July 11, 1998
Orlando, Florida
“Do you want the last hashbrown? Because you can totally have the last hashbrown.”
“No, it’s all yours.”
“You should see the breakfast we usually get at each hotel. It’s obscene. I swear AJ and I have eating contests. He ate seven biscuits with gravy yesterday. It made me want to throw up a little bit.”
“Enjoy the metabolism while it lasts.”
Nick laughs. “Yeah. Ten years from now I’m going to eat a little burger and wake up looking like Elvis during his fat years.”
“But Fat Elvis was still popular.”
Nick grins. “So was Fat Nick, but I got a rep to maintain.”
I roll my eyes, but I don’t mean it. It’s going to be a good day for a lot of reasons:
- I woke up knowing I’d see Nick.
- I just ate a ridiculously unhealthy, but delicious breakfast.
- I have a good report to give Brian on the babies.
- I’m with Nick.
- I’m going to the Orlando BSB concert.
- I don’t feel crappy.
- I don’t have to make any pies or quiches or anything.
- I’m with Nick.
“Dude, I made Howie eat six breakfast patties with hot sauce this morning. We barely got here in time before he ran to the shitter. He’s still in there. He’s crapping himself and moaning. I think I might have killed D.”
AJ looks extremely proud of himself. I almost don’t recognize him without the mass of tattoos. He just looks like a normal, scrawny kid.
Kinda like Nick.
Except the closer I look at Nick, I realize he’s not quite as scrawny as he was back in February. He’s filling out. He’s even grown a little taller to the height that I’ve grown accustomed to.
Or maybe I’m just totally hopeless when it comes to him.
“Dude, has he messed up his hair? You only win the $100 bucks if he’s messed up his hair.”
“Who can’t mess up their hair when ripping out their sphincter?”
Nick and AJ both grin. “Sphincter,” they say in unison.
Somehow I feel like I’m watching history in the making. Seven years later…
AJ sees me and nudges Nick. Nick grins at me.
“This is Court.”
“The famous Courtney.”
AJ walks over and I expect a handshake, but he hugs me tightly.
“You’ve made my life a helluva lot more interesting. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome?”
He pulls away and grins at me. “No, but seriously, this kid is obsessed,” he thumbs behind him to Nick. “But if you stick with him, you’re going to be raising three kids. So you might--”
Nick’s hand clamps over AJ’s mouth. “Do not listen to this guy.”
“You must be Courtney.”
The voice is smooth as silk and I know it immediately. I turn around nervously and look at my children’s 1st cousin, once removed.
“I am,” I say, holding out my hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
He shakes my hand. He has a strong handshake. Now I know how he managed to break down so many hotel room doors. “Kevin. How are you feeling?”
I swallow. “Good,” I reply truthfully. “So far.”
He gives me a smile that I can’t interpret. “Good. I hope you enjoy the show.”
“Oh I--”
A door flies open and some monstrous version of Howie Dorough stands in the doorway holding his pants around his waist. He frees one hand and points as if he’s going to catch a spell. Sweat is dripping from his face. “YOU!”
“What did I do?!”
I turn to look at Kevin, but he’s already gone. Like the shadow. He talks slowly and disappears stealthily.
He may or may not be Batman.
“I’m going to have you chill in one of the dressing rooms,” Nick says in my ear. His hand wraps around my arm.
“This might get ugly.”
I’m watching Live with Regis and Kathy Lee. I still haven’t seen Brian. I’m assuming he must be here.
Backstage is nothing like I pictured it. I imagined some fancy swank set-up, but instead its a mess of worn, scarred wood and cement floors and temporary things everywhere. It makes sense considering that every performer’s show is slightly different, but it still surprises me. Even the dressing rooms aren’t elaborate.
Except for the TV. The TV is a nice touch.
“That was awkward.”
“What was?”
Nick comes bursting into the room. He drops down on the coffee table.
“I forgot about Mandy.”
“My girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. She just called. I guess I hadn’t broken up with her yet.”
“So you did?”
“Yeah. She was actually fine. The worst part was my mom.”
“Your mom?”
“Mandy lives right by my parents. My mom called me and started bitching.” Nick gives me a lopsided smile. “My mom excels at bitching.”
“My mom doesn’t waste the energy to bitch. She saves her energy for other sports.”
“That’s one of them.”
Nick leans towards me. “I think it’s fate that two kids that obviously come from screwed up mothers find one another. We’re the normal link to fix past generations fucked-up-ed-ness.”
I smile. “You may have a point.”
Nick sits back. I stand up. I’ve been sitting far too long. I press my hand against my lower back.
“Has Brian gotten here?”
“Not yet?”
I can’t hide my surprise. “Not yet?”
Nick shakes his head. “We have an interview with the local radio station. If he misses that, that’s when he’s in trouble. Management basically says the same thing to us every time. I’ve skipped those meetings a bunch of time. Only Kevin goes to every one. And Howie. But Howie’s still shitting.”
Nick looks delighted. “He might have to use tonight’s roses as toilet paper if he doesn’t stop soon.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“We’ve all been there. Well..except Kevin. Kev’s too smart to fall for it.”
Nick jumps up.
“Do you want to come see the interview?”
I glance at the TV. I don’t think I can take another talk show.
“I’d love it.”
“Where’s Brian?”
“He’s late.”
“So’s the radio station.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Sorry we’re late!”
Two guys, obviously the radio guys, walk in. I’m pretty sure that they’re apologizing only for themselves, but they step aside and I see they’re not alone.
Brian’s shirt is askew. He looks out of breath. He doesn’t see me. Two slender arms slide around his waist.
“It’s all my fault,” the slender arms admit. The owner of the arms smiles charmingly, nuzzling into Brian’s back. His hands cover hers.
Nick makes a weird throat nose. I am silent. I should have expected it, really.
I should know that Leighanne can’t stay away.