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Learning to Love again.
By Vicki © 2003

He stood silently looking down at the headstone. A beautiful marble angel standing above it with its hands raised to the sky a dove resting on its open hand.
~~~~ Heaven gained two more angels.~~~~~
Elizabeth Anna Richardson born Nov 10 1974 died Nov 27 1999. Scott Allen Richardson. Born Oct 25 1994 died Nov 27 1999.
Loving wife, daughter and friend who will sorely be missed. And a son that didn’t get the chance to live.

He stood there it had been 4 years since the death of his family. He blamed himself for what had happened. She had been driving from Kentucky to meet him at a concert in Michigan. The weather had shifted and was making travel almost impossible. But she had insisted that she needed to be with him and driving would make the trip more fun for their young son. He could remember that day clearly as if it had happened just then.

*** Flash Back 1999***

“ Hi baby.” Kevin said hearing his wife answer the phone.
“ Hi Kevin.” Elizabeth giggled as she heard her son squeel daddy at the top of his lungs.
“ When are you coming?” Kevin asked still very unsure if his wife should be visit especially in this weather.
“ We are leaving this after noon. We should be there by Thanksgiving.” Elizabeth said. She had already packed the car and was ready to go she just wanted to let him know she was leaving.
“ Alright please be careful.” Kevin said hoping she would just change her mind.
“ I will. I love you Kevin.”
“ I love you too see you soon.” Kevin said hanging up the phone. He looked at his friends and sighed.
“ She’s due in by Thanksgiving. I hate her traveling in this weather.”
“ We know Kev, but the planes are grounded so we are stuck here, at least she’s able to get here.”
“ Yeah true. Ok come on guys we have a sound check to do and then a show.” Howie said leading everyone down the hall towards the bus.

Kevin paced the hotel room worriedly as he looked at the clock. He had expected Elizabeth over an hour ago and he wondered what was keeping her.
“ Still not here?” Brian said coming into the room.
“ No and I’m worried.” Kevin said just as his phone rang. Racing to find it he answered it quickly.
“ Hello? Beth?” Kevin said in a rush.
“ Mr. Kevin Richardson?”
“ This is he. How did you get this number?”
“ This is Dr Parris at Detroit General Hospital. We need you to come down here please?”
“ What is in regards to?”
“ We need to see you right away.” He said waiting for Kevin’s answer.
“ We will be right there.” Kevin said hanging up the phone and looking at his cousin. Brian nodded and headed out of the room to get the others together. Once they where ready they took and drove to the hospital to find out what was so urgent.
“ I am Kevin Richardson. Dr Parris called me saying it was urgent for me to come here.” Kevin said looking at the nurse.
“ I’ll get him for you please have a seat.” She said pointing to the chairs behind the boys. Kevin sat down and rubbed his hands together wondering what was going on.
“ Mr. Richardson?”
“ Yes.” Kevin said standing to greet the doctor.
“ Please come with me we need to speak privately.” The doctor said looking at the four other men.
“ What you say can be said in front of them they are my family.” Kevin said looking at the doctor.
“ Mr. Richardson your wife and son where brought in about an hour ago.”
“ Oh my god, are they alright?” Kevin asked looking at the doctor.
“ I am sorry but we lost them both.” The doctor said looking the five stunned men.
“ What?” Kevin asked tears threatened to roll down his cheeks.
“ It seems she had stopped for a traffic light when a large semi skidded across the road and hit her car head on. She was DOA and your son died shortly after being here. It took us some time to find your number to contact you.” The doctor said sadly.
“ Can I see her?” Kevin asked.
“ Sure, come with me.” The doctor led him down the hall and came to a stop in front of a small trama room. Kevin looked into the room and could see Elizabeth’s battered body laying on the table a sheet covering her to her neck.
“ My son?”
“ I’ll leave you with your wife and your son is in there as well.” The doctor said stepping aside to let them all in. Kevin walked into the room and looked to the left to see the small table where his son lay. Both gone, he had lost them both in one instant. He walked over and held onto his wife’s cold hand and began to sob.
“ You promised me we would live together forever.” Kevin cried holding her hand close to his face. Brian placed his hands on Kevin’s shoulders, he turned towards his cousin and began to sob against his chest.

A funeral was held a few days later. Kevin was unconsolable as he stood at the front of the church looking at the two matching caskets. He had their bodies moved back to Kentucky where they could be buried near family. Kevin said his goodbyes and then turned and left the church.