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The next evening they gathered at her house again. "The name of the game is Waterfall. You may know it as Kings but I know it as Waterfall so forget what you know about Kings!" Delilah set a deck of playing cards in the middle of the table, after shuffling it, in a line spread out. The order of those sitting around the table clockwise: Delilah, AJ, Howie, June, Brian, Nick, Kevin, Trish.

"As we all agreed, this is a drinking game, and you will get rather tipsy so I am going to ask you all to stay as I don't allow drinking and driving. Agreed? Oh except Trish and June since Jeremy is picking y'all up later."

Everyone nodded and she continued, "Pay attention guys as this gets complicated as the night goes on! To start off the game I will pull a card from anywhere in the deck. Each card has its own rule.

'Ace is waterfall' when the person who pulled the card needs to start dirnking their drink, everyone drinks too, you can't stop until the person to your right stops drinking. Ace holder controls the length for everyone until they put their drink down. Example I pulled the card, I drink everyone drinks, I put my drink down, and at this point AJ can put his drink down or he can decide to make Howie drink longer. If you are at the end of the waterfall you pretty much drink forever.

'2 is you' If you pull this you chose who has to drink.

'3 is me' You pull the card, you drink.

'4 is whores' Sorry ladies I didn't make it up. When a 4 comes up ladies drink.

'5 is categories' When this card gets pulled, the cardholder has to come up with a category, and we go around the table naming things that fit in this category until someone gets stuck which at that point that person drinks.

'6 is dicks' When this card comes up guys drink.

'7 is heaven' The minute you see this card put both hands straight up in the air. The last person to do so drinks.

'8 is date' When you pull this card, you pick one other person to drink with you everytime until the end of this game.

'9 is Rhyme' This is kind og like category but rhymes instead. We go around the table until you can't think of anything that rhymes with the word, no words like orange please.

'10 is thumbmaster' The person that pulls this card is thumbmaster until another 10 is drawn. At any point during the game, they will bring their thumb to the table descretely, and everyone has to notice and do the same. Last person to do so drinks.

'J is back' This card makes the person to your right drink.

'Q Is Questionmaster' Same as the 10 this card is true until a new Q is pulled. You can't answer ANY questions this person asks through out the game until someone else is questionmaster.

And Lastly 'K is King' you get to make up a rule for the remainder of this game. Example is, you can't say drink, drank, drunk or else you drink.

Got it?"

Everyone nods and she claps her hands excitedly"Great let's start!"

She reaches over and pulls a '2', "hmmm 2 is you." She points to June, who laughs and taks a drink of her beer.

AJ reaches out "6 is dicks?" All the guys groan and drink.

Howie takes a card infront of him "ooh K? I get to make up a rule right?" Delilah nods and he thinks for a bit, "How about no pointing?" Everyone laughs and agrees.

June "9 is rhyme." She thinks for a bit, "Dime."

Brian, "Lime"

Nick, "Time"

Kevin, "Rhyme"


Delilah, "Slime"

AJ, "Shit, I can't think of anything so." He picked up his beer and said "cheers"

Brian pulled a card "Jack is back, sorry June." She took a drink of her beer.

Nick "5 is categories? Hmm...football teams. Tamba Bay Buccaneers"

Kevin "Dallas Cowboys"

Trish "Ooh dangit um...New Orleans Saints."

Delilah smiled, "Houston Texans"

AJ "Um um Miami Dolphins"

Howie "Jacksonville Jaguars"

June "I don't know anything about football so cheers." He picked up his drink.

Brian laughed, "No I actually had one! We could have gone on forever!"

Kevin's turn "King! I got it one, how about no names?"
"Oh thats a good one!" AJ pointed at Kevin. Then realized he pointed and drank.

Trish reached out "Q. What does Q mean?"

Howie proudly answered "Questionmaster."

Trish laughed as she pointed at him, "Ah ha you answered my question!"

He then laughed and said, "You pointed!" They clinked their bottles and both drank.

On the third round Nick drew an 8. He smirked, "8 is date right?" Delilah nodded. He smiled, "I pick Delilah as my date. Oops I said her name." He drank which meant she had to drink too. Through out the game he kept making silly mistakes which would cause them both to drink, such as forgetting to put his hands up on a 7 or pointing. The second 8 was pulled by AJ, and he picked Nick. So noe everytime AJ drank, Nick and Delilah did too. Following the chain, Brian picked AJ as his date when he drank. The last 8 was Howie's and he apologized to poor Delilah but he was picking Brian. Then he had to drink because he said her name, causing them all to drink.

A little on the dizzy side, Delilah shook her head and pointed at them all, "You guys are a bunch of assholes." Which made them laugh hysterically shouting, "You pointed!"

She threw her head back, "Fuuuck!" She finished her bottle and started a new one.

June drew a 7 and threw her hands up in the air. Soon everyone's hands were in the air except for AJ, who was late for it.

Delilah groaned, "Damn you person next to me with the beard!"

After two games, everyone was ready for bed. They all dropped around the couch and in the guest bedroom.

Delilah let Dobby out in the backyard to do his business as she leaned against the door drinking some water. Kevin walked up to her, "I am so glad we came."

"Me too."

"Delilah, I am so proud of you." He turned to her. Caught off guard she turned to face him as he continued, "You went through so much back then. I don't know what all happened between you and Nick but you were devastated. I worried about you so much, and was truly saddened when you cut ties with us. I understand why you did it, but it still hurt. So when I see you now, all grown up, beautiful, and a successful business owner, I can't help but feel proud and happy for you. You came out on top after all that bullshit. I love you kiddo." He pulled her in for a hug. She felt a lump in her throat as she fought back tears. She quietly hugged him back. He released her and smiled as he headed off to the guest bedroom.

The next morning Delilah was dancing in her bedroom while getting ready. She usually did her make up in her underwear. Brave by Sara Bareilles came on and she really went crazy dancing around and singing. She turned around and saw Nick dancing with her, startled she stopped, "Nick! What are you doing?"

He was still dancing, "I wanted to join in the party! I would remove my clothes but that would take too long."

She laughed as she walked over to her phone and turned the music down, "You are such a nerd. What do you need?" She grabbed her robe and put it on.

"Aww you're no fun." He crossed his arms, "I was going to make breakfast, want any?"

She shook her head laughing, "No thank you, I have to head out to the bakery but you guys please help yourselves to anything in the kitchen." He nodded, but didn't leave the room. She tapped her foot as they sat in awkward silence, "Soooo was there anything else you needed?"

He shook his head, "Nope just hoping you will bust out the jams again so we can dance."

She laughed as she walked over and pushed him out of the room, "Get out!"