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The Guardian Crusade

Volume I

Chapter 7

“Thank Pixca you found her.” Marsa said in relief as Aj and Rayne walked out from the back hallway. Everyone was there, Marsa, Nick, Nalia, Kevin, Brian, and Howie.

“Are you alright?” Nalia asked as she ran up to Rayne.

“Yes.” Rayne said quietly. “How did you get here?”

“We rode on the Gryphon’s.” Nalia said. “Rossi is on his way with his army by ship.”

“How fares our army Avit?” Marsa asked.

“We fought well, many casualties, but it could have been much worse.” Avit said.

“Can we counter attack?” Marsa asked.

“No, I do not think that would be a good idea sir, we hit Johon’s army hard, they will need time as well.” Avit said with confidence.

“Alright then.” Marsa said with a nod.

Aj looked beside him at Rayne; her hair was drying and curling again. She just stood there staring at the floor a few feet in front of her. It was weird, they had both been lost for different reasons, but he knew how she felt and he hated that she was feeling that way, angry at everyone responsible of making her this way.

“Let’s get you upstairs.” Aj said to her and she slowly looked up at him. Nodding she took him by the arm and they headed up the stairs. He walked her down the hall to her room and stopped outside her door. “I’m going to go change too, and do some reading. If you need anything I’ll be in my room.”

“Alright.” She said quietly as she lightly nodded. Rayne turned around and opened the door to her bedroom and walked in, closing the door behind her. Aj stood there for a moment staring at the closed door. He sighed as he turned around and headed back down the hallway towards his room.

“Hey where did you go?” Kevin asked, as Nick, Howie, and Brian came up the stairs.

“I took Rayne to her room so she could change and get some rest.” Aj said.

“Where was she?” Kevin asked as they followed him to his room.

“In the cave behind the falls.” Aj said as he opened his door.

“Kevin told me what happened, that’s pretty messed up.” Nick said.

“Yeah and it’s messing her up.” Aj said as he walked over to his tall standing dresser.

“She didn’t seem all there, down in the entrance at the stairs.” Brian said.

“Would you be?” Howie said. Aj pushed the guys talking out of his head as his thoughts went back to Rayne. He opened the doors to the dresser and searched the robes. Everyday he found something new he liked and he decided to start from the left this time.

“Aj?” Kevin said as he spun around.

“Huh?” Aj said confused and lost.

“We’re going to go down to the local restaurant want to come?” Kevin asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, Uh, Naw, I’m good, just gonna chill out and read, long day.” He said as he went back to his robes. He didn’t even hear everyone leave or the door close behind them. He pulled out a dark red robe, the colour fading into black along the bottom. Nodding in agreement to himself he put the robe on and walked over to the couch. He pulled out the book on the Ancient Magic and started reading but it didn’t take long for his eyes to get tired and slowly fall close.

A light tapping sound softly echoed in his ear and he sheepishly opened his eyes. Tiredly he yawned and half listened for the noise that woke him. As he became more aware he realized he was on the couch. He looked down and saw the book on his chest and realized he had fallen asleep. Looking at his window he saw that it had become really dark outside. Then again the tapping that had woken him, echoed in his room and he realized it was someone knocking on his door. Standing up he set the book down and headed over to the door. As quietly as he could he turned the knob and pulled the door open.

“Come in.” Aj whispered when he saw Rayne on the other side. “Everything ok?” he asked as he closed the door.

“I can not sleep.” Rayne said quietly. “I keep dreaming about what happened, seeing the Mage there in front of me, pulling the hood off and seeing her there.” She said as Aj walked over to her. “I hope I did not wake you.”

“Naw, I was reading.” Aj said pointing to the book and lying. Rayne lightly smiled as she crossed her arms around her self pulling her robe against her. “What time is it anyways?” he asked.

“Around one in the morning I think.” Rayne said. Aj walked her over to the couch and they sat down.

“How are you feeling?” Aj asked.

“Alone.” Rayne said as she looked at the unlit fire place across from her. “When this war is over, when this evil is gone, and I get my home back. What will I go home too?” she asked as Aj watched her bottom lip quiver and a tear drip down from her eyelid.

“But your not alone, you have Nalia and her Mother, you have Marsa.” Aj told her.

“I have known them all my life, and I love them dearly but it is..” she stopped and sighed as she wiped her eyes.

“I know.” Aj said with a frown.

“And even you.” She said quietly.

“Me?” Aj said confused.

“You have done so much for me, you have saved my life how many times now?” she said as she looked at him. “And it is hard not to feel anything, but I can not, because when this is over you will go home, back to Earth, to your mother.” She said as she looked back to the fireplace.

“Yeah.” Aj said and as she said the words he remembered what the Mage had said to him before she disappeared.

“I do not have to hurt her; you will do it for me.”

Aj started biting on his nail as he thought about what happened in the park. It hadn’t hit him at the time, what she meant by those words but now it did. Who’s to say the Mage is right anyways. Yeah he feels something for her but she’s been the only one to understand how he felt, and not push him to do something about it. He looked at her, still lightly chewing on his nail, she was still looking at the fire place, the look in her eyes distant.

“I should return to my room.” Rayne said as she slowly stood up.

“Oh, ok.” Aj said as he dropped his hand to his side and quickly stood up. He followed her over to the door and opened it for her. “I’ll see you at Breakfast.”

“Of course.” She said with a light nod and smile.

“Ok.” Aj smiled back as she walked out. As she started walking down the hall he closed the door and leaned against it as it clicked close. Taking a deep breath he exhaled and closed his eyes as he lightly tapped the back of his head against the door. Who was he kidding he had strong feelings for her, but everything got in the way, going home was the major one, Kevin was another. If it had been just Nick and him to come here, then the decision would be easier, but with Kevin around, having to tell him.”

“Bah Mclean what the hell are you thinking.” He sighed as he headed over to his bed. “You’re going home, to your mom, your family, to..” he stopped as he looked at his bed. “to an empty bed, an empty home, to a place where she isn’t.” Sighing with frustration he sat down on the edge of his bed and put his head in his hands.

A knock at the door made him look up and he stared at the door for a moment, wondering if it was her. When there was another tap at the door, he made his way over. Grabbing the knob he turned it and pulled the door open, shocked to see Kevin on the other side.

“Hey?” Aj said looking at him not sure why he was there.

“You’re up.” Kevin said a little shocked.

“Yeah, I was reading and then Rayne came by.” Aj said as he let him in.

“Is she ok?” Kevin asked as he walked in.

“Yeah, she just couldn’t sleep, I guess.” He said as he closed the door. “So what do you want?”

“Couldn’t sleep either, so I went for a walk, saw your lamp was on decided to see what was up.” Kevin said as he sat down on the couch.

“Well like I said I was reading, and then Rayne came by.” Aj said with a shrug.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you read this much, ever. I don’t think I’ve seen you read.” Kevin said looking at him. Aj rolled his eyes and looked down at the books.

“Just making sure I don’t get killed while I’m here.” Aj said quietly.

“Smell that?” Kevin said looking around.

“Huh?” Aj said confused as he started sniffing the air.

“I smell shit, bullshit.” Kevin said as he turned and looked at Aj.

“Dude.” Aj said staring at him, not wanting to fight with him.

“I’m not here to fight, I’m here to talk, cause this is obviously bothering you.” Kevin said raising his hands in defense.

“How come you’re not harping on Nick’s ass over this?” Aj asked.

“I am, it’s just your either with, Rayne, Marsa or here reading.” Kevin replied. “You want to stay too don’t you?”

“What?!” Aj said with shock. “No.” Aj said as he shook his head. “Nick wants to stay?” Aj replied quickly when he realized that Kevin said “too”.

“He hasn’t said it in so many words.” Kevin said. “But I’m more worried about you.”

“Me why?” Aj asked.

“Because I was there dude, remember, my shoulder still hurts from time to time.” Kevin said looking at him, and Aj knew what he was talking about. “Nick thinks that maybe you went through all of that because what they are saying here is true, and it’s why you had such a hard time accepting who you were on Earth, trying to figure out who you were.”

“When did Nick become a shrink?” Aj asked with a soft laugh.

“Dunno.” Kevin said with a shrug. “But I think he might right.”

“Huh?” Aj said looking at him in shock, and it took him a moment to pick his jaw back up.

“You say your coming home, you act like your coming home, but the more and more we’re here, the farther and farther you get from us.” Kevin told him. “Your out flying on Gryphon’s, falling into oceans, saving Princesses and using Magic, Magic that not even these people use anymore.” Aj looked at him and then looked down to his robe. “I don’t want to even think what it would be like not having you two around, but I’d rather deal with that, then drag your ass back to Earth, when it’s not where you are suppose to be.”

“So now you’re telling me stay.” Aj said getting angry.

“No, I’m just telling you to do what you feel is right, if that means your going to stay here and be the Prince of Elvaan’s then fine, if you go home back to Earth, then great, but do what you want, not what others want.” Kevin told him.

“Ugh,” Aj grunted as he stood up. “I’m so fucking confused.”

“I bet.” Kevin said with a nod.

“And you with this do what you want shit, are not helping.” Aj said as he looked down at him.

“Well come on dude..” Kevin said looking back at him. “You are a lot like these Elvaan’s, your caring, understanding, patient, I mean the way I’ve seen Marsa attend to the his people, it’s like watching you with the fans.” Kevin told him.

“Nick did say the Elvaan’s like to Entertain.” Aj said remembering. Aj walked around the couch and headed over to his window. He sat on the bench under the large glass, and looked at Kevin sitting on the couch.

“I think they need you dude.” Kevin told him. “Maybe that’s why it pissed me off so much before, because I could tell they did, and I knew what it meant.” Kevin then stood up and fixed his pants. “It’s up to you dude, but just know as long as your happy, where ever you end up is good with me.”

Aj lightly smiled as Kevin smiled back and then headed to the bedroom door. Kevin let himself out after saying goodnight as Aj sat on the bench under the window. Still completely blown away by the conversation he had with Kevin.

“Man.” Aj said as he started laughing. “Are you freaking kidding me?” He said still laughing as he slid his hands through his hair. He stood up and walked over to the bed; he pulled the drapes apart and crawled onto the bed. He rolled onto his back and stared at the cloth awning above him. As his mind raced with Kevin’s words, his eyes fought his brain for sleep. Soon his thoughts had turn to dreams as his eyes won the battle.

The next morning Aj was awoken by one of the servants at his door informing him breakfast was being served in half an hour. He walked into the bathroom and started the water pump that brought water up from below for a bath. Letting the water warm a bit he slipped into the tub and laid back relaxing. When he was finished he walked out of the room, with a cloth towel around his waist and made his way over to his dresser. Finding a robe he liked he slipped it on and then headed down for breakfast.

“Morning.” He said when he closed his door and saw his friend leaving theirs.

“Morning man.” Kevin said with a smile as the others said good morning to him too.

“Where’s Carter?” Aj asked looking around.

“Dunno.” Brian said shrugging.

“Well we know, but ya know.” Howie said with a wink.

“Seriously?” Aj asked shocked.

“I just hope he didn’t get his ass beheaded.” Kevin said with a sigh.

“Why?” Brian said laughing as they stepped down the large staircase.

“Well, if Royalty is anything like it is back home, spending the night in a Princess’s room is a major no, no.” Kevin said.

“Well that’s Nicky always thinking with his..” Aj sang but was interrupted.

“Don’t even..” Kevin said looking at Aj with a stone cold look. The others knew what he was going to say and they started laughing.

They entered the dinning room and saw Marsa, Rossi, Evia and Rayne sitting at the table. They greeted the men as they sat down and everyone waited for Nick and Nalia. A few minutes later the two walked into the room laughing.

“Good Morning.” Nick said with a smile as he pulled out Nalia’s chair.

“Morning.” Everyone replied as they looked at Nick as he sat down beside her.

“Good to see you made it Rossi.” Nick said with a smile.

“Aye but we miss the battle.” The Dwarf frowned. Aj smiled at Rossi’s disappointment in not being able to fight.

“Do not worry my friend; there will be more fighting to come.” Marsa said with a smile.

“Aye and the dwarfs will be on the front line.” Rossi said with a nod. The table lightly laughed and Aj looked over to Rayne. She wasn’t laughing; she was just staring at her plate, at her food.

“Any word on Johon’s camp on the island?” Aj asked as he slowly looked away from Rayne.

“I am awaiting word, my Riders were sent out early this morning.” Marsa said as he began eating.

“Do you know what we do next?” Aj asked.

“We wait for word, If Johon and his men are still there we will plan an attack, if they have moved, we will find out where, and prepare from there.” Marsa said.

“What about Darawind?” Evia asked.

“I am not sure; I do not know why Johon made the Mage attack Winnol without getting a base in Darawind. Things are still very unclear.” Marsa replied.

The rest of the breakfast was pretty quiet, Rossi discussed things with Marsa. Nick and Nalia were enjoying their own conversation. Kevin and the guys were talking to each other, and Aj ate as he watched Rayne just sit there. Slowly he slid his foot across from him as far as he could and gave a little tap to the leg across from him. Quickly Rayne looked up at him from across the table. He raised his eyebrows and nodded to her plate. She looked down and then looked away. Again he tapped her leg, and slowly she looked at him. Again he raised his eyebrows and nodded at her plate. She looked at him for a moment, and he slowly stuck his bottom lip out, and to his surprise it made her smile a little, he thought maybe even laugh a little. He watched as she picked up her fork and started eating her breakfast, she looked up at him with a ‘are you happy’ look, and he flashed a smile at her as he went back to eating his. Soon everyone was finished, even Rayne and they all headed out of the room. They all walked into the entrance of the castle, starting to split up and go on their way for the day.

“King Marsa?” A man said from behind everyone and they all turned.

“Ah Marda what word do you bring?” Marsa asked and Aj recognized the uniform as a Rider.

“The camp is gone sir, we only found some tents and dull weapons and broken armor.” The man replied. “And..” he stopped.

“Yes?” Marsa asked.

“We think we found Johon.” The man said.

“You think?” Marsa asked confused.

“He was badly burnt; we only recognized the body from the necklace he wore.” The man said and Aj looked to the guys, they all had grossed out looks on their faces.

“Where is he?” Marsa asked.

“I had some men take him to the Preparation building.” The Rider said.

“Very good, I will be there in a moment, please report to Avit.” Marsa told him.

“Yes sir.” The man said saluting him and then leaving out the front doors.

“She killed him?” Rayne said as Marsa turned around. Marsa didn’t say anything as he looked at her.

“If they’re not at the camp where did they go?” Brian asked.

“Most likely back to Sarila.” Marsa said. “She will need to regroup her army and plan a new attack.”

Halian walked down the hall of her palace. She lightly smiled; glad to be home again, being away for a year was far too long. She opened the door her bedchambers and walked in as she looked around. Frowning at the way it was left by Johon she noted to herself to get a servant in here to redecorate. Pulling her battle robe off she tossed it to the side and opened the doors to her robe closet. She sighed when she saw Johon’s robes in it and slammed the doors closed.

“Sir may I..” A tall thin Elvaan man walked in and stopped dead when he saw the Mage standing in the room. “M’lady.” The Elvaan said. “What are you doing in his room?” he asked. She turned around and smiled at the tall dark haired Elvaan. He looked so much like his Father, and wondered if he looked like his brother.

“It is alright Dyn, he is not here.” She said to him.

“Oh?” The Elvaan said as he raised an eyebrow and closed the door.

“The plan has started.” Halian said with a sly smile.

“Wonderful.” Dyn said with a smile. “Then it is time?” Dyn said with excitement.

“Almost.” Halian said. “Because of Johon we lost half our army, we need to regroup, it will take a few days.”

“Damn humans.” He then stopped. “No offense M’lady.” He said to her.

“I am hardly human.” She said to him a little irritated. “Apparently he went to retrieve Rayne but your brother showed up.”

“He is not my brother!” The Elvaan said to her angerly. “He is an imposter, he is not Elvaan, and the fact my Father loved him..” Dyn stopped.

“Are you sure you will be able to get rid of Marsa?” She asked as she sat down on the couch.

“Very.” Dyn said still angry. “There are people in Winnol who feel the same as I and do not want an imposter, a man who would rather be human than Elvaan sit on our throne.”

“Even if it means the death of the great Marsa, your father?” She asked.

“He knew of the risk, I saw the Rider reports it is why I went with them, he was willing to send them to Pomica even though he knew Johon could attack.” Dyn said angerly. “Do not worry M’lady, I have dreamt of my father’s death for a year now, and it will come true.”

“Tell your men in Winnol to get themselves ready. When I have final word on when the army can regroup, I will inform you.” She said with a nod.

“Then I will watch my Father die.” Dyn smiled. “And take the throne of Winnol.”

“Dyn, King of the Elvaan’s.” She said with a smile and a nod.

“How is your daughter?” Dyn asked as he sat down on the couch.

“She looks well, although, when I found out Johon had gone after her, I rushed out there, and well while battling him when I found them, my hood came off and she saw me.” Halian said lying as the Elvaan frowned.

“Then she knows?” He said sadly.

“Yes.” Halian said faking her sadness. “I tired to explain to her, but that’s when your bro..I mean he showed up and threatened me and after last time..” she said looking away.

“Last time?” He said as he took her hand.

“Oh Dyn is was horrible, Johon’s men had taken her and they had shown up, I went to see her and then they started attacking, I tried to take her to safety and then he stopped me.” She lied as she made herself shake a little in fear. “He conjured a Tohil spell Dyn, he is very dangerous.”

“Tohil, are you sure?” He asked.

“Very.” She said nodding. “Next thing I know Johon and his crew are pulling me out of the water, our men were scattered everywhere, he sent us clear out to the shore of the island.”

“He will pay for this Halian.” Dyn said.

“I worry for her safety.” Halian said.

“We will get her back and protect her. This world may be safe from the evil of Johon now but this imposter will break the line of the Breezewalker Royals and I will not allow that.” He said angerly.

“And I will not have my daughter marry that imposter.” Halian said hiding her satisfaction with her plan.

“And neither will I.” He said with jealous anger.

Aj walked down the street as he headed towards the Preparation Building. Marsa had sent word he wanted to see him. The guys were going to meet him at the Magic Fields and practice. Then something slamming into him sent him back a couple of steps, almost falling back but he was able to catch himself. He looked down and was shocked to see Rayne pulling away.

“Rayne?” He said a little confused. She looked up at him, he eyes red and wet. She frowned as she moved to the side and started walking again. “Rayne?” Aj said again as he watched her walk down the street, she didn’t say anything and disappeared into the distance. He sighed as he started walking again, when he turned down the small street that led to the back of the city he saw Marsa and Avit walking towards him.

“Was Rayne here?” Aj asked as the three met up.

“Yes.” Marsa nodded. “She came with Evia and Nalia to finalize her Fathers burial for tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s going to be tomorrow?” Aj said and Marsa just nodded in response. He knew now why she took off. “So what did you need me for?” Aj asked.

“I wanted to talk to you about what happened at Johon’s camp, the spell you cast.” Marsa said as the three began walking.

“Oh.” Aj said as he looked up at the Elvaan.

“Do you know how you were able to conjure so much power?” Marsa asked.

“Um.” Aj said as he thought about what to say. “I was upset because of what the Mage was doing too Rayne.”

“I see.” Marsa said with a nod. “Has she talked to you at all about what has happened to her?” he asked.

“A little.” Aj said with a shrug. “But I think she’s trying to stay away from me right now.”

“For what reason?” Marsa asked confused.

“I don’t think she wants to get hurt again.” Aj said as he looked away from Marsa. “And I don’t want to be the one to do it.”

“Because when this is over you’ll be going home.” Marsa said.

“Yeah.” Aj said with a light nod.

“I see.” Marsa said understanding. “I wish there was another way but the spell is very picky and can not be toyed with too often.”

“It’s alright Marsa.” Aj said with a light smile.

“She has been through so much in the last couple of days.” The Elvaan spoke sadly.

“I know, I worry about her too.” Aj said as they entered the school court yard. “I wish, I wish I could do more.”

“You could stay sir.” Avit said. Aj looked at him and then to Marsa.

“I can’t.” He said shaking his head. “I have family there, the guys are there, the group, my fans, and I just can’t walk away from that.”

“Yes, we understand Alexander.” Marsa said looking at Avit.

They fell silent as they walked out of the school court yard and into the Magic Fields. Aj looked around and saw Nick working with a man. He had a weird glow around him, it was a bluish purple colour, slowly swirling around him, and Aj turned to Marsa.

“What is he doing?” Aj asked. Marsa looked over to Nick and nodded almost in approval.

“He is learning how to summon, most likely a goblin, it is the easier of the two spells.” Marsa said as he looked back at him.

“Nice.” Aj said with a smile as he looked back to Nick. As the glow started to engulf Nick a weird scream was heard and out popped a small goblin no higher than Nick’s knees, jumping around. He had long pointed ears and many earrings hanging from them. His arms were long and skinny, his fingers slender and long. Aj smiled and made his way over to Nick and his new friend.

“What do you think, should I name him Brian?” Nick said smiling.

“I heard that, you ass!” Brian shouted as he walked up to him.

“That was very well done Prince Nickolas.” The man said with joy.

“Yes Nickolas very well done.” Marsa said.

“Thanks.” Nick said with a nod. “I wish Nalia was here to see it.” He said looking down at the little wart covered, little gremlin.

“Where is she anyways?” Kevin asked.

“She said she had to help Rayne with some stuff.” Nick said shrugging. Everyone except Marsa and Avit looked at Aj.

“Stuff with her dad.” Aj said quietly.

“Oh.” Kevin said nodding. “Shouldn’t you be with her?”

“No.” Aj said looking at him, even he couldn’t hold back the anger that question gave him. He wanted to be, but she was right, her mother was right; he can’t get close and risk hurting her. “She doesn’t want me around right now.” Aj said hoping someone would change the subject.

“Oh hey check this out.” Nick said as he walked over to where his target line was. Nick said something to the goblin and the thing started dancing around as his hands started glowing red, then with a cackle the hay target went up in flames.

“Whoa.” Howie said raising his eyebrows.

“Sweet, I know.” Nick said smiling.

“You two make a lovely couple.” Kevin said patting Nick on the back.

“Whatever Richardson, you’re so jealous right now.” Nick said looking at him.

“You’re right I am.” Kevin said back.

“You two want a time out?” Brian asked looking him.

“He started it.” Kevin said pointing to Nick.

“You insulted my Goblin.” Nick said.

“Aww.” Kevin said sarcastically as he jokingly pouted.

“Guys.” Howie said rolling his eyes.

“You know you can be just as immature as him sometimes, you know that?” Brian said to Kevin as Nick walked over to the hay with Aj. Kevin laughed at Brian who took offense to it at first, then started laughing too.

“What’s so funny?” Aj asked as he walked up to the two cousins.

“Just laughing at Carter.” Kevin said shrugging. AJ smiled at them as he turned to look at Nick who was running around getting his goblin to light things on fire.

“It’s like when he got his Game Boy.” Aj said remembering. Brian and Kevin started laughing again and it made Aj feel better seeing them laughing.

“So what’s up with you and Rayne how come she doesn’t want to see you?” Kevin asked. Aj looked at him and then he shook his head, looking away.

“Last night when she came to my room because she couldn’t sleep, she told me she felt alone, her life’s become pretty shitty since she found out she was a Guardian, losing her dad, people she trusted betraying her. When we win this war, she’ll become Queen but she’ll have no one, ya know?” He stopped as Kevin and Brian nodded.

“So what does that have to do with you?” Brian asked confused a little.

“She can’t risk getting hurt again.” Aj said looking at him

“She said that too you?” Kevin asked.

“Yep.” Aj nodded. “And I agree with her.”

“Alex.” Kevin said as he tilted his head a little.

“I know what you said, and I appreciate it, but I have to go back, I can’t stay.” Aj said shaking his head.

“Wish you would talk to Nick.” Brian said as he looked at Nick in the field.

“It’s up to him.” Aj said with a shrug.

“But the group, and his brother, his sisters..” Brian said.

Aj didn’t know what to say, he just shrugged again and lightly shook his head. He really didn’t know what to say, he kind of got why Nick was so appealed to this place. He hated the way a lot of things were back in Hollywood, how people acted, with each other, with themselves, and this place was defiantly not that.

“Alexander?” Marsa said as Aj looked up. “Would you like to try to teleport?”

“Seriously?” Aj asked as his eyebrows shot up.

“If you can conjure a Tohil spell, you can teleport.” Marsa said with a laugh.

“Sweeeet.” Aj lightly shouted.

“This I have to see.” Kevin said looking at Brian as Aj and Marsa walked pass them.

Aj walked over with Marsa to the Mage Trainer and they discussed the important things to concentrate on with the spell. The trainer told Aj to picture where he wanted to go, and use the energy of the wind to take him there.

“Dude you think you could pop up by Nick?” Kevin asked as he nodded to Nick about ten yards from them.

“I can try.” Aj said with a shrug.

“Do it.” Kevin said with an evil grin. Aj smiled as he heard Brian laugh and he looked at where Nick was standing. He picture himself popping up in front of him and then as he let the energy’s in, he felt the wind take him forward and in a flash he was standing in front of Nick. But no sooner had Aj popped up in front of him Nick jumped back, tripping over his feet and falling to the ground.

“Ahhhhh!!” Nick shouted with a squeal of fright as he fell. The sound of Kevin and Brian cracking up laughing made him look behind him as he laid on the ground. He then looked back to Aj. “What the hell man!?” Nick squealed as he jumped up.

“What?” Aj said with a shrug. “Came to see what you were doing?” He said as nonchalantly as he could.

“Next time, walk.” Nick said as he brushed himself off.

“You ok man?” Kevin asked still laughing a little as him, Brian and Howie walked up to them.

“You know he’ll do that to you too eventually.” Nick said staring at them.

“Oh I’m going to have fun with this.” Aj nodded, with an evil smile.

“Well done Alexander.” Marsa said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Aj said laughing.

“How do you feel?” Marsa asked.

“Fine.” Aj said nodding. “You were right, that was pretty easy.”

“Good.” Marsa said with a nod. “Are you ready to try some other things? He asked.

“Other things?” Aj asked as he looked at Marsa a little confused. The old Elvaan waved for him to follow, he looked at the others quickly and then shrugged as he followed him. He didn’t know what Marsa had in store, but he was willing to learn anything he could. Anything to help her get her home back.