minute..” Aj thought. “was he wearing metal armor?” Aj slowly looked up again and his eyebrows frowned in confusion as he saw the man, in the metal armor still standing over him. Looking to his left he saw more men in metal as he looked closer he saw that they were attending to the other guys.

“Where’s the bus?” Aj asked sitting up, the guards around him stiffing up.

“The what?” The man who seemed to in charged asked.

“Our bus, where’s our bus?” Aj asked still looking around.

“These men talk funny sir.” Aj heard what he thought was a solider of some kind say.

“Yes.” The solider, which seemed to be in charge said. “How do they fare?” he shouted down to a man on his left. Aj looked and saw a man in a long white heavy silk robe, standing by Kevin and Nick who were still out cold, he hoped out cold anyways.

“Are my friends ok?” Aj asked. The man turned his head and looked down to Aj and he lightly raised an eyebrow.

“The priests got to them in time; they should be fine with a little rest.” The solider said as a priest walked up to him. Aj watched as the two men talked quietly and then the solider looked at him again. “Can you stand?” he asked.

“I’m not sure my head is pounding.” Aj said as he pulled his hand away and saw the blood from the cut on his forehead.

“Please sir, let me clean it.” A man said from beside him. Aj looked up very confused but his head hurt to much, and he wasn’t sure what was wrong with the guys, to ask where the hell he was, where his bus was, and what’s with the clothes. His thoughts were broken when two men walking beside him holding a stretcher with Howie on it went passed him.

“Where’re you taking him?” Aj asked not worrying about his head to stand.

“Calm down sir.” The solider said as he put a hand against his chest. “He is going to Winnol Healing Springs.”

“Where?” Aj asked really confused.

“Winnol Healing Springs it is where we take our injured and dying.” The solider said.

“Dying?” Aj asked shocked as he turned to look for Howie and saw the priest putting him into a horse carriage.

“Your friend is not dying, as I said he will be fine.” He said as Aj looked at the horse carriage.

“Where am I, where the hells are we?” Aj asked turning around to look at the solider.

“You are in Pixcadia.” The solider said. “My name is Bussa I am the Colonel of Kalica.” Aj starred at the man, his jaw open a little, his eyes still, not even a blink.

“Umm ok.” Aj said as he blinked a little and stood up. “Huh.” He said as he turned around. “The bus…” Aj said thinking to himself. “The storm!” He said loudly as the people around him looked at him strange.

“Pardon me?” Bussa said confused.

“It was storming outside, and we were on our bus heading to New York.”

“New York? Oh yes your homeland.” The man said as Aj spun around.

“You know where I come from?” Aj asked confused.

“Yes.” The man nodded. “It is a long story, and I am not allowed to explain it too you myself.” He said as he looked at the last of the guys to be carried away.

“How is Nickolas?” Bussa asked one of the priests as he noticed they were loading him into a carriage.

“He just needs rest.” The priest said with a light smile. Colonel Bussa nodded and let the priest go. “You will travel with me; we are not to far from Winnol.”

“Yeah.” Aj said as the Colonel lightly took him by the arm and walked him to the last carriage that was there. Aj climbed in and saw it looked on the inside like what he had thought it would. There were two wooden bench seats on each end and a window on the wall beside him. He sat down as Colonel Bussa shut the wooden door and knocked on the wall behind him. The carriage jerked and Aj grabbed his seat.

“You seem rather calm for someone who has been through what you just went through.” Bussa said as Aj looked at him.

“I’m dreaming.” Aj said looking away from him. “The bus crashed, I hit my head and I’m trippin.” Aj said with a nod as he looked out the window. He looked up and saw the tall lush trees; they looked like the giant trees in British Columbia.

“So what is this Winnol?” Aj asked as he looked to Colim. “I might as well play along until I wake up.” He shrugged.

“Pardon?” Bussa asked a little confused.

“Never mind.” Aj sighed. “Where is Winnol?” Aj asked still not sure if that was the right name.

“Oh, it is in the country Winnol, that is where we are.” Bussa said.

“Cool.” Aj nodded slowly. “So what is Pixcadia?”

“Pixcadia is the world we live in, the word we live by.” Bussa replied.

“Neato.” Aj said with another nod as he looked out the window. “Damn I hit my head good.” Aj said with a light laugh. “Hope I wake up.”

“Sir if you need to lie down?” Bussa asked.

“Naw I’m good.” Aj said shaking his head lightly. “Ow.” He gasped as he grabbed his head. “Note to self head still hurts.”

“Maybe you should lie down?” Bussa asked as he lightly pointed to the empty part of the seat.

“Naw, I’m ok just a headache, use to get them all the time.” Aj said remembering to what felt like to him, years and years ago. He watched as Bussa sat back looking at him with a puzzled look. He lightly smiled and looked back out the window. This time he looked down to the grass and watched as the greenery and flowers passed him by.

“So if this is a dream, why does my head actually hurt?” Aj thought to himself. He looked up when he heard a voice from outside and watched as they went through a gate. The carriage began to slow as they entered what Aj figured was Winnol the city. When the carriage stopped he looked as a man walked by, he had long dark straight hair and his ears pointed out from his hair. “Pointed?!” Aj thought as he quickly sat forward.

“What was that?” Aj asked as he leaned forward.

“What was what sir?” Bussa asked as he leaned over a little.

“That, that person had pointed ears.” Aj said as turned and looked at Bussa.

“All Elvaans do sir.” Bussa said as Aj noticed a smile pull back the corner of his mouth.

“Elvaans…” Aj said a little breathless. “Oh yeah, I’m dreamin, or in a coma.” Aj nodded as he sat back.

Aj decided to stop looking out the window since his head was still pounding and all these names, places, and Elvaans were making him a little light headed. Carefully laying his head back against the back wall of the carriage he closed his eyes and tried to relax. He opened an eye when he felt the carriage stop and he opened the other one when he saw Colonel Bussa reaching for the door.

“So when can I see my friends.” Aj asked as he stepped out.

“You will meet with the Kings and then someone will take you too see them.” Bussa said as he closed the door and turned around.

“Kings?” Aj said his eyes went a little wide. “Of course, Kings.” He sighed. As he began to follow Bussa he looked around at the people. They were all Elvaan, some with dark black hair, some with brown and some with blonde hair. Everyone looked at him and stopped whatever it was they were doing. He began to feel a little weird, even in his dream people acted like they knew who he was. Looking to the front of him again Aj saw Bussa stop and he stopped behind him as he looked up.

“Whoa.” He said breathless as he saw the castle that looked like a tree, a really large and tall tree. Giant trunks twisted together tightly to create a giant wall, only splitting apart for windows.

“Amazing is it not?” He heard Bussa asked and Aj looked back down.

“Yeah.” Aj nodded; a little proud of himself he imagined something so cool.

“It was a gift from Pixca.” Bussa said. “It was a gift to the Elvaans.”

Aj looked back up the tall castle; it went well into the sky, the top of it hidden by the giant lush green leaves that fell from the top. It opened his eyes a little and he slowly looked down as he turned around and took an actual look at the city around him. All the buildings had been made by the earth. He noticed they looked like the mud house he learned about in grade school history. The windows of the buildings were made from stain glass, dominate with the colours of green, pinks and blues. The houses were decorated with flowers, and the business buildings which looked much like the houses, were decorated crawling vines.

“Sir?” Bussa said breaking Aj’s look-a-around. He turned around and looked at the Colonel. “I shall take you into the castle the Kings are waiting.” He noticed the guards that were with him had moved closer to him guarding him.

“Oh ok.” Aj said with a nod as he walked over to Bussa. “So since you know where I come from, do you know my name?” Aj asked as they walked into the castle, his attention taken for a moment by the giant doors opening up in front of him. They had a symbol etched in them, a tree with some kind of bird flying in front of it.

“Yes you are Alexander.” Bussa said with a light nod.

“And you know who my friends are?” Aj asked.

“Yes sir.” The Colonel said with another nod. Aj lightly shook his head as they stopped in a large hallway.

In front of him were two Giant doors again the symbol etched in them but this one was larger, the symbol split down the middle of the doors and he watched as it broke in half as the doors opened for them. The guards around them parted and stayed outside as Bussa and Aj walked into a room with marble walls. The same thick trunks slithered their way up the walls.

“Alexander.” A man said as Aj looked from the ceiling down to the voice. Aj’s head tilted a little as he looked at the old Elvaan standing up. “Welcome.” He said as he reached his arm out for Aj to sit down. Looking around the table he saw two other men sitting there. One looked like him, well Human, the other was short, stubby, like a Dwarf. “Alexander this is King Adop and King Rossi.” The old Elvaan said as he sat back down when Aj sat in a chair.

“Hi.” Aj said with a quick wave and a light smile. The two men looked at each other and Aj wasn’t sure if it was because of him or what.

“I had hoped Queen Evia would be here but she has not arrived from Hevi yet.” He said with a small sigh. “I am King Marsa. I rule over these people and lands.” He spoke as Aj looked at the other people standing in the room. They all wore metal armor, except for the Elvaan. His hair was blonde and his clothes were a light material, his chest protected by a green leather vest, with the symbol Aj saw on the doors.

“Alexander?” He heard someone say and he turned around.

“Or sorry, just checking the place out pretty cool.” He nodded.

“How hard did he hit his head Bussa?” Marsa asked looking to the Colonel.

“He hit it pretty hard sir.” Bussa said as he took a step forward. Aj looked to the two men a little confused, not sure why they thought he wasn’t thinking straight. “I think he believes he is dreaming sir.”

“I see.” Marsa said with a light sigh. Aj looked to Marsa and saw the look on his face, it didn’t make him feel good and for the first time since he woke up here he felt himself wanting to wake up.

“Can I see my friends?” Aj asked as Marsa looked up at him.

“Yes.” Marsa said with a light sigh. He turned around a little in his chair. “Avit, please take Alexander to the Healing Springs, I will come down after I am done here.”

“Yes Lord.” Avit said with a nod as he stepped forward.

Aj stood up and took one last look at everyone in the room, noticing as they watched him intently. He followed the blonde Elvaan out the door and back out of the castle. His eyes shifted around as he looked at the people staring at him again, looking at him as if they knew him, and had not seen him in years. This time more aware as he walked through the city he noticed a few of the people were whispering as he walked by.

It wasn’t long before they were there; Aj figured they must have only walked a couple of blocks. It wasn’t a building but looked like a small park, with caves outlining the edge. He heard water falling but could not see a waterfall. Vines and lush leaves covered over top of them and ran down the dirt walls of the caves.

“Is this the Healing Springs?” Aj asked as he looked at the Avit.

“Yes.” He nodded as he waved for another man to come over. Aj watched as the Elvaan man in a long green silk robe walked over to them. “We are here to see Nickolas and the others.”

“Yes General Avit, please wait here.” The man said with a nod and then turned around heading into on the caves. As Aj’s head slowly turned as he started looking around again, his eyes following down to the grass below his feet. He noticed the baby breath flowers scattered through out the grass around the place, he also noticed there were no paths at all.

“This way please.” The man said loudly as he waved them over to the cave. Aj and Avit stepped forward and walked over to the Elvaan in the green robe. “They are in here, they are all awake now.”

“Thank god.” Aj sighed as he headed into the room, oblivious to the shock and concern on the Elvaans face. Avit raised his hand, his eyes asking for patience. The Elvaan nodded and left.

“Holy crap man there you are.” Kevin said as he sat in the stone tub. Aj stopped in the room and looked around and saw his friend all sitting in stone tubs.

“Where are we?” Howie asked as they began reaching for towels and climbed out.

“They told me Pixcadia.” Aj said with a shrug. “I say I’m dreaming, so lets go check this place out.”

“Alex dude, I don’t think we’re dreaming.” Nick said as he walked over to his clothes.

“What?” Aj said with a laugh. “Elvaans, Dwarfs, really big ass tree houses.” Aj said raising an eyebrow. “Nope pretty sure I’m dreamin.” Kevin walked over to him and smacked him up side the head.

“Did that hurt?” Kevin asked as Aj grabbed his head in pain.

“What the fuck do you think?” Aj said as he winced in pain.

“Then we are not dreaming.” Kevin said as he looked out the door and then looked to Aj.

“You could have just asked.” Aj moaned as he sat down on a chair by them.

“What do you remember?” Kevin asked looking at him.

“I was Playing cards, talking to Rok, then there was a really big bang and then I remember falling.” Aj said remembering. Then his head shot up. “We’re dead aren’t we, the bus crashed, we died, this is heaven.”

“With Elvaans?” Nick asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

“And why are we in pain?” Brian asked as he walked up to Aj and Kevin.

“You alright there D?” Kevin asked as he saw Howie holding his shoulder.

“Yeah, shoulder hurts.” Howie said lightly grabbing his shoulder.

“Where were you when we crashed?” Aj asked remembering he wasn’t in the back with Nick or on the living space with him, Brian and Kevin.

“Sleeping in my bunk.” Howie said with a frown as he remembered being sent flying out, slamming into the wall across the way.

Aj and everyone looked up to the door way when they heard voices and saw King Marsa and Avit walking into the room. AJ looked to his friends and notice this was the first time they had seen the Elvaan. Their jaws were opened slightly and their eyes wide.

“My name is King Marsa, I rule these lands, and I along with King Rossi of Tokia, King Adop of Sarila and Queen Evia of Kalica, have asked you all here.”

“Asked us, here? Why?” Kevin asked confused. Aj was defiantly now getting the feeling like something wasn’t right. He was in pain so he couldn’t have been dreaming or even dead, so what was going on.

“It is a long story, one that would take sometime to explain.” Marsa said as the guys looked on intently listening. “And I am not sure you would believe it if I told you.”

“I’ve seen Dwarves, Elvaans and a Tree castle, try me.” Aj said raising his eyebrows. “Are we dead? Are we dreaming?”

“You know this reminds me of one time in Star Trek when the Holideck crashed and Data..” Nick was interrupted.

“Nick.” Kevin said looking at him. Kevin then looked back to Marsa. “Where are we?”

“You are in Pixcadia, in the land of Winnol.” Marsa said as he motioned for the guys to follow him. He started walking and the guys looked at each other, they shrugged and then headed out of the cave.

“Why are we here, I mean, we’re alive, can we go back to earth?” Howie asked they stopped outside of the caves, still in the Healing Springs.

“You are here because we need your help, yes you are very much alive, and yes you can go back to earth.”

“You need our help, how?” Brian asked confused as the guys nodded with him. Aj found himself looking around again, at the caves, the trees, and the people.

“Our land is in a terrible time, we are at war.” Marsa said as Kevin’s head shot up.

“War?” Kevin asked confused. “You need us to help you with a war?”

“I will explain.” Marsa said as Aj looked back to him and the guys. “This may be a little hard for you to take but twenty seven years ago there were four children born at the same time.” Marsa said as the guys looked quickly at each other and then back to the King. “It is the word of Pixcadia that these four children, two boys and two girls, be sent away.”

“They were sent away, away from what?” Howie asked looking around.

“At the time nothing.” Marsa said remembering. “unfortunately because of the fact two of the children were kept here, and two were sent away, we are suffering for that stupidity.”

“So what does this have to do with any of us?” Nick asked as he pointed to himself and the guys.

“There is a Mage leading an army, he has already started war with Kalica, invading the city of Pomic. King Colim, King of Kalica was there that day preparing his army to go in and take care of the army that was gathering outside of the city, in the mountain caves.” Marsa said as he explained a little bit about the history. “The Mage took over the city, and has been there for a year.”

“A year?” Aj asked confused. “Now I’m not much into politics but uh, isn’t letting him sit there for a year not the best thing to do?” Aj noticed Marsa smile and then he nodded.

“We tried to remove him, but he had taken Kalica by surprise. The King and Army there did not expect the Mage’s men to be so many. Kalica went through many lives trying to reclaim the city, but then Queen Evia, pulled her men back, set up guard around the capital city, and around the other city of Muli.”

“Still doesn’t explain why we’re here.” Nick said and Aj thought he was going to get a look from Kevin, but Kevin just nodded.

“The Mage, has only shown interest in Kalica, and we hear rumors that Sarila is next on the list.” Marsa explained. “We believe this war, this Mage, is because of what did not happen twenty seven years ago. The son of Tokia, and the son of Winnol were sent away to be protected as Pixca asked.” Marsa said with a nod. “but the daughter of Sarila and the daughter of Kalica were kept here, and thus, the word with Pixca was not kept.”

“So again I ask what does any of this have to do with us? We’re just five guys that sing.” Nick said as Aj nodded with the rest of the guys.

“That is what you remember, that is what you know.” Marsa said and it confused Aj.

“What?” Kevin said and Aj noticed Kev looked more confused than he did.

“We hope that bringing the two boys back, it will have some effect on what is going on.” Marsa said as Aj crossed his arms.

“So where are they and why are we here?” Aj asked as Marsa looked at him.

“They are right here.” Marsa said with a small smile.

“Huh?” Kevin and Nick said at the same time as they looked around but it was just them and King Marsa.

“The boys that were sent from here, they were sent to earth, they were given families, they were given safety, they were not suppose to come back at all.” Marsa said. “But we do not know what else to do.”

“Wait a minute.” Kevin said as he turned his head a little. “Are you saying two of us are these boys?”

“Whoa what?” Brian said as his eyes shot open and he looked from Kevin to Marsa.

“Who?” Kevin asked when he saw Marsa’s face. Aj looked up to Kevin, and saw Kevin’s eyes divert to him, he then looked up to Marsa who was looking right at him.

“Me?!” Aj said pointing to his chest. “What me? Hold up, what? No.” Aj said shaking his head.

“You are Alexander, I named you myself.” Marsa said remembering. Aj looked at the man as his eyes fell in confusion.

“So your saying he’s..” Kevin said looking to Aj. Aj looked up at Kevin still stunned.

“My son, yes.” Marsa nodded lightly.

“I need to sit down.” Aj said as he looked around for a chair, there was none so he just sat down right on the spot he was standing.

“Well wait who’s the other one then?” Howie asked.

“Who cares?” Nick said looking at him. “This is crazy.” He said to the other guys expect Aj who still sat on the ground.

“The other boy is the son of Rossi, his name is Nickolas.” Marsa said. The guys stopped arguing with themselves and stared at Nick.

“King Rossi?” Nick asked confused.

“The Dwarf?” Aj asked looking up to Marsa. Aj watched as the King nodded, and Aj looked at Nick. Then out of no where and to everyone’s surprise he started laughing,

“Dude?” Nick asked looking at Aj confused. Nick then looked to the other guys as they looked at each other confused.

“uh, Alex?” Kevin said as he knelt down in front of him, as Aj grabbed his sides, still laughing. Aj tried to get the words out but he was still laughing too much, he could only point to Nick and then to Brian. Kevin looked back at the two confused with a light shrug. He then looked back to Aj as Aj caught his breath.

“Sorry.” Aj sighed. “I just remembered all the short jokes Nick cracked at Rok and well now..” Aj said as he looked up at Nick and started laughing again.

“Do I look like a Dwarf?” Nick asked confused, shocked and a little scared.

“Hey yeah!” Brian said looking to Marsa. “He doesn’t look like a Dwarf.” He said as he pointed to Nick. “And he doesn’t look like an Elf.” Said Brian as he pointed to Aj.

“It is apart of the magic that protected them, they look like their Earth human forms.” Marsa said. “We hope that it will be enough to confuse the Mage, if he gets word the boys are back, he will be looking for a Dwarf and Elvaan.”

Aj was about to speak again when someone came into the spring. Aj turned around still on the ground, as the others turned to look as well. Aj recognized the man named Bussa as he came running into the Healing Springs.

“You’re Majesty.” Bussa said a little shocked as he stopped realizing the King was there.

“What is..” Marsa stopped when he saw two stretchers coming in. “What happened?” The Elvaan asked quickly as he walked over to them and Aj stood up quickly. He looked at the one stretcher as it went by and there was a girl with brown hair on it. Her face was cut and bruised, her dress which Aj thought looked a lot like a dress the women wore in old England, was covered in blood, rips and dirt. Aj looked up as another stretcher was brought in.

“Oh Queen Evia.” Aj heard Marsa say as he watched the woman get carried passed him on a stretcher, she looked far worse than the other. “What happened?” Marsa demanded as he looked to Bussa.

“Johon attacked Hevi Sir.” Bussa said sadly. “My Commander says Princess Nalia, and Queen Evia were on their way here, when they got word, they turned around, headed back but it was too late, he had taken most of the capital by then.”

Aj watched Marsa as he went into one of the caves with Bussa and he looked at the other guys, who looked just as confused and even a little worried as he did. Aj looked back to the Healing Spring doors when he felt someone walk over to him.

“I am sure all of you would like to change, perhaps something to eat?” Avit asked as he stopped in front of Aj.

“Are they going to be ok?” Aj asked Avit as the guys huddled around them.

“I do not know.” Avit said with honesty to him.

“Who were they?” Nick asked as Aj looked at him.

“The girl was Princess Nalia; the other woman was her mother Queen Evia.” Avit said with a little sadness in his voice.

“Is that one of the girls?” Kevin asked pointing to the cave she went into.

“Yes.” Avit nodded. “There is nothing we can do here, shall I escort you back to the castle?” he asked again.

Aj nodded as the others agreed and they followed the General out of the Springs, giving the people their room to work. Aj stayed quiet as the others talked to Avit asked him questions about this place, about the war. He quickly looked to his right when he felt an arm on his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Kevin asked as the two walked behind the others.

“I dunno.” Aj said with a shrug. “I still think I’m dreaming, pain or not.” Aj said looking at him.

“I don’t think you are dude, I don’t think we are. It’s all just a little too real.” Kevin said as he looked around.

“I’m not this Alexander from Pixcadia.” Aj said angerly. “I have a mom, a mom who raised me since I was baby, I have a father, although be it not the greatest but I still have one, I have memories, I am Alexander James Mclean.” Aj said as he stopped walking and Kevin turned to look at him.

“I know man, but I mean..” Aj cut him off.

“No.” Aj shouted. He then looked to Avit. “I want to go home now.”

“Well Sir we really need..” Aj cut him off too.

“I don’t care what you need, this is not my home, this is not where I belong, now send me home!” shouted as the people started staring even more now.

“Alex.” Kevin said putting his hand back on his band brothers’ shoulder. Aj pulled it away quickly and looked at everyone. He growled and took off down an ally. “I’ll go, you guys go eat and stuff.” Everyone nodded to Kevin and started walking back towards the castle as Kevin went down the ally.

Aj walked down the side streets, he could hear Kevin shouting for him a ways back but he didn’t care. At first he was ok, he was dreaming, hell he would have been ok if he was dead but being in some strange place, with Elvaan’s and Dwarves. Being told he was not who he thought he was, his mom wasn’t his mom, his dad wasn’t his dad. He growled as he turned the corner and slammed into someone, he fell back against the wall.

“Will you watch where you are walking?” Said a woman as Aj looked up. He saw a girl standing in front of him, a human girl, in a dark blue dress, a dress that looked like it belonged in old England, she had books in her hands, and she looked pissed.

“Sorry.” Aj said as he looked away and started walking again.

“Excuse me.” She said as she reached for him almost dropping the books in her hands. Aj stopped when he felt her hand grab his shirt. He looked at her as she looked him up and down.

“You are dressed funny.” She said looking at him.

“That’s what you stopped me for?” Aj asked his tone a little peeved. “Good to see public impression is the same here.” Aj said as he turned and walked away from her. He didn’t see the woman staring at him puzzled and shocked he had treated a Princess that way.

Aj made his way back to the castle he wasn’t sure how long he had been walking around for. His thoughts of the day were still racing around in his still throbbing head. It wasn’t that hard to find the castle, you could see it anywhere in the city, didn’t matter where you were. As he walked up to the doors, the guards nodded to him and opened one. He walked in and his eyes adjusted to the dark lobby.

“Sir Alexander.” Avit said a little relieved to see him. “Thank Pixca you are all right.”

“I’m fine I can take care of myself.” Aj said as he started walking down the lobby. “Where are my friends?” Aj asked as he stopped walking and Avit stopped along with him.

“They are in their rooms, shall I take you too them?” Avit asked. Aj was about to reply no, he didn’t want anyone around him, especially someone from here but he wanted to at least see the guys, maybe they figured out a way to get home.

“Sure.” Aj said with a sigh as he nodded for Avit to lead the way.

“Sir Marsa will be relieved you have returned.” Avit said as they walked up a long staircase.

“Well wouldn’t want to piss dad off and get grounded.” Aj mumbled as they reached the top of the stairs.

“Pardon?” Avit said as he stopped and looked at Aj.

“Nothin.” Aj said shaking his head. “Where are my friends?” he asked as he scratched the back of his ear, he notice his headache was going away.

“They are this way sir.” Avit said as he pointed down the left hallway. Aj nodded and they both started walking down the corridor. They walked passed about three doors and then stopped. “Your friends are in that room across the hall.” Avit said as Aj looked to the door that was across the hallway. “This is your room.”

“My room?” Aj asked. “Oh right because this is where I was born, of course I’d have my own room, tell maw and paw thanks.” Aj said with a slight roll of his eyes as he pushed on the door and opened it. Aj heard Avit sigh as he closed the door but he didn’t care. He locked the door from inside and turned around.

“Whoa.” Aj said as his eyes went a little wide. He looked around the room, a large fireplace sat against the right wall. “Yeah cause that’s not a fired hazard.” Aj said as he looked confused at the stone and mud fireplace. The room was quiet large, a couch sat in front of the fireplace, a desk sat to the front of the room, behind the desk was a giant stain glass window. As Aj sat down in the chair at the desk he looked to the bed which was now on the right side of him. It had four wooden posts almost touching the top of the ceiling. Curtains tightly wrapped around the post, and Aj knew at night you could pull them down.

“This is your room.” He heard Avit said in his head.

“My room.” He huffed as he dropped his hand onto the desk. A knock at the door made him look up quickly. Aj stared at it not sure what he should do, then he realized it could be the guys and the door was locked, so he stood up and walked over to it. Unlocking it, then turning the knob he pulled the some what heavy door open and saw Nick standing on the other side.

“Hey can I come in?” Nick asked.

“Sure.” Aj said as he stepped back and let him in. Nick walked over behind the couch and looked around.

“Damn, wonder if my room in Tokia looks like this?” Nick said as he saw the fire place. “Well that can’t be good.” Nick said pointing to it.

“I ain’t touchin it.” Aj said shaking his head lightly putting his hands up in defense.

“So you ok?” Nick asked as he leaned back on the top of the couch.

“I have no clue, I can’t grasp what is going on.” Aj sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“I got to talk to the King of Tokia, where the.” He stopped. “The Dwarves are.” Aj couldn’t help but smile. “Do you believe them?”

“No.” Aj said shocked Nick would ask. “I’m dreaming.”

“Then what about me?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know, just some part I made up so I wouldn’t be the only one?” Aj asked. “My head hurts.” He sighed as he sat down not wanting to think about it.

“Everyone in the other room is freaking out. They want to go home too.” Nick said as he looked at the stain glass window. Aj noticed his tone, and the look on his face.

“You do to.” Aj said to him. “Don’t you?”

“Yeah.” Nick said nodding. “Of course.”

“Oh ok.” He said relaxing.

“But I dunno, don’t you want to stay and find out more about this place?” Nick asked.

“Maybe we’re both in a comma and we’re picking up on each others brainwaves, so we’re like dreaming this together.” Aj said looking up at him.

“Dude..” Nick said as his head dropped a little.

“Well it’s a lot more believable than were on some planet with Elves, Dwarves and Mages.” Aj said with a laugh.

“Yeah, a Mage, does that mean there’s Magic here?” Nick asked.

“Hell if I know.” Aj said shaking his head.

“That would be cool.” Nick said nodding.

“You’re awfully chipper over this.” Aj said looking up at Nick.

“I’m not chipper, I’m just not spazzing like you.” Nick said looking at him.

“I’m not spazzing.” Aj said defensively.

“Oh no, sorry my mistake it was someone else yelling in the middle of town today.” Nick said looking away, his eyes pulling away from Aj at the last minute. Aj shot Nick a look and looked away himself.

“Well this place ain’t that different from back home.” Aj sighed as he looked back to his friend.

“What do you mean?” Nick asked a little confused.

“When I was walking around town, this chick slams into me, or I slammed into her not sure, but I said sorry, and she stops me, looks me up and down and says ‘You’re dressed funny.”

“Well yeah, you are.” Nick said with a laugh.

“Dude.” Aj said it was his turn to shoot Nick a look.

“I mean to her, you’re wearing jeans and a T-shirt, do the people here look like the casual type?” Nick asked. Aj’s eyebrows frowned as he thought about it.

“Oh.” Aj said realizing maybe she didn’t mean it as an insult. “What are the fella’s doing now?”

“Trying to figure out how to leave, and convince these people we aren’t who they say we are.” Nick said. “Oh, plus changing into these snazzy outfits.” He said as he popped the collar on his dark green robe. Aj sighed a little in frustration as he realized he needed to change out of his some what bloodied clothes. “Kevin’s worried about the war, after those girls came in; he said one was a Queen.” Nick said as he watched Aj go behind the giant screen by the bed.

“Yeah.” Aj said remembering what Marsa said.

“Yeah well, he’s worried we’re going to get caught up in it.” Nick sighed.

“Did they say why they brought us here?” Aj asked. Nick stopped and thought about it.

“They said they brought us back, hoping it would help.” Nick said thinking.

“Help with what the war? How the hell can we help the war?” Aj asked as he walked out in a green robe like Nick’s but the material was thicker but still surprisingly light.

“Sing?” Nick asked with a shrug. “All we are saying is give peace a chance.” Nick sang as he swayed side to side. Aj gave him a quick shot in the stomach for being a smart ass as he walked back. “Ow.” Nick moaned as he bowled over. “Still a little tender.” He whined.

“Stop being a smart ass over this Nick.” Aj said turning around. “This is serious.”

“You sound like Kevin.” Nick said as he turned around. Aj started to walk over too him making a fist. “I’m being serious.” Nick said quickly back. “I mean it; I thought you would love a place like this.”

“Well you thought wrong, I want to go home, and just forget all of this.” Aj said as he stopped. Just then there was a knock at the door and Aj turned around.

“Come in!” Nick shouted.

“Dude.” Aj said spinning back around.

“What if it is the guys?” Nick said looking back at him defensively.

“Hello.” Said a man’s voice as Aj turned around. He saw King Adop standing at the door.

“Hi.” Aj said as his face fell in puzzlement wondering why he was here.

“I would like to introduce you to my daughter.” King Adop said with a light bow.

“uh.” Aj said as he watched the man turn to the door.

“Nice dude.” Nick whispered as he stepped up beside him. “Hope I get hooked up.”

“I hope it’s a Dwarf.” Aj whispered back and he watched as Nick’s face fall in horror. Aj laughed to himself as he turned back to the door and saw the King walking back in. His eyes drifted to the door as he saw a girl walk in. She was wearing a dark blue dress, much like the dress the girl was wearing in the town.

“The girl in town.” Aj thought to himself as she saw her walk in.

“Hi.” Aj said as she looked up at him, and he saw the shock on her face too.

“Oh, hello.” She said a little stunned.

“Alexander this is my daughter Rayne.” Adop said as Aj looked to him. “And this is Nickolas.” The guys smiled and nodded to her saying hello.

“May I know go see Nalia.” Rayne said turning to her father.

“Rayne, please.” Adop said and Aj could tell he was a little annoyed.

“But they would not let me see her at the Springs.” Rayne said looking at him.

Another knock on the door made Aj sigh as he walked passed King Adop and Princess Rayne. He grabbed the knob and opened the door. A man with bright heavy armor stood on the other side.

“I wish to speak to King Adop.” The man said sternly to Aj.

“Yes Rem what is it?” Adop asked as Aj turned and saw the King walking over. “Excuse me.” He said with a nod to Aj as he stepped into the hallway.

“Sure.” Aj said as he turned and walked away from the door. He looked up and saw Nick staring at the ceiling and Rayne staring at Nick.

“So you’re a Princess.” Aj said as he walked up too her.

“Yes.” She said turning her stare from Nick to him. “And now I know why you are dressed funny.” She replied. Aj looked at her for a minute not sure if she was insulting him, or being funny.

“You’re the one that said he was dressed funny?” Nick said looking at her. She looked at him very shocked as she saw his finger pointed out right at her. “What?” Nick asked as he saw her expression.

“You do not point at royalty.” Rayne said a little dumb founded.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Nick said as he slowly pulled his finger in.

“Well I’m sorry I slammed into you the way I did, I wasn’t paying attention.” Aj said with a light smile.

“I guess neither was I.” she said with a sigh.

“What were you doing with all those books anyways?” Aj asked as Nick watched the two talk.

“They were spell books.” Rayne said.

“Spell books?” Aj and Nick said at the same time. “I knew it dude, I knew it!” Nick said excitedly. “You guys use magic don’t you?”

“Um, yes we do.” Rayne said a little puzzled.

“Nice.” Nick said with a nod. Aj looked at him and Nick shrugged not sure why Aj was shooting him a look.

“Is Nalia your friend?” Aj asked as he looked back too her.

“Yes.” Rayne nodded. “We’ve known each other since we were little ones.” Rayne said with a light smile. “We were even born on the same day.”

“Really?” Aj said a little surprised.

“Rayne?” said a man’s voice from the door. Nick and Aj looked as Rayne turned around and they saw Rem standing there. “Your father says you may go see Nalia now.”

“Thank you Rem.” Rayne said with a smile. The man nodded and then left.

“Dude I wanna learn magic.” Nick said slapping him on the arm.

“Can we use magic?” Aj asked looking to Rayne.

“I do not know, did they tell you your talent?” she asked.

“Talent?” Nick and Aj asked at the same time.

“That would be a no.” she sighed. “How about after dinner, we will go to the magic yards and I will show you what I can.” She said as Aj heard Nick giggle.

“Nice.” Nick said with a nod.

“Cool.” Aj said as he actually seemed interested.

“Now if you will excuse me, it was nice meeting you.” She said with a smile and nod.

“Yeah see ya later.” Nick said with a smile.

“Bye.” Aj said with a light wave. They watched as she turned around and walked out the door.

“She’s cute, put her in jeans and a tank top bet she’d be hot.” Nick said as he turned around and sat on the bed.

“You.” Aj said turning and looking at Nick. “Better not get beheaded for copin’ a feel from a Princess.” Nick’s face fell again as the realization came across his face.

“Keep forgetting this place is different.” Nick said with a light smile. “Kind of like England.”

“Kind of like middle earth.” Aj shrugged. “So real or are we dreaming?” Aj asked looking to Nick.

“Hell if I know dude, but she said we can blow stuff up with our hands and I wanna stick around until we do so.” Nick said with a smile.

“Carter.” Aj sighed.

“Maybe I can freeze stuff, be all like Arnold in Batman.” Nick said holding out his hand. “Chill.” He said in a horrible Austrian accent. “Chill.”

“Dork.” Aj said as he walked passed him and gave him a little shove. “How old are you?”

“Twenty Seven, but I feel like a kid.” Nick said with sarcasm.

“I hope I can freeze you, then I can get some adult time.” Aj said as he sat down in his chair. Nick laughed sarcastically as the door to Aj’s room opened.

“Hey.” Kevin said as the other guys walked in.

“Finally people my age.” Aj sighed as Nick rolled his eyes.

“So, what’s going on?” Kevin asked as he looked around.

“This is my room.” Aj said with a sarcastic smile.

“What’s with the..” Howie said pointing to the fire place.

“Don’t ask, don’t touch. I ain’t being responsible for this whole castle goin up.” Aj said as Kevin lightly laughed.

“Anyone know when we can eat I’m getting hungry.” Nick said as he sat on the bed.

“Dude I have a couch.” Aj said looking at him. Nick rolled his eyes and shook his head as he looked back to the guys.

“Find out anything new?” He asked.

“Nope.” Brian said sitting beside Kevin.

“They use Magic.” Aj said raising his eyebrows.

“They do?” Howie asked.

“Yeah.” Nick nodded as he stood up again. “This Princess came in.”

“Rayne.” Aj interrupted him. Nick looked at him funny. “Her name was Princess Rayne.”

“Right, well whatever.” Nick said shaking it off. Aj and Kevin shook their heads as he continued. “She said they used Magic’s and she was going to show us how after dinner.”

“Try too, she said she didn’t know if we could.” Aj said looking at him.

“Well if they use magics then they can just poof our asses back.” Kevin said standing up. “We should go to Marsa.”

“What now?” Nick said looking at him. “But Magic’s, pew pew.” Nick said poking his fingers out. Brian started laughing and so did Howie. It was contagious and soon they all were laughing.

“Fine.” Kevin said as they calmed down. “We’ll let the kid take a ride then we leave.”

Aj sat there looking at his friends, it was nice seeing them laugh and smile as they joked about where they were. He wondered if they were covering for the fact they were just as scared as he was and wanted to go home just as much as he did. He looked down at his fingers and wondered what it would be like to toss out a spell or two. He took a deep breath, and looked up again. His mind drifted to when Rayne had walked into the room. He didn’t see before how curly her hair was, pulled back around the sides. She was a small girl, thin, and couldn’t have been much taller than his mom. Her eyes were blue, as dark as her dress was. He laughed a little to himself not realizing he had paid so much attention to her to remember.

“Alex?” Kevin said as it broke him from his thought. He looked up and saw all the guys standing around staring at him.

“Yeah?” he asked not sure what they wanted.

“Servant said its dinner time.” Kevin said pointing to the door. Aj looked over and saw the Elvaan man standing in the doorway.

“Sweet I’m starving.” Aj said as he stood up and walked around his desk. Kevin looked to Brian with a raised eyebrow and Brian just shrugged.

“I hope the food is good.” Nick said as they followed the servant down the hall. “What if it’s like in Indy, and we have to eat monkey brains out of monkey heads.” Nick asked. Then he felt a slap up side the head. “Ow, Damn it Kevin.” He sighed without even looking.

“Do you ever think before you open that thing?” Kevin asked as Nick looked back to him.

“Do you ever close yours?” Nick shot back as he turned around.

“You better behave or Kevin will take away your magic fun.” Aj said as they stepped down the stairs.

“Yeah dude, nothing stopping us from leaving now.” Kevin said as they walked down the dinning room hallway.