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“So, he said he wanted to meet me?” Emersen asked.

She was now in a car with her case worker. She wasn’t entirely sure where they were going. Ms. Cheryl had just simply said that the man was proven to be her father and he wanted to meet her.

“Yes.” She nodded as she drove.

Emersen had so many thoughts racing through her mind. She was also nervous. This could make or break her future.

“Did he say… if he… wants me?” She wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know the answer.

“If he did the detectives didn’t say.” She replied softly. She could tell the girl was feeling uneasy.

Emersen said nothing else. She adjusted the hat on her head and looked out the window as she silently prayed this man would want her. She didn’t want to go back to the foster home.

As they pulled into a parking lot some time later she took a deep breath.

“Ready sweetie?” Ms. Cheryl asked.

Emersen looked at her but said nothing. She then got out of the car and followed Ms. Cheryl inside.

Quite quickly she was taken to a room. It had a table and chairs and a mirror that was obviously a two way mirror.

“You wait here and they’ll bring him in soon. I’ll be back in a little while.” Ms. Cheryl smiled and left the room.

With shaky hands Emersen sat at the table and waited. She tried to take slow deep breaths to keep her nerves down but it was.

Before she even knew it she heard a knock at the door. She looked up and smiled as Detective Kathy walked in.

“Hey, nice to see you again.”

“I’m here to see my father.” She explained.

Kathy nodded, “I know.” She walked over and sat next to Emersen. “I just want to make sure you want to do this. You do have a choice.”

Emersen took a deep breath, “I want to.”

Kathy smiled, patted her shoulder and stood. As she walked towards the door Emersen stood and caught her attention.

“Does he want me?”

Kathy turned around.

“Does my father want me?” She asked again.

Kathy smiled, said nothing and left the room.

Only a moment later the door opened again. Kathy walked back in but this time Detective Nick and another man was with her.

“Emersen, this is your dad Brian.” Kathy smiled as their eyes locked.

“Brian, this is your daughter, Emersen.” Detective Nick spoke.

It seemed like forever that the two stood staring at each other.

Finally she watched as he reached up and wiped a tear away from his eye. She hoped it was a good sign.

He took a step towards her unable to take his eyes off her. She greatly resembled him. He couldn’t believe how beautiful he thought she was so quickly.

“We’re gonna step outside into the hall.” Detective Nick spoke.

Brian nodded.

“If you need me,” Kathy made eye contact with Emersen. “Just yell.”

With that Emersen watched as both detectives left the room.

Brian’s eyes however had not left her.

“Emersen…” Brian tried not to whisper.

She nodded nervously, “Y- Yeah.”

“It’s, uh, It’s great to meet you.” He wasn’t sure what to say.

“It’s great to meet you too.” Her voice was soft.

He took a step towards her, “I’m sorry. I’m normally really outgoing but, all this is, well, a lot to take in.”

Emersen briefly closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and told herself not to be nervous. She feared if she seemed to be afraid that he wouldn’t want her.

“I know, everything happened so fast.” She spoke softly still.

Brian smiled but it quickly faded, “I… I’m really sorry I haven’t been around.”

“It’s ok, they said you didn’t know about me.” She looked briefly at her feet then back to him.

Brian quickly sucked in a deep breath of air as more tears fell, “I feel so terrible. They told me everything that happened to you and… I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you… to save you.”

Brian instantly felt a connection to Emersen and now there was no holding back. It almost surprised him. He however kept in mind what Kevin said about just having faith.

A tear fell from Emersen’s eye now also. She was less sure what to say but the idea of him wishing he could have saved her held so much hope.

“No, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.” Brian took a few more steps towards her as he wiped his tears away.

She sniffled trying to stop the tears. The silent room around her didn’t help much.

Brian now felt very nervous as he looked at her. He now stood rather close.

“Do you want me?” She whispered not daring to look at him.

It struck a heart string. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be so forward, I just… I’ve dreamt of knowing you my whole life and now you’re here in front of me and… I just need to know if you want me.”

She looked up at him after another silent moment. Tears now streamed down his face.

“Please, I promise I’ll do whatever you say and I’ll be good and…” She stopped. Begging wasn’t good. It however was in her nature as she often begged her mother and Tyler to stop or not hurt her at all.

His silent crying scared her. Sure he didn’t want her she too began to cry. She sat in the chair behind her and hid her face in her hands.

Suddenly two arms came around her. Her first instinct was to pull back ans be afraid but when she felt that his arms were kind and full of care she collapsed into them a bit.

“I want you. I want you so badly.”