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They were so hung up on each other that didn’t see the people leaving and the room becoming almost empty. Luke came over just to tell Nick he was also going home and to ask if he wanted a ride back home too. Inasmuch as Nick wanted to stay, he knew better and decided to leave. Alice didn’t let him go without exchanging their phone numbers and a promise to have lunch later that week. Lunch turned into dinner, dinner into a walk in the park, a walk into movies, and movies into a relationship and soon they were inseparable.
Nick fell for the girl as he never thought he would. In very short time they were under the same roof living the happiest time of all. In the meantime, nick started working on his solo album – something he wanted to do for so long but never found the right inspiration to get started. Throughout all the composing and recording process Alice was Nick’s best friend and stood by his side approving of all his decisions.
After releasing the album, Nick went on tour, first only in the US. Every time Alice had a chance, there she was with him. She tried to keep certain distance when Nick met fans, either on sound check parties or on the streets, but she tried to be always nice to all the girls. She understood how much that meant for them and for Nick. They seemed pretty happy together. But when Nick decided to take his tour overseas he had to be away longer and she couldn’t be with him. At first, they thought they could keep their love alive, after all, with the internet nobody is that far.
One night Alice called him and gladly he picked up on the first ring.
“Hello baby! I’m so glad you called. I miss you so much!” He spoke all at once, not giving Alice the time to say anything.
“Hi baby. I’m glad you answered too. I really need to talk to you…”
“What happened, Alice? You sound so…” he was looking for the right words, “… worried.”
“I’m sorry, Nick. I didn’t mean to scare you, but there’s something. When are you coming back? I really need to talk to you.” She tried to soothe him, with not much success.
“I’ll be home only on Monday, I guess. But now I can’t wait that long. What’s going on?” She could despair in his voice.
“Don’t worry. It’s nothing, just something I wanted to talk to you about”, she paused for a moment, “but I prefer to talk personally if you don’t mind.”
“Baby, what happened? I’m worried now! Are you ok?” Nick rambled a lot of questions. On the other end, Alice tried to remain calm and keep the tears from falling off her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I just miss you too much!
Nick could sense something odd in her voice, something like she’s been crying. But he knew better than to ask her, she would certainly deny it. Instead, he said he would try to manage his comeback as soon as he could.