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With his arms folded and his shoulder leaning against the doorframe, Nick was silently observing Brian as he cooked. And like a bolting from the sky, it hit him suddenly the sense of normalcy that surrounded that scene, something that he had always longed while watching his parents doing the same and yet it was still something that he had never wished for himself, not even in his most golden dreams. Never before he had believed nor trusted in what common people called love, believing instead that it was only a fleeting alibi to hurt someone else. Love required putting too much trust in someone else and he hadn’t any trace left.

But that was before he met Brian.

Brian had breaken down every little scruple he held up high with kisses, caresses and hugs. But most of all the physical gestures, he had win him over with a presence that it wasn’t only physical. It was most knowing that he could always count on him, even for little and silly things like a coffee in the morning; it was the chance, always available, to call him in any hours of the day or night and sure that someone would pick up the phone and help him the best that he could do.
And that was the reason why he was there. No, that was the reason why he felt like he had to be there, reassuring the guy that he hadn’t vanished in the air and that he would never do something like that. Not like a coward. Not when he knew that Brian depended on him more than he did and it was strange and totally different being aware of the fact that someone would be worried if he didn’t hear of him for hours or days. And instead of making him wanting to run fast and faster, it made him wanting to stay. It made him feel loved and wanted. Needed.

But no more sad or too serious thoughts for that night, he scolded himself as he shook his head.

He erased the space between him and Brian and, taking him by surprise, he encircled him in a hug, their bodies pressed as close as they could, chest against the back. Nick rested his chin upon Brian’s shoulder, leaving a butterfly kiss on that special spot where a trail of skin could be seen between the neck and the hen of the shirt.

“It smells delicious.”

“Me or the sauce?”

Up his lips went, though only it was only a few inches. Then, they left a trace of softness where the neck founded itself first in the back and then in the ear. “You, of course. – Nick’s words weren’t pronounced in a high voce but soft and directly in the ear, making the body pressed against him shiver in what Brian thought were hundreds and hundreds of nerves. – But the sauce isn’t bad either.”

“Do you want a taste?” Brian asked, raising up the spoon toward Nick.

“I’m already tasting...” Nick replied back, nibbling Brian’s earlobe as his fingertips trailed down on his spine.

“If you keep doing this... – Brian murmured, his voice trembling for just that single pleasure. - ... I might burn our dinner.”

Nick didn’t reply back immediately. With the other hand, he reached over and turned off the stove. “I think that we should get to the dessert.”

Brian turned over, still remaining inside Nick’s embrace and placed his lips against his neck. “The ice – cream is already melting.”

“Who said ice – cream? I was thinking about something else...”

Brian’s lips were so close to his that it would take just a small movement and they would finally meet. And Nick didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know if that would had been the night when they would finally cross the last line staying between them and preventing them to be one. And, for once in his life, he didn’t care about waiting because what he all cared for was that it had to be perfect. He wanted their first night to be so perfect that they could always look back with love and no regrets at all.

“Then, I believe we should move this dessert in a more appropriate room. – Brian whispered. – The bedroom, for example.”

With his voice no longer working, Nick could only nod as their fingers found each other.
Yes, it would be so magically perfect.