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The Guardian Crusade

Volume I

Chapter 3

Rayne was rushed down the back castle stairs her father in front of her. She wasn’t sure what was going on. A servant had come into her room in the morning and told her that her Father wanted her up and dressed for they were leaving for Sarila.

“Father please I do not understand what is going on.” Rayne said as they walked out to the harbor.

“Rayne I told you we shall discuss this when we set sail, right now we must hurry.” Adop said as Rayne looked up and saw Sarila’s commanding ship.

It was made of wood as all ships were. The Lexcar as it was named had been the commanding ship for her kingdom for a while now. The mussels and slime that clung to the wood from years of sitting in water, made the ship look weaker than she actually was. It stood tall out of the water and as she looked up she saw the cannon holes were empty and she could see the sailors running around inside getting the ship in sailing order. The massive dark blue sails flapped in the wind, wearing the country’s symbol proudly.

“We are ready to set sail your Majesty.” Rayne heard the captain say to her Father.

Adop!” she heard someone shout and she turned to the voice as her Father did.

“Marsa I am sorry but I need to go.” Adop said raising his hand. “With Kalica gone, I need to be with my people, I need to be there.”

“But does Rayne, are you sure you want to put her in that kind of danger?” Marsa asked as the old Elvaan stopped in front of them.

“I can protect her better if she is with me.” Adop said as he motioned for Rayne to go onto the ship.

“I can stay here Father; I can help Alexander and Nickolas.” She was cut off by her Fathers loud stern tone.

“No!” He said turning to her. She looked at him shocked and confused. “Just ease an old mans heart and go onto the boat.” He told her. With one last look to Marsa and to her Father, she picked up her dress a little and walked up the plank. When she reached the ship she stopped and stood by the railing.

“Adop what is going on?” Marsa asked as Adop turned and looked at him. “We have been friends for years, so I do know when you are hiding something.”

“I am not.” Adop said defensive. “You are a King, Marsa you know where my loyalties lie, and I can not sit here and wait for those boys to make up their minds, minds that are already made up.”

“They have just arrived if you give them.” Marsa was cut off.

“Your Majesty we are ready.” Rem said.

Rayne looked to her left and saw her Fathers Guardian standing beside her. He always made her feel uneasy, the way he looked at her, and the way he presented himself.

“Very well Rem.” Adop said as he turned and headed up the plank.

“Adop I beg you reconsider, leave her here with the others.” Marsa yelled over the noise of the crew preparing the ship.

Rayne looked at her Father as he ignored Marsa and walked with Rem across the ship. When she felt the ship jerk she looked back to Marsa and saw them pulling away from the dock. The Elvaan was looking at her with great concern, something was telling her she shouldn’t go and his look made it even stronger but her Father wanted her at home.

Marsa watched as the ship pulled out of his harbor, the sails grabbing the wind and pushing the ship faster out to the vast water outside of the cave. He frowned, not sure what his friend was up to but he knew it wasn’t good.

“Avit?” Marsa said to his General.

“Yes your Majesty?” Avit asked.

“Send out a Gryphon Flyer, tell them to follow the ship at a safe distance, report to me if anything happens.” Marsa said as he looked to Avit.

“Yes sir.” Avit nodded as he turned around and headed down the docks.

Aj walked down the hall towards the dinning room. The servant had come up to is room and told him breakfast was served. He went to get the guys but they weren’t in their rooms, so he figured they already went down. As the doors opened he saw he was correct when he saw the other guys standing by the table chairs.

“Hey.” Aj nodded to them as he walked passed them. “What’s going on?”

“Just waiting for the Royalty to get here.” Kevin said with a light smile.

“One of the servants said Princess Nalia and Queen Evia will be joining us.” Nick said as he looked to Aj beside him.

“Cool.” Aj said with a nod. Just then the back doors opened and they saw the girl and woman they had seen in the Healing Springs, although they were in much better condition now.

“Hello.” The woman said with a curtsy. “I am Queen Evia, it is a great honor to meet you.” The guys bowed back, something they were told to do to Royalty, although they kind of already knew that. “And this is my daughter Princess Nalia.” The girl curtsied as well and the guys returned with a bow.

Aj looked at Nalia, she looked much different than Rayne. Her hair was a dark chocolate brown, her eyes the same colour as her hair. She was much taller than Rayne and she seemed to carry herself more like a Princess than Rayne did.

“Where are Rayne and her Father?” Aj asked as the servants started to serve them breakfast.

“Her Father has taken her home.” Evia said and as Aj looked up at her, he saw the distressed look on her face.

“How come, isn’t their land on the brink of war?” Kevin asked as Aj looked over to him.

“Yes they are, and Adop feels he can protect her better from there.” Evia said as she looked back down at her plate. Aj was about to say something when the side doors opened and Marsa walked in.

“So very sorry I am late.” He said with a light bow before sitting down.

“Quiet alright Marsa.” Evia said with a smile. “Any word?”

“No.” Marsa replied a little breathless as he picked up his plate.

“I thought the whole point was to keep us together?” Nick asked as the table looked at him. Aj watched as Nick looked around at all the faces staring back at him. “Well, if we are who you all say we are, and we’re supposed to be together, why did he take her away?”

There was a long quiet pause and Aj wondered what was going on. He looked to Evia, Nalia, and Marsa. They all looked sad and unsure. Aj noticed the room got a very heavy feeling and he knew something was wrong.

“Alright what’s going on?” Aj asked as he set down his fork.

“Pardon?” Marsa said as he quickly looked up.

“First it was very important for the four of us to stay together, hence why Nick and I are here. Where is Rayne and why did her dad take her?” Aj said an even he notice the demand in his voice.

“I am not sure why Adop has taken her.” Marsa said with a sigh. “But I feel it is not for her safety.”

“So what are you doing about it?” Aj asked as Kevin took his arm.

“Dude.” Kevin said looking at him a little shocked and unsure.

Marsa was about to answer Aj when the doors to the front hallway swung open and a tall Elvaan, with long black hair, sharp blue eyes and decked out in full leather armor walked in. Aj noticed the symbol on the front of his chest piece, it had the tree he had seen everywhere, but a weird bird in the middle of the vest.

“Sir Soula, you have something to report?” Marsa asked and Aj didn’t need to look at him to know he was worried.

“Yes Sir.” The man nodded. Aj saw the man look around the room at him and his friends.

“It is alright Soula they have much of a right as I do.” Marsa told the Elvaan. The man nodded and began to speak.

“I was flying high above them, nothing but a gryphon in the sky. I was about to pull back and swoop around in front of them looking like a fly over, when..” The man stopped and everyone’s eyes were stuck on him. “I saw a ship that looked like a ship from Kalica but it was sailing the colours of Johon.”

“What happened?” Marsa asked with worry.

“Did they attack?” Evia asked as Aj looked from Marsa to the Elvaan man.

“No, they did not.” The Elvaan shook his head. “The ship pulled up along side The Lexcar, they pulled out a plank, and Johon boarded.”

“With no resistance?” Marsa asked a little confused.

“None Sir.” The man said.

“Then this means..” Evia said looking to Marsa as she stood up.

“It can not be, Adop is King..he..” Marsa said and Aj watched as he slowly stood up.

“He has betrayed us Marsa.” Evia said as the Elvaan King, Aj and everyone looked up at her. “And it all makes sense now, how Johon had such big army’s, how he took Kalica so easily, how he..” Evia stopped and she clenched her fist. “How Johon knew about the meeting Colim was having in Pomic.”

“Mother..” Nalia said looking up to her mom.

“We must do something Marsa.” Evia said as she looked to Marsa. Aj looked down at his plate. He started feeling a little weird, like something was wrong but what could be wrong.

“Soula?” Marsa said looking up breaking Aj from his thoughts. “Prepare the flyers, if we fly hard and fast you can catch the ships. We’ll bring her back, we have too.”

“Yes your majesty.” Soula said with a nod. Aj watched as the Elvaan nodded and the feeling he was getting got stronger, he felt himself starting to panic. He hadn’t felt like this in a long time, but why here, why now? He heard the doors open and looked over seeing Soula leaving the room. His feeling got worse, almost taking his breath away. It started to sink in why he was feeling this way.

“Wait.” Aj said quickly as he stood up. “I’m going.”

“What?!” Kevin, Brian, Nick, and Howie said as they looked up at him. “Ah, baby no, you can stay right here.” Kevin said pulling him down to the chair.

“No I have to go.” Aj said standing back up.

“What do you mean you have to go?” Brian asked confused.

“I don’t know, it’s a feeling, I guess, I just know I need to go.” Aj said as he stepped away from the chair.

“Alexander are you sure?” Marsa asked.

“Yes.” Aj said with a nod.

“I don’t believe this.” Kevin sighed throwing his hands in the air. “Well you’re not going alone.” Kevin said as he stood up.

“Well if you’re going, then I’m going.” Nick said standing up too.

“I’m not flying.” Brian said shaking his head. “What is a Gryphon anyways?”

“It’s a type of bird we have here in Pixcadia.” Marsa said.

“A bird?” Brian said as his jaw dropped. “Yeah, so not flying, you all have fun.” Aj smiled a little when Brian smacked Nick who was laughing at Brian’s comment.

“Well I’ll stay here with Brian then.” Howie said with a shrug. Then Aj felt something grab his arm.

“Dude what are you doing?” Kevin asked as Aj turned around and saw it was him, who had grabbed his arm.

“What do you mean?” Aj asked.

“Duh, dude, what’s with the Prince Charming crap?” Kevin asked. Then his face dropped a little. “Oh you better not be getting feelings, we’re leaving remember.”

“No.” Aj scoffed at Kevin. “I told you, just this feeling I got, something telling me to go, and the way this place is, maybe I shouldn’t ignore it.”

“We should get going.” Marsa said as he approached the two guys, and Aj was glad. He was pretty sure Kevin was ready to unleash on him. Aj pulled out of Kevin’s grip and headed towards the dinning room doors.

“Hey.” Brian said from behind them and Kevin, Nick and Aj turned to look at him. “Be careful, we still need to get home.” Everyone lightly smiled at him and then left the room.

“So Johon just stayed on the Sarila’s ship?” Marsa asked as the men walked down the hallway.

“Yes sir and then his ship took lead.” The Flyer said as they approached a large wooden door.

“Took lead?” Marsa said stunned as he stopped dead, Nick almost slamming into him from behind.

“Yes your Majesty.” Soula said.

“I take it that’s not good?” Kevin asked.

“It means the ship has surrendered doesn’t it?” Nick said as Marsa turned and looked at him.

“Yes.” Marsa said and Aj heard the stunned tone in his voice. “You know this?”

“Well, I sail back home, well not in a while but I use too and yeah just figured.” Nick said with a shrug. Aj looked back to Marsa quickly when the King laughed lightly. The Elvaan said nothing and turned back around leading the guys towards the door again. Aj looked over to Nick and his friend just shrugged, just as confused as he was.

“Then it is far worse than I feared.” Marsa sighed as Soula opened the doors for him.

“What will we do when we get to the ships?” Kevin asked as they walked outside.

“We will get back Princess Rayne.” Marsa said a little shocked Kevin asked.

“How?” Kevin asked as he stopped.

“We fight, use magic, I am certain that Adop’s mean will give little resistance. You’ll just need to worry about Johon’s men, I will worry about Johon.” Marsa said turning back around. Everyone stayed quiet as they walked over to a large building. Aj looked up quickly when he heard loud squawking noises above him. The sun was cutting over the trees and blocking his sight from seeing anything above him.

“What was that?” Nick asked as Aj looked down and realized the other guys were looking up too.

“It was the Gryphon’s.” Marsa said as Soula opened the door.

“Oh.” Nick said. “Are these like Gryphon, Gryphon’s?”

“What?” Kevin said looking back at Nick with an annoyed look on his face.

“You know Gryphon’s from the movies, or middle earth, half bird, half beast.” Nick said looking back at Marsa.

“They are half bird yes, and they are half dragon.” Marsa said as they walked up a spiral staircase. The building was made of stone, there was hay everywhere, wooden boxes stacked neatly along walls, barrels shelved in big wine racks.

“Dragon?” Nick said with a squeal. Marsa nodded and Nick giggled. “Dude, so cool.” Nick said smiling a little as he looked at Kevin. Aj had to admit, it was pretty cool sounding.

The voices of everyone else talking started to disappear, his mind thinking about this place. He wasn’t as freaked when he woke up this morning and he wasn’t sure if it was because he was becoming use to this place, or because he was nicking less for a smoke.

“Whoa..” Nick grasp as Aj looked up his thoughts broken by the tone in Nick’s voice.

“Damn.” Kevin said as Aj’s eyes went wide. They walked out of the door to a large open area at the top of the tower they had just climbed. There were tree branches hanging over the edges of the platform, and as Aj’s ears caught the familiar sounds from down below he looked deeper into the trees and saw nests, and giant hawks sitting in them. A whistle made him look to his right and he saw Soula standing there blowing into a small tube. The man then looked to the trees and Aj followed his stare. His jaw dropped when he saw one of the Hawks get up from the nest, the birds body nothing like its head, which were covered in white and grey feathers. The Gryphon’s body was covered in dark scales, his feet were giant bird like claws, with large talon nails. Its tail shot around to the side as it landed in front of them, and Aj was surprised to see the scales turned into feathers as the tail came to an end. The feathers were white and grey the same colour as the feather on the birds head.

“Yeah, there’s no way we’re getting Brian on one of these.” Kevin said looking to the others. Aj started to laugh and Nick too as he nodded in agreement.

“We must hurry.” Marsa said as he walked back over to the guys.

Everyone was escorted to their Gryphon’s, the guys riding behind a rider, Aj was riding with Soula and Marsa was on his own Gryphon. The door opened and Avit came out. Aj noticed he didn’t look to happy as he headed right to Marsa. Aj watched as the two men began to talk quietly with each other, and then he noticed they were arguing a little. Avit left quickly and Aj watched as the Elvaan headed back downstairs. When he felt the Gryphon he was ridding moved a little he looked back over and saw Marsa approaching him and Soula.

“Is everything alright your majesty?” Soula asked.

“Avit, he does not want me to travel without him.” Marsa said with a light smile as he stopped his Gryphon next to theirs. “But I need him here in the city.” Aj watched as Marsa looked around making sure everyone was ready. “Let’s fly with most haste.” Marsa said as he nodded to Soula. Aj looked up as Soula turned a little in his harness.

“Hold on tight sir, the take off is bumpy.” He said as Aj took a deep breath and wondered what the hell he was doing. He felt the Gryphon jerk as it bent down a little and took off into the air. Slowly he glanced around him, no more trees, some mountains off in the distance, and sky. Slowly he relaxed himself and peaked down a little, the ground below was just green, with wisps of clouds over top. He looked to his left and saw Nick, he was looking around excitedly. Aj laughed to himself as he looked away and over to Kevin. His smile got a little brighter when he saw the smile of Kevin’s face. Kevin looked up at him and Aj pointed at him.

“Haha busted, you’re having fun!” Aj shouted across to him.

“Ok, now this, this is fun!” Kevin shouted back with a laugh.

The novelty soon wore off and Aj was back too thinking about the land that now moved below him. He thought it was a little strange waking up this morning, not really freaked, more relaxed, and now here he was chasing after Rayne. If it wasn’t for that feeling he had at Breakfast he wouldn’t even be up here right now.

Rayne sat on her bed in her chambers on the ship. Johon had locked her in here and placed guards outside her door. She had been crying, now she sat confused as the words of Johon played over in her head.

“You will marry me, for the sake of your land and your Father.” She heard his voice say and she honestly felt herself getting sick at the thought. When the clicking of her door opening broke her from the thought she looked up and her stomach turned even more when she saw Johon letting himself in.

“Hello my sweet.” He said with a smile as she looked away. “Aww do not be sad my love, today is a joyous day.”

“Hardly.” Rayne scoffed as she shot a look at him.

“My dear it is your wedding day, you should be delighted.”

“My what?” Rayne asked as she looked at him. “Today?” she asked shocked.

“I saw no need in waiting; your people will be most pleased to see this war come to an end.” Johon said as he walked over to the bed. “We will arrive in the harbor at sunset, the ceremony will be held before we dock.”

“And what shall I wear?” Rayne said sarcastically.

“No worries my dear, I have a dress already for you.” Johon said and her sarcastic smile turned to a frown. He sat down on the bed next to her and she quickly got up.

“Stay away from me.” She said sternly as she walked away from the bed.

“You will marry me..” Johon said, shocked when Rayne interrupted him.

“Not willingly, and you will never have permission to touch me.” Rayne yelled at him.

“I am King of Kalica, and now I am King of Sarila.” He said with an evil hiss as he got up from the bed and walked over to her. “I do not.” He shouted as he grabbed her arms, his voice falling to a whisper “Need your permission.” His grip was tight and it was starting to hurt her, she whimpered a little and he let go with a growl. She watched as he stormed over to the door and reached for the knob. “The maids will be here to dress you in an hour.” He said as he turned and looked at her. As the door slammed she fell to the floor crying, scared and confused.

Rayne stayed on the floor until the maids had come to get her dressed. Slowly she walked over to her door and opened it, letting the maids in. They sat her down in a chair in front of a long mirror that stood against the wall of the ship. She stared at herself in the mirror, lost as the maids fiddled with her hair. Only breaking her stare as the maids stood her up and walked her over to a stepping stool, one of the maids had set down. She stood up and they brought the white wedding dress over to her. They held it out for her to see, but she looked away, staring at the wall in front of her.

Soon she was alone again, standing in front of the mirror looking back at herself. The long satin dress flowed down around her. The dress obviously made in Kalica, she hated the high collars the woman always wore there. She looked at the crown that sat on her head, she frowned. When there was a knock at the door, she felt her stomach turn again and she looked over to it, staring at it, hoping they would go away. She closed her eyes when another knock broke through her room, and she slowly walked over to the door.

“It is time.” A servant said with a light nod. She felt herself wanting to cry again but she couldn’t not in front of her people. They knew the sacrifice she was making, they will know the sacrifice she made for them, for peace, and she will show them how strong she was to do it. She picked up her dress and stepped out of the room and headed up the stairs. Two guards blocked her view of the ship deck, and she looked back at the servant.

“Just wait here for your Father.” The lady said and Rayne sighed. Her Father, she couldn’t believe what he had done, done to his country, his friends, to her. What would her mother think of him?

“Rayne?” She heard him say behind her and she turned around. She didn’t hide the pain in her eyes as she looked at him. “I am sorry for this.”

“Sorry for marrying your daughter to a man like this, or sorry for the betrayal of your country, your people, your friends, me and mother.” Adop looked up at her. “For the first time in a year I am at peace with her being gone, because she is not here to see this.”

“Rayne.” Adop said sadly. She turned around and said nothing; the sound of music playing took her mind off her Father and to Johon again. The soldier’s moved and she walked up the last couple of steps as her Father stepped beside her. She looked to the front of the ship and saw the Mage Johon standing there with a Cleric from Kalica.

The small band began to play the ceremonial wedding music and she felt herself slowly moving towards Johon and the Cleric. She bit her lip forcing herself to go on, pushing her body forward and not back the way it wanted to go. Then they stopped, right in front of Johon, and she pulled her hand away from his when he went to take it. He looked at her angerly and grabbed her hand back quickly, holding it tightly.

“Johon.” Adop said as the Mage turned to look at him. He nodded for his guards to take her Father back away from them. They grabbed the man by the arms and pulled him away as he struggled a little.

“Please Cleric, you may begin.” Johon said as the Cleric nodded.

“Ladies and Gentleman please share your energies and prayers with me as I ask Pixca for her blessing in joining these two souls in eternal binding.” The Cleric spoke loudly as everyone watched.

“What is that!?” Someone shouted and everyone began to look around, when they looked up they saw what the commotion was about, a flock of Gryphon’s were flying towards them.

“Calm down everyone, it is just a flock of those birds from Winnol.” Johon said as he turned to the crowd.

“No it is not.” Adop said and Rayne looked at her Father and she saw a small smile on his face. Quickly she looked back again, she looked more carefully and when she saw the formation the birds were flying in she knew it was the Winnol Riders, it was Marsa. Did this mean they knew, did they come to save her and her Father? She looked back to her Father, but was pushed to the ground by Johon.

“You!” Johon shouted at the King. “You tipped him off!” The man shouted.

“No, I swear to you Johon, I did no such thing.” Her Father pleaded as the guards held him still.

“Traitor!” Johon shouted. “And you know what the punishment is for treason Adop, do you not?” Johon said as he reached for one of his guardsmen’s swords.

“Johon, no!” Rayne shouted standing up quickly but he paid her no attention as he pulled back on the sword and pushed it through Adop’s stomach. “No!!” Rayne screamed as she ran at Johon. She jumped on his back as he pulled the sword out and her Father fell to the floor. Screaming she pounded on Johon with one arm.

“Get this wretched witch off of me!” Johon shouted and he spun around sending Rayne hard to the deck floor. He pulled away quickly as she looked up at her Father lying in front of her, his eyes half closed.

“No.” she whispered as she looked at his lifeless body. Suddenly she was jerked up and Johon stood in front of her.

“Thank Pixca we had his blessing before he betrayed his country.” Johon said as he pulled her over to the Cleric. The Pixca Priest stood there stunned at what had just happened in front of him. “Please.” Johon said to the Priest. “Continue.”

The Priest opened his book, lifted his finger and opened his mouth to speak but the sound of an arrow whizzing pass them stopped him and he stood there stiff. Soldier’s and shipmen began yelling behind her.

“What now?!” Johon shouted angerly as he looked to the sky.

“It is Winnol.” Rayne said with a light smile. Johon spun around and looked at her. “The Gryphon’s in the sky, it is Winnol, you dim wit.” Johon’s face grew with anger and he grabbed her by the arm and walked her over to a guard.

“Watch her.” He said as he violently handed her off to him, Rayne crying out a little in pain.

“Yes sir.” The man said with a nod. Rayne looked back to the sky as Johon yelled for his spellcasters. The Gryphon’s were all flying over them now, and she noticed some of them had multiple riders. As an Ice bolt flew down onto the deck hitting one of Johon’s men in the leg, she searched the birds more intently. Then she saw him as he flew pass with the Flyers leader, it was Alexander and she realized the Shadow Flames were coming from Nick, and the bright lights of the Holy spells were coming from Kevin. She lightly smiled at the thought of him and his friends coming to save her. Looking around she searched to see where Johon had gone too. She saw him on the upper part of the deck, reserved only for her father and the captain. He was sending out bolts of fire at the birds as they whizzed past the ship.

Rayne looked around, there had to be something she could do, there had to be a way she could get away so the birds could get to her. But there was nothing but water around her. Suddenly it hit her, she looked to where the birds were, most of them still gathered around the front as their riders fired arrows at the men below. As she looked away she caught Alex and his rider coming back to the front. Hoping with everything she had, they would see her, she shoved the guard and he fell back tripping over the boxes beside them. His grasp slipped from her and picked up her dress as she made a dash for the opposite side of the ship. Quickly she climbed up onto the railing and looked down into the water. She heard Johon shout and she knew she had to jump now. With a push she dove into the water and away from the ship.

“There!” Aj heard Marsa shout and he peaked over Soula’s shoulder. He saw the two ships sailing in a distance, they were blurs but you could tell they were ships. “They’re almost at Sera.” Marsa shouted with worry.

“We will catch them.” Soula shouted back and he waved his arm in the air. His men began to dive with their birds, and soon Aj and Soula joined them. They began to pick up speed as they headed down closer to the ships.

“We’ve been spotted!” One of the flyers shouted as Aj felt him and Soula fly sideways a little. He looked around the Flyer again, down to the ship and he saw Rayne jumping onto someone’s back.

“What’s going on?” Aj shouted to Marsa, but the Elvaan just stared down at the ship. Aj looked back down and he saw Rayne laying on the deck floor, then the man laying beside her caught his eye. He looked back up to Marsa, and down again, then realized it was Rayne’s Father lying on the deck. “Marsa!” Aj shouted and the King turned and looked at him. Marsa didn’t need to say anything; he could see the anger on Aj’s face.

“Attack now!” Marsa shouted and the Elvaan riders pulled back on their bows. Aj heard the whizzing and pings of the bows and arrows as they released into the sky, piercing through the air as they fell towards their targets.

“Can we get to her?” Aj asked Soula as the Rider brought his Gryphon down, circling the ship.

“The deck is covered with men.” Soula said. Aj looked back down and saw Rayne looking around at the birds flying over her. Aj saw a man running towards her, and he sent an ice bolt flying down to the deck, striking the man in the leg. Soula brought his bird back around towards the others gathered in the front. Aj quickly turned to make sure Rayne was alright, when he saw her running free across the deck. He looked at the guard that was holding her and he was lying on some boxes. Looking back he saw her standing on the railing on the side of the ship. “She’s going to jump.” Soula shouted back at him.

“Jump?” Aj asked a little shocked, and as the words left his mouth, he watched as she dove into the water.

“Hold on!” Soula shouted as he grabbed his Gryphon and it jerked forward sending them quickly down towards the Ocean below.

Aj sent out a bunch of Ice bolts hoping to distract the men trying to hit them as they got closer to Rayne in the water. He watched as she swam towards them, not once did she look back. Then he heard the Gryphon squeal, so loud it hurt his ears. Then he felt the bird rock and before he knew it, he was in the water too. A little disoriented he began to swim to the top of the water. When his head broke through he gasped for air and quickly looked around. He didn’t see the Gryphon or Soula anywhere. When he heard someone shout his name he looked behind him, and saw Rayne swimming towards him.

“Are you alright?” She shouted a little as she got closer to him.

“I think so.” Aj said, still not sure what had happened. Just then an Ice bolt came crashing into the water between them and both turned from the water splashing around them. “We need to get away from the ship.” Aj said as he grabbed her hand, they were both looking back at the ship, as Johon frantically yelled at his men.

“Aj!” He heard someone shout from above and he looked up to see Kevin and his rider above them. “Are you ok man?”

“Yeah I’m fine but be careful!” Aj shouted looking back at the ship. He turned around when he heard another bird above him. He looked down to Rayne and caught something over her shoulder. “Soula.” Aj said as he swam passed Rayne. Quickly he swam over to the Elvaan.

“Soula you ok?” Aj said as he swam up to him.

“My leg was caught in the harness, might be broken.” Soula said in pain.

“Is he alright?” Rayne asked as she swam up to them.

“He thinks his leg is broken” Aj said to her and she frowned. A Rider came down and hovered over them. As the Elvaan reached down and grabbed Soula in a strong grip, he pulled his leader onto the bird. Soula shouted in pain as he adjusted his leg. When Soula’s rescuer left another came in. “Your turn.” Aj said turning to Rayne. She lightly smiled as she reached up for the Rider. He saw her dress, it was soaked in water, her hair, which Aj was sure looked very nice before, was now straggled and ruin, soaking wet, and he wondered why she was all dressed up. As her Gryphon took off into the air, one swooped in and grabbed onto Aj. Soon he too was in the air and in a safety zone. He looked in front of him and saw Rayne she was looking back, but not looking at him. Slowly he turned around and saw the ships slowly disappearing into the distance. He remembered her dad on the floor, and he frowned, wondering what she was thinking.

“Hey!” He heard Nick shout from beside him. Aj slowly looked over. “You ok, dude? That was crazy.”

“Yeah man I’m fine, what happened?” Aj asked.

“That Johon dude hit your bird with a fire spell.” Nick shouted to him. “Bird didn’t make it.” Nick frowned and Aj found himself frowning too.

The flight back to Winnol was long and quiet. Aj spent most of the trip worrying about Rayne, what she would do now. Her mother died a year ago, and now her Father. He didn’t get a chance to talk to her as she was whisked away to change and clean up when they landed back in the Elvaan city.

“Alexander, why do you not go change as well?” Marsa said as the King walked over to him.

“Yeah good idea.” Aj nodded.

“Meet us in my meeting chambers when you are done.” Marsa said with a nod as he walked towards the tower doors.

“Damn these things are heavy when they’re wet.” Aj said as he tugged at his robe.

“That was close man.” Kevin said as the three guys walked down the stairs.

“Yeah.” Aj nodded with a light laugh.

“Not funny Aj.” Kevin said stopping on the stairs.

“Come on dude, I’m wet.” Aj whined.

“That, what happened back there, was the exact thing I was talking about, we should be worrying about getting home.” Kevin said to him. “Not chasing after Princess.”

“I wasn’t chasing.” Aj said back.

“Oh please.” Kevin scoffed rolling his eyes turning back around. “Wait! I’m going too.” Kevin said mocking Aj. “I have to go it’s a feeling.” Nick started laughing and Aj looked behind him. Nick stopped laughing and just shrugged.

“Hey, what happened?” Howie asked as the three guys walked out of the stairway into the hallway and saw Brian and Howie standing there.

“Superman here almost drowned himself trying to save Rayne.” Kevin sighed.

“What!?” Brian and Howie shouted at the same time.

“I didn’t drown myself, the Gryphon I was on got hit with a fire spell and I fell in the water.” Aj said rolling his eyes.

“Oh that makes it better.” Brian said sarcastically.

“I need to change.” Aj sighed as he walked passed the guys.

“Aren’t we going to talk about this?” Brian asked.

“Talk about what Rok?” Aj asked turning around. “Close call, I’m fine, let’s move on, how about worrying about how to get home.” Aj said as he shrugged and turned around. He left the guys speechless as he walked down the hallway.

When Aj arrived at his room he was relieved to see the servants had already laid out a new robe for him. He walked into the bathroom and again was relieved to see a hot bath already drawn for him.

“You know a fella could get use to this.” Aj said to himself as he stepped into the tub. As he sunk into the water, his mind raced back to the crazy event that had happened. How angry and sad he felt for Rayne when he realized it was her Father lying on the deck. “Don’t get involved Alex.” He said to himself. “You just want to help, that’s all.” He took a deep breath and pulled himself out of the water. Wrapping a towel around his waist he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his new robe. He grabbed a new pair of underwear and looked at them for a moment. He shrugged at them, they didn’t look that much different from the ones he wore at home, and they looked like boxers actually. Aj slid the robe around him, button it closed and tied the belt around him. He walked over to his door and opened it.

Aj walked down the hallway towards the large staircase that lead to the lobby below. He skipped down the steps and around the side. Walking behind the stairs he walked up to the doors of Marsa’s meeting chambers and walked in. He saw the guys, Rayne and Marsa all sitting in the room waiting for him.

“Ah, Alexander you’re here, good.” Marsa said with a nod. Aj lightly smiled as he walked over to a chair and sat down. He looked over to Rayne and saw the sad look on her face. “I have already talked to Rayne about what had happened.” Marsa told them about the deal Adop had made with Johon, marrying her to save Sarila. He told them they weren’t sure how long, but they realized that Adop was probably working for Johon like Evia said.

“So the reason you were all dressed up?” Aj asked as he looked at her.

“He wanted to marry on the ship, he was persistent on it.” Rayne said quietly.

“Well good thing we got there when we did.” Nick said from the other side of the room. Aj watched as Rayne lightly smiled but she didn’t look at Nick.

“So what happens now?” Kevin asked as he sat up.

“Johon is most likely in Sera right now, he most likely has control of Sera now, and it will not be long until he takes the rest of Sarila.” Marsa said sadly. “He will meet little resistance with the King dead, and Princess Rayne here in Winnol.”

“So he now has control over half of this place?” Kevin asked.

“Yes.” Marsa said sadly. “This is very grave for Pixcadia.” Everyone fell into silence but it was broken as Rayne stood up and stormed out of the room. They all looked around stunned not sure what had just taken place. Aj stood up heading to the doors; he opened them and walked out behind the stairs. As he came to the bottom of the stairs he looked up and saw her.

“Rayne?” Aj shouted as he looked up. She stopped and he grabbed the railing and ran up to her. “Are you alright?”

“What do you care?” she asked sharply.

“Um.” Was all he could say, as he looked at her stunned.

“Do not worry about me, I am fine, you should go back with your friends and figure out how you’re getting home.” She said as she lifted her dress and walked the rest of the way up the stairs.

“Wait!” Aj yelled as he chased after her. “What do you mean I don’t care, would I have gone with the Gryphon riders if I didn’t care?”

“Today yes, but what of tomorrow?” Rayne asked her tone loud. “And the day after that, and after that, this place will still be at war, but you will be home and safe by then.”

“If we find a way.” Aj said.

“Find a way? You do not need to find a way, just ask Marsa, he can send you home.” Rayne said. “Remember the deal, there’s no reason for you to stay.” She spoke as she turned and headed down the hall. Aj stood there not sure what to say, but he felt like he should say something.

“No.” Aj said as he stopped her. “The deal was if we found out whether Nick and I were these two Princes everyone keeps talking about..”

“But you are, and you do not see it because you do not want it.” Rayne said as she took his hand and pulled it from her arm. “So please, return home with your friends, before something far worse than today happens to you or one of them.” He watched as she turned away and walked down the hall. He didn’t move until she disappeared around the corner. Sighing with a light shake of his head, Aj headed back down the stairs and made his way back to Marsa’s meeting chambers.

“Did you find her?” Marsa asked.

“Yeah.” Aj said quietly with a light nod.

“Is she alright?” Nick asked, Aj looked up at his friends.

“Yeah I guess.” Aj said with a light shrug. Everyone went back to their conversations before Aj walked in. He sat there staring at his fingers, her words playing over and over in his head. “But you are, and you do not see it because you do not want it.”

“Aj?” Kevin’s voice said breaking him from his thoughts. “What’s up man?”

“Nothing.” Aj said as he put his hand down.

“Are you sure, maybe you hit your head or something?” Howie asked. “Are you feeling ok?”

“I said I’m fine, fuck guys back off.” Aj shouted.

“Dude.” Kevin said as the guys looked at him shocked.

“You guys are all over me about going home, but what if they’re right, what if I am this Alexander and Nick is who they say he is.” Aj said with frustration.

“Alex come on.” Brian said.

“No you come on!” Aj shouted. “If I can do something to help them..”

“To help Rayne.” Kevin said with a fighting tone.

“To help Rayne.” Aj shot back at him slowly. “I can do something to help this war to help them fight back.”

“Maybe.” Kevin said quickly.

“No, Kevin.” Aj said frustrated. “Not maybe, I am, so now what?” Aj looked around at his friends. “It doesn’t mean I’m staying.” He then turned to Marsa. “It doesn’t mean I’m staying.” Marsa nodded with a slight bow, understanding him completely but not hiding his happiness Aj was staying to help. “But I can’t go home knowing I could of done something to help them.” He said as he looked back at the guys.

“Argh!” Kevin growled as he rolled his head back in frustration and anger.

“He’s kind of right man.” Brian said as he looked to his cousin. Kevin’s head snapped back up, his distinguished eyebrows rose up as well. “I don’t like the thought of getting barbequed either, or frozen, or blown away, and I’m small, I fly like a kite when someone sneezes.” Aj couldn’t help but laugh and he looked up at Kevin who was smiling too. “Man, if we can help how can we leave?”

“We can ride the Gryphon’s some more.” Aj said as everyone looked at Kevin.

“Dude.” Kevin said looking at him.

“Well if we’re staying I wanna go down to the pub and try their beer, you have beer right?” Howie asked Marsa.

“Beer?” Marsa asked a little confused.

“Ale?” Howie asked raising his eyebrow just a little.

“Oh yes Ale, we have Ale, although the Ale in Tokia is best.” Marsa said with a nod, nodding as he understood.

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” Kevin said baffled by everyone. “Fine, we’ll help, but when it’s done then we leave.”

“Unless we lose.” Nick said as he crossed his arms. Everyone looked at him a little pissed. “What?” He said sinking into his seat. “Just being realistic.” Aj shook his head with a light laugh to himself as he turned around. He took a deep breath, not sure where all that had come from, it happened so quickly.

“This is good.” Marsa said with a nod. “There is still hope, and with hope there’s still a reason to fight.”