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“ Kevin, let’s go over to Alex’s we know that is where Anna is.”
“ Did you see the way she looked? I had never seen her look like that. And I’ve never seen Kris act like that.” Kevin said looking at Brian.
“ I know neither have I. Kevin don’t make Anna think that your mad at her for leaving.”
“ I’m not mad at her for leaving I am pissed at Kris for causing her to leave and for me to find out that the only reason Kris allowed her to stay was to get close to me.”
“ Maybe you and Kris really need to talk about it.” Brian said.
“ Yeah maybe after I talk to Anna.” Kevin said heading towards his car. Brian nodded and headed to the car with him.
“ Hey wait for me.” Howie said coming from the house. Kevin looked at Howie and then saw Nick standing in the doorway.
“ Stay here. Maybe you can get my wife to leave.” Kevin said looking at them. Howie nodded and led Nick back into the house.

Anna sat next to AJ as they drove down the road in silence.
“ Baby talk to me. We need to discuss this.”
“ Discuss what? That my brother’s wife is a bitch, and that I just moved out of his house.” Anna said stopping her car. She let her tears fall freely now, AJ reached out and pulled her into his arms as best he could.
“ Hey now don’t cry. You have a place to go, come on let’s go get something to eat and then we can go back to my place.”
“ Alex, he is so angry. She said things and I don’t even know if he was agreeing with her.”
“ He wasn’t. I don’t even know what was going on with her. She’s always been so nice to you.”
“ Not really, just nice to me when you guys are around.” Anna said looking up into AJ’s brown eyes.
“ I think it’s time we talk to all the family now.” AJ said knowing she needed to tell Kevin about this.
“ I don’t want to talk to them right now.” Anna said looking out the window.
“ Let’s go home I can order us something in.” AJ said waiting for her to start the car again.

Kevin pulled into AJ’s driveway, he saw Anna’s car parked in the driveway, the lights where on and he knew that meant they where home. He walked to the door and knocked.
“ Hey.” Kevin said looking at AJ.
“ Come in.” AJ said letting Kevin and Brian into the house. Kevin walked into the living room and looked at his sister.
“ Hey.” He said sitting down next to her.
“ Hi.” Anna said looking towards the floor.
“ I want to know what happened.” Kevin said taking to Anna.
“ You don’t want to know.”
“ I wouldn’t have had asked if I didn’t want t know.”
“ Kevin this has been going on since before she had moved in.” Anna said looking up at him.
“ How long?”
“ Kevin before you asked that woman to marry you. She’s always treated me different. Like I should have died in that accident.” Anna said looking at him tears filling her eyes.
“ Oh Anna I bet she didn’t really mean it.”
“ She meant every venomus word she said. She told me that if I caused anything in her chance to marry a man with money she’d kill me and tell you it was an accident. Kevin she’s angry and I know that you threw her out. I heard you before I left the yard.” Anna said looking at him. Kevin ran his fingers threw his hair and looked at Anna’s sad eyes.
“ God Anna I never knew she was that bad. Please move back in she’s moving out.”
“ I can’t I don’t trust her not trying something.” Anna said.
“ I wont let her. Even AJ can move in. Come on please.” Kevin said holding her hand. Anna nodded and looked up at AJ. AJ smiled and nodded to.
“ Alright for now.” Anna said smiling.

Much to Kevin’s surprise Kristin had moved out and hadn’t made too much of a mess doing so. He watched his sister and AJ make their way threw the house. It had been close to three years since Kristin had left. Divorce papers had been mailed and signed quickly which surprised even Anna. Kristin didn’t put up any fight to keep Kevin or get any money from him even though a nice settlement was set up for her. Kevin loved having AJ and Anna around and watched their love grow more and more every day. Figuring everything was behind them, Kevin had settled into a routine and knew it was time to get back into life.
“ Hey Kev.” Brian said as he entered the room.
“ Hey Bri what brings you around today?”
“ Our meeting with management I thought if I was in the area I’d pick up you and Alex up and head to the building where we are to meet management.”
“ Goodie alright I’ll get Alex and why don’t you visit with Anna she’s out back.” Kevin said as he headed up the stairs to get AJ.
“ Hey there cousin.” Brian said as he came out into the backyard.
“ Hey what brings you around?”
“ A meeting.” Brian said watching her play with the puppy Kevin had gotten her last week.
“ Oh that’s right a tour soon?” She asked looking at him.
“ Yep. Hey there Coco.” Brian said petting the chocolate labs head. Coco hopped into Brian’s lap and began licking his face. Even at only three months Coco was huge.
“ Come on Coco your not a lap dog.” Anna giggled as she watched Brian fend off the happy puppy.
“ Sure he is.” AJ said coming into the backyard. Anna smiled and kissed AJ as he leaned down.
“ We are going to be gone for about an hour maybe a little more alright?” Kevin said looking at his sister.
“ Yeah I’ll be fine.” Anna said Kevin nodded and followed the others out of the backyard. Anna sat there for a while longer and then wheeled herself inside followed by Coco.

Anna made her way round the house and smiled thinking that life was getting better. She just wondered where everyone was it had been three hours. She jumped slightly when the door opened and AJ walked into the house. She looked past him to see if Kevin was coming and not seeing him she wondered what was wrong.
“ Guys? What’s going on?” She asked once everyone but Kevin had entered the house.
“ We seemed to have misplaced Kevin.”
“ What do you mean misplaced?” She asked looking at them. AJ held out an envelope that had her name on the front.

~~~ You want him back alive? Don’t call the police or notify anyone of this. Or his dead body will be found on your doorstep. His friends didn’t even notice he was missing till it was to late. So if you don’t want him dead, then you will do as your told. We will be in touch~~~~

A picture of Kevin bound and gagged was included. Anna looked at the picture and about screamed.
“ Anna, tell me.” AJ said looking at her.
“ He’s been kidnapped. Alex what happened? How long was he gone before you noticed?”
“ I don’t know what happened. Kevin got a call and left the room for a short time. We sent Billy out to look for him and he came back to the room with the note and no Kevin.” AJ said looking at her. Anna let tears run down her cheeks.
“ God they’re going to kill him.” Anna said as AJ pulled her from her chair and into his lap and held her close.