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Chapter 32
1 month later….
Callie hummed to herself as she vacuumed AJ and her bedroom. It was Friday and that day she spent cleaning her house.
“My house” she breathed happily.
She couldn’t believe that AJ had wanted her to share this huge ass house with him. She remembered back to that date when he had asked her about a month before. That had been a real shock. She expected it to be another year before she thought he would have asked her that. She had moved in a week later and was having the time of her life. It was nice not to come home to a lonely apartment and now she was closer to her best friends. Callie shut off the vacuum and out it in the hall closet. She checked her watch which read five. She was done cleaning and wasn’t expecting AJ back from seeing his mom till seven.
“I should get dinner started” she thought to her self.
Callie walked down to the kitchen and looked in the pantry for something good that she could make. All she saw was some ingredients and a box of cheese lasagna. She decided to make that. After she had gotten out all the ingredients the phone rang.
“Have you gotten the mail yet” De asked.
“Uh no not yet” Callie replied startled.
She hadn’t talked much in the last month with De. She was always out with Orlando or just never seemed to want to talk to her.
“Well go out and get the mail now” she urged.
“Ok hold on”.
Callie set the phone down on the counter and walked outside to the mailbox. She pulled it out and walked back in and grabbed the phone.
“Ok got it now what’s this all about”? She asked.
“Just look through it and tell me if you see something out of the ordinary”.
Callie looked through the mail finding the water bill, AJ’S credit card bill, a magazine from Elle and than a postcard with the big Ben tower on it.
“The only thing I see out of the ordinary is a post card with the Big Ben clock”. Callie reported.
“Ok good now read it” De instructed.
Callie turned it over and read.
Hey girl what’s up? Not much here. Probably wondering why I am sending you and De both a post card. Well I have got great new. I am coming home Saturday the twenty first! I am so excited and can’t wait to see you guys! I am bringing a surprise home from London so that’s why I sent a postcard instead of calling to tell you that on the phone. I knew both you and De would harass me till I caved in and I really don’t want it blown till I come home. Well got to go I will talk to you at the airport when you and De come to get me. Lots of love
“Wow I can’t believe it” Callie finally said after she finished reading it.
“Me neither she is coming home tomorrow”. “What do you think her surprise is” De asked.
“I don’t know but we will get to find out”.
“Well I got to go Orlando is taking me out to chiplote’s and a movie of my choice” De said.
“That great I hope you have fun” Callie told her.
Callie was sad. She never got to hang out with her best friend anymore. She missed her and hoped that their friendship wouldn’t change. It was like it was drifting farther and farther away.
“I will be over to pick you up at eleven in the morning since her flight gets here at noon” De told her breaking Callie out of her thoughts.
“Ok see you morning”.
After she got off the phone Callie continued to finish dinner. At seven AJ arrived home.
“Hey sweetie” he called coming into the kitchen where Callie had just taken the food out of the oven.
“Hey yourself”.
“What is that delicious food that you have made for dinner”?
“I made lasagna” she replied setting it on the dining table where she had set up fifteen minutes before.
Callie brought out the garlic bread and salad and they both sat down to eat.
“So how was your day“? He asked.
“It was ok I just cleaned the house and oh guess what”?
“What” he asked.
“I got a postcard from Tara today and she is coming home tomorrow” Callie told him excited.
“That’s great” he replied.
“Yeah De and I are going to the airport and getting her”.
“That’s cool” AJ answered taking a bite of salad. “Did she mention anything about Kevin”?
“No actually she didn’t” Callie said now realizing it. “In fact she really hasn’t asked about him in the last two weeks over the phone”.
“Well I hope that she decides to take him back” AJ said glumly. “That’s the only thing that will straighten Kevin up”.
Callie nodded. She thought back to the past month. Kevin was a mess. He drank almost every night had woman in and out of his house on a daily basis and was rude and nasty to everyone.
“I hope your right”.

The next day De and Callie arrived at the airport at 11:30 am and were now waiting for Tara’s plane to arrive.
“I still have no idea what her surprise is” De said. “Damn her she knows that I hate surprises”.
Callie smiled. “Yeah that’s true”. “We don’t have that much longer till we get to find out”.
“What do you think she is going to do about Kevin” Callie asked.
“I don’t know she hasn’t said anything to me on the phone about him or what she plans to do”. De replied.
“Flight 638 from London has now landed” the annoying announcer said into the microphone.
De and Callie walked up closer to the gate and as passengers started coming out of the terminal. A few minutes later Tara stepped out. She looked around for her friends.
“Tara over here” De called.
Tara immediately came running over and gave both her best friends a big hug.
“Hey guys I’ve missed you” She screeched.
“Yeah us too” Callie said.
“So where is this surprise” De asked bluntly. “Is it with you in your carry on bag or is it still in the suitcase”.
Callie elbowed De in the shoulder.
“What I want to know”.
Tara just laughed. “It’s not in my carry on or in my suitcase”. “It’s too big for that”.
“So where is it” de persisted.
“Come here I will show you” Tara said.
Both girls followed Tara to the window where a guy was standing.
“Will I want you to meet my two best friends Callie and De” she told him.
Will shook there hands and smiled. “It’s finally nice to meet you” he said. “She talked about you guys a lot”.
“Guys I want you to meet will my boyfriend”.
De and Callie exchanged confused looks.
“Uh oh” they both muttered.
They all went down to get Will and Tara’s suitcase. Tara and will followed De and Callie who were up front leading the way to the baggage claim.
“I guess we now know her answer where Kevin is concerned” Callie said.
“This is going to be a total disaster when Kevin finds out she is home and shows up” De replied.
“Well at least he won’t know today” Callie assured her.
“I hope your right” De answered.

Once De and Callie had dropped her off and she had promised that the three of them would all hang out the next day Tara took a seat on her couch next to Will.
“So what do you think of my friends”?
“They seem really nice” He replied putting an arm around her. “Exactly like you described them”.
“Yeah they are cool”.
“I was thinking how about we go out to dinner somewhere to celebrate you being home” he suggested.
“That’s a great idea” she exclaimed. “What are you in the mood for”?
“Um I don’t know how about you pick a good place that you want to go” He told her. “All I ask is that it’s somewhere that has food that you can’t get in London”.
“It’s a deal I know the perfect place” Tara told him.
“Oh and where is that”? He asked.
“Ever had buffalo wings”?
Will shake his head “No”.
“You have no idea what you are missing” she said grabbing his hand.
A few minutes later Will and Tara arrived at Bw3’s. A flash of Kevin and the fight with Kristin flashed through her mind. She shook it off. She had moved on to a sweet cute guy that she believed would never hurt her. Not like Matt and Kevin did. After they ordered their food with Tara telling him what was the best to get them both seated themselves in booth and Tara smiled.
“You will love this it’s the best food ever” Tara told him.
“I can’t wait” he told her. “I am tired of English food and I am ready for the world famous American food”.
As they waited for their food Tara looked up and nearly choked on the sip of water that she had decided to take. She could tell from where she was sitting that Kevin was drunk. He was staggering into the bar area and his eyes were bloodshot. She saw him asking for a drink.
“Maybe he won’t see me” she thought.
As if he read her mind he turned around and look straight at her.
“Shit” she thought.
He staggered over to their table.
“Tara is that you” He asked.
“Yeah its me” she replied softly.
He sat down next to her and took her hand. She nearly jumped.
“What are you doing Kevin” She asked politely.
“I have missed you so much and I have been so miserable with out you” He said slurring.
“Who the hell is this nut case” Will asked.
Kevin shot him a dirty look.
“It’s the reason I was vacationing in London alone” she replied.
“Oh” Will said finally understanding.
“So that’s where you ran London” Kevin said shaking his head. “Is that where you met this clown”.
“Kevin stop it”. She warned.
Kevin stood up on the table. “Can I get everyone’s attention”?
Everyone in the restaurant looked up.
“I am Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys and this here was my girlfriend who I hurt really badly and I wanted to say Baby I am sorry and I want you back so we can get lucky tonight”. He busted up laughing. He was the only one laughing.
Tara was so humiliated words couldn’t even begin to describe. While Kevin was ranting and raving on the table she had taken the liberty of calling Brian to come get him. She hoped that he hurried up.
Kevin jumped down and looked at Tara.
“You know Tara I loved you and I beat myself up everyday that I hurt you the way I did and when I came over to your house to apologize and show you how sorry I am it was bad to here you had left town because of me without giving me a chance to explain and without saying goodbye but its much worse when you replace me”.
Will stood up. “Leave her alone and get the hell out of here you pathetic alcoholic”.
Kevin angrily turned to face him. “ What did you say you little punk”.
“ You heard me” will retorted.
Kevin shoved Will and attempted to punch him in the stomach but the bartender came running and separated the two.
“ Damn you Kevin just leave me alone I hate you so much I never want to see your face again”. She screamed.
Brian walked through the door and immediately spotted Kevin and Will about to go at it again.
“ Kevin let’s go” He yelled.
“ No I have some business to do” He replied staggering.
“ Now” Brain growled and hauled him out of the restaurant with the customers clapping.
Tara could feel fresh tears start to fall and looked at the room full of people still starring at her. She had to get out of there and fast. She ran out of the restaurant with Will running after her.