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The Guardian Crusade
Volume I

Chapter 5

Alex sat at a large wooden table, books scattered in front of him. He was in the Council House. The place where Rayne told him Mages went to study their talent, and since he wasn’t raised here, and didn’t go to school here, he figured he had some catching up to do. Most importantly he was hoping they had books on the Elemental, and more on the Guardians. Which to his satisfaction, there were. One book he found was called the Myth of Adamai. He learned that there was a Mage named Adamai who had called upon a large beast created from water. He read that the Mage out of pure hate and anger touched a pool of water and fed his hate and anger into it. The hate filled energy formed into a funneling beast of water, and crushed all of Adamai’s enemies. No one knows what happened to him, the survivor’s who came back to tell the tale said he left into the forest and never came out, some say the beast took him back into the water with him.

Aj closed the book and rubbed his eyes. He had been reading for a while, and looked over to the other book he had yet to touch and he felt tired just thinking about reading it. One of the teachers here said that this book was the book about the Guardians; everything that Pixca had known about the guardians was in that book. The sound of the door to the room opening made him look up and he was surprised to see Nick standing there.

“What’s up?” Aj asked as he closed the book.

“We’re getting ready to go.” Nick said as he sat in a chair across from Aj.

“Ok.” Aj said as he gathered the books up. “I just need to give these back to the Mage Teacher.” Aj said as he piled them up.

“What are they?” Nick asked as he picked one up. “The Ancients?” He read as he looked at Aj.
“It’s about the Ancient Magic, kind of cool.” Aj said as he looked at it. “Like there’s one called Tohil, and well that’s what it does creates like a hurricane. There’s one called Volco it’s suppose to be this big huge flame tower that shoots up and burns the enemy”

“Nice.” Nick said with a nod as he helped Aj with the books. “You seem to be getting more and more into this.”

“Well, I’m starting to think that maybe what they’re saying is true, maybe, I dunno.” Aj said as they walked out of the room. He set the books down on the table and the teacher he had talked to came over to them.

“Can I keep these two; I’ll bring them back when I’m done?” Aj asked.

“Of course sir.” The teacher said with a smile and a nod. Aj smiled back and headed out of the building with Nick.

“So I’m thinking about asking Nalia out to dinner tomorrow.” Nick said as they walked down the street.

“Oh?” Aj said a little stunned.

“I mean I know we’ll be leaving and stuff, but who knows when, right?” Nick said as he looked at him.

“Sure.” Aj nodded.

“And she’s really cute, and nice, and not so..” Nick stopped as he thought about the words.

“Hollywood?” Aj asked looking back at him.

“Yeah.” Nick nodded. “Figures, I meet one, and it’s in another dimension.” Nick sighed as Aj giggled a little. “Are we in another dimension?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to think about that, this place hurts my head enough.” Aj said with a sigh.

“Yeah that’s for sure.” Nick said with a nod.

“This place gives you a headache?” Aj asked as he stopped walking and Nick stopped too. “You sure hide it well.”

“Hey just because I’m not all boohoo doesn’t mean I’m not freaking out about this.” Nick said as Aj rolled his eyes. “I’ve never been one to bitch you know that.”

“I’m not bitching.” Aj said quickly. “And Kevin would say otherwise.”

“Not saying you are dude, but seriously is it really that bad?” Nick asked ignoring the Kevin comment. “Being here, finding out we’re Princes and we can use magic, magic.” Nick said with a smile. “Don’t you feel it?”

“Feel what?” Aj asked nervously.

“When something happens, when people talk about us.” Nick said to him. “I get this feeling like something pushing me. Kevin talks about going home and I feel like I don’t want to go yet.”

“Really.” Aj said a little shocked.

“Would it be so bad?” Nick asked.

“Dude.” Aj said a little breathless. “What about your family, the group.”

“Sure they’d miss the meal ticket, and the well you guys can go on with four.” Nick said with a shrug. “I’m just saying anyways, not like I’ll actually stay, damn calm down.”

“You know what? I really don’t want to hear this right now.” Aj said as he started to walk away.

“What about Rayne?” Nick asked as Aj stopped.

“What about her?” Aj asked turning around.

“Well first you save her, then she saves you, you seem to be talking to her a lot more than you talk to us about things here and this morning you jumping right to her aid when she wanted to go to the island and find Rem.” Nick said as he walked up to Aj.

“You followed as soon as Nalia chimed in.” Aj said quickly to him.

“And this isn’t about me, besides, hello, I said I was going to ask her to dinner.” Nick said raising his eyebrows. “Look I’m not forcing you to do something you don’t want to, but seriously Alex you should try just dropping it all and going with the ‘what if’ cause it’s hella fun.” Nick said and Aj watched as Nick started walking down the street. Taking a deep breath he let out his frustration and followed his friend.

“So where are we meeting everyone?” Aj asked as he finally caught up too Nick.

“In Marsa’s meeting room.” Nick said as he glanced at Aj from the corner of his eye. “He’s going to show us what his Riders mapped out.”

“Mapped out?” Aj asked confused.

“Yeah like where they saw Johon’s men camped and stuff.” Nick said as the guards opened the castle door for them.

“Oh.” Aj said nodding.

“Hey did you know that the Dwarves are rulers of the sea?” Nick asked.

“Rulers of the sea?” Aj asked confused.

“Yeah Marsa was telling me that they are known for sailing the sea’s of Pixcadia.” Nick said. “Sailing is in their blood.”

“Well that’s interesting.” Aj said with a nod, knowing how much Nick loved sailing.

“You know what else he told me?” Nick said as they walked behind the stairs.

“What?” Aj asked almost sarcastically.

“Elvaan’s are entertainers.” Nick said with a light smile. “Many of them have traveled around Pixca performing, singing, acting.” Aj looked at Nick as he walked into Marsa’s meeting room. It was another thing to send his mind spinning.

“Ah, Alexander good you’re here.” Marsa said with a smile. “We can begin.”

“Where are the guys?” Aj asked.

“Marsa thought we could get more done if Kevin wasn’t here.” Nick said and Aj saw the small smile on his face.

Aj walked over to Marsa’s desk, where there was a large map. As his eyes skimmed across the map he read the names of the country’s and city’s. Kalica, Pomia, Sarila, Sera, and as he read the names and saw the vast amount of land each of the country’s own, he saw with his own eyes exactly how big and bad this war had gotten.

“This is Darlawind.” Marsa said pointing to the map. “It’s a small town, the only town on the island. The Riders have seen Rem and Johon’s men here.” Marsa said as he pointed to a spot a little ways from the town. “They are about three miles from the town, and are holding there, I have been able to get reinforcements to Darlawind last night.”

“Does Johon plan to attack Darlawind, take it as a holding point?” Nalia asked.

“I believe so, but we do not know for sure.” Marsa said with a sigh.

“Then we will find out.” Rayne said as Aj looked at her.

“When do we leave?” Aj asked.

“You will leave now; it will take an hour to fly there. Avit will be with you, when you arrive you’ll then discuss the best course of action.” Marsa told them. “Please all four of you be careful and do not put any of yourselves in danger.” Everyone nodded and agreed, although Aj saw how reluctant Rayne was.

Marsa rolled up the map and everyone headed out of his meeting room. They left the castle and headed to the Gryphon tower. Aj was a little surprise to find himself not that nervous, if anything he was anxious. He was anxious to get there, to find Rem, find out what happened, and find a way to end this war.

“Hey.” Aj said when he looked up and saw the other guys standing by the Gryphon Tower.

“So you’re still going.” Kevin said in a tone Aj knew meant he wasn’t happy.

“Yep.” Aj said with a nod.

“I think it’s stupid and we should be home by now.” Kevin said.

“Stupid?” Aj said as he felt all the anxiety and all the frustration come to a head. Aj walked over to Marsa and took the Map from him. He unrolled it and held it up to Kevin’s face. “See all the red lines sketched across the countries.” Aj said angerly. “That is everything Johon has taken from them, and I’m sorry Kevin, but if I can do something to get all this back for them, too keep them from loosing more, then I’m going to damn it!” Aj shouted. He pulled the map down and rolled it up, he walked over to Marsa and handed it back to him, then walked over to Avit and a Gryphon. Everyone stood there quiet for a moment.

“Just be careful.” Brian said as him and Howie walked up to Nick.

Aj looked up at the giant bird as he stroked his fingers along the soft feathers. He was a little surprised the birds were so gentle with how they looked and everything. When he felt someone standing beside him he looked over and saw Rayne putting down her bag near the Gryphon beside his.

“Are you alright?” She asked as she turned to him.

“Yeah I’m fine; it’s just sometimes he can be so thick headed.” Aj sighed.

“I’ve noticed that.” Rayne said with a light smile. “Did you really mean what you said, about getting it back for us?”

“If I can, then yeah.” Aj said with a nod.

“We are ready.” Avit said to the two and then walked over to Marsa. Aj and Rayne followed and walked up to Nick and Nalia.

“May Pixca watch over the four of you, her soldiers” Marsa said and then lightly bowed to them.

“You two come back safe.” Howie said as he looked to Aj and Nick.

“All four of you.” Brian said with a nod. Aj looked over to Kevin and he angerly rolled his eyes and looked away. Aj sighed and looked at Brian and Howie.

“We will don’t worry about us.” Aj said with a smile. The two guys hugged their band mates and then loaded up their Gryphon’s.

Aj sat behind Avit and looked down to his friends. He knew this was it, the crossroads. This was him making his choice, and he wasn’t going to mope over it anymore. They said he was this Prince Alexander, so he was going to play the part and what ever came from it, came from it. With one last look at Kevin, he felt the bird jerk down and then jump up. He waved to Brian and Howie as they waved to them and soon they were high above the land, heading towards the island.

It didn’t really take long for them to reach the island, not as long as it took to reach Rayne and her Father on the ships. Aj looked around when he felt the bird starting to descend, and he saw that much of the island looked like Winnol.

“There.” Avit shouted as he raised his arm. “In the distance, do you see it?”

Aj looked out to his right and saw in the distance, he saw a couple of large tree’s standing up from the clouds. As they slowly fell below the clouds he saw more tree’s, but as the clouds disappeared he saw that there were lights coming from the tree’s.

“What is that?” Aj asked.

“It is Darlawind.” Avit shouted back. “That means Johon’s camp is somewhere over there.” Avit said pointing. Aj looked down a little and around the other side of the bird.

“We should land here then.” Aj shouted as he pointed down.

“Yes, I agree.” Avit nodded. He then singled to Soula’s Second in Command or SC for short. All the birds descended down into the trees carefully gliding there way to the ground below.

“Set up a parameter.” Avit said to a soldier as he jumped down from the Gryphon. “Johon’s camp is that way.” Avit pointed.

“Man that’s fun.” Nick said smiling as he walked over to Aj. Aj smiled as he jumped down and grabbed his bag. “So what do we do now?”

“Set up camp.” Aj said at the same time Rayne did. Nick lightly smiled and gave Aj the eye.

Everyone helped out setting up shelters in thick areas where it was harder to see them. Making sure they were hidden incase Johon had patrol’s out; although they were sure he wouldn’t send them this far, if he didn’t know they were there. Aj was tucking his bag into the small shelter he had made, when the sound of bickering distracted him. He looked behind him and saw Avit and Rayne arguing.

“I do not understand why we can not go now.” Rayne said angerly.

“Please, Princess Rayne, if you want to go tonight and look at our situation that is fine, but at least wait until dark.” Avit said with a little plea.

“And what of Johon and Rem, should I just sit here while they lay claim to another of Pixcadia’s lands?” she said. Aj stood up and wondered if he should say something.

“The camp is still quiet small, we are not sure they are ready for that kind of attack, which is why we are here.” Avit said.

“We are here to get Rem, and find out what he knows!” Rayne shouted, and everyone at the camp stopped and looked at her.

“You would risk your life, the Guardians, everything just to get Rem this one time?” Avit asked her, she looked back to him. Aj sighed when he saw her turn away from Avit and angerly walked away from him. Avit looked up at Aj and then headed towards his men as they stood around a table mapping out a plan. He walked in the direction that Rayne had walked and headed into the forest. It was getting dark and harder for him to see. He stopped and looked around he heard a light whisper and looked to his left. Sitting on a rock under a tree was Rayne; slowly he made his way over and as he got closer he saw Paq lying down by her feet.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone.” Aj said as he stopped a couple of feet away from her.

“I can take care of myself.” She said

“Never said you couldn’t.” Aj said as he saw her wipe her face with her sleeve lightly. “I haven’t been here very long and even I know Avit is right.” She turned and looked at him; her eyes were red and puffy. “And I know you want to find the answers to your questions, but if you go and get caught, what then?”

“I just need to know.” She said as she looked away. “Why Father did what he did, why Rem did what he did, how could they think Johon would be good for Pixcadia?”

“I don’t know.” Aj said as he walked over to her. He sat down on the ground beside her, crossing his legs under him. “Since I got here, one thing I’ve notice was how much your Father wanted to protect you, I mean he went against what he believed in because he wanted you close.”

“And now he has left me alone.” Rayne said as she sniffed. “With Kalica gone, Sarila gone, and now Winnol on the edge of war.” She stopped and took a deep breath.

“You’re scared.” Aj said as he looked up at her. She looked down at him, at first he saw shock in her face, then denial, and then she looked away.

“I will only admit this to you.” She said quietly. “But yes I am.” He frowned a little when he saw a tear fall from cheek down to her robe. Slowly he reached his hand over and placed it on hers; she looked up a little stunned.

“Me too.” Aj said as he closed his hand over hers. Slowly a small smile crept across her face. The growl and movement of Paq perking up made them both jump and look at the wolf. She was now on all fours and slowly moving forward.

“What’s going on?” Aj asked both staying still.

“She senses something, not a friend.” Rayne said as she looked to Aj.

“That’s what I figured.” He said with a light sigh. “We should get back to camp.”

“We must see what it is.” Rayne said back too him as she stopped him from walking.

“Now’s not the time, we should get Avit.” Aj said too her. She looked back to where Paq was guarding and then looked to Aj. “Alright.” She said reluctantly. He took her by the hand and they headed back to the camp, keeping an eye on what was going on behind them. Then both of them stopped dead as the sound of ice crackling was heard around them.

“Oh no.” Aj heard Rayne whisper and he looked down, his feet were stuck in Ice.

“Ice trap?” Aj asked as he stared at his feet incased in an ice block.

“Yes.” Rayne said and he heard the panic in her voice. He quickly looked up and around into the trees. “Where’s Paq?” Rayne asked quickly.

“I don’t know.” Aj said, and then the sound of people shouting in front of them took their attention.

“It is coming from the camp.” Rayne said her voice even more panicked. Aj pulled his legs up but they wouldn’t move, then with one final pull the spell released, and he fell forward. “They take some time to get use too.” Rayne said as she took his arm and helped him up. He lightly smiled at her and then they took off running towards the camp.

When they arrived they saw what they had feared. Johon’s men had found the camp, and an all out fight had broken out. Aj scanned around the camp for Nick but he couldn’t see him, he then looked for Avit and saw him fighting off two soldiers and one coming up behind him with a sword. Aj threw out his arm and a glow of blue sparked from his fingers, and then an ice bolt flew from his hand and smashed into the soldier running at Avit. As Avit flung his sword into the last guard he was fighting, he spun around and saw the man that would have killed him. He looked to Aj and Aj saw relief in his eyes.

“Where’s Nick!?” Aj shouted to Avit

“Rem and his men, he took Nalia, Nick chased after him.” Avit said.

“Which way did they go?” Rayne asked looking at Avit.

“They went that way towards where Johon’s camp would be.” Avit said pointing to an eastern direction. “Wait Princess!” Avit shouted and Aj spun around and saw Rayne taking off towards the forest. Aj looked back from Rayne too Avit, Avit looked at him and then looked around. “Go with her Alexander, I think we have this under control.” Avit said. Aj took one last look around and then ran after Rayne.

He dodged around the trees; he kept low and made sure he stopped to look around, seeing if anyone was fallowing him. He would whisper as loud as he could for Rayne, Nick, or Nalia, but no one answered. When he saw a dim light through the trees, he stopped, then he heard the whispers of people talking, the light off in the distance clanging of metal. Aj had the feeling he had come up onto the camp, or a camp. He crouched down lower, behind some bushes. His eyes scanned the camp, what he could see of it. He stopped when his eyes caught Nick. Two soldiers held him by the small fire.

“Where is she!?” A man shouted as he walked in front of Nick.

“Who?” Nick said. Aj watched as the man nodded and the two soldiers slammed Nick down to his knees, and he shouted in pain. Aj felt the anger rush through him.

“Where is she?” The man asked again.

“She? Do you know who you’re talking to? I see a lot of she’s, your going to have to be more specific.” Nick said again.

“What are you doing dumbass.” Aj whispered as one of the soldiers grabbed Nick’s hair and pulled his head back, and he moaned in pain.

“I do not have time for this.” The man said impatiently, and as he turned, the fire lit up his face and Aj saw it was Sarila’s Guardian Rem. Rem pulled out his sword and raised it into the air. Aj’s breath left his lungs and he stood up ready to attack.

“Don’t!!” Someone shouted and Aj stopped all movement. “I am here.” Said the woman’s voice and Aj saw Nalia come out from behind the two soldiers, from her hiding spot in the trees.

“Ah, Princess Nalia, so nice of you to finally join us.” Rem said as Aj knelt back down behind the bushes. Aj’s heart began to race faster; he didn’t know what to do. There were about ten to fifteen men, plus Rem. There was no way he could take them all, and he had no clue where Rayne was. He looked around trying to find a sign of her or a sign of Paq. The sound of Nick yelling made Aj look back to the camp, and he saw another guard grabbing Nalia.

“Careful with that one, she is a Warrior and quick with her hands.” Rem said as he pointed to Nalia. Aj shuffled his feet a little; they were getting sore but as he put his foot down, the sound of a branch cracking made his heart skip a beat. Slowly he looked up and saw everyone staring in his direction. He wasn’t sure if they saw him or not, but they were defiantly looking his way.

“Oh shit.” Aj whispered as he quickly looked behind him. When he turned around he saw Rem heading right for him.

“It’s the Mage!!” Rem shouted as Aj stood up and took off.

“Aj run!” Nick yelled when he saw Aj pop up. He was silenced by the back hand of a guard.

Quickly Aj spun around and headed back through the trees. He could hear the men shouting, then a blast of fire exploded by his head, and he fell to his hands and knees. Aj hurried to his feet again and when he had his balance he looked back, the men, and Rem still on him. He was too busy looking at what was going on behind him; he didn’t see the root of a tree sticking up from the ground. His foot caught the root and tripped him up; he fell hard to the ground. Aj grunted in pain as his body trapped his arm between the hard ground and the momentum of his body falling. Spinning on to his back as quick as he could, he looked up and saw a guard coming at him. He pulled himself back as quick as he could; his arm shot pain all through him.

He tried to think of a spell, tried to think of something, but the thought of this guard in front of him with his sword raised at him, made everything in his mind go blank. Suddenly something jumped on the man from Aj’s right. As the man screamed in pain, the wolf growling as it stood on top of him, Aj caught his breath, his thoughts returning, and as they did he realized it was Paq. Looking up he checked back towards the camp, no one else had followed, at least not yet. Then he started looking around for Rayne but he couldn’t see her any where. He looked back down to the wolf, double checking it was hers. As the animal stepped down off the guard’s body, she turned her head and looked at him. She walked over to him and began to sniff him. He still was a little nervous, this wolf in front of him. Her blue eyes gazed back at him, and he held his breath for a moment. Then her tongue lashed out and she began licking him.

“Um, Hi.” Aj said with a little laugh. She then stopped and whined a little as she took a couple of steps back towards the camp. “Where’s Rayne?” He said, and then he stopped himself realizing he was talking to a wolf. Paq whined again and took another couple of steps towards the small camp of Johon’s men. Slowly he took a step forward and started following her back to the camp. Quietly they walked through the trees, Aj made sure he didn’t step on any branches. He felt a little safer knowing Paq was with him, she could hear anything coming up on him, but yet it made him worry, why wasn’t she with Rayne.

When the two came up onto the camp again, Aj crouched down. He looked around and saw they were a few feet from where he was last time but a little further back. Scanning back along the camp, he didn’t see anyone, but a couple of guards. No Nick, no Nalia, not even Rem.

“Psst.” He heard from behind him and it made him freeze. Slowly he turned around. He didn’t see anything. “Look up fawker.” He heard the whisper, and he smiled a little, recognizing the voice. Aj looked up and saw Nick and Nalia hiding on some tree branches. Quietly he crept over to the tree.

“What are you two doing, and how did you get away?” Aj whispered confused.

“That little distraction you caused, they all went after you.” Nick said nodding to the camp. “We took out what was left.”

“So why are you up in a tree?” Aj asked quietly.

“We were running away, when we heard fighting. We came upon Rayne fighting Rem, but they over came her before we could get to her.” Nalia whispered and Aj quickly turned to the camp.
“What’s with the pet?” Nick asked from behind Aj. He turned around and saw that they had climbed down from the tree. Aj then looked down to Paq.

“I don’t know. I was running from them, I fell, she jumped the dude and saved me, kind of led me back here.” Aj said as he looked to the camp. “We can take them.” Aj said as he started walking towards the camp. Someone grabbing his arm stopped him from going any further and he turned around.

“She’s not there.” Nick said as Aj looked at Nick’s hand on his arm. “Rem and most of the guards left for the main camp, just before you showed up. They took off like a bat out of hell.”

“Why didn’t you stop them?” Aj asked.

“Dude, there was no way we could.” Nick said as Aj pulled his arm away.

“So what do we do now?” Aj asked frustrated.

“There are about five soldiers in the camp, Rem told them to pack up and be at the main camp tomorrow, keep an eye out for us.” Nalia said. “We take them; see if we can find anything that can help us.” She explained. She then looked at Aj. “Then we go back to Avit, and figure something out.”

“No, we can’t just leave her we have to go.” Aj said in an angry whisper.

“The three of us can not go into Rem’s camp alone, we need Avit and we need his men.” Nalia said to him.

“Dude, she’s right.” Nick said as Aj looked at him. “We’ll get her; we just got to be smart about it.” Nick said. “Even Rambo had back up, sometimes.” Aj snickered and shook his head.

“Alright.” Aj sighed. “So, how do we take this camp?”

Rayne sat on the ground, in a large tent. Her hands were tied behind her back around one of the tent poles. Her legs were tied around her knees, and her ankles were tied together as well. Rem had also gagged her mouth after she got too lippy with him. It’s also why she now had a black eye.

She was watching Nalia and Nick at the camp; she had followed the sounds of the soldiers as they took Nick back to their camp. Rayne was only going to watch for a moment, make sure he was ok; she wasn’t sure how they got him. Then Nalia popped up out of no where, then Alex popped up, and then they took off after Alex. When Nick and Nalia started fighting what was left at the camp, she and Paq took off after Alex and Rem. She was able to catch up to most of them, but she saw one still following and that’s when Rayne sent Paq after him.

“Protect him as you would me.” She remembered telling her loyal friend. She looked up at the tent ceiling as she hoped Paq got to him in time. The sound of someone walking into the tent made her look down and she saw Rem entering.

“Princess.” He said with a light bow. “Or should I say Queen?” She looked at him angerly. “With your Father dead and all, Sarila is yours.” He then turned to her. “Oh no wait, Johon has Sarila too.” He smiled. “Well I guess I do not have to call you Princess either.”

She growled through the cloth in her mouth and looked away. It was hard for her to believe he was acting this way towards her. She had known him all her life, she was her Fathers best friend, and now he was part of the reason he was gone.

“Your Father was once a wise, strong man.” Rem said as he slowly walked over to her. “But then your mother died, and well.” He said as he knelt down in front of him. “He wasn’t about battle any more, he wanted peace, so much so, he was willing to sell off his only child for it.” He leaned in close to her, a little two close to her liking, and she sent her head forward and head butted him. She shouted in pain as her head began to throb. When she opened her eyes she saw Rem on the ground holding his head, moaning in pain. Then quickly he sat up and reached for her throat.

“You wretched harlot give me one reason why I should not squeeze the life out of you right now.” Rem growled angerly at her and she began to choke.

“Because then Johon would have your head.” A voice said from the tent flaps and Johon jumped up quickly letting go of Rayne. She gasped for air and coughed but it was hard with the cloth over her mouth. Then slowly the cloth slipped from her mouth, and when her lips were free she gasped again. “What do you think Johon would say if I returned to Sarila and told him what I just saw?” Said the voice as Rayne looked up. Her eyes went wide when she saw the Mage that had attacked Winnol earlier.

“She was being a pain as she always was.” Rem said as he looked at her. Rayne glared at him as her breathing calmed.

“I would not push it Rem, I heard from the men, you had two Guardians, but gave them up for one?” The Mage said and Rayne heard a familiarity about the voice, and she was a little shock to realize the voice was female.

“It was the Elvaan Mage.” Rem said in defense. “Besides, it led us to Rayne.”

“Yes.” The Mage said as they turned to Rayne. “It did.” Rayne looked up, still not being able to see the face of this mysterious Mage. “Well no matter, Johon is on his way now.”

“He is?” Rem said a little shocked. “But you said he was in Sarila? We are not ready to attack Winnol yet.”

“Well then you better get ready Rem, he will not be happy when he arrives.” The Mage said to him as she turned a little. Rayne watched as Rem’s face fell and he quickly left the tent. Then the Mage turned and looked at her.

“So.” The Mage said. “This is the great Princess Rayne of Sarila, daughter to King Adop and Queen Halian.” Rayne said nothing as she looked down to the ropes around her knees.

“Johon can not possibly think he can take on Winnol with the men he has out there.” Rayne said as she looked up.

“Do not be silly child.” The Mage laughed. “We have twenty ships on the way, and in those twenty ships..” she stopped and looked at Rayne. “Well know how many men Sarila’s fleet can carry.” She walked over to the tent opening and turned around. “No my dear Princess, Winnol will fall, and the Guardians with it.” Rayne watched as the Mage left the tent and she looked down. There had to be a way she could get out. She moaned and she laid her head back, it hit the wooden pole a little hard.

“Ouch.” She groaned as she looked back a little. When she did she saw the cloth of the tent was wiggling a little. She looked around, to the top, there was no wind. With a little force she leaned back again, the pole wiggled. Thinking about the plan, if she could wiggle the pole loose, the tent would fall, she could slid her hands out and then, then find her way out of the tent, and then fight against fifty of Johon’s men. She sighed as the plan fell through.

The sound of shouting took her thoughts of her plans away and she looked to the tent flaps. They were closed and she couldn’t see anything. Then the sounds of more men shouting, and spells going off, made her even more curious. Was Avit attacking? Suddenly the tent doors flew open and Rem came running in.

“Change of plans Princess.” He said as he ran behind her and untied her. She tried to fight him, but let him lead her out of the tent, easier to run away with open forest around her. They broke through the flaps and she looked around at the chaos. Winnol’s soldier’s fighting Johon’s men and she turned to Rem pulling harder to free herself. She cleared her mind and focused as the sound of roots entangling themselves in front of her; she slammed into Rem and fell to the ground.

Quickly she looked up and saw Rem stuck in her Root Binding spell. Again she cleared her mind and a crash of light fell onto Rem, the noise rumbled like thunder through the camp. Rem fell over in pain, his feet still stuck in the spell. As another beam of light fell onto him the roots let go, but it didn’t matter, the man laid motionless on the ground.

Aj stood by the fire of the camp looking around at the mess they had created. They had easily taken over the soldier’s that were left and now were searching the camp for any clues, or anything that could help.

“Rem seemed to have left in a hurry, so there must be something.” Nalia said as she stopped and looked around.

“I haven’t found anything, just some orders about ships coming in tonight.” Nick said with a shrug.

“Does it say from where?” Nalia asked. Aj watched as Nick looked at the paper.

“It says our army from Sarila, Ah Sarila.” Nick said nodding.

“He’s planning an attack on Winnol.” Nalia said looking to Aj.

“Whoa, it says there’s like twenty ships coming.” Nick said looking at them.

“How many men fit on a ship?” Aj asked.

“For war, you do not want to know.” Nalia said as her face fell. Aj sighed in frustration. Just then the sounds of men walking through the forest took their attention and they looked behind them.

“There you are.” Avit said relieved. “Where is Princess Rayne?” He asked.

“Rem has her.” Aj said as the rest of the soldier’s caught up to Avit. “He took her to the main camp, we took care of what ever was left here, but we only found that.” Aj said pointing to Nick. Nick walked over to the Elvaan and handed him the paper. Aj watched as Avit read it and his face fell with worry and even fear.

“Send this to King Marsa, right away.” Avit said to a solider as he handed him the paper.

“Yes Sir.” The man said with a salute and then took off running.

“How many were here?” Avit asked as he walked up to Nalia, Nick and Aj.

“I think about ten.” Aj said. “Thought there might have been more, most of them left with Rem, after they took Rayne, there were only about five left when Rem took off.”

“What happened?” Avit asked as he singled for his men to clear the camp.

Aj, Nalia and Nick explained to him what had happened. What they all saw and what they did afterwards. Avit told the three of them to rest, they would see if they could find anything, then whether they found something or not would head to the main camp and find Rayne. Aj sat down on a log by the fire and put his head in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. Taking a deep breath in, he exhaled out with a sigh. Suddenly he felt something poking his arm and he lifted his head from his hands. He looked over and saw Paq beside him, when he sat back a little she put her head on his lap. Lightly he smiled as he placed his hand on her head and began to pet her.

“Marsa will be pleased to know that Paq is with you.” Avit said startling Aj. He looked up a little confused. “I suppose you would not know.” Avit said with a light smile. “One of the first trails of a Druid is to summon a wolf spirit. It proves there is a link between Nature and the Druid.” Avit explained. “When the wolf can be away from the Druid, that is a great step for the Druid, it means she is linked to others, and she has matured as a Druid.”

“Great.” Aj said as he looked back down to Paq. There was no enthusiasm in his voice at all. “I’m going to take a look around.” Aj said as he stood up and headed towards the south side of the camp. The wolf walked beside him as they crisscrossed through the trees around the camp. He wasn’t really looking around; he just wanted to get away. After he had calmed down a little he made his way back to the camp and saw everyone packing up.

“What’s going on?” Aj asked as Nick walked over.

“We’re heading to the main camp now.” Nick said as he nodded to the soldier’s gathering together.

“Finally.” Aj said as he walked passed Nick and headed to Avit.

“Aj’s got a crush.” Nick sang as he did a little dance.

“What?” Aj said spinning around.

“Dude, look at you, running off after her, all protective, and now you got her dog.” Nick said smiling

“It’s a wolf.” Aj said correcting him.

“Whatever.” Nick said. “You still got a crush.” He whispered as Avit came over. Aj was about to say something when Avit approached them.

“I have sent my scouts ahead, we will leave now.” Avit told them. Aj looked at Nick and rolled his eyes as he walked away. He could hear Nick giggling as he followed Avit.

“How far do you think it is?” Aj asked as Avit stopped.

“I am thinking a twenty minute walk, maybe longer.” Avit said. Aj sighed and he didn’t realize anyone had heard him.

“You are worried about her.” Avit said as they began walking into the forest. Aj looked up at him ready to snap, who cares if he was, he didn’t need to hear it. But he stopped himself, Avit wouldn’t have gone there with him, Avit wasn’t the guys, he wasn’t Kevin.

“Yeah I am.” Aj said as he looked away.

Why do you try and hide it?” Avit asked.

“My friends.” Aj said as he looked behind him and saw Nick talking to Nalia. “Well not so much that one.” Aj said looking back. He looked up and saw Avit smiling. “The others though, would just harp on me about it, you know the fact that I would be going home and that it would just lead to a big bad mess.”

“I see.” Avit said with a nod. “I assure you we will get her back.” Aj just lightly smiled at him. They would stop a couple of times to check over the map and look around. Aj looked to the cliffs on his left as Avit talked to one of his guards. The sound of Paq growling made him look down.

“Avit.” Aj said as he tapped the General on his arm. Avit heard the wolf now and raised his hand for everyone too stop.

“My scouts said it was around this area.” Avit said as he began to scan. Aj knew Avit’s eye sight was much better than his. He looked down when he felt Paq’s cold nose on his hand, she was nudging him to go forward. Aj looked to Avit and he nodded. He looked back to Nick and Nalia and motioned for them to come.

As Aj, Nick and Nalia headed towards the camp, Avit sent his men spreading out as best they could, to attack the camp on all sides. When they got close enough everyone surveyed the area, seeing how many soldiers were there and where Rem was.

“Should we attack?” Nick asked.

“I do not see Rayne.” Nalia whispered back.

“Avit?” Aj asked looking at him.

“We should attack, everyone knows to look for her, if we cause some chaos maybe it will help.”

“I’m good at that.” Nick said nodding. Aj smirked and he looked back to the camp.

“Look.” Aj said pointing and everyone looked back to the camp.

“Is that?” Nick asked as he tried to get a better look.

“It is that Mage that attacked the castle.” Nalia said as Aj looked to Avit.

“We attack.” Avit said to him with a nod. Avit turned and motioned his men to attack, with an Elvaan war cry the men began to charge, and then followed by the others.

When Aj broke from the tree’s he saw men running around, screaming and flinging weapons. He began to look around as he sent spell after spell flying at Johon’s men. Slowly he made his way through the camp, with Paq at his side biting and pulling at Johon’s men. They would attack and Aj would fight them off.

“Alexander!” He heard Avit shout and he looked over ready to attack, but nothing or no one was coming at him. Avit was pointing ahead of him; Aj followed in the direction and saw Rayne being dragged out from a tent by Rem. Another soldier came at Aj and he sent out an ice bolt knocking the man to the ground. A loud rumble made him look up and he saw a bright beam of light come down. He pushed the man out of the way and headed towards Rayne. When his line of sight was clear he saw Rayne on the ground as another beam of light came down onto Rem who was tangled up in some vines. He watched as Rem fell to the ground and stayed there. Aj took a step towards Rayne, as one of the guards tackled him to the ground, a loud screaming voice made Winnol’s men, Johon’s men, and everyone stop fighting and look.

Aj froze when he saw the Mage standing in front of Rayne, he watched as they picked Rayne up off the ground, by the back of her robe, she struggled to get away, a spell about to leave her lips; the Mage silenced her with a spell and looked to Aj.

“Is this what you came for Elvaan?” The Mage said to Aj and for the first time Rayne realized he was there.

“Let her go!” Aj shouted as the soldiers went to their respective sides, as Nick, Nalia and Avit, walked up beside Aj.

“Or you will what, save her?” The Mage said with a laugh. “You are no match for me; you do not understand or can even comprehend the power I have.” Aj took a step forward but the Mage pulled Rayne up higher. “Do not even think about it Elvaan.” The Mage shouted. “You know you are new to your talent, maybe I should give you a small lesson.”

The Mage picked Rayne up by the throat and held her off the ground. Aj looked down when he heard Paq growl. The Mage looked at Rayne and then looked to Alex. The hood covered her face even Rayne still couldn’t see what she looked like.

“You see Alexander, when you become more accustomed to your talent you’ll learn that not only can you suck the energy from Pixcadia, but you can also suck the energy from.” She stopped as she looked to Aj. “everything.” She spoke, then without taking her eyes off of him, her face turned in anger, and as AJ heard a loud gasp, Nalia yell, and Avit’s men jump forward he looked at Rayne. The Mage’s hand was glowing around her neck, and Rayne started to whimper in pain as the Mage began to drain her energy.

The anger started to rise in Aj and as the anger over came him it started to reach out, reaching out for the energy around him. A light breeze blew past him as he stared at Rayne, her grip on the Mages hand, slowly slipping. Slowly the Mage set Rayne’s feet on the ground and let go of her. She collapsed to the ground with a thud.

“Class dismissed.” The Mage said as she closed her hands over each other in front of her. But too her surprise the wind started to pick up and the mage looked up to the sky. Aj was now pulling in a lot of energy, and the wind blew so hard everyone was grabbing on to something to hold themselves down.

“What’s going on?” Nick asked Nalia as they looked to Aj.

“I think..” Nalia was a little shocked. “He could not be, could he?”

“Nalia?” Nick said tapping her on the shoulder. “Could he what?” Nick asked looking to him then back to her. “What is he doing?”

“It’s a Wind Storm.” Nalia shouted as the whistling got louder and it got harder to hold on, the wind getting stronger. “It is a spell, one of the Ancients and he is casting it.” Nick looked around; the trees were bending against the strength of the wind blowing. He looked over to the Mage and she was barely able to stand up. Carefully he made his way over to Aj.

“Aj!?” He shouted as he approached him. He lived in Florida, he went through a hurricane or two, and it wasn’t that bad right now, but remembering the conversation he had with Aj earlier in the Council, he realized it could. His friend was standing completely still despite everyone else having to hold on to something. Nick noticed there were small wisps of wind circling around his fingers, and he looked at him, his eyes were glowing. “Alex..” he said breathless and stunned. “Aj!?” He shouted again and reached for him but stopped, not sure if he should touch him.

“Get her out of here.” Aj said but he was still staring at the Mage.

“What?” Nick asked.

“Get Rayne, and get out of the spell.” Aj said again calmly but sternly. Nick hesitated as he looked at his friend, the wind flapping his robe around. He then looked to Rayne who was lying on the ground. “Go Nick now.” Aj said. Nick looked back and then headed to Rayne. He picked up and struggled to get across the camp. Avit came up on his right, with Nalia and helped him carry her out of the spell range. As soon as they crossed the wind stopped and they almost fell onto the ground, from the momentum.

“Lay her down here.” Nalia said as Nick walked over with Rayne in his arms. He laid her down on a clear spot under a tree and then looked back. He couldn’t see anything, the wind was picking up so much debris and swirling it around it blocked his view. Nick stood up and headed towards the spell again, to get Aj, when a loud thundering crash was heard and the wind tunneled away through the trees, sucking everything in its path with it.

“Are you alright?” Nalia asked, and Nick turned around and saw Rayne sitting up.

“I think so.” Rayne said as she put her hand on her forehead. “What happened?”

“It is a very long story.” Nalia said as she helped her sit up.

“Where is Alex?” Rayne asked as she looked around at the people around her.

“Aj.” Nick said as he spun around. The spell was gone, so was the camp and anything that wasn’t tied down.

“Where is he?” Rayne asked again as she walked up to Nick, much to the displeasure of Avit and Nalia.

“He was there, he was casting the spell, and he told me to get you and get out.” Nick said as his eyes searched frantically.

“What spell?” Rayne asked confused. Nick looked at her then to Nalia.

“It was a Wind Spell, I think, it was a very strong Wind Spell, I think he..” Nalia stopped. Nick saw the worry in Rayne’s eyes when she realized what spell he had cast.

“A Tohil spell?” Rayne said breathless. Nick watched as Nalia could only nod. “Where was he standing?” Rayne asked. Nick looked to where the camp was and started walking. Avit walked beside him as he ordered his mean to spread out and search.

“It was a terrible wind Rayne; I could barely hold on, I can not think what else it could have been.” Nalia told her, as they followed Nick. He was pretending to search but still listened.

“No one has conjured those spells in hundreds of years Nalia.” Rayne said with worry. “Not even past Guardians.”

“I know.” Nalia said quietly.

“I think.” Nick said as he stopped. “He was here.” He looked around, but there were no tents, not tables, nothing to mark any specific point. Nick started looking behind him, when a howl in the distance made the three look at each other.

“Was that?” Nalia asked looking at Rayne.

“Yes it was.” Rayne said quickly as she started running pass Nick.

“Avit!” Nick shouted to the General and motioned in the direction they were running. Nick could hear the guards behind them as they dodge around the trees. Asking what was going on with all the confusion. He stopped at Rayne she was standing still looking around, and he bent over a little catching his breath.

“Where is she?” Nalia asked a little out of breath too.

“I am looking.” Rayne said as she scanned the woods. Just then shuffling sounds made them all look to the right and they saw Aj leaning up against a tree.

“Aj.” Nick said as they started walking towards him, and he started walking towards them.

Nick ran at Aj when he saw him start to fall to his knees and got to him just in time. He looked really tired, and barely aware of what was going on. Nick helped him sit on the ground as everyone gathered around them.

“Are you alright?” Nick asked with worry.

“I think.” Aj said a little breathless. “I’m just really tired.” He said with an exhausted laugh. “And my head hurts.”

“What the hell was that?” Nick asked him as he looked to his band mate.

“That..” Aj said taking a deep breath in. “That was hella fun.” He said with a crooked smile. Nick stopped wondering where he had heard that before.

“Dude, I didn’t mean like that.” Nick sighed, and it made Aj laugh hard, and then he winced in pain a little.

“Alex?” Nick heard Rayne say and he looked up.

“Oh.” Aj said as he looked up at her. “You’re ok?” he asked a little relieved.

“Yes.” She said with a light nod as she knelt down.

“Good.” Aj said with another exhausted smile.

“We need to get him back to Winnol; Johon’s men will be here around sunrise.” Avit said as he stood up. “He will not be happy when he glances upon his camp gone.”

“You know about the attack?” Rayne said to Avit as she stood up.

“Yes, Princess Nalia, Nickolas and Alexander found a letter in the other camp.” Avit said with a nod. “I have already sent word back to King Marsa.”

“Good.” Rayne said with relief.

“We will go back to Winnol; we will send more soldiers in Darlawind and double patrols through the island and mainland.” He said as he turned to Rayne. “You, Alexander, Nickolas and Princess Nalia will remain in the city.” Avit said to her. “I am telling you this as your Guardian Princess Rayne.”

“Yes Avit, I understand.” Rayne said with a nod. Nick looked back down to Aj and Nalia.

“So where did they all go?” He asked.

“Who?” Nalia said a little confused.

“Everyone that was here, Rem, the Mage, and Johon’s soldiers?” Nick asked.

“I do not know.” Nalia said with a light shrug. “They could be anywhere, scattered along the island that way, if any of them are still alive.” She said as she looked out to the forest.

Johon sat in his chambers on his newly acquired ship. Sarila had the best fleet next too Tokia and the Dwarves. Elvaans weren’t much for sailing; they preferred the land or air. He went over the last orders he had received from his camp on Winnol Island. Things were defiantly going his way. Kalica had been his for over a year, Sarila was now his, Adop dead, and Princess Rayne well, she would be his soon enough. The same went for Winnol, and Tokia, although he wasn’t sure if he was even going to bother with that cold barren land. Maybe he would just round them all up, use them as slaves and never think of the place again.

“Sir.” A man said from his door and he looked up.

“Knocking would be greatly appreciated.” Johon said annoyed.

“I did sssir, three times.” The man said with a stutter.

“What is it?” Johon asked, even more annoyed.

“We are near the shore of Winnol sir, but there is..” The man stopped.

“There is what?” Johon asked and he saw the nervousness in the man before him, even more so than usual. He stood up and walked around his desk. “What is going on Locsi?” Johon said to his Captain.

“There is debris everywhere sir and your men as well.” The Captain said quickly.

“What do you mean my men as well?” Johon asked a little confused. He then headed to his door and left his chambers. He stormed out onto the deck and looked around. His crew were yelling, hanging over the edges, and one by one he started seeing his dead soldiers being pulled onto the ship. He quickly walked over to the front of the ship, stepped up onto some boxes and looked around, down over the ocean shore in front of him.

Johon’s eyes went wide at what he saw, tents, wood, men; broken boxes littered the shore line. He looked out to the forest and saw the trees broken, crumbled, he saw the forest debris in amongst the debris of his stuff, in the water and along the shore.

“There she is!” Someone shouted and Johon spun around. He saw his men pointing out to the eastern side of the ship. Quickly he jumped down and ran over, he looked out across the water and in a short distance saw a black and silver robe floating in the water.

“Well do not just stand there get her, now!” Johon shouted and the men so panic over his anger jumped into the water and started swimming out to the Mage. Johon watched as the men pulled her and carefully pulled her up with the rescue hooks. As they laid her down on the deck floor, Johon knelt down beside her and pulled off her hood.

“Hali?” He said quietly as the ships Priest came up the stairs. “Halian can you hear me?” Johon said again as the Priest began healing her. Slowly her eyes opened and she lightly smiled. “Who did this Halian, what happened?” Johon asked.

“The Elvaan Mage.” She whispered with anger. “Tohil.” Was all she could get out before she passed back out.

“She needs rest, but I believe she will be ok.” The Priest said with a nod.

“Put her in my Chambers,” Johon said as he stood up.

“Sir?” His captain said as Johon looked out to the shore line again.

“What?” He said.

“Did I hear her right?” Locsi asked. “Tttt-that the Mage, tt-the one they say is Elvaan, did he really cast a Tohil spell?” Johon took a deep breath and looked at the man angerly. Slowly he turned his head and looked back to the shore line.

“It appears so.” Johon said with great annoyance.