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Danny took it upon himself to break the awkward silence. Being the oldest he felt it was his responsibility. “So, you’re Brian’s daughter?”

She nodded, “Yeah.”

Emersen tried not to look uncomfortable but she was, deeply so.

The boys now moved comfortably in the space of the room. She however stood perfectly still.

“So why did we never hear about you before?” Justin questioned.

“My mom never told him about me.” Emersen explained simply.

“So why’d she change her mind now?” Max wanted to know. He blurted his question out without thinking of how personal it was.

Emersen took a sharp breath, “Uh, she…” She licked her lips. She wasn’t interested in telling them anything about what really happened. “She died.” It seemed like a good answer.

“Wow, I’m so sorry.” Jake quickly told her as Danny gave Max an awkward glance.

“Sorry, My uh… my parents died when I was little.” Max tried to apologize in his own way.

“Anyway,” Drew spoke up wanting to change the conversation. “You’re name is Emersen?”

She blushed ever so slightly, “Yeah, it’s kinda strange.”

“No, Max has you beat on strange names.” Jake teased as the others snickered a little.

“What’s strange about the name Max?” She found herself loosening up slightly.

Max sighed and shook his head, “It’s short for Maximo.” He almost mumbled as he sat in a metal chair.

Her mouth opened but she wasn’t sure what to say. It was a pretty off the wall name.

“Well I think your name is really cool.” Drew gave her his best smile.

“I’m not a big fan of it but thank you.” She took two small steps deeper into the group.

“If you don’t like it why not come up with a nick name?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, almost all of us do it.” Danny nodded.

It was a brilliant idea. Emersen liked it. She figured it could be a great way to start off her new life.

“A nick name…” She nodded trailing off a little. She had no idea what she would go by though.

“You could call yourself Em.” Max shrugged.

“No way, Brian would say, ‘It sounds like Eminem’.” Danny shook his head.

“Em, Emer…” Justin tried to play with her name a little.

“Emer?” She couldn’t help but laugh.

“Emma?” Jake threw out.

“Old fashioned and lame.” Justin disagreed.

Danny just held up a ‘thumbs down’ sign.

“What about Emmie?” Drew nodded as he said it.

“That could work.” Max agreed.

The twins nodded.

“I like it.” Danny also nodded.

The five boys all turned to look at Emersen.

“I love it.” No one had ever called her that before. It seemed so appropriate. There would be no negativity surrounding that name.

“It’s settled then, we’ll all call you Emmie.” Danny said.

“We’ll have to tell Uncle Brian. I think he’ll like it.” Max smiled.

“Uncle Brian?” Emersen looked completely lost now.

Danny grabbed a folded up metal chair that was leaning against the wall, “They all refer to themselves as brothers.” He said opening the chair and setting it close to Emersen. He then went and got his own.

“At some point when we was all little we just started calling them all Uncle.” Max added.

“Wrong, looser.” Jake began. “When you came around you kept calling our dad Uncle Nicky.”

“That’s right, cause then You started calling Howie Uncle Howie.” Justin told his twin brother.

“Then my dad started complaining cause no one called him Uncle and Danny chimed in. The rest I think is just history.” Drew smiled. It was kinda fun to think back on it all.

Emersen had been looking at the chair. Ever so slowly she moved towards it and sat down. She still felt uncomfortable but she was trying.

The boys all continued asked Emersen questions and answering the few questions she threw out. The more they talked the better she felt.

Brian having to leave her with them for a while seemed to be the perfect medicine.

“You’re kidding?” Nick heard Max exclaim as he walked into the room.

“Dad, Emmie’s never been to an amusement park.” Justin informed him.

“Yeah we gotta fix that.” Jake agreed.

“Hang on, who is Emmie?” Nick felt a little confused as Brian and Kevin walked in behind him.

“We gave Emersen a nickname.” Drew said.

Emersen turned to look at Brian, she felt better seeing him back.

“Emmie?” Brian asked her.

She nodded, “I like it a lot better.”

He could see in her eyes that she really liked it. He could tell it made her feel lighter.

“I like it.” He softly told her.

“New start, new name.” She whispered and smiled.

He smiled too.