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“ Did you hear that?” Kevin asked.
“ Hear what?” AJ asked as he had picked up the remains of the phone he had thrown across the room.
“ A car and then the sound of someone falling into water. Buddy, come here.” Kevin called out to his dog. He could hear AJ’s dogs carrying on about something.
“ AJ let’s check out the noise.” Kevin said heading towards the side door. AJ stood and followed his friend to the deck and looked out he saw a body floating in the water.
“ Oh my god. Randy help me out here.” AJ said heading down the stairs, nearly leaping from the steps into the sand. He ran down the beach with Randy close behind him. Randy looked towards the upper part of the beach and spotted a man with a gun standing there.
“ Guys we have a problem I’ve got a shooter about fifty feet from where Kevin is standing.”
“ Roger that Randy I see him.” Marcus said coming from the house. “ Kevin, get back into the house.”
“ What’s wrong?”
“ Just get back in the house. The others are here, keep them company.” Marcus said heading out to see if he could catch the shooter.

“ AJ man, wait for me.” Randy said as he watched AJ wade into the water and pull the body from the water.
“ KAREN!” AJ screamed when he realized it was her, he pulled her limp body from the water and lay her on the sand.
“ AJ… AJ man let me help.”
“ Oh god she’s not breathing.” AJ said trying to feel for a pulse.
“ She’s got a pulse but it’s very weak.” AJ said tipping Karen’s head back and opening her mouth. He breathed into her mouth and watched her chest rise. He then did it again and waited.
“ Randy, call an ambulance.” AJ said trying again. “ Don’t you die on me damn it.” AJ blew into her mouth and the heard her gasp for air and begin coughing. Rolling her over onto her side he held her close as she coughed and gasped for air. Karen gasped for air again and then went limp in his arms. AJ looked down at her.
“ No god no.” AJ said shaking her. He looked up with tears in his eyes and looked at the dark sky. “ NO! No you can’t have her it’s not fair.” AJ screamed. Randy looked down at his young friend as he heard the sirens he knew they wouldn’t make it there in time.
“ She’s gone AJ she’s gone.” Randy said trying to help AJ stand. AJ held Karen’s cold form close to his chest.
“ No. No they can help her.” AJ said tears rolling down his cheeks, the waves lapping over her body. Randy looked up at the paramedics as they ran down the beach.
“ Sir let us help her.” The paramedic said.
“ It’s too late.” AJ said crying holding her close. The medic looked at Randy for assistance. Randy reached down and pulled AJ away from Karen.

*** AJ’s Point of View. ***

I couldn’t understand why that crazy man had taken her but those days where hell. At first we had just thought she had run off and decided she needed time away from Kevin and I. I know that Kevin was getting on her nerves as much as he was getting on mine. But he was my brother and hers, I wouldn’t just throw him out for nothing. We wanted to die when we heard she had been kidnapped. Kevin was beside himself with anger and guilt thinking that it was his fault. I on the other hand thought it was my fault thinking that if I had left someone with her she would still be here with me. It’s been three days since she was found on the beach and three days since she died in my arms. I nearly died with her, I called my mom and told her I needed help setting up the funeral. Kevin was in no shape to do it himself, when I called Ann I could hear her heart breaking when I talked to her over the phone.
“ Hey Jay come on we have something to do.” I heard Howie say. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.
“ I’ve got to get her dress.” I said heading upstairs to our bedroom. I hadn’t slept in the room in days. I wouldn’t even sleep in there I couldn’t not yet. I heard Howie behind me while I quietly moved threw her closet.
“ Come on Jay. Your mom said she’d get the dress.” Howie said to me.
“ No I have to do this. She would want me to. This one, this one was her favorite. She always looked so sexy in it.” I said pulling out a sleek black and red dress.
“ Yes she did look very lovely in that dress.” Howie said guilding me from the room and downstairs. I would never hold my angel again. She was gone forever. But I knew that some day I would be with her again.

Now I am standing outside the church, the dress had been delivered the guy at the funeral home. He had promised us she’d look as beautiful in death as she had in life. Howie and I walk into the church. He had told me Kevin had been there for over an hour standing up with the casket. Who could blame him it was his sister his best friend we where morning today. I walk into the church and get hugs and condolences from those who have already arrived. I was so surprised to see the out-pouring of support there was from the fans as well as the family. The trial was to be in a few days for the man that had done this to her but right now I couldn’t deal with that right now I needed to say goodbye. Howie and I make our way towards Kevin. I stop to hug Ann as she is standing there. Brian’s parents Harold and Jackie had also arrived with Brian’s brother Harold JR. I was so surprised to meet the family members I had never seen. I hugged them all.
“ I am so sorry.”
“ So are we Alex. You where the best thing to happen to my baby.” Ann said to me. I nodded and tried to hold back the tears that had been threatening to fall. My dark glasses hid my sad and sorrowful eyes from the world. I couldn’t face any of them right now. A huge picture of my angel was near the casket I could see it clearly, it was one we had had taken earlier this year when we where happy. Another picture sat next to it a smaller one of the two of us together. Her sitting on my lap laughing you can see the picture was taken while we where at the home. Another picture sat next to it one of Karen and Kevin smiling before his accident before this all began. What I wouldn’t give to get her back to have this all have been a bad dream, and that I would wake up and find her sleeping in my arms.

**** Kevin’s Point of View *****

I stood alone in the church. I had had Carlos drop me off early and he waited outside. AJ ha picked a nice dress for her to wear and she looked like an angel, because she was one now. Her hair was done up so pretty and even had make up on. How could I see this I know your asking it’s cause the night of her death something inside triggered something my sight began to come back in shades. Things are still dark but it’s more like I am wearing dark glasses than anything. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I look at her face. I reach into the solid oak casket and touch her face. My twin my world. We had been inseperatible when we where kids and even into adulthood but now she’s gone. I will never see her smile, or watch one of my best friends make her laugh. I will never hear her tell me how happy she was with Alex or even how much she couldn’t wait to marry him. She had been making plans I had even seen the dress she had picked out. It was the most beautiful white dress I had ever seen. God I can’t believe she’s gone that I am here at her funeral and not at her wedding. A crazy man killed my baby sister and I want him dead for it. The police had found the man that had kidnapped and killed her. But the autopsy had told us that what had killed her was the broken ribs she had. Alex couldn’t have saved her even if he tried. One of her ribs had broken and had punctured her heart but it hadn’t killed her till he tried to revive her. I didn’t have the heart to tell Alex that when he was trying to save the woman we both loved he had killed her instead. I would never hold it against him, it wasn’t his fault, it was that mans fault and I will see him rote in hell. I see mom and my brothers coming into the church. Mom looks so bad, she couldn’t handle the news when Alex had called and told her that Karen had been killed. I see Alex coming in with the others. My entire family was here, Karen would have been so happy to see everyone together. Alex looks so sad, he’s been crying I can see it threw his dark glass threw the look on his face. He knows that I can read him, but after being friends for ten years and watching him grow up it’s kind of hard to miss. Nick is off to the side sobbing, his mothers arms around him. I couldn’t even comfort my little brother at this time when we needed each other and I knew that. I felt Brian’s arms as he pulled me into a hug.
“ Come on we have to sit down the service is about to begin.”
“ Alright.” I say. I take one last look at you. I will miss you my sister.