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AJ was waiting for Alissa when she was wheeled back in. He had asked Denise to stay with James in the waiting room until they brought her back.


Alissa smiled when she saw that AJ was sitting in the chair by her bed. As soon as they got her bed back in place and locked, he dragged the chair over so that he was right next to her.


“Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?” he asked and pulled her hand into his.


“Ok.” Alissa said quietly.

“Are you up for a surprise?”


Alissa looked at him and saw the huge smile on his face. “James?”


AJ nodded and went to get Denise. The three of them came back and Denise was elated to see Alissa awake and sitting up.


“Hi sweetheart!” Denise said rushing over to hug her. AJ had already explained that she would have trouble talking for a few days so she didn’t want to make her strain her voice.


“Ok.” Alissa said and smiled at her.


AJ came over to the bed and sat down next to her. He held James so that she would be able to see him. Since she was still weak, she wasn’t able to hold him but she was amazed at how at ease AJ was when he was cuddling with him.


Alissa’s eyes filled with tears when she saw James smile at her. He had her eyes and AJ’s smile. Her heart was filled with so much love for this baby and for AJ.




She held her finger out and was stunned by her son’s grip. His little fist had covered her finger and he smiled at her again. She didn’t think she could ever be as happy as she was in this moment.




AJ looked at her and smiled. He loved hearing her say their son’s name. It was one of the best sounds he had ever heard.


“Hey James, this is your mom.” he said looking down at his son. James looked at Alissa again and she could see a twinkle in his eye.


Alissa and AJ sat there and just looked at their son and held his hand. After a few minutes, Alissa’s eyes became heavy and she started yawning.




The doctor had told AJ that being in a coma was not the same as being asleep. He also told him that Alissa was still very weak and would need to rest.


AJ handed the baby to Denise and asked his mother to take him home.  She said goodbye to Alissa and promised to bring the baby back in the morning.




AJ looked at Alissa. “I am not going to spend one more night away from you.”

He slid her gently over on the bed and climbed in beside her. He slipped one arm around her and wrapped her both arms around her tightly. She snuggled her head into his chest and within minutes was fast asleep.


“I love you Liss. More than anything in this world.” he whispered in her ear. AJ fell asleep moments later knowing that this was the first night in a long time that he would actually be able to sleep.