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Kevin reached out and moved a stray strand of hair out of her face. Samantha looked into his green eyes. She could swear she could get lost in those eyes.
“ How long have you lived in Florida?” He asked her.
“ Not very long actually. I was offered the job at Disney Café right out of culinary school. I was actually surprised by the offer.”
“ Interesting.” Kevin said looking at her.
“ So where are we going?” She asked looking out the closed window. Not that she minded his company but she wanted to get out of the car. Finally the limo stopped at their destination and the driver came around and let them out.
“ Oh wow.” Samantha said stepping from the limo first. Kevin stepped out behind her and looked at the huge restaurant they had been taken to.
“ Looks like my friend has some good taste.” Kevin said holding out his arm to her. Samantha looped her arm threw Kevin’s and they walked into the restaurant. Kevin looked and noticed that the restaurant was empty except a table in the center that was set up with candlelight and two seats.
“ This way to your table Mr. Richardson.” The matredee said as they entered the restaurant.
“ Seems we have the place to ourselves.” Kevin said looking at Samantha.
“ Seems so.” Samantha said as Kevin pulled out a chair and waited for her to sit down. He pushed her chair in and then walked around the table and sat down himself. Samantha looked up at him as they sat there at the table. A waitress set two glasses of wine in front of them and then left them alone again.

Samantha smiled at Kevin as they walked down the beach alone.
“ This is nice. Your friend really went all out.” Samantha said looking at the ocean.
“ Yes he did.” Kevin said taking Samantha’s hand in his. Samantha looked into Kevin’s eyes and sighed.
“ This is nice but I’ve got to get home soon cause I have to work in the morning.” Samantha said looking at her watch. Kevin nodded and led her back to the limo. He walked her to her door when they arrived at her home.
“ This was really nice. Maybe we can do it again.” Kevin said looking at her.
“ Yes it was and I would love to do this again. Something less fancy if you’d like.” Samantha said. Kevin smiled and then leaned forward kissing her lips lightly. Samantha stood there startled.
“ Oh..I’m sorry that was to forward of me.”
“ Oh no it was fine.” Samantha said touching the doorknob. Changing her mind she turned and quickly kissed Kevin and then headed into the house. Kevin stood there for a moment then nearly bounced back to the limo.
“ Home Mr. Richardson?”
“ Yes please.” Kevin said sliding into the limo with a huge smile on his face.

Samantha dropped her keys on the table and smiled as she walked into the house. She looked down at her cat and lifted her into her arms.
“ Guess what Jazzy.” She said looking at the cat. Jazzy just looked up at her and meowed.
“ I got a kiss. And what a wonderful kiss it was.” Samantha said spinning around with her cat. She finally set Jazzy down and hurried to change for bed and slid into her warm bed, her thoughts still thinking about Kevin and the small kiss they had shared.