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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry about the mix up, here is THE REAL chapter 9!

Brian lay silently on a bed in a hotel room. Yesterday had been a long day. He didn’t sleep at all.

He needed to call Kevin. He should have last night but he couldn’t. He needed to be alone with his thoughts.

He couldn’t believe his name had been place on a birth certificate. It was the most insane thing he had ever heard.

Okay, so the most insane thing he had ever heard was that he knew something about the kid being abused.

Either way, the whole thing was a big mess. That’s exactly how Brian saw it all. He felt bad for the kid involved but his career was at risk. He had built himself on being a good guy.

His phone began to ring and it jarred him from his thoughts. He could almost bet it was one of the boys.

“Hello?” He didn’t even look at the caller ID. His voice was a little down.

“Brian? You never called back.” Kevin’s voice seemed rather worried.

He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot on my mind.” He admitted.

“What’s the latest?” He had to know.

Brian glanced around his somewhat cold room, “I’m just waiting on the DNA test so I can get back to you guys.”

Kevin was quiet; he wasn’t sure how to bring up what he needed to. “Bri, I think we need to talk about that.”

“Why, what’s there to talk about? I had to take it to prove my name being on that certificate was a mistake.” Brian wasn’t following.

“Brian, cous, what if it wasn’t a mistake?”

“You sound funny. What are trying to get at Kevin?” Now Brian sounded upset. He had said something similar earlier.

“Rok, You don’t remember do you?”

Brian sat up instantly feeling nervous.

“About a year before Nick got Erica pregnant. You, him and AJ went out after I told you all not to. The next day you had a bad hangover. You told me that AJ talked you and Nick into drinking. You told me some of his friends hooked you guys up. You told me that you’d met a girl and went too far and promised never to have sex again.”

“Oh…” Brian trialed off as a feeling of needing to puke washed over him. A brief split memory of himself being with a woman struck the front of his mind. He had long forgotten about it and couldn’t remember anything about the girl other than her hair being the exact same shade of his.

“Brian?” Kevin questioned softly.

“It… it was only one time.” Brian tried not to panic.

“It only takes one time. When was that kid born?”

“I dunno Kevin, I can’t even tell you what the name was. I was too busy looking at my name, and the mothers name… which doesn’t ring a bell.” His hands began to shake.

Kevin didn’t know what to say.

“Oh God, what if this kid IS mine? You don’t think it’s possible do you?”

“I believe in God Brian. Anything is possible.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.” Brian knew he was in trouble.

“What do I do Kevin?” He was now panicking.

“You chill until the results come back. If you are this kids dad then you pray and do whatever you think God is leading you to do and you have faith that I and everyone else will support you… no matter what.”

Kevin really was the best cousin Brian could ever ask for.

Suddenly his other line began to click over.

“I, I gotta go. Someone’s calling. I don’t know the number.” Brian brushed away the single tear that had fallen.

“Alright, let me know. Luv ya Bri.” Kevin quickly hung up.

Brian took a deep solid breath then answered the incoming call.

“Hello?” His voice was a bit leery.

“Mr. Littrell, this is Detective Nick.”

“Yeah, uh… uh hi.” Brian’s nerves were shaken.

“We got the results of your DNA test. We’d like you to come in with your lawyer.”

His hands shook, “I uh, I remembered something.”

“Yes sir?” He questioned.

“I was with someone, once, a long time ago.” Another tear rolled down Brian’s face.

“It’s alright Mr. Littrell, just head on in.”

“Ok.” He nodded even though the man on the phone couldn’t see.

The two men hung up the phone and Brian let his tears fall freely. It wasn’t alright. It wouldn’t be alright if this test was positive. His life would be changed.

After a few moments to himself to cry he called his lawyer then got ready to go.

Not long later he found himself in the same room he had been before looking at Detectives, Kathy and Nick.

“Mr. Litrell?” Kathy began.

“No beating around the bush, let’s just get his over with.” Mr. Lowell interrupted.

“The test was 98.8 percent conclusive that you are the father.” Nick told him and sat a lab report on the table.

Brian entire body began to shake, a few tears fell.

“Brian?” Mr. Lowell questioned.

“I forgot about it.” He cried now. “It was only one time and I swear I haven’t spoken to her since then. I didn’t know we had a child. I promise.”

Chapter End Notes:

I hope the next chapter makes more sence now. lol