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“ Go back in there and gag them and then take a picture. We need to be moving again lover.” Suzie said looking at him. Marcus nodded and headed back into the room where AJ and Kevin where.
“ Hello boys.” Marcus said looking at them. AJ stood there half conscious and said nothing.
“ What do you want?” Kevin asked looking at him. Marcus just smiled and moved forward towards them. He gagged AJ first before he could even protest. And then looked at Kevin.
“ Time for a picture and then we are moving boys.”
“ No, you have asked her for money let us go.” Kevin said trying to free his arms.
“ Actually we haven’t asked her we are torturing her.” Marcus said shoving a gag into Kevin’s mouth. He patted Kevin’s face and stood back away from the angry man. Lifting his poloroid he took several pictures of each of them and then the boys together. Marcus moved forward and touched AJ’s face and then looked at Kevin.
“ Looks like your friend is ill. Hope he lives threw this.” Marcus said heading out of the room. AJ moaned a bit but never opened his eyes. Kevin looked as his friend with sad eyes and then let his eyes rest on the closed door.

Anna sat near the door wondering what she was going to do. She knew the others where busy trying to figure out how to save her brother and her fiancée and now the worry if anyone of them could come up missing. She moved herself to the other side of the room and looked out the window. It was a beautiful night she wondered if Kevin and AJ where doing all right during this time. She worried about them.
“ Where are you Kevin? Alex I hope your safe.” Anna whispered whipping the tears from her face.
“ Hey Anna I didn’t know you where awake.” Howie said entering the room.
“ Couldn’t sleep. How are you guys holding up?”
“ We are doing alright but we are worried about you.” Howie said sitting down
“ I am fine. You hungry?” She asked wheeling herself from the room. Howie shook his head and followed her to the door. He heard a strange noise and headed back into the room, Anna stopped just outside the room waiting for Howie when she heard a gun go off. Hurrying back into the room Anna’s scream filled the house. Nick and Brian rushed up the stairs to find Anna’s wheelchair empty and Howie laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

Oh my god Howie.” Brian said dropping down next to his friend. He began hunting for a pulse and sighing when he felt a faint one.
“ Nick, Nick I need you to call the police and an ambulance.” Brian said looking at Nick. Nick was terrified as he looked at his fallen friend. Brian stood and slapped Nick across the face.
“ Nick, do as your told GO!” Brian said getting his friends attention. Nick ran down the hall to the phone.
“ Stay with me D.” Brian said pressing his hand into the open wound that was now bleeding badly. Brian tried to remain calm as Nick reentered the room. Brian shook his head as tears streamed down his cheeks.
“ Oh god he cant be?” Nick said dropping to his knees next to Howie. Brian shook his head again looking at his young friend.
“ He’s not but he’s close.” Brian said looking at Howie, his lips where turning blue from lack of oxygyn. Brian hoped the ambulance crew would get there soon, his friend was holding on but barely. He held on to Howie’s hand as he waited. He could feel his friend slipping away and that terrified him.

Anna struggled against the man that held her arms behind her. She had watched them shoot Howie twice and now she was sitting on the floor of a van with a man holding her arms behind her a cloth in her mouth. He had been trying for a while to tie her hands and suddenly she felt cold steal on them as they finally handcuffed her arms behind her.
“ What about her legs?”
“ No since in tying them she’s paralyzed.” One of them said. She hadn’t seen them it had been to dark or that could have been because of the cloth they had pulled over her eyes she wasn’t entirely sure.
“ Ok, well are we almost there?”
“ Yeah the place is right up the road here. Won’t worry about it those boys will be nice and surprised with our new guest.”
“ What about Suzie?”
“ She’s going to be pissed cause she didn’t want her taken.”
“ We had no choice it was either that or kill her right there.”
“ She will deal with it”
“ Marcus she might not deal with it. She might kill you.”
“ Nah she loves me.” Marcus said as they pulled into the driveway. He leaned back and pulled Anna over his shoulder and walked inside.
“ Hey baby I’m home.” Marcus said looking at Suzy.
“ What is she doing here?” She asked seeing Anna.
“ Sorry babe it was either this or kill her.”
“ Fine, take her in there and leave her with the boys.”
“ You sure about that?” He said looking at her. Suzie smiled at him and kissed his lips softly.
“ Yes I am sure. But leave her here with me while you go in and move them to the van, baby I found us another place, and we have to move tonight. Then you can move her out there.”
“ Sure thing baby.” Marcus said laying Anna down on the couch and headed into the room where AJ and Kevin where being held.
“ Well it seems I can have some fun with you.” Suzie said, she smiled almost evilly as Anna turned her head trying to find the voice she couldn’t see. Suzie grabbed the front of Anna’s shirt and pulled her into a standing position. She knew that Anna couldn’t stand on her own power and she heard her moan in pain. She backhanded Anna hard causing her head to snap back.
“ Because of you bitch I lost my brother.” Suzie hissed as she almost threw Anna back onto the couch.
“ Baby they’ve been moved out to the van.”
“ Alright get her out there I don’t want her sitting near them, they can see her she can’t see them.”
“ Yes I know this come on we have to get out of here.” Marcus said lifting Anna over his shoulder, he noticed that she was a little more limp than she had been when he had brought her in. Pulling her back from over his shoulder and that was when he noticed the huge bruise forming on what he could see of her cheek.
“ What did you do?” Marcus asked looking at his girl.
“ I hit her.” She hissed looking at him.
“ How hard she’s unconscious.”
“ Too bad she’s the reason we are doing this Marcus just put the bitch in the van.” Suzie said moving away from him. Marcus lay Anna’s unconscious form in the back with Kevin and AJ. Kevin looked down and tried to get out of the ropes that held his arms trying to get to his sister.
“ Might as well stop pretty boy or she dies.” Marcus said looking at Kevin. Kevin let out a low growl and stop struggling, he looked at AJ, he could tell his friend was hurting bad and was in need of medical attention.